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The nameplate for the CAS Institute of Nutritional Science (INS) was unveiled on December 15 in Shanghai. CAS President Lu Yongxiang and Shanghai Mayor Han Zheng attended the inaugural ceremony.As a subordinate of the CAS Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, INS is established with the objective of conducting novel, focused, multi-faceted and laboratory-based re-  相似文献   

The signing ceremony for the framework agree- ment on the establishment of a China-US Joint Research Center for Ecosystem and Environ- mental Changes was held on July 20 on the campus of the CAS Institute of Geographic Sciences & Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR) in Beijing. Hosted by CAO Jie from the CAS Bureau of Inter- national Cooperation, the ceremony was attended by celebrities of the two sides in the field, including Direc- tor of the UT-ORNL Joint Institute for Biol…  相似文献   

The Chinese Academy of Sciences convened its Annual Work Conference in Beijing from January 16 to 18, 2012. At the opening session, CAS President BAI Chunli delivered a work report to more than 400 officials from CAS institutions across the nation, looking back on the Academy’s major achievements in 2011 and blueprinting its strategic development for the year ahead. He urged CAS institutes to further concentrate their research  相似文献   

A CAS research team focus-ing on novel inorganic poly-mers has recently won asecond prize of the National Natu-ral Science Award in 2002. The sci-entists are awarded for their workon synthesizing nanocages,nanotubes and nanowires with spe-cific structures, and a series of newpolymers with semiconductorproperties.Led by Hong Maochun and WuXintao in the CAS Fujian Instituteof Research on the Structure ofMatter, the research team has yieldedlarge nanocages with a volume over1000 3, which i…  相似文献   

<正>CAS always places high importance on strategic studies for ST development.In early 2012,CAS President BAI Chunli called for studies on solutions to the following questions:What are the pressing diffi culties China will face during the 12th and even 13th Five-Year Plan periods,and how can ST address them?What possible ST events will have an important bearing on China in the near future?As a national ST team,what role can CAS play in the events?To address the issues,CAS has organized more than200 experts from a research team on Roadmaps for ST Development in 18 Priority Areas?to conduct research into ST development trends toward 2020.As a result of almost a year of intensive study and  相似文献   

The year 2002 witnessed thetenth year of S&T coopera-tion between CAS and theRussian Academy of Sciences(RAS).Led by RAS President Prof. Yu.Osipov, on December 18, 1992, adelegation of Russian scientists vis-ited China and concluded a proto-col for S&T cooperation betweenthe two academies. Since then, thesucceeding decade saw a mountingmomentum of diverse and frequentexchanges between the two sides.In 2002, for example, CAS sentmore than 600 scientists to Russia,a record number for …  相似文献   

Recently the CAS South China Sea Institute of Oceanology and the Co- ordinating Unit for the UNEP/GEF Project on Reversing Environmen- tal Degradation Trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand signed an agreement on Hepu Seagrass Demonstration Site in Southwest China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The move marks the inauguration of the first such site in China. Started from January 2002, a re- search team from the CAS institute has made efforts to map and study s…  相似文献   

Ⅰ. Have a Clear Understanding of the Situation, Unify our Thinking and Explicitly Define the Guidelines for Running CAS in the New Era The first year of the new century witnessed a range of important events taking place in China and around the world, including China's accession to WTO, the non-official summit of APEC held in Shanghai and Beijing's successful bidding for the 2008 Olympiad.These are sufficient to testify to a global recognition of China's achievements in economic and social development. The "three-represents" theory1 was advanced as the guiding principle for the building of the Chinese Communist Party in the new century.  相似文献   

Under the auspices of the CAS Center for Project Supervision and Evaluation, a panel of experts recently conducted an ex-post evaluation on a research project entitled “the electrical system for an electric vehicle.” The appraisal is the first of its kind in project management at CAS.  相似文献   

This year, 2011 is a very important and meaningful year for chemists.The United Nations has declared 2011 as the International Year of Chemistry (IYC 2011), which is the year for the worldwide celebration of the achievements of Chemistry and its contributions to the well-being of mankind.The goals of IYC 2011 are to increase the public appreciation of chemistry in meeting world needs, to encourage interest in chemistry amongst young people, and to generate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry.The year 2011 also coincides with the 100th anniversary of the International Women's Day on March 8 as well as the 100th anniversary of the Nobel Prize awarded to Madame Marie Curie -a great opportunity to celebrate and to highlight the contributions and achievements of women in science.  相似文献   

