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探究性实验教学是初中化学教学的“活灵魂”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新的化学课程标准倡导从学生和社会发展的需要出发,发挥学科自身的优势,将科学探究作为新课程改革的突破口,激发学生的主动性和创新意识,促使学生积极主动地学习,使获得化学知识和技能的过程也成为理解化学、进行科学探究、联系社会生活实际和形成科学价值观的过程。  相似文献   

著名化学家戴安邦说过"化学实验教学是全面实施化学教育的最有效的形式,是化学学科素养教育最有效的组成部分.化学实验以其丰富的内涵在通过化学教学培养学生素质中发挥独特的作用".在化学教学中必须充分利用实验手段培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,发挥实验的教育教学功能.  相似文献   

This qualitative study investigates the gap between a lab experiment and theory of science. Two groups of 4 students in 2 different classes in 11th grade (15–16 years old) are followed as they process results and experiences from a lab experiment using a digital environment. The experiment is as a part of a larger project about genes and cells, and this study concerns how the digital environment can support students' sensemaking. The study shows how the students only are left with ‘how-to' skills before they engage in collaborative processing supported by their own picture from the experiment. The picture becomes a hub for interactive sensemaking and is extensively used for annotation and discussion. Four elements in the digital support are identified as crucial: an extendable point of reference, facilitation to compare and contrast, a pointer to standard science knowledge, and a structure to guide the students to significant issues. The study identifies where the digital support succeeds and fails in this process of sensemaking from a lab experiment.  相似文献   

Practical work is often noted as a core reason many students take on science in secondary schools (high schools). However, there are inherent difficulties associated with classroom practical work that militate against scientific inquiry, an approach espoused by many science educators. The use of interactive simulations to facilitate student inquiry has emerged as a complement to practical work. This study presents case studies of four science teachers using a virtual chemistry laboratory (VCL) with their students in an explicitly guided inquiry manner. Research tools included the use of the Inquiry Science Implementation Scale in a ‘talk-aloud’ manner, Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol for video observations, and teacher interviews. The findings suggest key aspects of practical work that hinder teachers in adequately supporting inquiry and highlight where a VCL can overcome many of these difficulties. The findings also indicate considerations in using the VCL in its own right.  相似文献   

在高中化学实验中培养绿色化学观的教育探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在高中化学新教材全面实施之际,重温绿色化学的新观念、新思想、新要求,审视对学生进行绿色化学教育的必要性和可行性,并根据高中化学课程标准中有关绿色化学教育的内容与要求,从化学实验教学角度探讨培养学生绿色化学观的教育措施.  相似文献   

本文通过对物理实验目的、认知思维、学生学习、教师教学等方面对物理验证性实验和探究性实验进行了比较。  相似文献   

探究教学是课堂教学的重要教学方式,是培养学生探究能力十分重要的途径,就"以化学实验为载体的探究教学"的涵义及模式进行阐述并进行实践,指出进行探究教学应注意的几个问题.  相似文献   

A new learning unit in chemistry, Case-based Computerized Laboratories (CCL) and Computerized Molecular Modeling (CMM) was developed at the Technion. The CCL and CMM curriculum integrates computerized desktop experiments and molecular modeling with an emphasis on scientific inquiry and case studies. Our research aimed at investigating the effect of the CCL and CMM learning environment on students’ higher-order thinking skills of question posing, inquiry, and modeling. The experimental group included 614 honors 12th grade chemistry students from high schools in Israel who studied according to this learning unit. The comparison group consisted of 155 12th grade chemistry honors students who studied other chemistry programs. Pre- and post-tests questionnaires were used to assess students’ higher-order thinking skills. Students’ responses were analyzed using content analysis rubrics and their statistical analysis. Our findings indicated that the scores of the experimental group students improved significantly in question posing, inquiry and modeling skills from the pre-test to the post-test. The net gain scores of the experimental group students were significantly higher than those of their comparison peers in all three examined skills. In modeling skills, experimental group students significantly improved their achievements in making the transfer from 3D models to structural formulae, but only about half of them were able to transfer from formulae to 3D models. By presenting a case-based chemistry assessment tool and content analysis of students’ responses in this paper, we enable teachers and educators to analyze their students’ higher-order thinking skills both qualitatively and quantitatively.  相似文献   

绿色化学与有机化学实验   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
该文通过论述绿色化学在有机化学实验中的重要性,提出了逐步实现有机实验绿色化的设想。  相似文献   

绿色化学与中学化学实验教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了绿色化学的缘起和含义、绿色化学的原则,通过用微型实验、计算机多媒体模拟、串联实验等途径在化学教学中来体现绿色化学思想。  相似文献   

