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以市场经济进程与中国社会形态的嬗变为背景,通过社会结构变化、生活方式转变与"应试教育"的影响等社会学角度透视我国青少年体质状况下降、健康水平下滑的这一人们高度关注的社会问题,并相应提出可行的战略规划,从而促进我国青少年体质健康发展。  相似文献   

农民工进城与返乡体现了一种双向的"嵌入"过程:进城——带着"乡土惯习"嵌入城市生存环境的过程;返乡———带着"市民惯习"嵌入乡土社会环境的过程。其中,进城过程体现了城市社会对农民工的规训与再社会化,而返乡过程体现了农民工对乡土社会的重塑。这一双向的"嵌入"过程能否成功进行,一定程度上影响了城市化进程能否顺利完成。从社会学的视角出发,研究农民工群体在这一双向的"嵌入"过程所面临的"社会屏蔽"与障碍,关注其在城市和乡土中的两个不同的生存世界,呼吁社会更多的关注农民工群体,并努力解除对农民工的结构性排斥,营造一个和谐共生的生存世界。  相似文献   

宗彦平 《考试周刊》2011,(91):215-215
过去义务教育阶段青少年辍学主要原因是家庭贫困。近年来随着社会经济的发展,国家对教育的高度重视,政府对农村学生实行了"两免一补"政策,因贫困引起的辍学逐渐减少,非经济原因造成的辍学却大幅上升。据对农村义务教育阶段情况的调查发现,因经济原因辍学的只占辍学人数的25%,而非经济原因造成的辍学人数则占辍学人数的75%。贫困已经不是义务教育阶段中小学生辍学的主因,非贫困辍学才是义务教育阶段青少年辍学的罪魁祸首。  相似文献   

青少年良好品德的养成,社会环境起着举足轻重的作用。德育是学校教育的方向性教育,对青少年成长和发展起着主导作用。但社会的多样性、复杂性,特别是经济的发展和城市化进程的不断加快以及"信息社会化,社会信息化"的整体趋势,青少年的价值取向、人生观、世界观和思想道德体系,受到强烈的冲击,致使青少年道德失范现象,层出不穷的青少年违法犯罪现象已成为目前最严峻的教育问题。本文试谈社会环境对青少年道德成长的影响及解决措施。  相似文献   

我国城市贫困产生的原因及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国改革开放的不断深入,经济社会不断发展。在全社会都在关注如何帮助大量农村贫困人口脱贫致富的时候,在城市中出现了一定规模的贫困居民群体,城市贫困这一社会问题逐步凸现。本文结合作者基层工作实际,分析了导致城市贫困产生的深层次和直接原因,反映了城市贫困目前的现状,并初步提出了从社会主义市场经济体制、社会主义法制体系、政治体制改革和社会保障体系等几个方面解决城市贫困现象的基本对策。  相似文献   

城市贫困群体的思想政治工作问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
继中国农村贫困问题之后,城市居民的贫困问题已成为社会公众关注的焦点之一。本文从思想政治工作的角度着手,分析了城市贫困群体致贫的个人因素,指出了该群体对社会稳定、经济发展和子女教育等方面的负面影响,并以此提出了加强城市贫困群体思想政治工作问题的几点相关思考。  相似文献   

王威 《职业技术》2010,(2):73-73
长期以来,贫困大学生的经济求助一直是社会关注的焦点,经济上的重负,往往导致他们心理上也承受着巨大的精神压力,所以贫困大学生的"精神求助"更加不容忽视。较大的经济压力、学业压力和人际交往困难导致贫困大学生产生诸多心理问题,我们应该有针对性地开展心理健康教育、心理辅导和行为指导等一系列的心理救助工作,帮助贫困大学生摆脱经济贫困与心理贫困的双重压力,为贫困大学生的健康成长开辟一条绿色通道。  相似文献   

李晓姝 《考试周刊》2012,(57):172-173
随着现代化文明进程的不断加快,社会整体环境的变革,家庭结构和人际关系的变化,来自方方面面的各种竞争、压力越来越多,青少年处于这样的环境当中,各种外界因素对他们的心理健康产生越来越多的影响,青少年存在某种程度的"迷失"感,心理和精神问题日益凸显。为了使青少年健康成长,为了国家的前途,民族的兴旺,全社会应关注青少年的心理健康。  相似文献   

刘菊 《考试周刊》2009,(36):224-225
本文从青少年个体社会化的重要时期入手,分析了影响青少年心理健康发展的三个重要因素,并从学校、家庭和社会三个方面,提出了"优化育人环境,促进青少年心理健康发展"的重要举措。  相似文献   

贫困大学生作为大学生中的特殊群体,受高校毕业生就业形势严峻的影响,其就业心理存在不同程度的问题。本文从高校贫困生的界定入手,借助SWOT分析法对贫困大学生的就业心理等进行全面剖析,并通过构建政府、社会、高校、家庭和贫困生自身的"五位一体"的就业框架体系对其进行调适和应对,从而提升贫困大学生的就业能力。  相似文献   

This paper reanalyzes data from the Gluecks' classic study of 500 delinquents and 500 nondelinquents reared in low-income neighborhoods of central Boston. Based on a general theory of informal social control, we propose a 2-step hypothesis that links structure and process : family poverty inhibits family processes of informal social control, in turn increasing the likelihood of juvenile delinquency. The results support the theory by showing that (1) erratic, threatening, and harsh discipline, (2) low supervision, and (3) weak parent-child attachment mediate the effects of poverty and other structural factors on delinquency. We also address the potential confounding role of parental and childhood disposition. Although difficult children who display early antisocial tendencies do disrupt family management, as do antisocial and unstable parents, mediating processes of informal social control still explain a large share of variance in adolescent delinquency. Overall, the results underscore the indirect effects of structural contexts like family poverty on adolescent delinquency within disadvantaged populations. We note implications for current debates on race, crime, and the "underclass" in urban America.  相似文献   

