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Dear World: My son starts school today. It's going to be strange and new to him for a while.And I wish you would sort of~(1)) treat him gently. You see,up to now, he's been king of the roost. He's been boss of the backyard. I have always been around to repair his wounds,and to soothe~(2)) his feelings.  相似文献   

An airman lands in a tree. Airman:I was ing to set a new record. Farmer:You did.You’re the first man to climb down that tree before climbing up.  相似文献   

金易 《今日中学生》2004,(26):25-26
One afternoon the students of Class Two had a physics lesson.West was talking to his deskmate Lake.The teacher was very an-gry. “Please stand up,West.”said the teacher.“You must listento me in class.”“You are wrong,Mr Fred.”said West.“I’m listening to you  相似文献   

George Lucas comments on the making of Star Wars: 乔治·卢卡斯谈制作《星球大战》的经历: “When you’re directing[导演],you have to get up at four thirty,have breakfast at five,leave the hotel at six,drive an hour to location[外景拍摄场地],start shooting[拍摄] at eight,and finish shooting around six.Then you wrap[结束摄制],go to your office,and set up the next day’s work.You get back to the hotel about eight or nine-  相似文献   

姬燚远 《海外英语》2012,(18):273-274
"Design is defined as to plan,conceive,and set up a program,also including to conceive,drawing and modeling."The process of dress design is"to conceive and make up the effective drawings and plane graph based on the demands of the desig nees,then to produce according to the design drawings,so as to complete the whole process of design’.Of course,the dress de sign is actually related with design.However,in the field of dress design,the most important factor that affects design is"art".From the history of dress,it’s easy to find the trace of trend of art.  相似文献   

There is an animal hiding in each sentence below. You can find an animal's name in each sentence. The names may be made up of letters from two or three neighbouring words. Can you find the animals﹖Example:There’s a bee in“I’ll be eleven nextmonth.”Hint:You’ll have to look in threewords to find the names of the animals.在下面的每个句子中你能找到一种动物的名称。这些动物的名称可以由两个或三个相邻的单词的字母组成。你能找到它们吗?例如:“I’ll be eleven next month.”这个句子中就有一个“bee”…  相似文献   

The sense of independence is the ability to stand by yourself, to do things on your own. You trust yourself. You know you are the necessary part, the important part that makes up1 the world.  Sometimes you may say to yourself, "Why, I can't stand on mys…  相似文献   

You're Wrong     
The grocer was busy serving customers,near an open box of sweet biscuits.“Well, my boy, ”said the grocer. “What are you up to”“Nothing.”“Nothing? Well, it looks to me as if you were trying to take a biscuit.”“You’re wrong, mister. I’m trying not to.”  相似文献   

song for April     
If you listen,if you listen,to the Song that April sings,You can hear the muted murmur of a million growing things: Hear an angel’s Iilting laughter float throughsun-drenched April skies,Or the low splash of a tea rdrop from an angel’s tear-bright eyes.If you listen,Like a drumming in the darkness of the earth’slong winter night,You can hear the grasses push on their way to meetthe light.If you listen.in the treetops.you can hear a whir of wings,As a robin builds his castle;to the topmo…  相似文献   

Do you know something about drinks in America? Please read the following and learn more. There are many kinds of beer in the USA. “Light”and “dark”are two kinds. It is normal to order beer by its brand name (牌子). It comes in bottles and cans. You can also get it “on top!”at bars, pubs, and discos. You will get it in a glass or a pitcher. You may take the pitcher and glasses to your table so you won’t need to go back to the bar often.Sometimes beer comes in bottles with tops that l…  相似文献   

1.My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE AJOB WELL DONE. “If you’re going to kill each other,do it outside.I just finished cleaning.” 2.My mother taught me RELIGION. “You better pray that will come out of the carpet.” 3.My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL. “If you don’t straighten up,I'm going to knockyou into the middle of next week!” 4.My mother taught me LOGIC.  相似文献   

老师,你愿做蜡烛,点燃自己,照亮别人;您甘当园丁,辛勤劳动,播下智慧的种子,滋润幼苗成材;您乐为人梯,欣然让后人蹬着自己的肩膀,去摘取胜利的硕果。Teacher,you’re eager to be acandle,burning up yourself and lighting up others;you are willing to be a gardener working dili-gently sowing the seeds of wisdom,and moist-ening the seedlings.You are ready to be aladder,letting others step on your shoulders to pick the fruit of success.老师…  相似文献   

While many of these work transitions involve following a dream or a calling. you don't want to get caught up in the romance of it all. "There is a blitheness that all you have to do is embrace your passion and the rest happens magically," Freedman says. "It's not that easy. You don't open the doors to your bed-and-breakfast and the cheering crowds arrive." Here are six key steps to planning your next career.  相似文献   

“You are so dirty...just look at your hair...and yourclothes?”Hu Ya’S mother scolded him.Hu Yaglared at her and walked out of the house.HuYa’s parents were farmers,pressured as they were withwork and the difficulties of bringing up three children ina world that was getting increasingly expensive hadsomewhere along the way begun to lose patience with ayoung man who seemed to demand more than wasapparently his due. Hu Ya was late for school,as usual and he knew hewould have to face the consequences.For a while he  相似文献   

胡静 《求学》2024,(4):71-72
<正>The fashion industry has a dark side, a lot darker than many of us realise. Here’s three cold truths you might not have realised damage wildlife and ecosystems.You may wonder how a cheap woollen sweater affects the Mongolian grassland. Actually, the grasslands were already degraded due to climate change, soil erosion and the drying up of lakes and rivers.  相似文献   

王微 《海外英语》2012,(10):206
Macbeth is,both by expectation and by means of the exposition,set up as a classical tragedy.The very title of the play,The Trag edy of Macbeth,encourages the assumption on the part of the audience that Macbeth is indeed a tragedy.This article mainly from the cross-cultural angle to the plot of the tragedy of tragedy Macbeth analysis for further analysis and appreciate Shakespeare’ s drama open up alternative thinking mode.  相似文献   

许秀锋 《海外英语》2014,(17):303-304
In recent years,with the deepening of reform and opening up and the success of the entry into the World Trade Organization,the tourism industry in China has been booing. More and more foreign tourists come to China. In the face of tourist’s needs changing rapidly,how to accurately and appropriately introduce Chinese tourism resources to foreign tourists in order to promote Chinese and foreign exchanges and the development of tourism have already become a problem that can not be ignored.However,tourism narration as an important media to spread the Chinese tourism culture,the quality of it’s translation is particularly important.  相似文献   

AI Fan-qing 《海外英语》2014,(16):215-216,218
Based on the theories of conversational analysis proposed by Sacks et al,this paper chooses excerpts of candidates’ interview from the Chinese recruitment reality TV show Belong to You in Tianjin TV. Through analyzing the excerpt, how the rules of turn-taking are applied in this program will be demonstrated. And the features of turn-taking strategies used by the host,candidates and bosses will be concluded.  相似文献   

1.a piece of cake A:What do you think of the final exam? B:It’s a piece of cake to me. A:You’re bragging again.what if you failed? B:No way.  相似文献   

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