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现代课程观视域中的教师教学行为策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师教学行为是我们每一个教育工作者不可回避的现实问题,它是制约教育教学水平的关键。围绕教师的教学行为,已经开展了大量的研究,并取得一定的成效。但鲜有从课程的角度来研究教师的教学行为。教师一直被排除在课程之外,充当课程专家所制定的课程执行者、消费者的角色。教学过程成了预定计划或方案的简单体现,从而使最有活力的教学过程僵化。因此要想提高教学效率,使课堂教学充满生命活力,必须增强教师的课程意识,转变课程观念,优化教师的教学行为。  相似文献   

论大学教学中的反思性思维   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
凭习惯性思维进行教学不能满足现代教育的需要。大学教师有I必要通过反思性思维改进教学行为,使教学实践充满智慧,并重新建构对教学本质的理解。为提高本科生教学质量,适应大学教学多样性、多变性特征,进行课堂教学行为的研究,大学教师也需要在搞好学术研究的同时,着眼于自己的教学行为进行理性的分析和思考,内容包括教师的教学观念、教学对象、教学内容的组织、教学方式方法等。  相似文献   

教师针对教学活动所作的教学研究是一种典型的“行为研究”。通常情况下的“行为研究”应该在三个不同的层次上展开:第一,通过研究努力对行为本身作出准确认识;第二,通过研究能够从行为当中有所感悟;第三,通过研究可以在对行为的理性感悟基础上提出新的见解。如果教师的教学研究已经深入到第三个层次,则相应的成果往往会以教学研究论文的形式呈现;如果教师的教学研究只局限于前两个层次,则相应的成果就应该是与教学论文有所区别的某种初级呈现方式。本文着重谈一谈这几种教学研究成果的初级呈现方式。  相似文献   

教学反思是指教师借助行动研究,在教学实践过程中对自身的教学行为不断进行反思的一种行为,是教师将自己的教学活动和课堂情景作为认知对象,对教学行为和教学过程进行批判的、有意识的分析与再认识的过程。教学反思以追求教学实践合理性为动力,通过反思可以发现新问题,进一步激发教师的责任心,在不断改进教学的过程中把教学实践提升到新的高度。  相似文献   

随着课程改革的深入实施,新的课程理念能否转化为教师的教育教学行为是课程改革顺利推进的关键。而支持学生发展的有效教学,是新课程理念在教育教学中的集中体现。教师有效的教育教学行为,可以具体为有效教学策略的掌握和应用,这一策略可以从教学准备、教学实施、教学评价三个方面来研究,  相似文献   

教学过程首先被理解为师生的沟通与交往过程,因此,我们从师生在课堂沟通中教师获取信息与表达信息时的病态行为作为分析教学疾病的研究视角。提出了课堂教学的“四失”现象,分为教学失明、教学失聪、教学失范与教学失控,以使教学疾病研究立足于课堂,并不断深化于学科教学之中。同时。提出了教师课堂沟通“四失”的主要培训策略:案例分析、行为反馈、体验疏导。以期理论研究能转化为实践力量。  相似文献   

校本教研是基于研究和解决学校具体教学现实问题、基于教师教学经验积累和反思教学行为、提升教师专业水平的一种学校文化。校本教研是教师的一种职业行为,它能使教师在研究和解决教学问题的过程中.在不断的教学反思的过程中使教师的专业得到发展.从而让学校走向内涵化发展的道路。  相似文献   

反思性教学是教师对自己教学行为的思考与研究,是对自己在教学中存在问题的回顾,教师在反思中根据课程标准的要求不断地检验自己,追求教学全过程的合理性.反思性教学要求教师积极关注教学目的、方法和效果,反思性教学要求教师具备课堂探究的能力,反思性教学需要教师有开放的心态、责任心和执著的精神.  相似文献   

一、网上教师教学行为监控的内涵 教师的教学行为按照时序都可以分为教学准备行为、教学实施行为、教学反馈行为和教学评价行为。监控是监控主体对受控客体的一种能动的作用,这种作用能够使受控客体根据监控主体的预定目标而行动,并最终达成这一目标。根据系统科学的基本原理,监控是“人们按照某种目的或愿望,通过一定的手段,给系统提供一定的条件,使其沿着可能空间中某个确定的方向发展,消除不确定性”。网上教师教学行为监控就是以网上教师教学行为为监控对象,并对其进行实时监督和反馈控制,形成网上教师教学行为监控闭环系统,使其沿着学校预定的网上教师教学行为目标发展。  相似文献   

所谓反思就是思考过去的事情,从中总结经验教训。而教学反思就是教师以研究和批判的态度回顾教学全过程,分析思考教学情况,总结教学经验教训,及时调整教学行为的一种策略。具体来说.就是要求教师对自己的教学行为进行自我观察,自我调节、自我评价、自我提问。提出问题,分析问题,并及时记录下教学状态,  相似文献   

