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布鲁贝克的两点论将美国大学和政府的关系定义为自治和监督之间的和谐与冲突,而实用主义哲学则把大学、政府、市场内在地结合在一起。随着高等教育实践的发展,高等教育存在和发展的哲学基础也在不断拓展,以人为本位的教育人类学弥补了精英模式遗留的教育哲学的巨大空间,为大众化的高等教育提供了存在的合法性。政府是高等教育的立法者、赞助人和保护者,而高等教育对国家政治、经济、文化有着重要的作用。如果说高深学问是大学和政府物质关系的纽带,那么对学生的价值和利益的关照则是大学和政府伦理的交叉点。只有从完整意义的高等教育角度出发,才能领悟美国大学和政府之间自治与监督的和谐与冲突,解读高等教育大众化和普及化背景下二者关系的复杂性。  相似文献   

内部治理结构去行政化是推进公立高校健康发展的必然选择,是权力结构关系与利益关系的重大调整,必然会遭遇"官本位"行政文化、行政化高等教育管理体制、内部行政化管理惯性、既得利益集团及高等教育政策治理思维等各种阻力,但其也具有政府治理方式转型、高等教育治理发展趋向、高等教育去行政化国家战略、师生内在需要等基本动力支持。当前,从宏观层面来看,由于阻力大于动力,我国公立高校内部治理结构去行政化应采取以强制性变迁为主、诱致性为辅的制度变迁模式,通过重塑大学精神、破除政府行政化管理模式、改革内部权力配置机制,健全民主管理制度和推进高校教育法治等基本策略推进改革。  相似文献   

高等教育质量保障的法律规制是大学法研究的前沿议题,以德国与美国为代表的两大法律体系,分别被纳入公法规制与普通法规制的范畴。在德国,高等教育认证行为属于行政行为,高校与认证代理机构之间的纠纷属于公法争议。申诉、行政诉讼与宪法诉愿等公法救济机制,构成德国高等学校与认证代理机构之间纠纷的解决渠道。如何避免认证对学术自由构成侵害,已成为德国公法学界与实务界关注的核心议题。受联邦宪法法院大学课程认证裁定的影响,德国高等教育认证体系正在进行深刻变革与调整。在美国,高等教育认证机构具有非营利性组织的法律地位,须履行诚实信用以及基本的正当程序等普通法的一般义务。高等教育认证机构对“认证联邦化”的抵制以及高等教育机构对认证决定的抱怨或不满,构成美国高等教育质量保障纠纷的焦点议题。穷尽内部救济与“司法终局性”原则,被视为美国高等教育质量保障纠纷的解决机制。德美两国在高等教育质量保障法律纠纷的解决中形成的经验和教训,对我国明确高等教育质量保障机构的法律地位、强化高等教育质量保障的程序正义、建全高等教育质量的多元纠纷解决机制具有重要启示。  相似文献   

This study reviews the nature of politics within Peruvian universities, seeking to identify the extent to which they have considered gender issues. Since university students have traditionally been active in politics and have sought to address national issues involving democracy and the protection of human rights, the article focuses on student politics. Student politics have been controlled by men and their various outcomes, ranging from demonstrations to guerilla warfare, have occured in the context of an analytical framework that gives predominance to economic forces to the exclusion of ideological influences. The students have wanted, therefore, to defend and ally themselves with workers and peasants, and assumed that women's issues are secondary to the promotion of social and economic justice. The universities in Peru have undergone a tremendous expansion in the last two decades. Despite this growth, the faculty continues to be mostly male. The growing presence of students from low-income sectors has contributed to radicalizing the university, yet the prevalent Marxist analysis subsumes gender within class issues. Although one of the most radical departments in the university - education - has also a large number of women, this has not yet led to the adoption of a feminist agenda. In the meantime, the feminist movement in Peru is growing outside the university and becoming very effective in the promotion of women's rights. The article proposes a number of measures that could facilitate the university's adoption of a stronger position regarding women's concerns.  相似文献   

