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根据对师范生小学数学教材分析能力现状的调查分析,以及对师范生小学数学本体性知识缺失的分析,提出提高师范生小学数学教材分析能力的根本途径,即加强师范生作为小学数学教师的本体性知识的构建与生成,从而进一步培养和优化师范生小学数学教材的分析能力.  相似文献   

张乐乐 《高教论坛》2022,(12):39-43
教师信念是教育教学改革和教学质量提升的首要条件,也是教师专业发展的内在动因。数学教师的专业信念是其教育信念的关键部分,研究翻译并使用TEDS-M专门针对小学职前数学教师开发量表,抽取其中数学本质的信念、数学学习的信念、数学成就的信念三个维度作为调查内容,对民族地区某师范院校小学教育理科方向432名师范生的专业信念进行考察。总体上,师范生具有进步的数学专业信念。经过师范教育,师范生专业信念有一定发展,但并没有发生颠覆性的转变,不同民族、年级,对数学不同兴趣程度的师范生在专业信念上具有显著性差异,大四师范生相比于其他年级、汉族相比少数民族师范生具有更为进步的专业信念。  相似文献   

<小学数学教材教法>是高等师范学校的一门专业课,它对师范生系统学习和研究小学数学基础理论,培养师范生从事小学数学教学的基本技能,全面提高师范生日后从事小学数学教学的专业素质起着非常重要的作用.因此,全面提高小学数学教材教法课的教学质量一直是师范学校数学教师研究的热门课题之一.  相似文献   

目前,农村小学数学教师的年龄结构,知识结构,学历结构,教育理念方法都不能适应现代化教育的要求。针对这一现状,就如何培养合格的农村小学数学教师的问题,阐述了五年制定向师范生小教大专数学教学在教材内容,教学方法,教学手段以及考核方式这几个方面的改革思路。  相似文献   

<正>一、问题的提出在特殊教育课程改革的背景下,数学课程的要求由原来的初步理解、简单掌握基础知识,提高到形成与掌握数学概念、数的运算以及数的运用。有研究者对特教数学教师的知识结构进行调查,发现与普通小学数学教师知识掌握情况相比,特教学校数学教师在数学基础理论、数学思想方法、数学新课程和教学、数学学习认知与心理等方面的知识存在显著性差异,知识结构欠合理[1]。本研究对特殊教育师范生和数学教育师范生进行  相似文献   

作为未来的小学数学教师,师范生对小学数学知识的系统性要有充分的认识,应把握知识之间的内在联系。本文主要就教学内容的知识结构和学生的认知基础进行分析,认清知识间的内在联系,以促进学生知识的正迁移。  相似文献   

小学数学教师职前培养应重视的几个方面   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数学教师的职前培养是数学教师专业化发展的重要环节,小学数学教师职前培养应重视以下几个方面:更新职前教师的数学教育观念;改进小学教育专业数学类相关课程的教学方法;深入研究高观点下的小学数学内容知识。  相似文献   

高等师范教育是教师专业成长重要的奠基阶段,"小学数学教学论"课程则是高师培养小学数学教师的重要专业课程。我国师范教育体系层次结构的调整及基础教育课程改革的发展都迫切要求高师"小学数学教学论"课程从目标、内容、实施策略、评价方式等方面加大改革力度,为师范生专业技能成长夯实基础。  相似文献   

"小学数学课程与教学论"是师范院校小学教育专业重要的专业课程之一,其教学效果直接影响师范生今后从事小学数学教学的质量,其课程内容要适应新时代学生发展核心素养培养"全面发展的人"的要求。课程资源开发应从重新审视教学目标、强调课程本位思维、强化学科意识和突出教学特质四个方面出发,立足于小学数学教师核心素养的培养进行。  相似文献   

正在我正式就职于北京市史家胡同小学成为一名小学数学教师的第一年,我像很多刚入职的新教师一样,觉得自己就像个第一次航海的水手,在不断颠簸的航线中经历着风浪,战战兢兢,直到上岸后,仍唏嘘不已。对很多师范生而言,在校学习的经历仅仅提供了一个从教的资格和意识,真正要从一名师范生转  相似文献   

Mathematics education researchers have investigated mathematics anxiety in prospective elementary teachers. While many of these studies have focused on the bodily sensations and emotions of mathematics anxiety, particularly those felt in assessment situations, opportunities remain to investigate how prospective elementary teachers interpret their experiences with mathematics anxiety and connect them over time to compose personal histories of mathematics anxiety. Currently, over 90 % of elementary teachers in US schools are women, and women have been shown to suffer more from mathematics anxiety than do men. In this article, I analyze how one woman prospective elementary teacher described, explained, and related her experiences of mathematics anxiety across her personal narratives of learning mathematics as a K-12 student and of learning to teach mathematics as a college student in a teacher preparation program. My research demonstrates that experiences of mathematics anxiety may persist beyond assessment situations to influence women prospective elementary teachers’ larger mathematical histories. I also show that women prospective elementary teachers may interpret mathematics anxiety as specific fears (e.g., loss of opportunities for social participation) and may develop particular coping strategies related to those fears. Finally, I point out that while a coping strategy may be used consistently across K-12 mathematics learning and undergraduate teacher preparation, and may even offer a woman prospective elementary teacher some relief from mathematics anxiety, it may also limit her mathematics learning and professional development. To conclude, I present implications of my research for mathematics teacher educators.  相似文献   

张翼 《天津教育》2021,(3):14-15
在小学数学教学过程中,教师应该将新课改的政策充分落实到教学中,这样不仅能提高教学质量,也能有效改善课堂学习氛围。而在新课改的背景下,如何构建更加高效的课堂,已经成为小学数学教师不断思考的问题。本文将阐述小学数学教学中高效课堂的构建,希望能为小学数学教师提供有效的参考。  相似文献   

