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This article explores what motivates junior researchers to engage in academic work and what questions are central for their academic identities. The context of the study is the entrepreneurial orientation of today’s university, which according to many leaves little space for the academic calling. The main argument is that the identity work of the junior researchers interviewed revolves around four key questions: What kind of research should I do? What kind of tasks should I prioritize? Am I good enough at what I am doing? What would be the right place for me in the future? Their answers to these questions show that while some elements of the traditional academic identity continue to appeal to the junior researchers, they also search for new interpretations and sources of meaning.  相似文献   

The 'False Dualism' of Educational Research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Educational research is being subject to damaging criticism from both outside and within the research community. The external critics are impatient of research which does not give evidence-based answers to the questions they ask. The internal critics condemn the very research which seeks to provide those answers. These differences are reflected in the rigid distinction between quantitative and qualitative research. This paper questions the philosophical positions on which such a distinction relies.  相似文献   

初中思想品德课中考复习,通过对考纲内容的整合,实施探究复习,是体现新课程理念的有益尝试。其基本运行程序是:确定板块,明确目标;自学教材,提出问题;寻找依据,扩展知识;科学探究,联系实际;归纳总结,诊断实效。  相似文献   

分析了大连市2013年中考数学试题特点以及学生作答存在的主要问题,指出初中数学教学应抓住教材重点,把握内容核心,重视过程教学,丰富学生数学活动经验,提高学生分析问题、解决问题能力。  相似文献   

从多元智力理论看教学的公平性和学生发展的平等性问题   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在大多数情况下,教学并不能真正贯彻公平或平等的信念,使学生的平等地位得以体现。这一方面是缘于操作手段的落后和教学条件的限制,另一方面则可能因为我们对学生之间平等性的模糊认识。不同的学生观会导致对这些问题的不同的回答。不同的学生观又可能源自于不同的学生智力观。文章拟从多元智力的角度来论证教学的公平性和学生的平等性问题,与现实的教学加以对照。  相似文献   

创新题指近年中考出现频率高,且颇具创新性的题型.创新题可分为三类:信息给予题、开放题和探究题.信息给予题提供新颖的背景材料;开放题把条件、解法和答案等放开;探究题给定图片、表格数据、图像等原始材料.创新题取材新颖、别具一格,常以新面目示人,富有强烈的新时代气息.它考查学生的创新意识和创造能力,是备战"题海战役"的有效题型.  相似文献   

The aim of the study is to investigate the types of questions that preschool teachers used during the science-related activities and preschool teachers’ behaviors in terms of wait-time. Through this study, the types of questions (lower level and higher level), the time that teachers allocate to their students to respond, and the teachers’ responses to the students’ answers were investigated. The study was conducted with six teachers working with six-year-old children in preschool institutions. In this qualitative study, the data were obtained through classroom observations. The findings of the study revealed that the teachers mostly asked lower level questions to the students and that they did not use the wait-time strategy effectively. Additionally, the findings showed that the teachers did not pay enough attention to the students’ responses. The teachers allowed students answer the questions as quickly as possible without encouraging them to think over their answers. Moreover, the teachers answered the questions themselves when the students did not give the correct answers. Finally, the teachers mostly dealt with the children actively participating much more than the other students who were less attentive.  相似文献   

课堂教学评价是课程实施的方向标,传统的评价理念已成为初中思想品德课改推进的绊脚石,笔者认为必须重建听课评课新理念,实现六个转变:从关注学科知识的掌握向关注综合素质的培养转变;从关注课程传递和执行向关注课程创生与开发转变;从关注教师的行为表现向关注学生的学习状态转变;从关注学生的"答"向关注学生的"问"转变;从忽视学习方式向关注主体性的学习方式转变;从单一评价主体向多元评价主体转变。  相似文献   

本文在开放式问答的基础上,针对少数民族学生在汉语作业中对教师如何布置和批改作业所持的期望心理等进行评析。  相似文献   

罗尔斯在《政治自由主义》中提出,人们可以表达并且理解某种政治正义观,而无需在道德问题上达成共识。桑德尔则声称,括置道德问题是否合理,至少需要视其中哪些道德学说为真而定。然而,通过探寻桑德尔所举例证的具体含义,我们发现他无法对其中诸多问题作出连贯一致的解答。由于没能澄清天主教学说究竟在何种意义上为真,桑德尔的例证实际上并不能发挥任何效用。  相似文献   