The Indian University Grants Commission (UGC), established shortly after Independence, has vested in its powers the responsibility of regulating academic standards as well as disbursing funds provided by central government.Unfortunately, in spite of such responsibilities being entrenched by statute, the UGC has chosen not to exercise them which has had serious consequences for academic standards in Indian universities. The Indian university structure was modelled on the collegiate structure of the University of London with the result that the vast expansion of student numbers in the 1950s and 1960s led to an uncontrolled increase in the number and size of the colleges which themselves came to dominate the university system. Again the UGC chose not to intervene and did not attempt to co-ordinate the growth of the colleges. Bearing in mind the public pressures for an expansion of university education, it would have been unrealistic to expect the UGC to have tried to prevent expansion but it could have sought to moderate it and to impose co-ordination. One result has been the growth of research institutes and high calibre teaching institutes outside the established university system. The UGC is now attempting to remedy the situation but it is clear that this will be a long and uphill task.  相似文献   

School diversity and social justice: policy and politics   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper focuses on the long established diversity in the English education system – independent schools, grammar schools and religious schools – and in so doing explores tensions between education policy, politics and social justice. It explores the differential access to these different types of school, their social composition and implications for social justice and for wider society. It is argued that if social justice is to be a goal of government, further policy changes are needed over and above those that have already been made. However, the political challenges, which have limited policy changes to date, would be significant.  相似文献   

传统上,受学术自由、大学自治以及联邦主义的影响,美国联邦政府较少干预高等教育事务。20世纪后半叶,在学术界和法律界之间关系发生革命性转变的背景下,基于开支权、税收权、贸易权以及公民权利执行权四种与教育相关的明示或默示的联邦宪法权力形态,联邦政府开始积极介入大学治理。至此,美国大学治理进入合规时代。联邦高等教育规制的强化在促进师生权利保障、增进公共利益的同时,也不可避免地滋生了“合规恐慌”与教师权利危机。近年来,在“螺旋式”合规文化的影响下,美国大学合规的压力来源持续增多。作为受规制最为广泛的机构类型之一,大学经常被拉入不同的、有时相互冲突的、有时不可调和的方向之中。当前,通过联邦高等教育规制的革新、大学合规职能的拓展以及大学法律顾问角色的重新定义等举措重塑联邦政府与大学之间的关系,构成了合规时代美国大学治理变革的最新动向。  相似文献   

遍布全球的一流大学建设项目,催生了高等教育竞争的新样态:竞争不再局限于个人和国家间,研究型大学成为主要竞争对象,呈现出“个人-团体-机构-国家-国际”多层次且以质量为中心的竞争样态;竞争采用大数据等评判工具,不再仅凭个人主观判断,愈发体现制度化、规范化;竞争标志着政府由“管理”走向“治理”执政方式的重大转变,按照市场规则配置资源的趋势更加明显;竞争影响范围广,从高等教育结构到机构内部各要素都受其影响。然而,新的竞争样态也导致了诸多问题。因此,应该进一步增强政府及高校内部治理能力,在竞争的同时,增进高等教育机构间合作,从而以“一流大学建设”项目带动高等教育系统的整体提升。  相似文献   

One of the significant achievements of the Islamic Republic of Iran has been the increasing access of women to all levels of education. This paper focuses on women's access to higher education and its unexpected and paradoxical outcomes. Today women in Iran represent over 60% of university students at the undergraduate level. Against the dominant social imaginary of Muslim women, this paper explores how the contradictions and complexities of politics within the Islamic Republic impact women's lives and how women themselves have been able to bring gender justice to the core of Iranian politics.  相似文献   