基础教育数学课程改革对数学教师的素质提出了新的要求,作为培养基础教育数学师资的母机高校数学教育,就应采取积极的策略,构建与时俱进的、具有前瞻性数学教育类课程体系,培养高素质的数学教师,以适应新课程改革的需要。  相似文献   

Prospective elementary teachers must understand fraction division deeply in order to meaningfully teach this topic to their future students. This paper explores the nature of the subject content knowledge of fraction division possessed by a group of Taiwanese prospective elementary teachers at the beginning of their mathematics methods course. The findings provide preliminary evidence that many prospective Taiwanese elementary teachers have developed the knowledge package of fraction division as described by Ma (Knowing and teaching elementary mathematics: Teachers?? understanding of fundamental mathematics in China and the United States. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, 1999). The nature of various strategies used by these teachers provides further illustration of a secure common content knowledge that can serve as a benchmark for the development of mathematics courses for prospective teachers. However, the findings also show that the tasks of representing fraction division, through either word problems or pictorial diagrams, are challenging even for those highly proficient in elementary and middle school mathematics. The broader implications of this research for the international community are discussed, and recommendations for elementary teacher education programs are presented.  相似文献   

This paper examines a series of instructional activities that provide prospective elementary teachers with an opportunity to engage in one of the more difficult practices to learn within mathematics teaching—organizing a mathematical discussion. Within a mathematics methods course, representations and decomposition of practice built from the Five Practices framework (Smith and Stein in Five practices for orchestrating productive mathematics discussions. Corwin Press, Thousand Oaks, CA, 2011) were implemented and studied to examine how prospective elementary teachers set goals, selected and sequenced available student work, and planned questions within a mathematical discussion. We examined prospective elementary teachers’ strengths and weaknesses in these facets through an approximation of practice set in a lesson context familiar to the prospective elementary teachers. Our results demonstrated that although prospective elementary teachers set varying goals for a discussion, their pedagogical choices in planning their discussion tended to be consistent with the goals they have set. These results support the focused development of prospective elementary teachers’ goal setting as an implication for mathematics teacher educators.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to describe the school-based contextual constraints perceived by beginning elementary teachers as they attempted to enact their visions of effective mathematics teaching and the components of a mathematics-specific, university-based induction program designed to support elementary teachers in their teaching of mathematics. A significant number of beginning teachers in the program indicated that curriculum pacing guides and grade level teachers often discouraged their enactment of effective mathematics teaching. We describe the components of the induction program in general and then discuss the specific ways that program mentors, who were elementary teachers with expertise in mathematics teaching, supported beginning teachers in navigating the constraints identified. Data suggest that supporting teachers’ pedagogical agency to navigate local school contexts should be an additional consideration in teacher preparation and induction programs.  相似文献   

教师教育中数学知识的获得是影响职前小学教师数学知识的主要因素之一,以我国上海师范大学和美国纽约城市大学小学教育专业本科培养的数学课程计划为个案,从数学内容类课程和数学方法类课程两方面研究发现,两国职前小学教师教育中各数学课程在学分要求、教学目标、教学内容和教学方法等方面存在差异。美国职前小学教师本科培养的经验,对我国职前小学教育专业本科培养的数学课程设置与实施应该如何加强联系小学数学课程与教学实际具有一定借鉴。  相似文献   

张蕾 《天津教育》2021,(5):109-111
在小学数学中融入数学文化,可以增强小学生学习的积极性和自主性,拓宽小学生的视野,培养小学生良好的学习习惯。数学教师要规避传统数学教学的弊端,将数学文化作为课堂教学的重要工作渗透到教学的各个环节中,发展小学生的思维,实现小学生德智体美劳全面发展。笔者根据实际小学数学教学案例,先分析了数学教学融入数学文化的意义,进而探讨小学数学教学中融入数学文化的具体措施,旨在为小学数学教师提供参考。  相似文献   

Despite increased attention in professional development to building communities of teachers, few studies have investigated the development of trust in these communities. This paper presents issues related to trust in a professional development project at an elementary school. The project aimed for school-based elementary teachers and university-based mathematics educators to work together to improve mathematics instruction at the school by developing a mathematics education community of learners, where learners were conceived of as both the teachers and the mathematics educators. This paper addresses the following question: What factors in the project supported the development of trust among mathematics educators and teachers as the community was formed? More specifically, the paper is about one aspect of trust, namely, building school-based elementary teachers’ trust in the university-based mathematics educators. We point to three factors that helped the development of trust and we use care theory to further understand and discuss these factors in the context of in-service teacher education initiatives.  相似文献   

Over the last 50?years, there has been ample research dedicated to mathematics anxiety in contexts of teaching and learning. However, there has been less attention focused on pre-service teachers’ anxieties about teaching mathematics in classroom settings. This study analyzed pre-service teachers’ reflections at the conclusion of an elementary mathematics field experience in order to determine common themes surrounding anxiety-related events based on mathematics practice-teaching experiences. Through qualitative analysis of pre-service teachers’ reflections using open and axial coding, three categories and ten themes surrounding elementary pre-service teachers’ anxiety-related events based on mathematics practice-teaching experiences emerged. Some of the themes presented were ones that increased pre-service teachers’ anxieties for teaching mathematics, whereas other themes reflected aspects of the field experience that decreased anxiety for teaching mathematics. Based on the themes revealed in this study, suggestions for strategies and materials that could be developed for university mathematics methods courses are discussed. Novel perspectives for considering mathematics teaching anxiety, such as locus of control and future time perspective, are shared.  相似文献   

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