从非线性动力学的视角出发,运用混沌理论的方法对贫困进行度量.通过建构贫困模型和贫困的影响力模型,描述了贫困的变化趋势,精确预测了贫困对社会系统的影响程度.  相似文献   

Caldas SJ 《联谊会》1994,75(5):402-406
Although there are fewer teenage pregnancies in the US today than was the case prior to 1970, this fact should not be used to claim that the problem of adolescent pregnancy has been exaggerated. In the earlier period, the majority of adolescent pregnancies were to married couples; moreover, early childbearing was a social norm. In the present period, the availability of effective contraception and legal abortion has enabled women to postpone marriage and childbearing into their late twenties or early thirties and to focus instead on education that enhances their marketability and wages. Under prevailing social norms, teen pregnancy represents a clear deviation. By 1990, 68% of births to women under 20 years of age involved unmarried mothers. Under current socioeconomic conditions, unmarried adolescent mothers are likely to live in poverty and their offspring are at high risk of learning disabilities, child abuse, and foster care placements. Although young people are bombarded with images of sexuality in the mass media, school-based sex education programs tend to promote abstinence and withhold information on or access to contraception. It is essential that material on human sexuality is integrated into the curriculum as early as kindergarten if the teen pregnancy rate and the intergenerational transmission of early childbearing under conditions of poverty are to be reduced.  相似文献   

构建城市扶贫政策体系的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就在我国农村贫困人口迅速减少的同时,城市贫困现象却日益彰显,并有逐渐扩大的趋势,严重影响了社会的和谐与稳定。改变这一现象,需要尽快构建一个高效可行的城市扶贫政策体系。  相似文献   

School Leaving: A Longitudinal Perspective Including Neighborhood Effects   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Using 1970 and 1980 census data from 202 tracts in the Chicago metropolitan region, we examine whether neighborhoods influence the likelihood of high school graduation for a cohort of African-American children followed from 1966 to 1993. Neighborhood-level variables included percent living below poverty and percent in white-collar occupations. We test for the possible direct, indirect, and interactive effects of these neighborhood indicators on the likelihood of school dropout. Our examination found the advantage of living in a neighborhood characterized by a high percentage of residents who work in white-collar occupations. Male adolescents who lived in a middle-class neighborhood were more likely to graduate from high school, even with family background, early school performance, adolescent family supervision, and adolescent marijuana use controlled. These findings are consistent with findings from three other studies. However, living in a poverty census tract did not seem to influence the likelihood of high school graduation or school leaving over and above the impact of family and individual characteristics. There also were no neighborhood effects for females.  相似文献   

贫困大学生的"心理贫困"问题会对贫困生的学习及生活产生严重影响。"心理贫困"的具体表现可分为心理状态和行为规范两方面。大学生出现"心理贫困"的原因包括社会环境因素和大学生自身因素。思想政治教育者要渗透积极思想,增强贫困生自我调适能力,鼓励贫困生拓宽人际交往范围。  相似文献   

This article presents a profile of the Young Asia Television (YATV) initiative by the WorldView International Foundation. The YATV channel brings news and analysis of Asia-focussed environmental concerns, current affairs, population and reproductive health issues, social problems including poverty and illiteracy, arts and culture, and other topics. In addition, it broadcasts programs produced by different countries on reproductive and sexual health, including AIDS and sexually transmitted disease prevention, and youth/adolescent awareness of sexual health. It was launched by the Foundation with a thrust stating that "television must encourage dialogue and debate; advance the creativity of people, especially the younger generation who will be the leaders of the future." In order to reach many more millions of viewers, YATV programs are networked with the Asian Broadcasting Union and 1000 other organizations through the Foundation's own NGOs network. This network provides the medium for value-based broadcasts in an entertaining fashion. The International Office of Worldview International Foundation in Colombo monitors the program activities on a continuing basis and uses the information gathered for impact assessment and long-term planning.  相似文献   

This study tested a conceptual model developed to explain the link between kinship support and the psychological well-being of economically disadvantaged African-American adolescents. The relation of kinship support with maternal and adolescent well-being and mothers' child-rearing practices was assessed in 51 African-American families whose incomes placed them at or below the poverty threshold. Findings revealed that kinship social support to mothers/female guardians was positively associated with adolescent psychological well-being, maternal well-being, and more adequate maternal parenting practices (acceptance, firm control and monitoring of behavior, autonomy granting). Maternal well-being and more adequate maternal parenting practices were positively related to adolescent well-being. Evidence of the mediational role of maternal well-being and parenting practices was revealed. When the effects of maternal well-being and maternal parenting practices were controlled, significant relations between kinship support and adolescent well-being were no longer apparent.  相似文献   

贫困大学生是我国高校普遍存在的特殊群体,社会各界十分关注,想方设法帮助贫困生摆脱困境.然而,社会关注方式不当加大了贫困生的精神压力,以致产生了一些负面影响.本文从贫困生的角度出发,分析目前贫困生群体的生活状况与内心世界,提出不管是社会资助、学校教育,还是贫困生自身认识,都应当从人本的角度去思考,让贫困生切切实实摆脱经济贫困和心理贫困,顺利完成学业.  相似文献   

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