知识是组织高等教育活动的基本材料和学术生活的基础。传统上作为公共产品的知识正在发生转向,其商品属性和交换价值趋于增强,成为兼具公共产品与私人产品性质的一种混合型产品。在高等教育领域,知识商品化具有多种表征形式,侵蚀了高等教育的公共性。本文结合哈贝马斯和布迪厄的理论框架,阐述了以下观点:知识的公共产品性质是高等教育的公益性、高校的公共形象和学术人的公共身份的基础,也是基础研究的核心价值观之一。坚持知识的公共产品性质,抵制知识商品化的消极影响,既是知识的内在要求也是高等教育的内在要求。  相似文献   

While tradition is the basic factor that keeps the Spanish university system tied to rigid and outmoded academic programs, a second important factor is the vested interest of the senior faculty. University faculty attain their full professorship through an archaic open competition which has endowed the position with high social and political prestige and with the opportunity of earning a high income from consulting outside the university. Within the university the full professor is a government bureaucrat with life-time tenure, and all the lower ranked professors within his field of specialty work for him. With only minor success university students are rebelling against this archaic system in an effort to liberalize and modernize the academic programs. Even the Ministry of Education has avoided a frontal attack against the system. The government is establishing new autonomous universities, with flexible and modern academic programs, and an administration similar to that found in most American universities.  相似文献   

After World War II, Chinese residents of Singapore demanded the establishment of local Chinese universities. The ruling regime, however, which was under the shadow of the neighboring Malay‐dominated Malay Peninsula, was forced to suppress the development of such schools. In Hong Kong, the British needed to install a Chinese university to counter Beijing’s and Taiwan’s campaigns for recruiting students from the colony. As Hong Kong was a monoracial Chinese society, the government, not having to worry about the reaction of other indigenous groups, met this challenge by founding a fully recognized Chinese university. This research demonstrates that under diverse backgrounds of racial politics, state authorities have unequal latitudes to accommodate the educational institutions of subordinated racial groups. It also reveals that state education policies in small and dependent settings, unlike those in big and sovereign nations, are more susceptible to pressures from external powers and influences from the metropolis. These findings urge scholars to pay more attention to the factor of race and use comparative methods when employing the theories of state and hegemony to investigate education and power.  相似文献   

在澳门高等教育质量评估中,澳门政府、社会、高校均扮演着不同的角色,发挥着不同的作用。三者在力量的博弈中,基本上形成了高校力量主导、政府宏观控制、社会广泛监督的高等教育评估模式。这种关系是基于澳门现有的经济、政治、文化之上的一种自发关系,但是从教育发展的规律来看,这一自发形成的关系格局将转变为一种建立在完善制度体系基础之上的相互制衡的新型关系格局。  相似文献   

日本高等师范学校遭遇数次“存废”之争,最终以“教育大学”的姿态延续至今。教师培养课程(师范类专业)和新课程(非师范专业)共同组成日本国立教育大学的本科专业体系。作为全国教师教育体系的核心据点,日本国立教育大学始终秉行使命,深耕教师培养课程,全面涵盖与初中等教育和教学科目对应的专业,以培养具备高度专业水准的教师为己任。新课程作为应对少子化造成教师需求量下降问题而采取的权宜之计,改变了日本国立教育大学本科专业的单一结构,其体量相对较小。政府在新课程的开设及其从激增到式微的过程中占据主导地位。由于特定历史根源与社会背景,日本国立教育大学本科专业形成了综合、细分、立体等结构特征。在自主与自律的基础上,日本国立教育大学持续优化专业结构,以寻求自立发展。  相似文献   

作为利益相关者组织的大学——在职工程硕士教育系统是一个集知识传授、科学研究和人才培养等诸多组织活动的联合,是一个包括政府、大学、生源单位和学生等利益相关者的"共同体"。在职工程硕士教育质量的利益相关者分为外部利益相关者和内部利益相关者。外部利益相关者包括政府管理部门、生源单位和社会各界等;内部利益相关者包括大学管理层、教职员工和工程硕士学员等。不同利益相关者对教育质量保障的期望、价值和利益诉求不尽相同。为了实现利益相关者整体利益的最大化,确保在职工程硕士教育质量,需要在工程硕士教育质量保障方面,权衡利益相关者的利益,建立利益相关者共同参与的治理机制。  相似文献   

