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2015年,68篇CSSCI来源期刊论文引用《学报》文献166次,发文数量和引文频数均比2014年提高70%左右.68篇引证论文发表于6个学科的28种期刊.引证论文作者来自30个单位,2/3以上具有高级职称,发文2篇以上的均为博导或博士生.发表引证论文较多的单位多为数学教育博士生培养单位.《学报》单篇论文被引频次不高.高频引用《学报》文献的单位多为《学报》成员单位.C刊论文引用《学报》文献数量总体呈逐年上升趋势.  相似文献   

运用文献资料调研法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法,对1981-2009年我国游泳硕士研究生学位论文引文的数量、引文的类型、引文的语种、引文时间、中文引文高频期刊和引文著录格式六项指标进行统计分析,结果表明:我国游泳硕士学位论文篇均引文量为43.85篇,研究者利用文献的能力较弱;引文类型多样,游泳研究多类型载体开放程度较好;外文类引文占23.15%,研究者信息语言的运用能力不强;引文最大年限主要集中在文献发表后2~8 a,基本符合科学文献被引用的最佳时间;《体育科学》、《北京体育大学学报》、《中国体育科技》等14种期刊是研究生获取信息的主要期刊;引文著录格式66.95%存在不规范的现象。  相似文献   

对《教育研究》引文的分析评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文选取《教育研究》期刊1985~1989年五年间刊登的979篇学术论文为调查对象,统计其引文量、引文文献类型、引文语种、引文学科分类、引文年代、引文期刊、引文著者等,调查结果与评价: 1.引文量:60期共载文979篇,其中附引文的论文373篇,占载文量的38%。引用文献2274条,平均引文量2.32条,反映出当前我国教育理论研究人员对已取得的科研成果和已发表的科学文献的利用率较低,吸收情报信息能力尚不高。 2.引文文献类型:按图书、期刊和资  相似文献   

2001-2010年《数学教育学报》施引期刊计量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2001-2010年,在CJFD数据库中,《学报》共有5449篇施引文献,来自947种施引期刊.《学报》在2001—2010年自引709次,占总被引5449次的13%左右,根据《中国科技期刊引证报告》2001—2010年的记录,《学报》影响因子的均值为0.7左右.根据上述研究结论所给出的判定标准,《学报》可视为高质量期刊.在947种施引期刊中,数学教育类专门期刊主要有27种,而且27种期刊也是国内数学教育领域的代表期刊.27种期刊10年内施引文献总计1724篇,占总施引文献数的31.6%.《学报》在数学与数学教育领域的受众面主要集中于中等数学研究群体.中国数学教育领域形成了一个联系紧密的期刊网络.位于核心位置的期刊除《学报》外,还有《数学通报》、《中学数学教学》、《高等数学研究》等期刊.  相似文献   

《数学教育学报》2008—2010年18期共载文482篇,平均每期发文26.78篇,载文量比较稳定,篇均值较大,基金论文率逐年显著提升.载文量最多的栏目是调查与实验,占27.39%,实证研究方法处于主导地位.98.55%的第一作者来自全国31个地区,作者地区分布广但不平衡.作者年龄在30~49岁之间的占71.13%.篇均引文量为9.36条,期刊引文占引文总量的52.68%,自引率为30.40%.中文引文占引文总量的79.46%,外文引文比例明显提升,语种日趋丰富.  相似文献   

运用文献计量学的方法,对《数学学报》所附引文进行统计,对其数量、类型、语种、年代等进行分析和评价,得出我国数学研究领域引文的一般规律和参考结论,揭示我国数学文献的利用规律以及有待努力和提高的方向。  相似文献   

通过对《数学教育学报》前11期作者概况,论文选题,引文量,引文类型、年代分布等内容的统计与分析,揭示目前数学教育研究的趋向与不足.  相似文献   

关于<数学教育学报>文风的建议   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
《数学教育学报》是中国数学教育最高学术水准利物,因此,《学报》应在文风上做出榜样,为此,应做到,论文应以创新为第一要旨;研究性论文必须符合国际上通用的学术规范;上通数学,下达课堂;把“一般文章”和“研究论文”严格区别开来,把写研究论文和写著作区别开来,注意引用文献,文章不需要用客气话。  相似文献   

《数学教育学报》载文分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
《数学教育学报》近22期594篇载文中,共有作者847人次,来自305个单位,其中基金论文占15.2%。论文选题以展望与争鸣为最,占22.90%;其次为实验与调查,占20.20%。论文的引文量平均为4.1条/篇,中文引文文献平均半衰期为8年左右,有效使用期约为16年。《学报》自引率为17.62%,作者自引率为20.71%。  相似文献   

《广东医学院学报》2000-2002年引文分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了解《广东医学院学报》(简称《学报》)引文的特点和现状,科学地评价其质量,文章采用引文计量分析对2000—2002年刊载论文所引参考文献进行了统计分析,得篇均引文量为4.78条,引文类型有期刊、图书和特种文献,语种包括中文、英文和日文,半衰期为4.2年,普赖期指数为47.0%,作者自引率为1.69%,期刊自引率为0.45%。由此可见,《学报》篇均引文量偏低,但被引文献的时效性较强,引用的文献比同类期刊新颖;自引率偏低,说明《学报》在用稿上缺乏连续性。  相似文献   

