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肯定性行动计划与美国少数民族高等教育的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
肯定性行动计划是美国政府为了消除就业和教育等领域的种族和性别歧视,20世纪60年代中期以来实施的政策。行动计划要求高等学校在录取新生时对少数民族给予优待,通过设立特别招生计划,降低录取标准,增加招生比例,加大财政资助,加强补习教育,聘用少数民族教师,开设少数民族研究课程,改善少数民族学生的学习环境,极大地推动了美国少数民族高等教育的发展。但是,肯定性行动计划并没有从根本上改变少数民族受歧视的地位。近年来,否定肯定性行动计划的行动给美国少数民族高等教育的发展教育的发展带来了灾难性后果,美国少数民族高等教育将会出现严重的倒退。  相似文献   

“肯定性行动计划(affirmative action)”是美国民权运动、反战运动等社会政治运动的产物,在美国高等教育发展史上具有里程碑的意义。“肯定性行动计划”的实施,扩大了少数民族的高等教育机会,推动了少数民族高等教育的发展,开启了少数民族高等教育援助政策的先河。该政策在促进政治稳定、经济繁荣、社会和谐等方面发挥了巨大作用。新的时代背景下,随着政策环境的变化,以及政策对不同利益群体的影响,“肯定性行动计划”在实践中面临重重阻力,步履维艰,美国少数民族高等教育的前景不容乐观。  相似文献   

正肯定性行动计划(Affi rmative Action)自20世纪60年代确立以来,在美国受到了社会各界的争议。有些人认为该计划引起了白人的"反向歧视",不利于民族融合,引起种族间的矛盾,应该给予废除。同时还有人认为实施肯定性行动计划降低了高等教育的入学标准和质量。因此本文主要探讨美国少数民族高等教育入学政策是否降低了高等教育质量、是否不利于民族隔合并有碍社会发展的问题。  相似文献   

美国对少数民族的高等教育入学政策经历了多次重大的变革,并于20世纪60年代确立了保障少数民族入学及就业的“肯定性行动计划”。随着大规模民权运动的结束,新自由主义对国家干预的批判和对市场机制的追求,教育机会均等的理念和政策也受到了严重冲击,随之兴起了反对肯定性行动的思潮与运动。在率先废止了肯定性行动的几个州,开始积极推行“无种族色彩”的招生方案,主要有“百分比计划”和以阶级为基础的肯定性行动。实施肯定性行动,无论就公正理念还是政策效果而言都对种族平等产生了积极而深远的影响。  相似文献   

美国高等教育"肯定性行动计划"政策旨在扶助社会弱势群体,体现了教育公平的价值追求.它蕴涵了两个层次的政策价值选择.美国国内对该政策合法性的争论以及政府近年来政策倾向的改变,制约了该政策的有效性程度.  相似文献   

“肯定性行动计划”的由来及影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1965年9月24日,美国总统林登·约翰逊签署了第11246号行政命令,标志着“肯定性行动计划”(theAffirmative Action Program)正式出台。30多年来,关于肯定性行动计划存在与实施的必要性的辩论在美国国内几乎从未间断过。自林登·约翰逊总统以来的历届美国总统差不多都要在这个问题上表明自己的态度。克林顿总统迫于各方的压力,不得不史无前例地公开命令对肯定性行动计划的实施情况作一项调查。一时间,这一计划成为美国上下关注的热点之一。“肯定性行动计划”是如何产生的,其历史影响是什么?这些即是本文要探讨的问题。  相似文献   

20世纪60年代是美国高等教育机会均等取得重大进展的时期,美国联邦政府的干预是促进这一进步的主要因素。社会危机和冷战为美国联邦政府干预高等教育机会均等提供了契机,资产阶级新自由主义改革是美国联邦政府干预高等教育机会均等的主观动力。美国联邦政府干预高等教育机会均等的措施体现在取消高校种族隔离、学生资助、补偿教育计划、发展中学院计划、肯定性行动计划等五个方面。这些措施在促进高等教育入学机会均等和教育过程均等方面作用显著。  相似文献   

“肯定性行动”计划是美国政府为了消除少数民族和妇女等弱势群体在就业和教育领域受歧视的现象,改善少数民族和妇女的社会经济状况而实行的一系列政策和措施的总称。实施40多年来,对美国社会尤其是高等教育产生了重大的影响。分析其在美国高等教育内的措施、所追求的核心价值理念,对于我国制定教育公平方面的政策具有启发意义。因此,从分析我国高考招生制度存在问题的角度,有针对性地提出改革的建议。  相似文献   

<正>陈莉在《高等教育研究》2019年第8期中撰文指出:美国高等教育领域实施肯定性行动计划半个多世纪的经验表明,精英大学的补偿性招生举措并不一定降低学校教育质量,如果应对得当,甚至还可能促进教育质量的提升。在我国,"双一流"建设作为"建设高等教育强国和实现人力资源强国战略的必然选择和重要举措",相关大学毫无疑问是要长期坚持精英取  相似文献   

美国少数民族高等教育政策的历史演变和未来走向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
美国是一个以欧洲裔人为主体的多民族、多种族的移民国家,非洲裔人(黑人)、亚洲裔人、印第安人、西班牙裔(拉美裔人)等构成了美国社会的少数民族。几百年来,美国少数民族高等教育政策历经变迁,使美国少数民族高等教育经历一个曲折的发展历程。 一、种族隔离时期美国的少数民族高等教育政策。 从种族关系的角度看,美国少数民族高等教育政策发展史可以划分为两个大的时期,1954年以前的历史阶段为种族隔离时期,1954年以后则为种族融合时期,前后两个时期美国少数民族高等教育政策有着很大的不同。 印第安人是北美大陆的土著居民,黑…  相似文献   

