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The School Science Curriculum Review (SSCR), sponsored in part by the Department of Education and Science itself, was established in the United Kingdom in September 1981 at a cost of £1 m. Its brief was, amongst other things ‘to provide a framework of science courses ... that will [provide] an appropriate education for all young people growing up in an advanced scientific and technological society’. The units for development work are groups of practising science teachers organized on a ‘periphery to centre’ model.

The study reported here is an evaluation of a science syllabus which is claimed by the authors to be typical of many such syllabuses in use in UK secondary schools today. It finds confusion between course objectives and the teacher's perceptions of what they see as the important objectives of science education. It is suggested that there are reasons to doubt the efficacy of the course in terms of its effect on children's attitudes to science.

The objectives model of curriculum development has had only marginal impact in the United Kingdom. The argument is put that whilst it is clear from a theoretical standpoint that content of a syllabus should be consequent upon derived objectives, and this is explicitly recognized by the hierarchy of the SSCR, such an approach will not come easily to practising science teachers. There is a distinct possibility that too strict an adherence to the ‘periphery to centre’ model propounded by the review will result in continued curriculum intransigence.  相似文献   

邓阿琴  徐一斐  刘伟才 《成人教育》2014,34(10):100-102
高等职业教育课程设计的过程中应遵循一条切实可行的技术路线,即培养对接企业与社会的高素质高技能应用型专门人才。做好课程设计应从课堂教学中找问题,不断反思,换位思考,寻找职业教育课程设计新思路。  相似文献   

While understanding green energy development and what drives it are important, there is increasing consensus that sustainability transitions concerning usage need to be viewed in terms of the place specific contexts, including education, that critically mold them. In order to support sustainability transitions, information and knowledge building are not enough; knowledge must be turned into action. This research examines the potential efficacy of Korea’s efforts in this regard via an analysis of K3–K12 geography education curriculum and texts vis-à-vis green energy content. There is scant disconnect between the curriculum and the texts analyzed, and, aside from the small shortcomings unearthed, analyses suggest that Korea is cogent of the ability of geography education and education for sustainable development to turn knowledge into action, thereby empowering civil society to drive its green energy transitions going forward.  相似文献   

李雅云 《钦州学院学报》2011,26(5):55-57,69
基础教育课程理念能否顺利转变,取决于教师新旧课程理念竞相博弈的结果。课程理念的转变与其说是一个教育问题,还不如说是一个社会问题,所以不能仅局限于从教育层面论改革,而应该从整个社会层面,从新旧课程理念的关系来进行研究。推进和深化课程理念提出应对策略:提高弈主体的理性水平,建立选择性激励制度。  相似文献   

This article uses the themes of genesis, metamorphoses, continuity and change from a comparative perspective to show the links and relationships between the ideas of the New Educationists, progressive education and the counter culture of the late 1970s. The article discusses important educationists from different continents and different time periods, namely Montessori (Italy), Neil (United Kingdom), Rogers (USA) and Cock and Millikin (Australia) to examine key issues in the history of New Education progressive education and the counter culture.  相似文献   

以杜威的《民主主义与教育》为基本参照,概览杜威的教育思想:民主主义的社会是杜威的理想国;教育即生活、即生长、即经验的改造。杜威强调儿童中心,做中学等,反映出他独特的哲学视界,从中可追溯杜威教育思想的哲学根源。  相似文献   

周岭 《教育教学论坛》2020,(20):110-111
“材料力学”课程思政的教学就是要在教书和育人的各个环节融入思想政治教育元素,不断加强和提高学生的思想政治理念。根据教育部召开的新时代全国高等学校本科教育工作会议提出的立德树人的成效是检验学校一切工作的根本标准,在教学环节增加“思政元素”,不仅提高了学生们的学习兴趣和理解能力,而且对学生的思想政治素养有积极地促进作用。  相似文献   

