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从各国幼儿园科学教育纲要看幼儿科学教育走向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上世纪90年代起世界范围内基础教育改革空前活跃。在这样的大背景下,幼儿园科学教育领域也出现了一些明显的变化。幼儿园科学教育的变化首先反映了人们科学观,或者称之为对科学内涵理解和认识的变化。科学品质统领科学教育;“科学探究”成为科学教育的核心;强调科学教育与幼儿真实生活的更紧密结合。  相似文献   

This study investigated preschool science environments in 20 preschool classrooms (N=20) in 13 midwestern child care centers. By operationalizing Neuman’s concept of “sciencing,” this study used The Preschool Classroom Science Materials/Equipment Checklist, the Preschool Classroom Science Activities Checklist, and the Preschool Teacher Classroom/Sciencing Form to analyze the availability of science materials, equipment, and activities for preschoolers in the classroom. Each teacher was videotaped for two consecutive days during free play time. The study showed that half of the preschool classrooms had a science area. The activities that the preschool teachers engaged were mostly unrelated to science activities (86.8%), 4.5% of the activities were related to formal sciencing, and 8.8% of the activities were related to informal sciencing.  相似文献   

理工科高校社科学报该采取什么样的办刊方针,具备什么特色,是一个值得认真、深入探讨的问题。理工科高校社科学报除了服务于所在学校的学科建设外,还应在特色方面下功夫。在诸多特色中,综合性理应成为理工科高校社科学报的着眼点和重心所在。  相似文献   

对走特色化道路,各类理工科院校综合性社科学报都投入了极大的热情和精力,或者借助行业性,或者借助地域性,或者借助学校优势学科专业,但真正取得成效的并不多。原因是多方面的,表面上是稿源问题,深层原因则牵涉到制度、学校、编辑、作者等多方面的因素。要真正走特色化道路,必须实施开门办刊、联合办刊。  相似文献   

本文根据“中国高等学校自然科学学报编排规范(试行草案)”,对摘要的撰写,关键词的标引以及参考文献的编排等问题作了一些探讨。  相似文献   

本文献主要回顾了自1989年以来小学科学课程的发展以及在科学课堂中应用ICT的研究。文章讨论了ICT对小学科学课程中教师与学习者的角色关系、教师的专业知识、程序技能和科学内容之间的平衡、形成性评价的应用等方面所产生的影响。此外,还提供了一套目前ICT被应用于促进优秀科学教学方式的批判性评估。最后,作者提倡要对ICT的各种应用以及它们对促进小学科学课程中儿童的学习有何种促进潜能开展系统研究,并为那些旨在促进儿童小学科学学习经验的软、硬件开发者提出了建议和启示。  相似文献   

We developed a course, as part of our institution's core program, which provides students with a foundation in academic literacy in the social sciences: how to find, read, critically assess, and communicate about social science research. It is not a research methods course; rather, it is intended to introduce students to the social sciences and be better consumers of social science research. In this article, we describe the key learning objectives of this course, the basic content areas, and some of the innovative teaching and learning strategies used in the course. We also provide empirical evidence of the effectiveness of the course in meeting its learning objectives and of student responses to the course. Finally, we discuss some of the challenges in developing interdisciplinary core courses and offer suggestions for best practices for teaching social science literacy as part of the core curriculum.  相似文献   

对于在网络时代如何拓展科技期刊的发展空间,将网络与科技期刊相结合,是科技期刊未来发展的必然要求,也是网络发展的需要。利用因特网,建立期刊网站,创建电子版期刊,创建电子邮件列表,建立网上论坛等是拓展科技期刊网上发展空间的有效途径。  相似文献   

理论创新是社科学术期刊永恒的追求。社科学术期刊在推进理论创新的过程中,要解放思想,克服教条主义;要坚持贯彻"双百"方针;要树立创新理念,关注新的学科生长点,精心策划选题;要加强与作者和读者的双向交流,从而更好地发挥其在发表理论创新成果、营造理论创新氛围、培育理论创新人才、推动理论创新发展中的重要作用,为推动中国特色哲学社会科学向前发展作出贡献。  相似文献   

STEAM教育强调技术教育手段应用,提倡跨学科拓展教学范围,有利于培养具有综合素质的复合型人才。运用STEAM理念重构科学课堂,能打破学科壁垒,让学生将不同学科的知识联系起来,做到融会贯通,更好地实现提高学生科学素养这一根本目标。文章结合教学实践,对运用STEAM理念重构科学课堂进行探究。  相似文献   