孙碧 《比较教育研究》2018,40(2):96-103
平权运动对促进美国少数族裔争取教育平等权利作出了巨大的贡献,但也引起了广泛的争议和不满.近些年,美国亚裔群体认为同样作为少数族裔的他们却被平权运动所伤害,隐形的"种族配额制"成为其子女进入哈佛大学等一流大学的障碍.这引发了亚裔和哈佛大学之间就招生中是否存在歧视的控告和辩驳、亚裔群体内部就平权运动得失的讨论以及美国社会就平权运动存废的新争议.问题的实质是不同群体关于平等内涵及其实现形式的不同理解,以及由此展开的政治博弈,它彰显了美国大学招生中种族政治的复杂性.  相似文献   

In the last decade institutions of higher education have received increasing pressure to reduce and/or eliminate any discriminatory actions. Affirmative action programs have been used by these institutions to comply with the letter of the law. Research shows, however, that these programs have not been highly successful in eliminating discrimination. This study was designed to assess the judgment policies of personnel and affirmative action officers in institutions of higher learning regarding the criteria necessary for effective affirmative action programs. The research identified 13 separate potential criteria. The results suggest attitudes and procedures were the most important criteria for effectiveness. Institution type (public versus private) and size (number of students) have no moderating effects.  相似文献   

This article investigates the role of equity, diversity and affirmative action in colleges and universities in the USA-all are policy and programmatic mechanisms designed to offer educational opportunities to those who have not been full participants in American higher education. A context is offered via a breakdown of relevant demographic characteristics, a review of the literature, and an examination of the evolution and current state of equity and affirmative action in American higher education. Finally, a perspective of the current climate in American academe is offered through an analysis of the results of a series of qualitative interviews with African American women university executives. General thematic policy and programmatic motifs are articulated which can help ensure post-secondary options for those who might normally be denied opportunities.  相似文献   

美国联邦最高法院对"密歇根诉讼案"的判决对于美国高等教育具有重要意义。"密歇根诉讼案"是美国高校实施扶持行动计划所引发的争议与矛盾不断激化的必然结果,联邦最高法院在审理中出现了巨大的意见分歧。判决结果一方面为高校实施扶持行动设定了"个体化审查"、"严格限制"等法律原则,一方面加强了对族群倾向性教育政策的限制。美国联邦最高法院对高等教育发展具有重要影响,但由于其特殊性,这种影响的发挥也受到了限制。  相似文献   

Increases of women and minority students at professional schools have been reported but disadvantaged populations still suffer underrepresentation. The literature indicates that effective affirmative action may be realized through early identification programs and pre-professional contact during recruitment; role modeling, and mentoring used from early identification through professional licensure; resocialization techniques for both faculty and students used after matriculation; and academic, social, and psychological support services used during the program that aid retention. A survey of law, medical, dental, and veterinary schools revealed various affirmative action strategies used for the recruitment, admission, and retention of women and minorities. Seven case illustrations of affirmative action programs are detailed. These cases demonstrate that an eclectic grouping of strategies is less effective than a concise, directed program of strategies complementary to the professional school, its faculty, their geographic location, their targeted clientele, and their specific goals for cultural diversity.  相似文献   

This article examines the attitudes of baccalaureate aspiring community college students with regard to affirmative action in college admissions. Using data from UCLA's Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Annual Freshman Year Survey, the study assessed determinants of approval or disapproval of affirmative action for 20,339 community college students. Because students in traditionally disadvantaged groups (e.g., first-generation, racial/ethnic minorities, female, and low-income) are overrepresented at the community college, critical theoretical perspectives concerning social mobility and self-interest were utilized to guide the study. The findings indicate that race/ethnicity and political views were significant predictors of affirmative action attitudes for males and females. The impact of family income and transfer intent significantly contributed to male support for abolishing affirmative action. Age yielded a significant association for support of affirmative action as reported by older African American and white students.  相似文献   

通过对美国大学少数族裔STEM教育的现状分析发现,美国大学的少数族裔整体接受STEM教育的比率仍然较低,黑人学生STEM教育的参与度不高,原住民学生的STEM教育入学率低下,少数族裔女性学生在STEM职业发展中处于不利地位。这受到美国历史、文化、经济和教育等多元化因素的综合影响。为此,美国实施多元化的路径提升少数族裔STEM教育质量,例如,设置适合少数族裔发展的STEM教学培养模式,设立不同类型的STEM奖学金资助计划,建立有助于提升少数族裔STEM研究能力的研究机构,开发优秀的STEM大学课程资源等。这对我国少数民族的理工科教育的发展具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

An affirmative action questionnaire was sent to randomly selected counselor education programs listed in the 1977 Counselor Education Drectory. The questionnaire asked respondents to identify the activities used by their programs to recruit, admit, and support members of four minority groups. This article reports the results of the survey which indicate that in the absence of federal mandates, counselor education programs engage in a limited number of affirmative action activities.  相似文献   

In light of the recent bans on affirmative action in higher education, this paper provides new evidence on the effects of alternative admissions policies on the persistence and college completion of minority students. I find that the change from affirmative action to the Top 10% Plan in Texas decreased both retention and graduation rates of lower-ranked minority students. Results show that both fall-to-fall freshmen retention and six-year college graduation of second-decile minority students decreased, respectively, by 2.4 and 3.3 percentage points. The effect of the change in admissions policy was slightly larger for minority students in the third and lower deciles: fall-to-fall freshmen retention and six-year college graduation decreased, respectively, by 4.9 and 4.2 percentage points. Moreover, I find no evidence in support of the minority “mismatch” hypothesis. These results suggest that most of the increase in the graduation gap between minorities and non-minorities in Texas, a staggering 90%, was driven by the elimination of affirmative action in the 1990s.  相似文献   

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