This article presents an exploration of the methodology of action research. It is a reflection on a study where an action research methodology used by the researcher to research and develop theory, became part of the model of professional development. In this way, the action research methodology permeated into the culture of the way people worked together. This article describes how a researcher can not only use action research methods to gather data on a development, but can also lead a group of action researchers towards a greater awareness of their own practice in their own institutions. A greater awareness of the bigger issues in education is also an outcome achieved by facilitating critical discussion on key issues. There can be action research for research purposes, action research for action purposes and action research communities that can lead to emancipatory practices in education. These are concurrent strands within action research communities.  相似文献   

教育行动研究方式因其在解决教育理论脱离教育实践、促进教师专业发展、推动课程改革等方面的作用而受到倡导。这促进了我国教育研究的发展,但同时也出现了一些问题:表现于"重理轻用"、"低水平重复"、"文不对题"等对教育行动研究的泛化及滥用现象;混淆教育行动与教育行动研究;教育行动研究过程中存在"去理论化"倾向。秉持跨学科研究取向,以问题为中心,正确认识、评价和定位教育行动研究,廓清概念、规避"唯方法主义"倾向、重视理论思维,方有助于我国教育研究的良性发展。  相似文献   

The creation of action research cycles is a fundamental part of action research projects. The aim of this article is to present the methodological challenge that is inherent in designing action research cycles. The article reports on my lived experience as I conceptualised and implemented a structured and systematic way of ordering and reporting the cycles within cycles in a mentoring self-study action research project. The paper discusses the journey that led to structure, and recognises the messiness that preluded this achievement within the action research process. I suggest that messiness is an inherent part of creating action research cycles. The path towards ordered structure is assisted through critical reflective practice and structured mentoring conversations. Of value to both emerging and more experienced action researchers, this article contributes to the practice of doing action research.  相似文献   

Participatory action research and the public sphere   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
Some action research today lacks a critical edge. This article identifies five inadequate forms of action research, and argues that action research must be capable of ‘telling unwelcome truths’ against schooling in the interests of education. It reasserts a connection between education and emancipatory ideals that allow educators to address contemporary social challenges. It suggests how educational trends in recent decades may have led to the domestication of educational action research, and concludes with three messages about quality in educational action research. It re‐thinks educational action research initiatives as creating intersubjective spaces for public discourse in public spheres.  相似文献   

Whilst educational action research is not unknown in Croatia, its use is not widespread. In part, this might be because action research assumes a high level of autonomy for practitioner–researchers, and a constructivist view of knowledge, neither of which are traditional characteristics of the Croatian system. This article reports on a capacity building programme in which 18 senior advisers from the Education and Teacher Training Agency developed action research projects in Croatian schools. The article outlines the context of the programme, describes the programme itself, and presents an analysis of the advisers’ action research projects. This shows that action research was used by advisers, supporting teachers, to effect change in schools. The principles of action research were generally understood, and produced evidence of practical change, collaboration and mutual understanding. Although action research is generally understood as a ‘grassroots movement’ this article suggests that action research can lead to desirable change, even when imported from elsewhere. Thus action research holds one answer to the question, how to promote beneficial life‐long learning among education professionals.  相似文献   

Today, many institutions of higher education support students in conducting practice-oriented research. This research refers to a broad array of approaches geared toward practitioners’ practice. The supervision of such research is of crucial importance, but little is known about its nature and characteristics. This study examined what research supervisors and postgraduate, in-service teacher students perceive are key elements of successful action research supervision. Four action research supervisors and eight postgraduate students were interviewed. Data were analysed by using theory and empirical data. Findings reveal 24 key elements of action research supervision, which refer to supervisors’ (1) skills in supporting knowledge development through and about action research and creating a supportive environment for developing knowledge, (2) knowledge and expertise in supervising action research, (3) attitude in the supervision of action research and (4) the motives driving supervisors’ actions in the student-supervisor relationship.  相似文献   

Complexity theory is essentially a formal attempt to question how coherent and purposive wholes emerge from the interactions of simple and sometimes non-purposive components. Explicit recognition of complexity can provide a fresh and enlightening perspective on action research. Through an expository discussion of the foundational postulates of complexity theory this article demonstrates the theoretical and methodological connections between complexity and action research, with particular emphasis on the relevance of complexity in educational and workplace contexts. Complexity is an emerging theoretical perspective, which presents possibilities for revolutionizing approaches to action research, as well as strengthening arguments promoting the value of action research in a wide range of contexts. Complexity, it is argued, can provide a valuable theoretical underpinning for action research. Furthermore, action research provides a valid methodological approach to the study of complexity. This article is primarily theoretical and attempts to demonstrate the application of complexity to a specific action research project will be left to future publication(s). Rather, this article explores the general applicability of complexity as both theory and metaphor in action research. The article begins with a brief exploration of the theory, particularly focusing on its application in the social sciences. The theoretical and methodological connections between complexity and action research are discussed through several of the foundational postulates of complexity, how these manifest in action research and how they add to our understanding of action research itself.  相似文献   

This paper describes an action research project conducted in the course of teaching about action research. Eight doctoral students and a professor co-taught the course. We organized it to demonstrate aspects of action research and conducted our research as an example of action research methodology. We shared our proposal, data collection strategies, and beginning data analyses with our students. Our action research project thus served two purposes: (1) it helped us to study our own teaching and the emerging understandings of our students, and (2) it demonstrated action research for our students while they designed their own research proposals.  相似文献   

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