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初中阶段是性别角色认同形成的关键期,教科书中的性别不平等信息会潜移默化地巩固和加深其形成性别刻板印象.采用内容分析法,对北师大版初中数学教科书的插图和文本中两性出现的数量、地位、职业类型及角色进行量化统计和定性分析.结果表明教科书中确实存在性别刻板印象.具体表现为成年和未成年女性人物出现的频数、地位和职业种类均低于男性,且以配角的负面形象出现,语言用词存在男性主导的思维定势.进一步,从国家政府、教科书编写者和教师等角度对未来教科书的性别平等改革提出了改进建议.  相似文献   

We examined the development of children's self- and task perceptions during the elementary school years. 865 first-, second-, and fourth-grade children (ages 7–10) completed questionnaires assessing their perceptions of competence in, and valuing of, activities in several activity domains (math, reading, sports, and instrumental music). Factor analyses showed that even the first graders had differentiated self-beliefs for the various activities. These analyses also indicated that children's competence beliefs and subjective task values formed distinct factors. Analyses assessing age and gender differences in children's beliefs showed that for all the activities except sports, younger children's (particularly the first graders) perceptions of competence and subjective task values were more positive than the beliefs of the older children. Boys had more positive competence beliefs and values than did girls for sport activities, and more positive competence beliefs for mathematics. Girls had more positive competence beliefs and values than did boys for reading and music activities.  相似文献   


Attitudes and perceptions of teacher behavior regarding students' gender roles were investigated. A questionnaire was administered to 221 Israeli teachers and responses were analyzed according to gender and education setting. Results indicate no extreme egalitarian or chauvinistic responses. In general, elementary school and female teachers gave more gender egalitarian responses to questionnaire items in comparison with male and secondary school teachers. Only 15% of teachers in this sample had attended courses on gender equality. Over 50% of teachers did not respond to the question concerning their school's gender policy. Those findings may reflect a relative lack of teacher awareness concerning the in-depth nature of gender stereotypes and their overall influences. Results may indicate compulsory courses and seminars on gender self-awareness during teacher training.  相似文献   

In this article, the author examines the character of the conversations generated in an elementary teacher group as they worked on mathematical problems together and analyzed their students' work. Two distinct forms of talk — exploratory and expository — were found. The first type of talk occurred most prominently when discussions centered on the teachers' own mathematical work and the second type when conversations centered on that of their students. By examining closely the few occasions when the groups' expository talk turned exploratory, the author explores how both the nature of the tasks and the range and type of facilitator conversational strategies can play significant roles in promoting and interrupting these conversational patterns to educational ends.  相似文献   

This qualitative case study focused on 13 elementary teachers' perceptions of their evaluations. Using multiple schools (5) and teachers (13) we explored the impact of evaluations on instruction. Informed by Pekrun's control-value theory, our analysis focused on teachers' motivations and emotions. Teachers did not value or feel in control of their Value-Added Model (VAM) scores and still needed information regarding VAM. This led to feelings of hopelessness regarding future VAM scores. Teachers reported making mandated changes by the district or to help students' demonstrate learning on state exams. Teachers with mandated changes felt frustration, while teachers making their own changes felt hopeful for high student test scores. The presence of administrators also influenced changes in instruction during observations. Teachers shared feeling hopeful of observation scores, but were annoyed by the observation system. Our findings support the notion that teachers are not making meaningful changes based on VAM.  相似文献   

Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability - Promoting success for all students is the driving force to develop and implement sound teacher evaluation systems. As Stronge suggests,...  相似文献   

Many mathematics educators have found thatprospective elementary school teachers' beliefsinterfere with their learning of mathematics.Often teacher educators consider these beliefsto be wrong or naïve and seek to challengethem so prospective teachers will reject themfor more generative beliefs. Because of theresilience of prospective teachers' beliefs inresponse to these challenges, teacher educatorscould consider alternative ways of thinkingabout and addressing beliefs, particularly thepotential of building on rather than tearingdown pre-existing beliefs. Data from anearly-field experience linked to amathematics-for-teachers course provideevidence that when prospective teachers workintimately with children, in this case tryingto teach 10-year-olds about fractions, theexperience has the intensity from which beliefscan grow. Most of the prospective teachers inthe study were surprised that mathematicsteaching was more difficult than they hadanticipated. They began to consider theimportance of providing children time to thinkwhen solving mathematical problems. The changedescribed in the study is incremental ratherthan monumental, suggesting that building uponprospective teachers' existing beliefs will bea gradual process.  相似文献   

Elementary Pre-Service Teacher Perceptions of the Greenhouse Effect   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Environmental issues are an important topic both in national news, and in science education. Previous studies revealed that students hold many misconceptions relating to such issues as global warming, ozone depletion, and acid rain. This article expands on earlier work by Boyes et al. to examine pre-service teachers' views about these issues, especially global warming and the related term, the greenhouse effect, and the effect of their views on elementary student performance. Results support the findings of Boyes et al. that elementary education majors hold many misconceptions about these environmental issues, and these can effect their teaching of these topics in elementary classes.  相似文献   

