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各位代表、同志们: 今天,全省文化系统公共图书馆的馆长们,聚集革命摇篮井冈山,探讨如何坚持公共文化发展方向.总结、交流过去几年的工作,研究、部署下一步全省公共图书馆工作,推动江西图书馆事业实现新跨越。在此。受中共江西省委宣传部副部长、江西省文化厅厅党组书记、厅长李玉英同志的委托,我代表省文化厅。向长期坚持在公共图书馆工作第一线、克服困难、开拓前进、默默奉献的基层馆长们表示感谢!  相似文献   

7月18日至20日,由江西省图书馆主办的“江西公共图书馆馆长会议”在井冈山市召开。来自全省设区市、县(区)公共图书馆的馆长以及部分设区市文化局分管图书馆工作的领导等126名代表聚集一堂.共商全省公共图书馆服务和事业发展大计。文化部全国文化信息资源管理中心副主任张晓星莅临会议指导,省文化厅党组成员、副厅长王晓庆到会并讲话,省文化厅社文处李玲处长主持会议,井冈山市政府副市长邓红致辞祝贺会议的召开。  相似文献   

各位馆长、各位同仁: 在中央提出繁荣社会主义先进文化、构建公共文化服务体系、进一步深化文化体制改革的新形势下:我们欢聚一堂。在这里举行全省公共图书馆首届馆长联席会。共同交流公共图书馆的发展经验,共商公共图书馆提高公共文化服务质量和水平的路径,这对推进我省文化信息资源共享工程建设,促进公共图书馆事业的发展,融入和谐社会建设的时代浪潮。都具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

市级公共图书馆在公共文化服务体系中起着承上启下的作用,具有枢纽辐射职能,地位非常重要。近年来,随着江西经济社会的发展,全省市级公共图书馆事业取得了诸多新进展。但从整体看,还存在经费不足、公共文化服务总量偏少等突出问题。"十二五"时期,仍需采取有效措施,促进全省市级公共图书馆进一步可持续发展。  相似文献   

成员 《江西图书馆学刊》2009,(1):F0004-F0004
在各设区市评选、推荐的基础上,经过预审、复审和公示,2008年12月8日,江西省文化厅下发《关于表彰全省先进图书馆、文化馆及其优秀馆长的通知》(赣文社字[2008]32号),通报表彰12个先进图书馆、先进文化馆和11名优秀图书馆馆长、优秀文化馆馆长,其中8个先进图书馆和8名优秀图书馆馆长。这是江西公共图书馆界首次由政府文化主管部门评选先进图书馆和优秀图书馆馆长,此举必将激励全省公共图书馆工作者更加奋发进取,推动全省公共图书馆事业不断繁荣与发展。  相似文献   

构建江西全省公共图书馆信息咨询协作网,开展网上免费信息咨询服务,对服务江西崛起,提高全省公共图书馆的服务能力和质量,有着不可估量的作用。分析了构建江西公共图书馆网上联合参考咨询服务体系的必要性和可行性,提出搭建网上联合参考咨询服务平台的建设方案。  相似文献   

当前和今后一个时期,江西公共图书馆事业的发展既面临新的机遇,也面临新的挑战。未来,江西公共图书馆应不断完善公共服务体系建设,深化数字图书馆建设,健全事业发展保障机制,争取实现跨越发展。  相似文献   

编者按:河南省公共图书馆发展论坛是2006年全省公共图书馆馆长座谈会通过的一项倡议,旨在通过年会的形式,加强全省公共图书馆之间的交流与协作,促进全省公共图书馆业务工作与学术研究.  相似文献   

为了更紧密的结合江西的实际,广泛、全面、系统的收集江西公共图书馆界对制定《公共图书馆建设标准》的意见和建议,2月8日.由江西省图书馆和江西省图书馆学会联合组织召开的‘公共图书馆建设标准》专题研讨会在省图书馆召开,来自全省各设区市图书馆以及部分县(区)图书馆的馆长等20余人出席了会议。  相似文献   

江西公共图书馆人才队伍建设探析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对江西公共图书馆人才队伍建设的调研。分析了目前江西公共图书馆人才队伍的现状及存在的问题,探讨了加强江西公共图书馆人才队伍建设的途径和方法。  相似文献   

Creativity and inspiration are not usually thought of as aspects of generalizability. The quality of our theories about communication is the key to our ability to generalize from the specific to the particular. Imagination and inspiration are critical at every level of theory building, making them also critical to generalizability. In part, our ability to generalize depends on how well we negotiate complex relationships between inspiration and dedication to data. This article will explore some of what we know about creativity in science and about the role of some of those imaginative leaps in developing theory in communication related social research.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship of research library visions, as embodied in a publicly posted vision statement, and the innovativeness of the library. The literature on organizational vision is abundant and generally reveals a positive relationship between vision, visionary leadership, and a variety of organizational factors. Many researchers state that a vision, communicated throughout the organization, is a critical element of organizational success and those entities without a vision are “stumbling in the dark”. In this study, library professionals rated each research library vision statement based on established attributes and it was found that the resulting vision statement score was positively and significantly related to the innovativeness of the library.  相似文献   

通过对中国、美国、英国、德国、法国、日本和俄罗斯国家标准在各个技术领域标准数量的统计计算和比较,分析研究上述7个国家的国家标准在技术领域分布方面的共性与差异性,提出分析结论和建议,目的是为我国构建科学的标准体系和组织标准制修订工作提供参考和决策依据。  相似文献   

The U.S. Government's role as overseer of the World War II airwaves was significant, given the government's task of establishing a supervisory mechanism for the radio industry that would serve the need of national security and, at the same time, minimize the need for bureaucratic intrusion into program decision making. A mechanism also was needed to police the domestic airwaves for unlicensed intruders and to monitor the international airwaves for enemy propaganda. To accomplish these tasks, the government enlisted the services of three agencies: the Federal Communications Commission, the Defense Communications Board, and the Office of Censorship. This paper examines the structure, operation, and contribution of each.  相似文献   

Safe, clean water is necessary for health and well-being. Water issues affect minority and vulnerable populations at disproportionate rates, including the poor and racial and ethnic minorities. An investigation of the relationships of race, social media use, and informational sources during the municipal water crisis in Flint, Michigan, reflects an instrumental view of communication and uses and gratifications theory in this study. Data from 208 Flint residents in 2016 indicated that African American respondents favored interpersonal networks and resources and were more likely than other racial groups to obtain current information about the water crisis via Instagram. Preferred channels and sources to receive additional crisis information varied on the basis of race.  相似文献   

笔者参加了今年在美国芝加哥举行的2013年ALA年会(ALA Annua lConference2013)。文章根据笔者所参加的关于RDA、FRBR和BIBFRAME的相关会场的讨论,以及会场上所提到的研究进展,对上述三个领域在最近一段时间内的发展动态进行扫描。  相似文献   

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