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Research on the relationship between research productivity and student evaluations of teaching (SETs) has been marked by several shortcomings. First, research typically fails to check and adjust for nonlinear distributions in research productivity. Since approximately 15% of researchers account for most articles and citations (e.g., Zuckerman, H., Handbook of Sociology, Sage Publications, Newbury Park, CA, pp. 511–574, 1988), this failure might explain weak or nonsignificant findings in some of the past research. Second, the unit of analysis is typically the instructor, not the class. Since top researchers might disproportionately teach small classes at the graduate level, and that SETs are usually higher in such classes, the small relationships between research excellence and SETS found in previous research may be spurious. The present study corrects for each of these issues. It analyzes data from 167 classes in the social sciences and on 65 faculty. The quality of research productivity (raw citations/post-PhD year) is not related to SETs. However, when the distribution of citations is corrected for skewness, a significant positive relationship between research productivity and SETs emerges. This relationship survives controls for course and instructor characteristics, and holds for both the faculty member and the class as units of analysis. This is the first systematic investigation to demonstrate a significant relationship between the quality of research (citations) and SETs.  相似文献   


Sponsored by a Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to Use Technology(PT3) grant, we participated in various activities designed to help us learn to infuse technology in our teacher education courses. The purpose of this paper is to describe the specific impact of the PT3 project activities on our change process-including the formation, evolution, and efforts of our curriculum design team-and to share the activities and products that we developed through participation in the grant activities.  相似文献   

研究采用文献资料法、专家访谈法和问卷调查法,遵循客观性原则、辩证发展原则和理论联系实际原则,构建大学生学习满意度测评模型。结果表明:量表包括:"教师教学"、"课程内容"、"硬件建设"、"校园文化和管理服务"四个指标。通过探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析,该量表具有良好的信效度,各项指标均符合心理测量学标准。  相似文献   

Feldman (1977), reviewing research about the reliability of student evaluations, reported that while class average responses were quite reliable (.80s and .90s), single rater reliabilities were typically low (.20s). However, studies he reviewed determined single rater reliability with internal consistency measures which assumed that differences among students in the same class (within-class variance) were completely random—an assumption which Feldman seriously questioned. In the present study, this assumption was tested by collecting evaluations from the same students at the end of each class and again one year after graduation. Single rater reliability based upon an internal consistency approach (agreement among different students in the same class) was similar to that reported by Feldman. However, single rater reliability based upon a stability approach (agreement between end-of-term and follow-up ratings by the same student) was much higher (medianr=.59). These results indicate that individual student evaluations were remarkably stable over time and more reliable than previously assumed. Most important, there was systematic information in individual student ratings—beyond that implied by the class average response—that internal consistency approaches have ignored or assumed to be nonexistent.  相似文献   

为了培养学生的综合素质和创新能力,不仅要改革教学方法,优化课堂教学结构,而且要重视课堂作业形式和内容的改革。本文分析了传统工科课程作业体系存在的主要问题,并从内在与外部两个方面分析大学生抄袭作业现象的成因,提出具有改革与创新性的作业设计思路和课堂教学评价方法。开发功能性强、适用性广的课程作业与课堂教学质量评价体系,并应用于实际教学过程中,真实地检验与评价课堂教学质量与效果。  相似文献   

The use of aggregated student evaluations of their courses and course elements (e.g., subject functionality, affect, difficulty, graded assignments) is suggested as an efficient and useful means of obtaining program and department assessments. Given that the instruments used to collect student evaluations are valid (if they are not, they should not be used for any purpose), then averaging class data is likely to provide a valid and reliable index of program and department effectiveness as evaluated by students.Program and department assessment data are presented and discussed for a large northeastern professional school. Large and significant differences in the ratings of program elements were found. Although many of the elements designed into the program by the administration and faculty were perceived as operational by the students, some discrepancies between the design and student perceptions existed. Substantial departmental differences were also found which indicated areas of strength and weakness both within and across departments. The potential usefulness of the assessment for internal change and development is discussed.  相似文献   

The current study explores the feelings and thoughts that faculty have about their student evaluations of teaching (SET). To assess the perceptions of SETs, all teaching faculty in one college at a western Land Grant University were asked to complete an anonymous online survey. The survey included demographic questions (i.e. gender; rank such as assistant, associate, and full professor; and positions like non-tenure track, tenure track, and tenured) as well as questions related to faculty's feelings while reading their SETs. While minimal differences were found in responses based on rank or position, several differences were found based on faculty gender. Overall, female faculty appear to be more negatively impacted by student evaluations than male faculty. These gender differences support previous research that suggests males and females receive and react differently to personal evaluation. Resultant suggestions include modifying surveys from anonymous to confidential and offering professional development training for faculty.  相似文献   

在总结"工程地质"课程特点的基础上,将翻转课堂引入"工程地质"课程教学中,开展基于翻转课堂的"工程地质"课程教学设计,构建形成性学习评价和考核体系。翻转课堂教学模式将线上与线下教学有效融合,提高了课堂效率,增强了学生学习的主动性和课堂的参与度,有助于培养学生解决工程地质问题的综合能力。学生成绩对比分析结果表明,翻转课堂教学班期末考核成绩明显高于传统教学班;学生满意度问卷调查结果表明,学生对翻转课堂教学环节、考核体系和教学效果的满意度均超过90%,对翻转课堂教学模式给予了充分的肯定。  相似文献   

