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靺鞨部族分布地域考述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文批判地吸收学界先贤研究成果 ,重新审视中国古典文献中关于部族的各组成部分与分布地域的记述 ,借鉴考古学、历史地理学成果和方法 ,遵循部族发展的内在逻辑 ,结合同时期周边国家、部族势力的消长相互间关系在地域上的反映 ,动态地勾勒出各部各个不同时期的生息地区。  相似文献   


There are two starting points from which this paper is constructed: first, Virilio’s observation that the wealth of societies is founded on their dromocratic condition, that the faster societies accelerate their citizens, commercial goods and communication the more political and economic power they have and, second, the links that he traces between technologies of speed and acceleration and the accident. We suggest that Virilio’s ideas on this invite and deserve a closer ethnographic scrutiny than they have so far received, scrutiny that highlights the varied ways in which speed, acceleration and the accident are articulated in different cultural contexts. To this end we offer an investigation into the dromocratic condition, the violence of speed and the uses of accidents in Iceland.  相似文献   

A network of think tanks—the ASEAN-Institutes of Strategic and International Studies and their researchers—have played a proactive and sometimes influential role in regional debates on Asian economic integration and security cooperation through informal diplomacy. This paper contributes to the literature on knowledge utilisation, specifically debates on the role of policy research institutes in policy-making. Paying attention to the debates and research on economic and security cooperation which preceded attempts at institutionalisation drives analytical attention to scholars, think tanks and others in the ‘interpretive community’ who were engaged in a long term learning activity to shape domestic and regional agendas and institutionalise discourses of regional cooperation.  相似文献   

In this essay we argue that there is an important but frequently overlooked link between Walter Benjamin’s and Julia Kristeva’s attempts to explore new modes of critical practice. What connects Benjamin and Kristeva, in our account, is a vital concern with the cost of critique, that is, with the question whether critical agency in its most productive modes is inherently related to certain forms of ethical violence. We aim to show that, once we read them together, these authors’ pivotal contribution consists of offering an alternative model of critique animated by an ethos of in(ter)-vention, which is keyed to techniques of criticism that are both disruptive and innovative. Ethical violence here refers to a strategic displacement of moral self-perception, which undercuts people’s aspirations toward maintaining a morally robust character in the face of political adversity and social injustice. To illustrate the stakes of such displacement, we turn to the figure of the ‘anti-journalist’ Karl Kraus whose in(ter)ventions display integrity in action rather than integrity of character. Specifically, under the rubric of ethical violence, we propose a dynamic interpretation of Kraus’ performance in terms of polemical witnessing, which combines the corrosive aspects of Benjamin’s ‘destructive character’ with the constructive aspects contained in Kristeva’s notions of ‘sharing singularity’ and ‘intimate revolt’.  相似文献   

Roumbanis  Lambros 《Minerva》2019,57(2):197-218
Minerva - It is widely recognized that universities all around Europe have taken on a more market-oriented approach that has changed the core of academic work life. This has led to a precarious...  相似文献   

Utilizing a cognitive appraisal approach, this study examines how acculturation affects racial minority members' appraisals of and responses to racial discrimination. Racial minority members (N = 345) completed questionnaires about their prior experiences with racial discrimination and coping responses. Controlling for participants' prior experiences with racial discrimination and primary appraisals, the results revealed that acculturation helped explain individuals' need for social support, support message evaluations, and the pursuit of disengagement coping strategies. Findings from this study provide helpful information for the development of intervention and outreach programs for individuals in our communities who are coping with racial discrimination.  相似文献   

目前学界尚缺乏关于旅游活动对世界文化遗产地社区可持续发展影响的研究。在对我国9处世界遗产地社区调查的基础上,利用模糊综合评价法对旅游活动对我国世界文化遗产地社区可持续发展影响进行了评价。研究结果表明:旅游活动不仅没有给我国世界文化遗产地社区可持续发展带来显著的促进作用,反而产生了不利影响。亟需解决的问题有:(1)旅游活动给工艺品地域特色、本地文化认同感等带来的不利社会文化影响。(2)旅游活动给自然植被、空气质量、水体质量等造成的不利生态环境影响。(3)旅游活动未给五台山、平遥古城、武当山社区居民就业带来预期的有利经济影响。(4)旅游活动对我国世界文化遗产地社区经济、社会文化和生态环境的影响失衡。  相似文献   


In this article, I examine Catherine Malabou’s concept of trauma, and argue that her replacement of the Freudian unconscious with the cerebral unconscious might fit adequately into a different framework from the one she proposes. Comparing her view of pathology to that of Georges Canguilhem, I propose a dimensional reading of pathology. Building on this – and by reference to metaplasticity – I ask whether one can explain the mechanisation characteristic of the new wounded mechanistically. I then look at her exchange with Slavoj ?i?ek to get at Malabou’s understanding of psychoanalysis. She seeks to realign Freud and neuroscience to resolve issues with both. As part of this shift, she introduces the term ‘the Material’ – linked to the cerebral unconscious – as an alternative to the Lacanian triad of Real, Symbolic, and Imaginary. She does, however, leave it underdeveloped, and I argue that this points to tensions in her theory. While her concept of plasticity runs against ideas of an isolated transcendental subject exempt from the outside, Malabou seems to literalise (or ‘corporealise’) trauma. If this is correct, then how radical is her concept of trauma, and are there ways of describing trauma that are equally compatible with her concept of plasticity?  相似文献   