This paper reports and analyses findings from an investigation into Cypriot teachers' perceptions of national policy for curriculum reform in primary schools, with special reference to Mathematics. Questionnaires were sent to three samples of teachers: a 10 per cent sample of Cypriot teachers randomly selected from the total population; all Cypriot beginning teachers; and all beginning teachers who graduated in 1992 from the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom. There were five main findings. First, pupils' ability to solve investigations, and to gain mathematical knowledge were seen as of equal importance while ability to talk about Mathematics the least important. Second, formative purposes of assessment were accorded most, and summative purposes least, importance. Third, teachers approved of active pedagogy. Fourth, they conceptualised assessment as a natural part of teaching but paradoxically favoured formally structured techniques of assessment. Fifth, statistically significant differences between perceptions of the English and Cypriot sample of beginning teachers were associated with the extent of central control on the curriculum. Implications for the implementation of curriculum policy are discussed.  相似文献   

This article discusses findings from an investigation into 42 prospective elementary teachers' views of mathematics teaching and learning. The focus is on how the participants saw the roles of teachers, pupils,and mathematics in mathematics classes as they communicated their views in journals written during the study. I argue that some prospective teachers express a tendency to protect and relieve their future pupils from mathematics. I show how this tendency affects a shift from school being the place where teachers teach pupils toward a conception of a safe space where the teachers predominantly care for the children. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

国培计划实施3年多来取得了一定的成绩,也引发了诸如培训效益等问题的一系列思考.通过国培效益数学模型的建立和讨论,根据考虑因素的不同情况,给出可定量化的实施思路.并对基于新疆民族特点小学数学教师国培活动的分析,结合培训前的需求分析、方案设计、培训特色等方面也给出了提高民族地区国培效益的一些经验和对策.  相似文献   

教师通过设计数学活动,能够激发学生兴趣,让学生获得数学活动经验,培养学生的数学理解能力和应用能力。从概念界定、功能、构成要素、类型、应用要点等几个方面阐述小学教师设计数学活动的技能。  相似文献   

学习的外延就是生活的外延,这是基于各学科的本质特征所提出的。教师在数学教学中要打破教材的限制以及传统思想的束缚,将数学教学引向宽广的生活空间,以激发学生的学习热情,增强学生的探究能力,促进学生知识、技能与情感全面发展。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to analyse teachers’ perceptions of using the modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment (Moodle) platform as a learning management system in a small-scale blended learning (b-learning) Advanced Certificate in Education (ACE) programme for in-service secondary school mathematics teachers in South Africa. It describes how the Moodle platform was used in combination with on-campus and later off-campus contact sessions for a widely dispersed population of 76 in-service mathematics teachers over a four-year period. Qualitative data was gathered by means of a questionnaire with open-ended items, while quantitative data was gathered from the centre's archives. The main findings were that Moodle enabled in-service teachers to experience social, cognitive and teaching presences, through synchronous and asynchronous discussions with peers and facilitators, and a teaching presence by submitting their inquiries and assignments online for facilitators to provide them with answers and feedback. The main obstacles to the integration of Moodle were limited availability of technology, slow speed, and unaffordable cost when available. With increased broadband connectivity Moodle holds the prospect for diversifying b-learning experiences that can support teachers’ professional learning outcomes and throughput for distributed populations of practising mathematics teachers, in particular.  相似文献   

The present study used a factor analytic procedure for identifying basic dimensions of elementary school student teacher concerns. A hierarchical factor analysis was applied to the intercorrelations among 122 situationspecific items rated by students completing their teaching practicum in Columbus, Ohio elementary schools. Results indicated the presence of a major factor, which accounted for over one-quarter of the variance. This factor, termed “Concern with Being an Effective Teacher,” reflects the teacher’s concern with generating a classroom environment conducive to effective learning and social growth. Seven other factors, together accounting for an additional 20 percent of the variance, were also identified and characterized. It is suggested that further studies investigate the utility of employing scores on such factors to identify successful teachers.  相似文献   

Instructors (N = 204) of elementary mathematics methods courses completed a survey assessing the extent to which they value cognitive research and incorporate it into their courses. Instructors' responses indicated that they view cognitive research to be fairly important for mathematics education, particularly studies of domain‐specific topics, and that they emphasize topics prominent in psychology studies of mathematical thinking in their courses. However, instructors reported seldom accessing this research through primary or secondary sources. A mediation analysis indicated that mathematics methods instructors' perception of the importance of the research predicts their incorporation of it in their courses, and that this relation is partially mediated by their accessing of it. Implications for psychologists who have an interest in education and recommendations for facilitating the use of cognitive research in teacher preparation are discussed.  相似文献   

作业布置是数学教学的重要组成部分,在教学中,我们要关注作业设计的有效性,精心设计有效的课外作业,让作业具有形式多样性、内容趣味性、数量选择性、难度层次性,利用布置适当的作业来实现对学生课上所学知识的有效检验,深化学生对于知识的理解,同时减轻学生的课业负担。可以激发学生完成作业的兴趣,让学生在课外作业中体会到学习的快乐,变成学生学习的动力。  相似文献   

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