CAS President Lu Yongxiangand Mayor of Shanghai HanZheng attended the signingceremony for the agreement of S&Tcooperation between CAS andShanghai Municipality and thenameplate-unveiling ceremony ofShanghai Engineering Center forSmall Satellites on Sept. 15 inShanghai. The move marked a fur-ther step forward in collaborationbetween the two sides.The document sets new objec-tives for multi-directional, multi-level CAS-Shanghai cooperation.The two sides agreed to join in pro-moting the…  相似文献   

Feeding 1.3 billion people is,and for the foreseeable futurewill be, Chinas top priority.To facilitate the government with itsdecision-making in terms of grainproduction, a research team headedby Chen Xikang of the CAS Acad-emy of Mathematics and SystemSciences completed in late April its2003 prediction on the yields ofgrain, cotton and oil crops. This isthe 24th year in succession for them10 percent.To alleviate the problem, Chenand colleagues developed a system-atic integrated approach,…  相似文献   

The year 2002 saw the suc-cessful convocation of the16th National Congress ofthe Communist Party of China, atwhich the important thought ofThree Represents was made thelong-term guiding concept for ourParty in the future. The congresscalled for building a well-off societyin an all-round way and for acceler-ating the countrys socialist modern-ization drive. Moreover, a new ses-sion of the Partys leadership wassatisfactorily elected at the congress.The same year saw the ChineseAcademy of Sc…  相似文献   

Editor's Note: At the 2008 National Conference for Science and Technology Awards held earlier this year in Beijing, CAS scientists were honored with 17 second prizes of the National Natural Science Awards, 3 prizes of the Awards for Technical Invention and 14 prizes for National Awards for S&T Progress, respectively. The following is a brief introduction to some CAS projects honored by the National Natural Science Awards.  相似文献   

Rice Genome Project for Oryza sativa L. ssp, IndicaAfter 17-month hard work, the scientists of the CAS Beijing Genomics Institute accomplished the draft sequence of the rice genome for Oryza sativa L. ssp. Indica in October, 2001, and the data were unconditionally shared by the whole world. About 270,000 people had visited Chinese rice genome website by May 2003. A fine map of the rice genome was finished a year later. The genome was 466 Mb in size, with estimated 46,022 to  相似文献   

正Chinese President Xi Jinping called for efforts to develop China into a world leader in science and technology at the opening ceremony of this year’s CAS General Assembly in Beijing.Xi said as China strives for prosperity and rejuvenation,it needs to devote a huge amount of resources to promoting science and technology,and endeavor to become a world center for science and innovation.Referring to the situation as"pressing",the President called on the country's science and technology  相似文献   

This paper discussed the connotation and strategic significance of e-Science. The international e-Science developments were analyzed. Milestones and current developments of the e-Science development in Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)were reviewed. Then the strategy and key measures for e-Science in CAS during the 12th Five-Year Plan were elaborated. A systematic summary of e-Science practices was presented and a few suggestions on Chinese e-Science development were proposed in the end.  相似文献   

The CAS Symposium on DataMining and KnowledgeManagement was held fromJuly 12 to 14 in Beijing.As a forum for exchanging re-search findings and case studies inthe field, the conference addressedissues in data mining technology,knowledge management tools andtheir real-life applications in the con-text of global economy. More than60 Chinese and foreign scholars par-ticipated in the meeting.Under the joint sponsorship ofCAS, the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China and U.S. Uni-ver…  相似文献   

The Yantai Institute of Coastal Research for Sustainable Development is a research body specializing in the exploration of natural resources and the environment and related hi-tech inter-disciplines. It was a joint venture co-established by CAS, the provincial government of Shandong and municipal government of Yantai on the Shandong Peninsula.  相似文献   

A total of 51 prominent Chinese scientists wereelected CAS members in 2005. The announcement was made at a press conference held onDec. 16 in Beijing. CAS President LU Yongxiang waspresent at the conference to give a briefing on the elec-tion and the new …  相似文献   

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