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Predicting persistence at university from information obtained at intake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study is part of an ongoing project investigating the first stage of the process of student transition to university. The aim of this study was to determine whether information about student approaches to making their course choices could have been used to identify those who subsequently changed or withdrew from their courses. Retrospective studies of discontinuing students have frequently identified factors based on such information as being associated with withdrawal, however there have been few attempts to use such factors in predictive studies. Multivariate analysis indicated that combinations of the information obtained could discriminate between students who persisted and those who withdrew from their studies. As the proportions of variance accounted for by these combinations were small, it was concluded that the information had value in describing types of conditions under which students were likely to be at risk, rather than in making predictions about individual students. The methodology should be of interest to other researchers as it demonstrates ways in which multivariate strategies may be applied to survey data, in this instance to identify stereotypes of students likely to behave in particular ways with regard to their enrolment.The authors contributed equally to this paper.  相似文献   

How does one teach literary analysis and sensitivity at a distance? Examples of the approach of the French National Centre for Distance Education are given for the French Literature examinations at the two‐year degree level (Diplôme d'Etudes Universitaires Generates).  相似文献   

This study of pre-verbal communication in four young children with severe learning difficulties compares the nature and function of their communications at home and at school. The author teaches at Quince Tree School, Tamworth. The article is based on work carried out in part fulfillment of a B.Ed (Hons.) degree when she was a student at Westhill College, Birmingham.  相似文献   

1痛苦撕扯着我的意识。我只是一个统计数字。我第一次来这儿,感到很孤独。我被悲伤压垮了,我期待着获得同情。2我无法寻求同情。我只发现了数以千计的人,也像我的躯体一样严重面目全非了。我被编了号,安置在一类中。这一类被称为“交通事故死亡”。3我死去的那天是一个平常上学的日子。我多么希望乘坐的是公共汽车啊!可是我觉得乘公共汽车太凉了。我记得怎样用花言巧语从母亲那里哄到了汽车。“特别恩惠,”我恳求着。“所有的年轻人都开车。”下午2:50铃声一响,我把书扔进书柜里。明天早晨以前是自由的了!我匆忙地跑向停车场,兴奋于驾驶着汽…  相似文献   

冯晶 《广东教育》2004,(7):22-23
人民教育出版社全日制普通高级中学英语教科书2003版(必修)第一册(下)第十六单元。本课以阅读材料为教学主线,围绕做科学实验的过程表述,补充大量相关的物理、化学实验用品、制作等用语,组织学生开展一系列活动。  相似文献   

同志们 :在座的不少人肯定还清清楚楚地记得 ,正是在 1 0年前 ,来自大江南北的高校中青年马克思主义研究工作者 ,汇集在人民大会堂 ,在隆重纪念伟大巴黎公社革命 1 2 0周年的同时 ,郑重宣布首都高校中青年马克思主义研究会横空出世。这个具有现实意义与历史意义的行动表明 :高校中青年马克思主义研究工作者 ,不因国际共产主义运动遭受空前严重挫折而动摇 ,不因建设有中国特色社会主义事业面临严峻挑战而畏缩。他们挺身而出 ,成为捍卫和发展马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论的中青年近卫军的中坚力量。1 0年后的今天 ,高校中青年马克思主义…  相似文献   

由于天生双目失明,我看不到自己的样子,只能通过别人的眼睛来塑造自己的形象。遗憾的是,迄今为止我连自我陶醉的机会也没有过。有些人认为既然我看不见,当然也就听不见。于是经常有人扯着嗓门儿和我讲话,把每个字都咬得十分清楚;还有人当着我的面儿窃窃私语,认为我眼睛看不见耳朵也就听不到。例如每当我去机场,请机票代理帮我登机时,他(她)总会拿起电话叫地勤服务员,并低声说  相似文献   

爱,到底是什么?准确地说,爱,是对另一方炽热的情感投入。至少字典上是这么说的,但我却觉得这远远不够。爱,是他用手轻抚我的面颊;爱,是当我依偎在他的臂弯中,回味着他那肌肤中所散发出的缕缕清香;时而开怀大笑,时而卿卿我我、情意绵绵  相似文献   

Earth at Rest     
Focus of this article is the current situation characterized by students’ de-rootedness and possible measures to improve the situation within the frame of education for sustainable development. My main line of argument is that science teachers can practice teaching in such a way that students are brought in deeper contact to the environment. I discuss efforts to promote aesthetic experience in science class and in science teacher education. Within a wide range of definitions, my main understanding of aesthetic experience is that of pre-conceptual experience, relational to the environment and incorporated in students’ embodied knowledge. I ground the idea of Earth at rest in Husserl’s phenomenological philosophy and Heidegger’s notion of science’ deprivation of the world. A critique of the ontological reversal leads to an ontological re-reversal that implies giving lifeworld experience back its value and rooting scientific concepts in students’ everyday lives. Six aspects of facilitating grounding in sustainability-oriented science teaching and teacher education are highlighted and discussed: students’ everyday knowledge and experience, aesthetic experience and grounding, fostering aesthetic sensibility, cross-curricular integration with art, ontological and epistemological aspects, and belongingness and (re-)connection to Earth. I conclude that both science students and student-teachers need to practice their sense of caring and belonging, as well as refining their sensibility towards the world. With an intension of educating for a sustainable development, there is an urgent need for a critical discussion in science education when it comes to engaging learners for a sustainable future.  相似文献   

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