欧洲化中国:过去和未来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我用“Euro Sinica”这个词来描述欧洲对中国文化的建构 (重建 )。从历史的角度来说 ,现在的任务包括对过去研究的理清和为将来的研究打下基础。在此基础上 ,本文分为四个部分 :前三个部分是定位于 17到 2 0世纪 (宽泛的 )这个历史阶段 ,最后一部分是在对过去研究的基础上 ,致力于对未来可能出现的发展进行前瞻性研究 ;同时 ,作为现在的学者 ,应该如何去为影响将来中欧之间的跨文化研究视角而努力 ,或许 ,在未来会出现人类文化的多元化 ,或是一个真正的多元文化世界  相似文献   

The paper argues that the paradigmatic shift from the sale of printed music to exploiting and managing musical rights that took place in music publishing during the early years of the twentieth century was due to the changing market rather than to changes in copyright law. On the one hand, copyright law was ineffectual in controlling piracy throughout the nineteenth century, and on the other hand, performing rights were ignored by music publishers for over 70 years; these points suggest that copyright was not the main reason behind the success of the industry. Rather than leading entrepreneurially (the current view of dynamism in the creative industries), publishers ‘followed the money’ and adapted their business models only when new streams of income from new forms of exploitation through sound recording, broadcasting and film became available as a result of exogenous technical progress. Publishers were locked-in to sales revenue as their business model, though when switching to the new business model of rights management took place, the costs seem not to have been greatly significant. The paper takes an historical approach to the development of music publishing viewed through the lens of present-day issues. The research has resonance for the transition from sales to licensing digital works that is taking place in the creative industries today and puts into perspective the relative significance of market forces and copyright law in the process.  相似文献   

本文认为,生态世界观是后现代世界观。后现代世界观是西方社会现代化晚期阶段兴起的文化批判思潮。它以反现代性的方式,发挥着优化现代性结构、拓展现代性边界的作用。生态世界观对自然“内在价值”的鼓吹,与对同性恋、女性、儿童、少数族裔、殖民地等“边缘”权利的鼓吹一样,联系着后现代思潮解构现代性社会结构所造成的压抑和专制的努力。儒家价值取向是人类中心主义的,但由于“天人合一”观念和“中庸”思维方式的影响,儒家的人类中心主义又表现出和西方现代性思维的人类中心主义的极大差异。这种差异表现在对待自然的态度上,就是不同于现代性思维的无限发展观,儒家认为应该对人类开发利用自然的活动作出必要的限制;不同于现代性思维的机械论自然观,儒家坚持自然和人的生命世界的亲缘关系,并据此要求人类对自然承担起伦理性义务。这种对待自然的态度,使儒家和后现代生态世界观之间具有了相互呼应之处,并为我们从生态世界观的视角诠释儒家思想提供了基本的可能。  相似文献   

In recent years questions concerning the impact of public research funding have become the preeminent site at which struggles over the meanings and value of science are played out. In this paper we explore the ‘politics of impact’ in contemporary UK science and research policy and, in particular, detail the ways in which UK research councils have responded to and reframed recent calls for the quantitative measurement of research impacts. Operating as ‘boundary organisations’ research councils are embroiled in what might be characterised as the ‘politics of demarcation’ in which competing understandings of the cultural values of science are traded, exchanged and contested. In this paper we focus on the way the UK’s ‘Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council’ (EPSRC) has responded to contemporary policy discourses concerning the impacts of public research expenditure. We argue that, in response to the shifting terms of contemporary science policy, the EPSRC has adopted three distinct strategies. Firstly, in collaboration with other research councils the EPSRC have emphasised the intellectual and metrological challenge presented by attempts to quantify the economic impact of public research expenditure, emphasising instead the cumulative impacts of a broad portfolio of ‘basic science’. Secondly, the EPSRC has sought to widen the discursive meaning of research impacts – specifically to include societal and policy impacts in addition to economic ones. Thirdly, the EPSRC has introduced a new framing into the ‘impact agenda’, preferring to talk about ‘pathways to impact’ rather than research impacts per se. In responding to government priority setting, we argue that the EPSRC has sought to exploit both the technical fragility of auditing techniques and the discursive ambiguity of notions of impact.  相似文献   

Consultants have emerged as significant actors in the assembling of culture after neoliberalism. This paper considers their role in the assemblage of the British subsidised cultural sector as part of the assembling of culture more generally. In particular, it is concerned with the status of consultants as private sector actors, which differentiates them from other forms of expertise that tend to be located in the state apparatus, in that they must earn money to resource their work and remain solvent. By placing their work of assemblage in relation to this imperative, we can understand the difference it makes. Based on a close study of a London cultural consultancy, it is argued that specific governmental and managerial trends send trajectories of value through the assemblage which the networked consultants attempt to control and capture. These economies have seen consultants contribute to the broad shift in the assemblage of culture from something that occupied a distinctive sphere requiring protection from the ravages of the market to a potential contributor to economic and social development.  相似文献   

Soo  Mary  Carson  Cathryn 《Minerva》2004,42(3):215-236
In the 1950s and 1960s, Clark Kerr led the University of California's Berkeley campus, and then the University of California as a whole. Throughout these years, he developed a system of managerial strategies. This paper shows how Kerr's administrative views drew upon his background in industrial relations, his liberal theories of pluralistic industrial change, and contemporary understandings of American business organization.  相似文献   

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