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There are many expressions in English that are paired with two of the same words. What are they? Well, you don't need to look any further than your own body! Counting from one's head to toe, we'll see quite a few of these expressions. Let's try, and it should be fun.  相似文献   

It was the Teachers' Day, would do for our English teacher last Wednesday. Before it came, we were thinking what we and what present we would give her on that day. Wu Juan said, "Let's give our teacher a surprise." "What surprise?" we asked. She went on, "Every day before the class, one of us will give a weather and news report. On that day, the reporter will give the English teacher a card and a bottle of pure drink water. Water is pure and clean, just like our love to our teacher. Water is also useful to the teacher. She talks a lot in class." "That's a good idea," we said happily.  相似文献   

Is grammar a thing or is it something that happens? This paper will argue that maybe it is a bit of both. When we describe language, as in the grammar of English, grammar is more noun-like than verb-like. It is a body of facts about the language: "The present perfect is formed by the auxiliary have plus the past participle", etc. On the other hand, when we use language in real communication, grammar manifests itself in ways that seem to have little to do with the conscious appli  相似文献   

<正>Foreign language leaching mosily aims at communication.At the present time.English is the mostwidely used language in diplomacy,commerce and communication.How to develop communicative competence isa major issue to us English teachers.Here journeyed through teaching practice, a series of approacheson English communication are discussed as follows.1、Introducing sense of EnglishTo us Chinese English-learner,English,However,is regarded as a foreign language,the first problemwe confronted while attaching English is the relationship between English Language and our native longue,how to settle the issue affects greatly on the ultinate purpose of English learning-communication inthe target language.Therefore,being English teachers,we firstly introduce students something on snseof English language.Here the word“sense”,in accordance with longman English-Chinese Dictionary ofContemporary English,is“to have a feeling,without being told dirtectly”should be emphasized.Thus in the  相似文献   

Communication is necessary to people’s daily life. Although we may not realize it when we talk with others, we make ourselves understood not only by words. Body language sometimes helps make the communication easy and effective. Body language is treated as equivalent to nonverbal communication which sends 65 percent communication message. In order to improve the quality of our communication, we should pay more attention to nonverbal communication. In addition, culture influences communication. Different country has different culture. Every culture has its own body language. It is useful to learn more about such body language, especially the using of body language in different culture.  相似文献   

Here we refer the native language to Chinese and the second language to English especially college English. According to linguistic study, there are certain native language interferences in secondlanguage acquisition when one is learning the second language,i. e. when a Chinese is learningEnglish, due to the influence of mother tongue which is habitually applied in learning the second language, his pronounciation, his grammar and his vocabulary are quite likely influencedor interfered by his native language or his dialect. Unfortunately, we did find certain first language interferences in our English teaching and learning processes on various items or subjects.  相似文献   

In this article I would Iike to suggest that not only is 'role-play' useful in the learning of language but it is essential. Coming from a theatre background I am particularly concerned with language as a means of rem communication. When we are Children we learn our native language unconsciously; we learn grammar by having our mistakes corrected by our parents and by the necessity of making ourselves understood. But, when we are learning a second language our ability to learn unconsciously is impaired by our adult minds. However, we can simulate the way a child learns by learning the second language in-countrg but this is often difficult to achieve. So, 'role-play' must be the next best thing.  相似文献   

刘又菲 《海外英语》2014,(8):283-284
It is significant to connect contexts and approaches to English language teaching,and it is also necessary to realize the challenges faced by English language learners in particular contexts so that we can get a better understanding of teaching based on our own contexts and approaches.This article is the discussion of approach and the challenges in EFL context.  相似文献   

With the reform of language teaching and learning methods,teachers should use more English in class.However,with the limitation of students’vocabulary,teachers have to simplify their teaching language with the help of body language,which has perceptual a…  相似文献   

This paper conducted on an empirical study among 466 first-year semester diploma students of Wenzhou University, contemplates some metacognitive strategies for facilitating learners' self-autonomy for oral language learning. Oral language appropriateness and procuration within the context of globality and lifelong learning are essential to the Chinese college students. To support the improvement, we initiated a "Four-dimensional-cycle" Approach (Four-d-c Approach) to examine the result of metacognitive strategy training, and we produced a "Four-dimensional-cycle" oral communicative test. To pledge "Four-dimensional-cycle" oral communication, "the NTP English Learning Model", "the SCARF English Teaching Enlightened Procedure" and "SLS-focus Infiltration English Teaching Mode" have been in succession designed. Results of this paper are expected to provoke a depth research on how to heighten learners' self-autonomy for oral language by effectively utilizing metacognitive knowledge, metacognitive experience and metacognitive monitoring.  相似文献   