学科大观念是我国当前基础教育课程改革的基本理念之一。学科大观念居于学科的中心位置,是问题解决者对学科核心概念心理化的结果。从“教学设计”的角度来看,建构地理学科大观念的目的在于启发教师更好地帮助学生将地理概念与已有经验及真实世界建立联结。从这个角度出发,提出中学地理学科大观念建构路径的五环节操作性框架:分析地理情境、提炼地理核心概念、与经验建立联系、叙写地理学科大观念和发展地理学科大观念的内容进阶。这一操作性框架可以用于指导中学地理教师建构适合自己教学实践的地理学科大观念。  相似文献   

义务教育语文课程标准修订概况(上)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
义务教育语文课程标准(以下简称《语文课程标准》)的修订,坚持了《全日制义务教育语文课程标准(实验稿)》(以下简称《语文课标实验稿》)的改革思路和基本理念,同时又根据社会、教育发展的需要和课程改革实验的情况,对《语文课标实验稿》的各个部分,包括"前言""课程目标与内容""实施建议""附录",以及结构体例与标题,都进行了不同程度的修改和调整。对一些一时解决不了的问题,以实事求是的态度,留待今后通过进一步研究再作修改或阐释。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,美国新品格教育理论与实践日渐丰富,为转变美国社会道德滑坡、应对美国青少年道德危机做出巨大贡献。当前,我国青少年思想道德教育也面临着价值多元的思想困惑和现代社会的道德困境,通过比较美国新品格教育得出以下启示:彰显意识形态的主导性,培育核心价值观;弘扬传统文化的实效性,注重文化育人;强化教育方法的渗透性,拓宽教育渠道;加强教育力量的协调性,形成道德共识。  相似文献   

改变原有的单纯接受式的学习方式,建立和形成旨在充分调动、发挥学生主体性的学习方式,是教育部在《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》中提出的课程改革的显著特征,是教师转变教育方式的关键所在。根据地理学科特点、地理课程标准和学生实际情况在中学地理教学中开展自主学习、合作学习和探究学习,使学生在学到知识、技能的同时,掌握学习的基本方法,形成正确的情感态度和价值观,使地理课程改革真正从理想变成现实。  相似文献   

Muju Zhu 《Prospects》2007,37(2):223-235
Although it seems obsolete to analyse and criticise a curriculum from the point-of-view of “subject-centredness”, this is the situation we face during the Chinese basic education curriculum reform. This article gives a brief introduction to the ideas behind the development and practice of the Chinese curriculum reform and the progress of the reform since 2001. Several aspects of the reform are introduced: 1. Re-examining and revamping academic courses; 2. Adding general practical courses; 3. Diversifying the curriculum with local and school-based courses; 4. Providing elective courses for all students. We also give two examples to present the idea of the new curriculum and practice. Original language: English Muju Zhu (China) Deputy Director-General of the Department of Basic Education and Director-General of the National Center for School Curriculum and Textbook Development, Ministry of Education, Beijing. She serves as Vice-Chairwoman of the Master’s Degrees Subcommittee of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council and is a Permanent Member of the China Pre-School Education Society. Ms Zhu is the chief designer and organiser of China’s basic education curriculum reform, which was launched nationwide in 2001. From 1991 to 2005, she was National Director of several UNICEF projects in China. Author of 10 books and numerous articles. E-mail: zhumj@moe.edu.cn  相似文献   

美国的新保守主义作为一支重要的意识形态力量,对于多元文化教育持排斥态度。大多新保守主义者认为,美国的学校课程应建基于美国文化。多元文化教育企图使课程政治化,是少数民族学生融入社会的障碍,而且培植了社会分裂和隔离。新保守主义多元文化教育立场的实质是维护美利坚民族的核心价值观,排斥文化多元性,抑制少数民族文化的传播与影响。这种立场反映了新保守主义对待文化教育的保守性,有违自由、多元、开放的现代教育精神。  相似文献   

