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Negative Influences of China's Entry into the WTO on Foreign Trade in China加入,WTO,我国,外贸,发展,消极影响enter,WTO,our country,foreign trade,development,negative influencesF752.0文章主要从“入世”对我国的出口市场结构、出口商品结构、外贸发展方式、外贸发展的地区差异等方面论述其消极影响,为国人全面了解“入世”的影响提供参考。  相似文献   

大事,清楚地说;小事,幽默地说;急事,慢慢地说;好事,敞开了说;坏事,好好地说;没把握的事,谨慎地说;没发生的事,不要胡说;做不到的事,别乱说;伤害人的事,不能说;开心的事,看场合说;伤心的事,不要见人就说;别人的事,小心地说;自己的事,听听自己的心怎么说;现  相似文献   

目前,高等职业教育的课程体系制订迫切需要变革观念。在课程门类的设置,仅用“加加减减”的传统做法达不到预定目标,必须“解构和重构”--彻底打破“学科”体系,重构“生产”体系。在课程结构的安排,仅用“翻新和调整”的传统做法达不到预定目标,必须“解构和重构”--彻底打破“三段”旧模式,重构“生产过程”新模式。在理论课程和实践课程的关系处理上,仅用“加减和调整”的传统做法达不到预定目标,必须“解构和重构”--彻底打破“分离”模式,重构“一体”模式。  相似文献   

南戏体制从宋元到明中叶,逐渐发生变化并趋于整饬。今人依据常见的元明南戏(传奇)剧本,以为从元代开始,南戏开场形式已经十分简练扼要,一概由末念诵一至二首词,这是一个误解。只是到了万历时期,文人创作讲求文采格律,才固定为简要的一词或二词形式。从南戏到传奇剧本,逐步走向分"出",开始时"折""出""节""套"皆用,宣德年间正式分"出",嘉靖年间开始列"出""目",万历以后趋于规整。  相似文献   

<诗经>的比兴手法是我国诗歌及其他文学艺术创作的传统方法之一."比兴”之法被视为"诗学之正源,法度之准则”,五千年来,得到了不断的发展和完善,极大地影响着后世的文学作品的创作."比兴”是意境美的载体,没有"比兴”就形成不了诗歌的意境美.意境美的体现,滥觞于<诗经>.<诗经>中"比兴”之法的运用使其以有限的文字表达了丰富的社会历史内容,创造了诗歌"意”与"境”的完美统一.随着文学创作的发展,意境美已成为衡量文学作品高下的美学标准之一.学习研究和继承发展<诗经>中那些亘古常新的创作方法,更好地为我们今天的文学创作服务,同时从一个新的高度来认识<诗经>的美学价值.  相似文献   

中职德育课程包括&lt;经济与政治基础知识&gt;、&lt;职业道德与职业指导&gt;、&lt;法律基础知识&gt;和&lt;哲学基础知识&gt;四个学科,是对中职学生进行思想政治教育,学习哲学、政治经济学、法律知识,初步形成科学的世界观、人生观和价值观的重要课程.……  相似文献   

本文纠正了<说文解字>对"相"字本义的错误解释,以"相"字为例简略阐述了"引申义"和"本义"之间的发展关系."相"字的本义不是"以目观木",而是"以木代目"."相"字是从"盲人的手杖"这个本义,引申出"帮助"、"辅佐"和"省视"、"察看"两大语义系统,它们的读音都应该统读成xiàng."相"字在作为副词时念xiāng.作为副词的"相"字,大致有四种用法.  相似文献   

杨卫剑  计惠方 《高中生》2015,(12):32-33
一、任意三角形的“不等”关系在任意三角形ABC中,内角A,B,C所对的边分别为a,b,c,一般“不等”关系有:①0B>C(?)a>b>c(?)sin A>sin B>sin C.例1在△ABC中,若sin,A=3/5,cos B=5/(13),求cos C的值.解由cos B=5/(13),可知0相似文献   

师,甲文取其半,象形字;金文合成今师字的字形,会意字.师字在甲文、金文时代都作军队、战争讲,也是军官、职官名并延及师长等义.<易·师>卦讲战争事,<周易>另外还有<同人>、<离>、<晋>、<革>四卦等讲军事.它们反映了商、周时期部族、方国之间的斗争,折射出那一历史时代人们对于战争这种社会现象的认识,理解和把握.  相似文献   

从我身上,可以看到所有的矛盾……羞怯,蛮横;贞操,淫荡;健谈,寡言;坚强,纤弱;聪明,愚鲁;暴戾,和蔼;撒谎,诚实;博学,无知;慷慨,吝啬又奢侈。所有这些,我都在自己  相似文献   

Scientifically literate citizens must be able to engage in making decisions on science-based social issues. In this paper, I start by showing examples of science curricula and policy documents that capitalise the importance of engaging future citizens in decision-making processes whether at the personal or at the societal levels. I elucidate the ideological underpinnings behind a number of the statements within those documents that have defined the trajectory of scientific literacy and have shaped what ought to be considered as personal and societal benefits. I argue that science curricula and policy documents can truly endorse scientific literacy when they embed principles of democratic education at their core. The latter entails fostering learning experiences where some of the underlying assumptions and political ideologies are brought to the conscious level and future citizens encouraged to reflect upon them critically and explicitly. Such a proposal empowers the future citizens to engage in critical deliberation on science-based social issues without taking the underlying status quo for granted. I end up the paper by situating the preparation of scientifically literate citizens within a framework of democratic education, discuss conditions through which a curriculum for scientific literacy can serve democratic decision-making processes, and provide modest recommendations.  相似文献   

