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We investigate graduate school outcomes for students who entered economics Ph.D. programs in fall 2002. Students in Top-15 ranked programs and those with higher verbal and quantitative GRE scores are less likely to have dropped out, but no more likely to have graduated. Those with undergraduate degrees from Top-60 U.S. liberal arts colleges and from foreign universities have lower attrition and higher completion probabilities. There are important differences in the characteristics associated with retention and completion probabilities between U.S. citizens and non-citizens and between men and women.  相似文献   

教材说明:《山沟里的孩子》(北师大版三年级下册)介绍了大山里的孩子为了寻求改变山沟贫困面貌的“金钥匙”,而起早贪黑,不怕吃苦,不怕山高路远刻苦学习的动人事迹。学情分析:本校远离城区,处在山区边缘,贫困落后。这里的孩子们爱读书,不怕苦。有的学生家离学校四五公里路,他们  相似文献   

蒋瑛瑛 《海外英语》2014,(4):225-226
Evidentiality talks about the source of information and the speaker’s commitment to the statement.This paper aims at analyzing the visual,hearsay and inferential evidential markers in the Harvard University commencement address given by J.K.Rowing,and thus explore the interpersonal and evaluative functions of evidentiality based on the speech.If we say that a speech is an interaction between the speaker and the listener,the evidentiality just makes the interaction more fluent,by gaining the credibility from the listeners and influencing them.  相似文献   

WhenyouvisittheU-nitedStates,youwillnoticethatAmericansoftenborrowsomebooksfromlibraries.Inmostlibrariestherearethreesections(部分):reference(参考书),fiction(小说)andnon-fiction.Inthereferencesectionarebookswhichmaynotbeborrowedfromtheli-brary.Youmaytakethesebooksfromtheshelvesandreadthematoneoftheta-bles,butyoumaynottakethemout.Thefictionsectioncon-tainsnovelsandstories.Theyarearranged(排列)inal-phabeticalorder(依字母顺序)accordingtotheauthor'ssurname(姓).Oliver…  相似文献   

‘Interdisciplinary strategies’ in U.S. research universities   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In the context of increasing support for interdisciplinary modes of research, many in the policy, scientific, and academic communities propose that universities should change structurally to reduce the barriers to investigation that involves researchers from multiple disciplines. This paper examines ‘interdisciplinary strategies’ in U.S. research universities—deliberate efforts to spur collaborative research across traditional departmental and disciplinary boundaries, including the creation and adaptation of university policies, practices, and structures. It identifies and analyzes the use of incentive grants to initiate new interdisciplinary units, the establishment of ‘campus-wide institutes’ that steer campus investments in interdisciplinary areas, and new modes of faculty hiring and evaluation. Illustrative examples are provided, and the implications of these strategies are discussed.
Creso M. Email:

Five days a week Americans leave home early to go to work or school, often using two or three cars per family. They eat breakfast quickly or not at all. They have fast food for lunch or eat lunch at work, rarely at home. Some exercise at lunch time, but very few take naps(小睡) . In the evening some families have dinner together, but due to busy evening schedules(时刻表)  相似文献   

In recent years, there have been increasing calls for an overall transformation of the nature of engineering Ph.D. programs and the way theses are assessed. There exists a need to understand the examination process to ensure the best quality outcome for candidates in engineering. The work we present in this paper uses data collected between 2003 and 2010 for a total of 1220 Australian Ph.D. theses by analysing examiner reports. Our analysis indicates that Ph.D. theses in engineering, N?=?106, differ considerably from those in other fields in areas such as gender of candidates and examiners and the examiners’ geographical location. We also found that assessment areas such as significance and contribution of the thesis, publications arising from the thesis, breadth, depth and recency of the literature review and communication and editorial correctness are areas in which the proportion of text of engineering examiners' comments differs significantly from other fields.  相似文献   

Teachers engage with policies far beyond the confines of their classroom and seemingly unrelated to their classroom practice, stretching the parameters of theories such as street-level bureaucracy (Lipsky, 2010; Weatherly & Lipsky, 1977) and doing policy in schools (Ball, Maguire, & Braun, 2012). This was observed in ethnographic studies and analyses, suggesting a “policy protagonism” in which teachers engaged in public arenas with the state and with the public outside of school to address problems they faced within school walls (Robert & McEntarfer, 2014). Four attributes of policy protagonism are defining policy “problems,” seeking power and resources to address those policy-worthy problems, “using” social categories and symbolic identities such as perceptions of teachers as mothers and caregivers, and, finally, demanding multiple seats at the decision-making table. Using discourse analysis, I examine Massachusetts' teachers' publications in local and national online newspapers between 2012–2014 that identify Teach Plus Teaching Policy Fellows, teachers who presumably wish to engage with public policy and are taught how to do so. The sample only demonstrated application of the first attribute, defining policy problems. Changes in policy and policymaking will only come from systematic and sustained engagement of teachers in policy protagonism in both real and virtual public spaces. Although teaching policy fellows were trained to do just that, the analysis suggests that more effort is needed to support teachers' policy work in public spaces. There is no silver bullet to the educational challenge of strengthening teachers' policy work and gaining a seat at the policy table.  相似文献   