Politics,Culture, and School Curriculum: The struggles in Hong Kong   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The purpose of this paper is to describe the Hong Kong (HK) school curriculum, especially the general curriculum for civic education and other social subjects, in relation to the political events of the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration, the 1989 Tiananmen Square Incident, and the return of HK's sovereignty from the United Kingdom (UK) to the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1997. This paper will argue that since 1984, the school curriculum of HK has been marked by tensions brought about by political cultures shaped by the UK and the PRC, the bureaucratic mechanisms of which are used to make sure that those curriculum contents that are judged to be politically correct are taught in school. Over the last two decades the school curriculum has been depicted as being shaped by the emergence of the nation-state and the transfer of sovereignty. Granted that political and national education forms part of the school culture, the question of how to shape students to be patriotic through the curriculum will continue to be contentious.  相似文献   

在信息社会和网络时代,我们冷静反思,发现现代地理德育存在许多问题,尤其是德育思想观念方面。从孔子德育思想中汲取其德育思想和智慧,可以正确把握现代地理德育的内涵和特征,从而完善现代地理德育思想,培养全面发展的综合素质人才。  相似文献   

The paper responds to Professor Bridges's paper:‘Enterprise and liberal education’, the thesis of which is taken to be that enterprise education is not only compatible with liberal education, but a necessary part of it. A number of reasons are urged against this claim. In particular, it is argued that being enterprising is neither necessarily generalizable nor always desirable; that enterprise education is inextricably, though ambiguously, related to ‘the enterprise society’, yet ignores the harmful aspects of such a society; and that the claim that enterprise education is liberal because it uses progressive pedagogic methods, is unsustainable.  相似文献   

笔者于2013年12月应台湾国立宜兰大学通识教育委员会邀请,前往座谈交流海峡两岸的大学通识教育情况。台湾各类国立、私立、教会大学多已设立通识教育委员会或通识教育中心,大力贯彻通识教育课程,内地的大学教育则有公共选修课、人文素质教育、国学教育等几种形态,不仅教育理念难与台湾高教的通识教育对应,更为重要的是在高教发展阶段上,尚且存在着时段不对等的差异。  相似文献   

叶圣陶语文教育思想是基础教育改革历程中形成的具有中国特色的现代语文教育的基本观点和思想,这些思想在新课程背景下依然具有强大的生命力,对当下的教育改革和发展仍具有巨大价值和重要意义。叶圣陶语文教育思想首次由吕叔湘先生提出,他指出现在有很多问题表面是新问题,骨子里还是老问题。因此,学习、探究和传承叶圣陶语文教育思想在当下仍具有现实意义。  相似文献   

卓越工程师计划的目的是全面提高我国工程教育人才培养质量,其关键之一是通过构建校企联合培养机制来促进高等教育面向社会和行业需求。在联合培养机制的实施过程中,如何更好地对课程体系进行设计,提高学生的实践和创新能力非常重要。为此,本文基于产出导向教育(OBE)理念,从课程建设、解决复杂工程问题能力培养两个方面探讨了校企联合培养机制下,卓越工程师的课程体系设计。  相似文献   

The Department of Education in the Philippines has undertaken initiatives to restructure the curriculum for secondary schools as part of its ongoing effort to improve the quality of learning. After a decade of study, the Department produced a new basic education curriculum, as the 2002 Basic Education Curriculum. All public schools in the country were mandated to implement the curriculum at the start of 2002–2003 school year. Makabayan (nationalistic or patriotic) is one of the learning areas in the Basic Education Curriculum along with English, Filipino, Science and Mathematics. Makabayan from First to Fourth Year is designed to develop the personal, social and work special skills of learners especially their interpersonal skills, empathy with other cultures, vocational efficiency, problem-solving, and decision-making in daily life, that is, to develop socio-cultural and politico-economic literacy. This paper describes the context and content of the Makabayan curriculum and the extent to which it develops in learners a sense of citizenship, that is, a healthy personal and national self-concept. To delimit scope, this paper focuses on the study of geography only as one of the components of Araling Panlipunan (Social Studies) in the secondary school Makabayan Curriculum, using the results of a study of third year high school students' learning of geographic knowledge and skills as bases of empirical data. Key Words: citizenship, geographic literacy and competency, Makabayan curriculum, secondary education  相似文献   

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