协商民主,是20世纪90年代以来西方兴起的一种民主理论。在有中国特色的社会主义民主蓬勃发展过程中,民主形式在基层得到不断创新,也呈现出协商民主妁若干重要特征和发展趋势。本文主要是在明确中西方学界对协商民主含义解释的基础上,探讨中国基层民主发展中出现的协商民主,分析其在中国基层民主发展过程中的可行性,并指出协商民主的进一步推进需要构建治理型政策网络。  相似文献   

The broad aim of this paper is to track the evolution of adult literacy policy in the UK across three decades, highlighting convergences between policy phases and the promotion of democratic learning spaces. It is anchored onto the argument that, although it is generally accepted that democratic learning spaces are perceived as beneficial to adult literacy learners, policy has often deterred its promotion and, therefore, implementation. The paper identifies three block phases of adult literacy development: the seventies to mid-eighties, the mid-eighties to mid-nineties and the mid-nineties to the Moser Committees. The features of each of these phases are highlighted to map out convergences and divergences to the ethos of democratic learning spaces. The paper argues that, with the evolution of policy in adult literacy, the ethos of democratic learning space continuously diminished, such that as policy evolved year on year, the principle of democratic learning space found itself at counterpoint to policy. We draw on two theoretical frameworks, the NLS view of literacy and Bourdieu’s capital framework to explain these divergences and conclude that the dominant perception of literacy and the prioritised capital in the context of policy appear to limit the vestiges of democratic learning spaces.  相似文献   

确立公共政策的公共利益价值取向,是实现公共政策科学化和民主化的基本前提,也是社会主义国家的本质要求。在公共决策的制定和执行过程中,只有始终坚持以人民的根本利益、社会发展的整体利益为导向,才能最大程度地贯彻和推进民主化、科学化的决策思维与决策方式。而实现公共决策的民主化和科学化,正是社会主义条件下公共决策行为的发展目标。  相似文献   

This article analyses the role of the cooperation with and the influence of the Nordic countries on the development of a democratic society in Lithuania through adult education since the reinstatement of its independence from Soviet regime in March 1990 to the present. The authors focus on three main areas: (1) the training of Lithuanian adult educators; (2) the establishment and development of NGOs; and (3) the implications for a Lithuanian policy of adult education. Within the framework of Nordic-Baltic cooperation established among five Nordic and three Baltic countries (NB8) in 1992, Lithuanian adult educators seized the opportunity to visit Scandinavian institutions and projects. Experiencing Nordic adult education ideas has resulted in a marked shift in Lithuanian adult educators’ values, methodology and careers; and in the establishment of a series of very influential umbrella associations as well as hundreds of NGOs in Lithuania which work with adults and support functioning democratic values in society. This shift is related to the civic responsibility and active participation growing out of the bottom-up approaches of group work, cooperation, discussions and learning circles which are so inherent in the Nordic tradition of adult education. The internalisation of new democratic values was more complicated than expected for many Lithuanian politicians, adult educators and NGO leaders in terms of how political decisions were perceived and implemented. Furthermore, the influence of the Nordic-Baltic cooperation in adult education may also be traced in adult education policy implications in Lithuania. Some changes in the policies of contemporary Lithuania have not been successful and even failed to promote a democratic society.  相似文献   

不同历史时期教育政策实践的发展模式形成了我国教育政策实践的范式。教育政策实践范式的三个基本范畴是教育政策文本话语模式、教育政策价值选择和教育政策活动特征。在我国教育政策实践范式的历史变迁中,教育政策话语模式由"政治本位"、"经济本位"转向"教育本位";教育政策价值目标由"平均主义"、"效率优先"转向"有质量的公平";教育政策活动特征由"经验决策"、"理性决策"转向"科学化、民主化和系统化决策"。  相似文献   

孙中山与毛泽东民主主义经济思想比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛泽东新民主主义经济思想是对孙中山民生主义经济思想批判的继承。本文从经济纲领、经济形式、经济运行机制和经济政策等方面一一作出比较 ,找出二者联系与区别所在  相似文献   

对落实高等学校办学自主权的再认识   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
扩大办学自主权是在特定历史条件下提出来的,政府政策的基本点是经济的考虑,而不是“学术自治”的要求,作为政府的行政让渡,“落实”成为一个漫长的过程。学校法人性质和办学自主权法律属性的不确定,以及社会法治意识的淡漠,使法律实际被空置。由于制度性变革相对滞后,制度短缺尤其突出,使权力得不到有效的制约,权利得不到保障。高等学校办学自主权落而不实,需要审视“办学自主权”本身的“合法性”。  相似文献   

公共政策失效是我国政治经济生活中经常遇到的难题,是政策科学的一项较新的研究.探讨政策失效问题,找到治理失效的办法,对提高公共政策决策的科学化和民主化有着重要意义.以河南平坟事件作为切入点,对公共政策决策的低效、失效原因进行探析,并从此次事件中吸取教训就重构公共政策科学化民主化决策作出相应的对策.  相似文献   

信息失真与决策失误——关于“大跃进”运动的再考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“天跃进”悲剧产生的一个重要原因就是此间决策者赖以决策的信息本身包含着大量虚假的、片面的材料,决策中心用这些材料来判断形势并做出决策,必然是不正确的。而真实地反映决策实施情况的反馈信息严重缺位,使得决策中心在形势日益严重的时候依然对形势持有过于乐观的估计,没有厦时地修正、更改错误的决策,从而导致悲剧性后果的产生。“大跃进”中决策信息与反馈信息的流动过程表明,信息失真才是毛泽东等领导人在“大跃进”中决策失误的最主要原因。  相似文献   

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