针对高职学院选修电工课程教学存在的学院领导重视不够、教学内容缺乏系统性、教学效果不理想、实训教学流于形式等问题,应构建全新的课程体系,重视教学内容的系统性,严格教学管理,加强实训教学,组织开展课外教学活动,切实改变目前不理想的教学现状。  相似文献   

高职高专工程测量专业实践教学评价体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立完善的实践教学评价体系是高职高专教学改革研究的重要课题,本文通过对工程测量技术专业培养目标的分析,以地形测量实践教学为例分析了建立实践教学能力指标评价体系的方法,并以此为基础,提出了实践教学效果模糊综合评价方法和多因素综合评价方法,对高职高专工程测量专业教学改革有重要的实践指导意义.  相似文献   

分析传统评价观念存在的主要问题,重新构建高校科学、合理的体育课程学习评价体系,提出以形成性评价来建构新的评价方法,使体育课程的学习对在校大学生的素质和能力有更多的导向作用,并具有较强的可操作性.  相似文献   

以美国、英国和加拿大的四所知名高校。为例,述评其国外学生评教。工作的情况与特点。根据这些情况和特点,从学生评教的内容、指标体系、方式和结果等四方面提出了对我国学生评教工作的建议,并总结构建了一个共同体式的评教体系,以期促进我国评教工作的完善。  相似文献   

Increasingly, student assessments of courses are being conducted online as opposed to administered in class. A growing body of research compares response rates and course ratings of courses evaluated online versus on paper. The present study extends this research by comparing student course assessments before and after the University of South Florida made online evaluations mandatory for all courses. This change only directly affected courses taught on-campus, as online courses were already being assessed online. However, we examine the effect of this change on courses taught on-campus and online, because we expect this change in policy to have differential effects. We hypothesise that by making online assessments mandatory for all courses, online assessments went from a novel method of evaluation to the norm; and, therefore, increased response rates for online courses, but had the opposite effect for on-campus courses. We find mixed support for our hypothesis.  相似文献   

本研究通过对课程教学评价诸因素的调查,分析了性别、认知、心理特性、师生交往等隐性因素对课程教学评价结果的影响.调查表明:师生课前熟知程度、课程出勤率对评价结果无相关;教师上课的着装仪表、学生对课程和专业的兴趣与课程教学评价结果正相关;多数指标中男生的评价分值与平均分值的偏差高于女生.  相似文献   

教学评价在提高教学质量过程中起着十分重要的作用,本文就我校在<电力电子技术>的教学内容、教学方法、教学手段、实践教学、学生学习成绩评定等环节存在的一些问题,谈谈如何应用教学评价来促进<电力电子技术>课程教学改革.  相似文献   

加强和改进高校思政理论课建设,需要对包括课堂教学在内的教学质量进行科学评价。学生是课堂教学质量评价的主体之一。在借鉴国外成熟的课堂教学学生评价量表SEEQ问卷基础上,本研究遵循大胆借鉴,为我所用、合理改造,凸显特征、充分验证,确保科学的基本原则,针对高校思政理论课的特点,对项目内容进行了调整,重新对问卷的因素进行分析并对因素顺序进行了适当调整,编制高校思政理论课教师课堂教学质量学生评价问卷(ISEEQ问卷)。选取安徽某高校13个专业1079名一年级学生作为被测,使用SPSS18.0软件对数据进行分析,对ISEEQ问卷进行可靠性评价,结果显示,问卷具有良好的的维度结构和信度效度。  相似文献   

The relationship between salary increases and student ratings of teaching effectiveness was studied for a sample of 266 faculty members at Kansas State University. Three measures of teaching effectiveness (student progress in meeting relevant course objectives, liking the instructor, and appreciation of the field of study) and two salary criteria (percent and dollar increases) were used. Several measures of the emphasis on the teaching function were used to determine if this variable moderated the relationship between salaries and student ratings. The effect of discipline was also examined.In general, there was a modest but significant correlation between ratings of teaching effectiveness and percent salary increase. The amount of emphasis given to the teaching function was a significant determinant of the strength of this relationship. Correlations were generally more pronounced in social science and humanities than in the science areas. Student motivation was highly correlated with effectiveness ratings, but was not regularly taken into account in salary recommendations.  相似文献   

学生评教作为评价教师授课质量的主要方式被各国高校普遍采用。日本在传统文化和观念上与我们有着很多相似之处,因此在学生评教方面也与我们有很多共性的问题。本文详细分析了日本高校学生评教的现状和存在的各种问题,对我国的学生评教有重要启示。  相似文献   

对工科专业大学物理教学的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从提高教学认识、更新教学内容、改进教学方法等方面,对如何改革工科专业大学物理教学进行了探索.  相似文献   

The study determined the influence of students' values and educational attitudes on their evaluation of faculty. Sixty-five graduate students completed an evaluation form, a value survey, and an attitude scale at the end of an adult learning theory course. Multiple regression and path analysis showed that (a) educational attitudes and selected values accounted for 27% of the variance in student evaluation of faculty, (b) educational attitudes were responsible for 8% of the variance in student evaluation of faculty, and (c) values per se were not significantly related to student evaluation of faculty. A path model suggested that values influenced student evaluation of faculty through educational attitudes. The findings suggested that students' values and attitudes play a major role in their evaluation of faculty and should be recognized by teachers when interpreting the results of such ratings.  相似文献   

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