高校学生思想政治教育工作是中国共产党思想政治工作在高校领域里的一种具体表现形式,也是高校德育教育的主要内容之一。大学生的思想政治状况如何直接关系着国家和民族未来的状况。本文关注新时期大学生思想政治以及行为表现出的诸多问题,及其所折射出的新时期高校学生思想政治教育工作存在的问题,并积极探索新时期加强高校学生思想政治教育工作建设的新途径,以提高思想政治教育工作的实效性。  相似文献   

对构建中国现代大学制度的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立现代大学制度,是新时期高等教育改革的方向和必然趋势。现代大学制度的棱心是在政府的宏观调控下,大学面向社会,依法自主办学,实行民主管理。在构建具有中国特色的现代大学制度过程中必须充分处理好国家作为投资者、政府作为管理者、学校作为办学者之间的关系,明确三者之间的权力和责任,从而使大学办学具有更大的适应性和灵活性。  相似文献   

There is currently renewed interest in transnational education (TNE) amongst UK universities as a means of taking education to the 98% of tertiary students worldwide who are geographically immobile. In this discourse, the home universities are characterised as the dominant players, seeking strategic opportunities to commercially expand into foreign markets. This paper argues that, in contrast, there are four key stakeholders in TNE—the home university, the partner organisation, the host government and students in the host country—and a TNE partnership is shaped by their relative power and motivations. The paper finds that unless the motivations of stakeholders are broadly aligned to the form of TNE partnership, it is unlikely to succeed. It highlights the fluid nature of these motivations which change over time—often slowly, but sometimes abruptly when there is a change in university strategy or policy on the part of the host government.  相似文献   

University education in Sri Lanka in modern times has a short history of just over six decades. From 1921 to 1959 there was one University College (1921–1942) or University on the island. With the establishment of two other universities in 1959, the need for co-ordination of higher education activity through a University Grants Commission (UGC) or similar body arose.The establishment of the National Council of Higher Education (NCHE) in 1966 was part of a policy of bringing greater government influence to bear on universities and was therefore resented and resisted by the latter. However, the new body, while it lasted, served as a very effective buffer against undue government interference in university affairs. The six year period beginning in 1972 saw a process of centralization of university education under strong government control. The UGC established in 1979 has much the same powers as the NCHE, a wider range in fact than those enjoyed by the British UGC, and much greater influence in university education than the British prototype.Universities in Sri Lanka have always depended on the state for almost all their funds. While this has naturally given government much influence in shaping the structure and expansion of universities, the principle of university autonomy was strongly entrenched between 1942 and 1966. There was a departure from this in 1966, but more particularly between 1972 and 1978. The Universities Act. No. 16 of 1978 re-introduced the concept of autonomous universities. The one area in which state influence has been the predominant factor is university admissions and this influence began in the mid-1950s long before the concept of university autonomy came under systematic attack from the government's Ministry of Education.The author has been a member of the University Grants Commission since its establishment in 1979. The views expressed in this article are his own and do not necessarily reflect those of the University Grants Commission or the University of Peradeniya.  相似文献   


This article is concerned with recent developments in the university systems in Britain and West Germany. In particular it attempts to analyse how financial restrictions and conservative policies have affected the quality and the functioning of the two systems and how the institutional dependency on the state has increased or is being enlarged through changes in the politics of higher education. The article reviews the recent history of the two systems of higher education, describes their structural and functional transformation and gives an account of the present organisational and political problems facing them. With regard to Britain, it concludes that the radical process of personnel reduction, imposed by the government, seriously endangers fundamental functions of the universities. In Germany, on the other hand, the civil service status of the professors seems to offer a better protection against state intervention than tenure in Britain.  相似文献   

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