这篇带有半自传性质的论文,探讨了想象式探究在教育研究中的运用及其它原则,特别是"思想实验"在自然科学和艺术、人文、社会科学中的对比实践。我会在文中与读者分享写作作为教育性探究的模式的实验过程,尤其是受德勒兹和迦塔里的根茎观念影响的叙事实验——我将这一过程命名为生成性游戏,以及阅读某些选定的小说对文本交互式阅读的促进。  相似文献   

探究性教学是一种有别于传统教学的新式教学法,无论是从教师、学生方面,还是从课堂设计方面都发生了变化.作者通过将探究性教学应用到生物实验中发现:学生在探究过程中积极性很高,探究性教学确实可以引发学生的好奇心,激发学生自己动手动脑,有利于提升学生学习的主动性.但是,实行探究式教学学生、教师、学校方面仍然存在着一些问题,作者提出了相应的解决方法.  相似文献   

微型有机化学实验的绿色化教学浅探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了有效地进行有机化学实验的微型化教学,通过改变实验试剂的用量、试剂的种类、工艺条件、选用高效催化剂等方式,实现了有机实验教学的绿色化,几乎不生成副产物,实现或接近废物的零排放,大大提高了原子利用率。  相似文献   

绿色化学是一门从源头上阻止环境污染的新兴科学。化学实验的绿色化是当今实验教学改革的重点之一,对培养具有绿色化学理念和社会责任感的新时代大学生具有十分重要的意义。根据大学有机化学实验教学的特点,结合长期的教学实践,从传统实验内容的改进、微量或半微量实验的推行、新系列化综合实验项目的开发和绿色化实验技术的应用等4个方面入手,对有机化学实验教学进行了深入的研究和改革,为全面实施有机化学实验教学的绿色化奠定了基础。实践证明,这些改革措施,不仅有助于建立绿色化的实验环境,降低化学实验对环境的影响和人体的伤害,而且还有助于学生增强综合素质,强化生态意识,促进实验知识的系统性和完整性,提高分析问题和解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

Recent examples of high-impact teaching practices in the undergraduate chemistry laboratory that include course-based undergraduate research experiences and inquiry-based experiments require new approaches to assessing individual student learning outcomes. Instructors require tools and strategies that can provide them with insight into individual student contributions to collaborative group/teamwork throughout the processes of experimental design, data analysis, display and communication of their outcomes in relation to their research question(s). Traditional assessments in the form of laboratory notebooks or experimental reports provide limited insight into the processes of collaborative inquiry-based activities. A wiki environment offers a collaborative domain that can potentially support collaborative laboratory processes and scientific record keeping. In this study, the effectiveness of the wiki in supporting laboratory learning and assessment has been evaluated through analysis of the content and histories for three consenting, participating groups of students. The conversational framework has been applied to map the relationships between the instructor, tutor, students and laboratory activities. Analytics that have been applied to the wiki platform include: character counts, page views, edits, timelines and the extent and nature of the contribution by each student to the wiki. Student perceptions of both the role and the impact of the wiki on their experiences and processes have also been collected. Evidence has emerged from this study that the wiki environment has enhanced co-construction of understanding of both the experimental process and subsequent communication of outcomes and data. A number of features are identified to support success in the use of the wiki platform for laboratory notebooks.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the concept of idealization in chemistry and the role played by pure substance and laboratory product. This topic has evident repercussions in the educational contexts that are applied to the science classroom, which are highlighted throughout the text. A common structure for knowledge construction is proposed for both physics and chemistry with particular emphasis on the relations between two of the levels: the ideal level and the quasi-ideal level. The ideal level is crucial for operations related to theoretical constructions and explanations, whereas the quasi-ideal level is of special importance in the verification of propositions. In chemistry, the ideal level and the quasi-ideal level include the entities, pure substance and laboratory product, respectively. This article provides an in-depth discussion of the concept of pure substance, an idealized entity whose empirical correlate is laboratory product. The study of the link between the two is a very significant part of the problem of the relations between theory and reality in chemistry. These entities are used to analyze and interpret different situations and contexts in research as well as teaching. The article concludes by using classroom examples to illustrate the didactic implications of the issues addressed.  相似文献   

分析当前环境污染的现状,强调在大学化学实验中培养学生绿色化学观的必要性。根据绿色化学的理念,探讨如何在滴定分析化学实验教学改进中培养大学生绿色化学观,以增强学生的环保意识。  相似文献   

阐述了化学实验中的准确度与精密度,误差与偏差、系统误差与偶然误差的分析处理及有效数字的确定、修约与计算.  相似文献   

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