吃西餐和吃中餐是不同的。每人都要用一只大盘子,在盘子的左边放一副叉子,在盘子的右边放一把刀和一把勺。在你看菜单的时候,服务生会给你端上一杯冰水和一些面包。  相似文献   

赵君 《海外英语》2014,(10):26-26
我们都知道美国地域辽阔。那么。当你去美国游览时,你应该参观哪些地方?做哪些事呢?阿耶莱特·德罗里列出了一份去美国旅游必须参观或者做的2l件事。这是上半篇。纽约的百吉饼 没有吃过百吉饼就不能说自己去过纽约。百吉饼是和CD大小一样的圆形面包,中间有个洞,什么时候都可以吃,经常作为早餐食用。  相似文献   

Young children enjoy studying about other cultures when they experience them in a concrete, hands-on manner. Cross-cultural study by young children should encourage them to experience a culture from an indigenous child's viewpoint. Learning facts and information about a culture is less important than experiencing how children from other places might play a game or what they might eat for dinner.Cynthia Szymanski Sunal is a professor of early childhood education and a social studies specialist at the University of Alabama. Barbara Gibson Warash is a clinical Associate Professor and Director of the Laboratory Preschool at West Virginia University.  相似文献   

出生于格拉斯哥的戈登·拉姆齐堪称英国乃至世界的顶级厨神。其因在各种名人烹饪节目上的粗鲁与严格,以及追求完美的风格,而被媒体称为“地狱厨师”。拉姆齐曾是一名足球运动员,15岁时因膝盖受伤被迫结束运动员生涯。1998年,他开始电视主持生涯,他所主持的各种烹饪节目风靡欧美。如今,他拥有28间餐厅,著有烹饪书籍数十部。  相似文献   

李锦 《海外英语》2012,(12):214-215
In China people share the dishes on the table together from a big dinner party to a family dinner.It is due to the different cooking ways from the West,the different eating ways from the West.It is not good to eat in the same plate together.Recently some pioneers appeal to establish a new way of eating:using public chopsticks,spoons to get food instead of personal chopsticks,spoons.Now when we advocate the new way of eating,surely we will meet some challenges from the traditional concepts.  相似文献   

家。在英文中没有几个字有这样特别的意义。家是一个你可以放松、可以做你自己的地方。大概每个人对于如何把一间屋子变成一个家都非常有主见。对大多数的美国人来说,家最重要的应该是舒适。  相似文献   

Home. Few words in the English language have such a special meaning. Home is a place where you can relax, Kick back and just be yourself. Just about everyone has a strong opinion of what makes a house a home. And for most people in America, home should be.above all,comfortable.  相似文献   

Home.Few words in the English language have such aspecial meaning.Home is a place where you can re—lax,kick back and just be yourself.Just about everyonehas a strong opinion of what makes a house ahome.And for most people in America,home should be,above all,comfortable(舒适的). Americans like their homes to reflect(反映)their personaltastes.Many do-it-yourselfers enjoy fixing up their house andmaking it more“livable.”They often try to create a cozy(舒适的)atmosphere so that when they’re at home.they’ll reallyfeel“at home.”Softs and lounge chairs(安乐椅)may be heavily  相似文献   

to state the theme that"sometimes,things change and they are never the same again,this looks like one of those times.That's life,Life move on,and so should we"Dr Spencer Johnson depict a story about change in a maze where four amusing characters look for"cheese"—cheese being a metaphor for what we want to have in life,whether it is a job,a relationship,money,a big house,freedom,health,recognition spiritual peace,or even an activity like jogging or golf.Each of us has our own idea of what cheese is,and we pursue it because we believe it makes us happy.If we get it,we often become attached to it.And if we lose it,or it’s taken away,it can be traumatic The maze in the story represents where you spend time looking for what you want.It can be the organization you work in,the community you live in,or the relationship you have in your life.  相似文献   

For a long life, eat lots of candy.吃点儿糖!   That's right. There's something about sweets. They mellow me out and give me a little zing at the same time. All you have to do is take one bite, and you instantly feel a little closer to nirvana.……  相似文献   

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