姚卓丹 《海外英语》2014,(12):192-193,213
The Rocking Horse Winner displays a story about a young boy who desperately wanted to make enough money to satisfy his mother's desire for wealth, and finally sacrificed his life in picking the winner in horse races to fill in the hole of her mother's greediness. The Rocking-Horse Winner is a sardonic tale employing devices of the fairy tale and a mockingly detached tone to teach the value of love and the dangers of money. Itshows Lawrence's distain for conspicuous consumption, crass materialism,and an emotionally distant style of parenting during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. This paper analyzes the tale from a structural perspective. Through a structural exploration in personality, personal relationships, and a grand opposing framework, this paper reveals the plot development and the theme.  相似文献   

宋晓思 《海外英语》2013,(2X):189-189
e.e. Cummings’Poetry’s theme is the cycle of life, and"black against white"could be indicating life death versus life. It shows that even though a leaf falling may be an indication of death, falling of leaves is an integral part of the whole life cycle of the tree. !blac may seem like a simple mess of words, but in reality is much more complex than that.  相似文献   

Bram Stoker talks about the beguiling nature of the vampire; the manipulation, the desire, and the threat. This article looks to outline some of the factors in international schools that impact the organization, especially leadership, and that drain energy. It utilizes the folkloric and literary metaphor of the vampire to illustrate, understand, and discuss how individuals, systems, and structures can take away the life force of the organization. In particular, the international school with its vulnerabilities and issues of identity is prone to boundary attacks both from within and from the outside. The article uses research particularly in organizational management, international schools, school leadership, and folklore. The discussion offers a way of understanding vampirism as a metaphor to describe the forces both internal and external to a school that drain energy and positivity. These forces originate from a myriad of diverse factors such as individuals, groups, structures, and a school’s own unique history and location. In developing a theory of vampirism and applying it to an international school, I explore why such schools are especially vulnerable, what can be done to negate such energy draining, and the areas of school life where it can occur—the shadows where vampirism thrives.  相似文献   

The view of infinity as a metaphor, a basic premise of modern cognitive theory of embodied knowledge, suggests in particular that there may be alternative ways in which one could formalize mathematical ideas about infinity. We discuss the key ideas about infinitesimals via a proceptual analysis of the meaning of the ellipsis “...” in the real formula \(\hbox{.999\ldots = 1}\). Infinitesimal-enriched number systems accommodate quantities in the half-open interval [0,1) whose extended decimal expansion starts with an unlimited number of repeated digits 9. Do such quantities pose a challenge to the unital evaluation of the symbol “.999...”? We present some non-standard thoughts on the ambiguity of the ellipsis in the context of the cognitive concept of generic limit of B. Cornu and D. Tall. We analyze the vigorous debates among mathematicians concerning the idea of infinitesimals.  相似文献   

There's a dog in the house, in the house. There's a dog in the house, in the house. Are you sure it's not a mouse?  相似文献   


This review of literature includes recent studies of distance learning in military settings. Aspects of distance learning reviewed include 1) distance learning delivery systems, 2) effectiveness studies comparing distance learning and resident training, and 3) speculation as to the future of distance learning in military settings. Additionally, the results of interviews conducted at military sites and universities with experience in distance learning are reported.  相似文献   

牛津大学《Cherwell》兼职不利学业在英国,57%的大学生上学时兼职,其中,90%的人每周工作20个小时。然而,只有20%的牛津学子上学时兼职,且绝大多数的同学每周工作时间不N5个小时,众多牛津学子认为兼职会对学业产生负面影响。不过在假期,牛津学子的兼职比例与英国大学生的平均水平相当,为56%。  相似文献   

学习要点预热 张老师:Hello,everyone!同学们:Hello,sir!张老师:大家知道,学校有一些纪律规定,比如“上课不要迟到”,“要按时完成作业”等等。这些“不要”和“要”就是表示要求,这样的句子我们叫它们“祈使句”。  相似文献   

熊毅 《教师》2010,(13):44-45
第一课时 课型:听说课 一、教材分析 1.教学内容Don’t eat in class是新目标英语七年级下册第十二单元教学内容。本单元中心话题是  相似文献   

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