美国《国家科学教育标准》倡导在课堂教学中实施形成性评价,形成性评价的一般模式,师生均需明确的问题:学生想达到什么目标?学生现在所处的是什么位置?如何能够达到目标?评价要遵循平等原则、有效性原则和可靠性原则。评价的重点要转向最被重视的内容、"活性"知识、科学理解力和推理能力、学生的进步和成绩及学习机会、学生自我评价以及教师参与外部评价。课堂评价还需要着力避免走进误区。  相似文献   

高校社科学报的特色化,是推动高校教学科研的需要,也是繁荣发展哲学社会科学的需要和学报自身可持续发展的需要。特色化既是学校优势学科的体现与反映,也是地域文化、特色栏目、自身个性综合化的体现与反映。社科学报特色化要求编辑强化主体意识,在特色化理念的引领下确立策划意识、开放意识、质量意识、发展意识。  相似文献   

科技期刊与信息化管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在当今的信息化时代,科技期刊的价值在于信息的提供与服务质量。因此,科技期刊工作者应更新信息观念,强化期刊信息意识,并从法规管理、人事管理、信息管理、质量管理、财务管理、服务管理等方面提高科技期刊的信息化管理水平,从而为读者及社会提供高质量的信息服务,推动社会科技进步。  相似文献   

Extracts of writings of great scientists and philosophers were used as handouts to supplement text and lectures on environmental science for nonscience majors requiring a laboratory course. An assessment form was developed to judge the impact of this process on students. Results of the first semester are described with plans for future implementation. A list of handouts is appended.  相似文献   

由于地缘劣势和经济文化欠发达,使得民族地区高校社科学报面临着特殊的问题和困难。在承认其具备独特的编辑理念和读者作者的同时,应正视它发展时所面临的困境与尴尬。如何寻求制胜之法和发展之道,提升影响力和知名度,已经成为民族地区高校社科学报共同面临的一个的现实问题。  相似文献   

再论学术期刊载文的基本特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前我国学术期刊存在的功能错位现象,较全面地论述了学术期刊载应具有的基本特征,即思想性、科学性、创新性、实用性、逻辑性、规范性、可读性。指出提高学术期刊载的学术水平和学术价值,回复学术期刊应有的功能,是一个涉及社会多方面的大工程,它需要多管齐下,方可奏效。  相似文献   

对科技期刊中的数理公式,要根据现行的国家标准,结合数理公式的特点,进行合理、规范的编排,其主要包括:公式的排列,公式中符号正斜体和大小写的选择,公式的转行,公式后标点符号的使用及公式中括号的使用。  相似文献   

21世纪农业科普期刊运行机制的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文就科普期刊如何在21世纪期刊林立的市场上赢得生存和发展的空间,作了浅要的分析,进而提出了发展农业科普期刊的有效途径。  相似文献   

Instruments measuring understanding of the nature of science (NOS) are required if educational institutions intend to use benchmarks or examine the effects of interventions targeting students’ NOS development. Compared to other constructs, NOS understanding is complex, having been the subject of debate among scholars in both its substance and its dimensionality. This complexity invites challenges in defining what is to be measured. Drawing from the perspective that policy reform documents provide pragmatic consensus-based definitions of NOS, this study investigated how well the dimensionality described in the NOS component of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) framework matched the empirical structure of data collected from a set of secondary-school students’ responses to an NOS instrument comprising multiple-choice and Likert-scale items. Using multidimensional item response modeling to compare structures of NOS dimensionality, we found that treating NOS as comprising multiple dimensions—as defined by the themes in the NGSS NOS framework—resulted in a better fitting model than when treating NOS as a single dimension. The multidimensional model also had fewer poorly functioning items and revealed NOS profiles that otherwise would have been masked in a model treating NOS as a single dimension. These results provide support for the NOS NGSS framework and contribute to the ongoing discussion about the dimensionality of NOS.  相似文献   


Researchers have suggested that assessment has the potential to affect learner behavior in terms of cognitive strategy use and motivation. The authors attempted to provide an understanding of the nature of the effect of particular assessment types on motivation. Students in 3 5th-grade science classes were exposed to 3 different classroom assessment conditions: traditional paper-and-pencil tests, a laboratory task format of assessment, and a performance assessment Measures of attitudes about science, goal orientation, and cognitive engagement (J. L. Meece, P. C. Blumenfeld, & R. K. Hoyle, 1988) were used. Analyses indicate a significant effect attributable to assessment type on goal orientation only, with the traditional paper-and-pencil tests and the performance assessments fostering more task-focused orientations than the laboratory tests.  相似文献   

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