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《中学数学实验教材》的教学试验工作已进入第六个年头了。我们怀着为中学数学教材改革探索新路的心愿,对全套教材认真地进行了试用。在教学实践中,我们体会到这套教材从体系结构到具体内容,都作了精心的设计与安排,实验效果是令人满意的。大家一致认为,这是一套有特色、有新意的数学教材。  相似文献   

工程图样是“工程技术界的共同语言”, 工程制图是高职高专一门重要的专业技术基础课。本文介绍由广东省教育厅组编的高职高专机电类规划教材之一《工程制图》、《工程制图习题集》编写的基本原则, 基本内容与特色.  相似文献   

科学数学实验教材》从1978年11月开始编写,1979年9月开始,先后在二十多个省、市的近千所中学进行过教学实验与研究.教材几经惨订、充实完善,于1989年报国家教委教材审查委员会审查通过后,又在保留原有指导思想、体系结构的前提下,做了精简内容、降低难度、减轻负担的较大修改,作为“普及本”于1992年送审通过,并且被认定为我国九年义务教育中试用的初中数学教材之一.至今又在十五个省、市的近千所中学试用.十多年的实践证明:这套教材在师资条件较好的中学中使用是可行的,教学效果是良好的,尤其在培养学生的数学思维能力方面有…  相似文献   

工程图样是“工程技术界的共同语言”,工程制图是高职高专一门重要的专业技术基础课,本文介绍由广东省教育厅组编的高职高专机电类规划教材之一《工程制图》,《工程制图习题集》编写的基本原则,基本内容与特色。  相似文献   

陶德臻、马家骏主编的《世界文学史》已由高等教育出版社组织编写出版。该书共三册,上册为亚非文学,中册为古代至19世纪西方文学,下册为20世纪欧、美、大洋洲文学。这套书有如下特点: 首先是体例新、容量大。这套书在体例上突破了同类教材的模式。已有的40余种外国文学教材都是以时间为序划分章,章下第  相似文献   

高师八院校义务教育教材协作编写组与西南师大中学数学教改实验组共同编写的九年制义务教育六·三学制初级中学实验课本(以下简称“高层次”数学实验教材),是国家教委规划面向全国的义务教育教材之一.由国家级有突出贡献的专家陈重穆教授及数学教育界的老前辈梅向明教授任主编.从一九九一年秋季开始在重庆、武汉、浙江、海南等地试作,目前这一实验正在北京、重庆、成都等地深入进行.为了让更多的同行了解这套教材,现根据个人的一些体会,围绕教材编写的指导思想,谈谈以下五个问题.  相似文献   

我刊曾先后介绍过北京师范大学实验中学语文教研组和西安市六中董敏堂老师对中学语文教材改革的探索,今天我们又介绍了鞍山15中欧阳代娜等老师在这方面的探索,目的是为了进一步引起大家对中学语文教材改革的重视.我们认为,要改变语文教学少慢差费的状况,使之适应为社会主义建设培养人才的需要,进行一科之本的教材的改革,是个很关键的问题.  相似文献   

国家教委最近向全国推荐了语文出版社新编职业高中语文教材。这套职业高中语文教材,具有以下特点:  相似文献   

由唐士富、朱阳同志所著的《职工教育学》的问世,标志着我国职工教育进入了一个新阶段,具有一定的开创意义。过去,职工教育书籍虽然出版了一些,但多半是各个层次的职工教育教科书、教学辅导读物和行政管理经验之类,少数带有职工教育理论色彩的著述,一般都没有突破资料集锦或文章汇编式的藩篱,没有形成完整  相似文献   

我有幸读到了由江西省教研室和教科所组织编写的江两省地方课程通用教材.这套贯穿义务教育全学段的教材(共9册).以素质教育理念为指导.用丰富的学习内容和新颖的编排方式来打造.是对汀西省中小学生进行主题教育、省情教育和现代公民必备素养教育的优质课程资源。  相似文献   

陈志萍 《巢湖学院学报》2005,7(1):137-140,158
从对中国、美国、日本、前苏联的教育学基础教科书比较中可以看出,在中国教育学教科书中,有外国的影响和痕迹.如何处理中外教育学理论关系,也关系到中国教育学如何发展的问题.  相似文献   

现代教学媒体参与到课堂教学之后成为课堂教学监控的新对象。从教学媒体教学功能、学生特征、对现代教学媒体的选择及现代教学媒体在课堂上的应用时机和方式四方面阐述如何实现对现代教学媒体的有效监控,提高教师对现代教学媒体的监控能力。  相似文献   