随着中国加入WTO,中国期刊将面临严峻的挑战。我们必须认清世界期刊发展的大势和方向,运用选择的期刊经营理念,做好期刊定位,创办期刊品牌,增加核心竞争力,使中国期刊在世界性的竞争中能够立于不败之地。  相似文献   

Prospective secondary mathematics teachers’ pedagogical knowledge for teaching the estimation of length measurements was investigated by examining their personal benchmarks for measurement estimation. Benchmarks for measurement estimation are the meaningful representations of units that serve to increase one’s understanding of measurement and one’s ability to estimate measurements. Data included electronic journal responses, observation and verbal data, and work samples. Thematic analysis revealed that prospective teachers possessed various benchmarks for measurement estimation that enabled them to estimate length measurements, but these benchmarks for measurement estimation were not evident in participants’ pedagogical knowledge for teaching the estimation of length measurements. Participants’ pedagogical knowledge for teaching the estimation of length measurements was instead based on the belief that hands-on activities were the only way to teach the estimation of length measurements.  相似文献   

文章利用中国期刊全文数据库对《中国科学A辑:数学》十年(1999-2008)中发表论文的主题分布、地区分布、多产单位分布、作者群增长规律、作者合作度等进行了统计分析,从文献计量学的角度分析当代数学的发展趋势与特点。  相似文献   

This study presents a qualitative research based on three narratives written by novice mathematics teachers. We examine their unique professional world during their first year of work. The methodology of narrative framework, on which this article is based, helps to gain better understanding of the need for novice mathematics teachers to have pedagogical knowledge. Findings reveal three themes of pedagogical knowledge: the attitude of novice teachers toward students with difficulties in mathematics; parents’ expectations of and involvement with novice mathematics teachers; teacher–student relations. The implications of the findings show that novice mathematics teachers are required to have not only content knowledge of mathematics but also, and above all, pedagogical knowledge. The implications of this study enable reassessment of emphases required in training mathematics teachers, as well as the assistance and support they need, especially as they launch their careers.  相似文献   

Mathematics pedagogical content knowledge (MPCK) of teachers cannot be easily defined but is a complex concept integrating generic pedagogical knowledge, mathematics teaching methodology as well as knowledge of the discipline of mathematics. It is the objective of mathematics methodology courses in teacher preparation programmes to begin the development of MPCK in their pre-service teachers. As part of a research study on the development of MPCK in primary school beginning teachers, a 16-item instrument was developed to measure some aspects of the MPCK for teaching mathematics at primary level. The instrument was administered to the 2003 Intake of the Diploma in Education student teachers at the National Institute of Education, Singapore just at the beginning of their programme. As they completed their methodology course in February 2005, the instrument was administered again. This paper will discuss the findings concerning their performance in these two tests, with reference to the overall performance as well as topic-specific and MPCK construct-specific performance. The findings indicate that student teachers at the beginning of their programmes are generally quite weak in their mathematics pedagogical content knowledge, as might be expected. There was significant improvement in some aspects of their MPCK on completion of their mathematics pedagogy course.  相似文献   

We start from the assumption that school mathematics knowledge could be better explained if social practices were considered to be generators of knowledge. This perspective changes the way we look at what school mathematics knowledge is and what it takes to teach and learn it. In this article, we will present a teaching situation about periodic functions, which was designed with this perspective in mind. The design was based on the assumption that the scientific notion of periodic function is related with the social practice of prediction. In the situation, prediction as a social practice is transformed into a situational line of argument which redefines that which is periodical. The situation brings into play meanings for the repetition of a movement, which takes place in time in the context of graphs of functions. Our analysis of the situation will focus on the prediction tools that participants generated in order to define that which is periodical. We will conclude with some implications of our observations for the teaching of mathematics.  相似文献   

The study inquired into the effect of research-based video-cases on pre-service teachers conceptualizing their understanding of contemporary mathematics teaching. The 43 participants enrolled in a Mathematics Method Course viewed and discussed 5 video-cases of primary teachers teaching. Journal entries, lesson plans, and microteaching observations were collected as data on which the following assertions were based. Pre-service teachers' responses to the 5 videos were more concerned with pedagogical content knowledge than mathematical content and students' learning. They refocused and deepened their awareness of students' learning and questioning skills through discussing the videos. The video-cases improved their construction of pedagogical representation and their ability to identify a problematic situation with multiple perspectives. These effects appeared to be influenced by the scaffold of three factors: vicarious experience to complement personal experience, watching and discussing video-cases enriched by the developers, and journal writing to foster deeper reflections.  相似文献   

International comparative studies and cross-cultural studies of mathematics achievement indicate that Chinese students (whether living in or outside China) consistently outperform their Western counterparts. This study shows that the gap between Chinese-Australian and other Australian students is best explained by differences in motivation to achieve, attributing success to effort, the influence of parental help and the use of extra mathematics curricula. The argument explored is, in order to promote students’ mathematics achievement, we must improve the pedagogical knowledge of classroom teachers of mathematics, as well as to encourage parents’ involvement in the mathematics education of their children and to promote students’ motivation to learn mathematics.  相似文献   

以2012~2015 年出版的《上海教育评估研究》为研究对象,通过统计期刊的载文量,分析了其信息传递效率;通过统计期刊载文的合著规模、地域分布和发表多篇论文作者,分析了该刊的作者队伍;通过统计期刊论文的出版时滞,分析了其发文的及时性;通过统计期刊载文的引文数和引文半衰期,分析了其文献情报容量及传递新情报的速度。  相似文献   

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