英语教师的课堂话语对于学生的知识构建和交际能力培养有着重要影响。英语本科师范生的实习课堂话语与初中优秀英语教师的观摩课堂话语在提问和反馈方式上存在较大差异。实习教师采用展示性问题和评价性反馈的频率远高于参考性问题和话语性反馈,降低了课堂会话的交际性和真实性,优秀教师则更好地平衡了各种提f.1和反馈方式。两者的差距说明实习生在课堂教学中要既能有效地引导学生,又能提高课堂的交际性,还需要在提问和反馈方式的使用上进行调整。  相似文献   

问题教学法应用于初中化学课堂能取得很好的教学效果。课堂问题的优化设计能较好地启发学生的思维,使课堂生动活泼,促使学生主动性、能动性的充分发挥。初中化学课堂问题设计,须注意问题情境要贴近学生的生活实际,问题答案要有开放性,要善于创设真实情境,还要照顾到全体学生。  相似文献   

初中思想品德课的开放式考试,是我们今天正在实施的一种评价方法。教学中老师必须从基础知识的掌握、联系学生和社会实际、答题思路、试题训练、学习方法等方面给予有效的指导,以促进素质教育的继续发展。  相似文献   

“问题式”文学作品阅读教学设计是指通过提出文学作品中值得探讨的问题,进而设计解决这些问题的方法、试行解决这些问题、评价试行的结果并在评价基础上改进设计的一个系统过程。要利用“问题”来组织文学作品阅读教学,首先就是要设计文学作品阅读教学的目标或者说提出要解决的问题。将提的问题分成事实性问题、经验性问题、评价性问题和创造性问题四类,并给出了提这四类问题(特别是前三类)的层次和角度。问题解决就是在面对问题情境而没有现成的方法可以利用时,指向于将已知情境转化为目标情境的认知过程。现代认知心理学把问题解决过程分解为问题的表征、设计解题计划、执行计划和监控四个过程。文中对四类问题的袁征和解决提出了一些思路和建议。  相似文献   

以《论语》中涉及师一弟子问对的记载为素材,分析其中弟子发问,孔子答与不答、如何解答;孔子发问有何特点,对弟子的回答作何表示;弟子对孔子的解答如何反应。从这一侧面窥测孔子施教的生动情景。  相似文献   

The hypothesis that it is unwise to change answers to multiple choice questions was tested using the technique of multiple regression analysis. The net number of correct answers as a result of changing responses was regressed against final grade in the course, numeric score on the exam, percent of total answers changed for all questions and for analytical questions, sex of the student, and scope of the exam.
The results show that there are gains to be made by changing responses. The variables which proved to be significant indicated that students who did well on the test changed a large percentage of answers, and that those who were taking a final exam tended to gain more. Final grades, sex of the student, and analytical questions had no significant impact on gains from changing responses. On the basis of the results gathered, the authors reject the hypothesis that changing responses is unwise.  相似文献   

The goal of the Department of Biological Sciences faculty was to evaluate how effectively our undergraduate biology program supports the goals and intended outcomes of our department and institution. Student responses in written assessment tests have provided the foundation of this evaluation. Each semester questions were selected by a departmental faculty committee to address student outcomes. The questions were administered in the first examination/quiz of the semester in several introductory through upper level courses. Student grades were analyzed by class rank (freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior) and course level (100, 200, 300, and 400) for biology, non-science, and other science majors. This protocol provided a useful way to (1) assess student knowledge and understanding of biology and (2) evaluate the biology program. The protocol, sample questions, answers, grading protocol, cumulative results with discussion (fall 2000 semester−fall 2010 semester), initiatives instituted in response to assessment results, and dissemination of results are presented for illustrative purposes. We offer this approach as a model for student assessment and program evaluation for other departments to consider.  相似文献   

What and how we translate are questions often argued about. No matter what kind of answers one may give, priority in translation should be granted to meaning, especially those meanings that exist in all concerned languages. This research defines them as universal sememes, and the study of them as universal semantics, of which applications are also briefly looked into.  相似文献   

实践教学在新建应用型本科院校发展中的定位刍议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实践教学在体现应用型本科特色方面具有无可替代的作用,应用型本科院校为了适应应用型本科教学的要求,必须就实践教学的地位、目标、形式、内容、途径、评价体系等一系列问题作出明确的回答,才能真正构建适应“应用型本科院校”的特色教学系统。  相似文献   

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