In the Gambia, an innovative shceme was developed by government and parastatal organizations to provide small-scale businessmen and women with the skills required for banking and record-keeping. The course they developed applied the approach of specific literacy and numeracy. Specific literacy identifies and transmits a select group of literacy skills necessary to perform a given task. The course encouraged the learner to recognize, copy, and associate words with objects or ideas and, at the same time, learn to identify sounds with written letters. Role plays, homework assignments, self-corrected quizzes, and cashbook/workbooks were some of the techniques used to ensure that learners were able to create records and keep accurate account of their daily cash flow. The purpose of this short 6-month course was not to achieve full literacy for each and every learner, but to introduce specific skills that integrated literacy and business. In this way, the course emphasized the essentials of record-keeping, and hopefully encouraged the learners to develop their own practice: to create a system of written conventions they would use reularly to monitor their business transactions.  相似文献   

对改进教学研究工作的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学研究是我国基础教育事业发展不可或缺的组成部分,在全面建设小康社会的新的历史时期,教学研究工作必须抓住基础教育课程改革带来的历史机遇,在反思几十年来教学研究工作的基础上,廓清新时期教学研究工作的性质、任务和特点。从教师、学校和教研机构发展三个方面提出建议。  相似文献   

This paper is about a research focusing on upbringing story problems of Hungarian. Sandor Karacsony's educational philosophy has already had several criticisms, primarily from the communist party's people, and from ideological and political viewpoints. But there were people blaming him for the deficiency of the concept and the lack of the pedagogic system. While studying and thinking his works, it might be declared that Karacsony's thoughts were embed in a peculiar system, revealing what must not be given up. Although, his language is slightly difficult, his direct style of writing brings learners through less understandable chapters and parts. The author grouped the overview of Karacsony's pedagogic system around 3 fundamental notions: the aim of the upbringing, the education and the theory of education. Sandor Karacsony was not only a high-school teacher and university professor, but also in his public functions, strived for restoring the relation between the educators and the pupils into a natural (for him) connection, he was out for developing tasks, expectations of the schools and the reformed institutions.  相似文献   

This is one of X commentaries on Wu’s ‘Interpretation, autonomy, and transformation: Chinese pedagogic discourse in a cross-cultural perspective’ (JCS, 43(5), 569-590). It highlights the paper’s demystification of Western pedagogic discourse and recovery of the meaning of Chinese traditional pedagogic discourse as a response to the long-lasting debates on the Chinese–Western/traditional–modern dichotomies seen in China’s modernization. However, the paper overlooks the complexity of Chinese pedagogic discourse: it over-emphasizes the formal or linguistic dimension of pedagogic discourse, and presumes the dichotomy of Chinese–Western discourses and the discontinuity of traditional–modern cultures. After elaborating the ends, substances, methods, and teacher roles found in Chinese pedagogic discourses, this study argues that contemporary pedagogic discourses are essentially inhabited in indigenous traditions, and actively entangled with Western discourse. The meaning of Confucian traditional pedagogy should not (and cannot) be ‘recovered’ from the past, but be ‘found’ in the present.  相似文献   

“课堂在线”教学策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、“课堂在线”出现的学习问题 “课堂在线”是北京市教委为中小学生开办的网上教学,开通一个多月的时间里,七万多名中小学生在这里进行了学习,有效促进了学生学习方式的转变,同时,也出现一系列学习问题。  相似文献   

This article describes a journey of exploration in which I take a hitherto unexamined aspect of my teaching practice, the use of disruption, and subject it to interrogation. The journey is an exercise in auto‐ethnographic research in that I am my own subject, located within the context of the classroom. My purpose is to surface the beliefs that underpin this pedagogic strategy and to locate it within theories of teaching and learning in higher education, so that that which is known but not yet thought becomes available for reflection and challenge. The article is structured in such a way as to trace the thought processes that shaped the direction of the journey; it follows a logic dictated by the heuristics of recognition and association. Throughout the journey I draw on students’ reflective reports to illustrate my conclusions that disruption is a metaphorical strategy that uses associative logic to promote transformations in students’ underlying belief systems and is an artefact of a relativist ontology. It assumes a political stance about the challenging of power relationships and of collusion. I conclude by identifying some ethical issues that are raised by this teaching strategy. I highlight the importance of a relationship of trust between teacher and student that is based on a shared commitment to each other’s potentiality.  相似文献   

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