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莫竞 《海外英语》2012,(14):264-265,272
The reality show is gaining its popularity all across America as well as the world.It’s more than a TV show and commercial activity;because it reveals American values that embody individualism,which is what the analysis is mainly about and there is a conclusion that it is strongly embraced by the Americans nowadays,along with the evident traces of edgy personality,teamwork,and innovation.  相似文献   

丁闯 《海外英语》2014,(21):269-270
The American self-concept is the integral assumption of the culture, and the best expression of it is the individualism and self-reliance. In social relations, individualism asserts its influence om many aspects such as morality, ethics, or financial matters. Also individualism reflects a continuous frontier between the individual and the cultural. For being self-reliance, Americans approve self-motivation,which in the sense of long-range goals, as well as for a specific and immediate task.  相似文献   

This study organized five black American undergraduate students into a participatory action research (PAR) team to examine Cross and Strauss’ (1998) and Cross, Smith, and Payne's (2002) functions of blackness theory (i.e., bonding, code switching, and individualism) within a sample of black American students, frontline staff (i.e., janitors), and faculty at a predominantly white institution (PWI) or university. The racial-ethnic lived experiences of black Americans at a PWI can reveal outcomes in terms of employee performance and student academic and social experience. Data were collected from four student focus groups (i.e., general student body, students in Greek organizations, student athletes, and student leaders), one frontline staff focus group, five individual faculty interviews, and one individual interview with a female student athlete. Each participant completed a demographic survey. Also, extensive field observations were taken of participants at this particular PWI. Findings revealed how black Americans use bonding, code switching and individualism as functions of a racial identity when navigating a PWI as a mainstream environment. Data suggest very little bonding took place across the three subsamples (i.e., students, frontline staff, and faculty) and bonding practiced by black Americans at this PWI was found to exist most often within subpopulations, specifically within students and frontline staff. Participants, overall, were comfortable with code switching between a professional identity and a more racial, black American and/or social identity. Also, a number of participants understood their individuality to be more salient than a racial or black American identity. Implications for PAR projects with black American college students are also discussed within this article.  相似文献   

美裔华人女作家谭恩美的《喜福会》描写了四个华人移民家庭中的矛盾与摩擦,表现了中美两种文化,尤其是在家庭价值观方面的差异:相对于以"孝"为核心的中国传统家庭观念,美国人在家庭中更突出个人主义,强调个人的权利,崇尚自由和平等。  相似文献   

从电影《当幸福来敲门》看美国文化价值观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美利坚民族有着自己独特的文化价值观,美国电影是该民族文化和价值观的载体,它的运用方式集中体现了美国的文化特征。本文试图通过分析美国电影《当幸福来敲门》来探讨美国的主流文化价值观,即美国文化价值的核心——个人主义及其渊源,并由此解读美利坚这个民族特定的性格特征以及在这部影片里所体现的美国宗教、历史、文化以及社会与时代背景。  相似文献   

Hollywood films partially construct how Americans think about education. Recent work on the representation of schools in American cinema has highlighted the role of class difference in shaping school film genres. It has also advanced the idea that a nuanced understanding of American individualism helps to explain why the different class genres are shaped as they are. This article attempts to refine this theoretical approach by focusing on the paradox of individualism, which suggests that individualism must always be dependent on community. We examine 5 films (Rushmore 1988, The Breakfast Club 1985, Mona Lisa Smile 2003, School of Rock 2003, and Stand and Deliver 1988) and argue that, although the values of individualism are certainly celebrated, these films also show, perhaps unwittingly, that the achievements of individualism require robust student communities. We describe how student communities function in these films, what achievements they make possible, and what obstacles they face.  相似文献   

模因原为生物学术语,指物种在进化过程中对优良基因进行复制与传播。模因论是一种基于达尔文进化论的观点解释文化进化规律的理论。将模因论引入文化研究可以发现文化其实就是一个复杂的模因复合体,其组成部分则是模因因子,模因论为文化研究提供了可操作性的分析工具。个人主义价值观是美国文化的核心,它影响和制约着美国人的思维和行为。随着全球化的发展,美国的个人主义价值观无不渗透和溶入到人类其他文化之中。因此,探究美国个人主义价值观的衍生与嬗变具有极其重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

汤亭亭在《女勇士》重述了中国三国时期女诗人蔡琰的故事作为她处女作的结尾。她以一种轻松浪漫的笔调叙述蔡琰的俘虏经历,把她刻画成一个敢杀汉人的勇士,甚至把她又改写成一个汉匈两族文化差异的调和者,这些大胆的改写塑造了一个具有后殖民杂交性的蔡琰故事。这个故事的杂交性表达了作者对于华裔美国人打破自己失语沉默境地的渴望,隐喻着两代华裔美国人的矛盾的和解的可能,同时也流露出对美国种族之间相互融合与理解的期盼。  相似文献   

This paper is a discussion of prevailing American value dimensions in counseling theory and practice in general and a comparison of Taiwanese-Chinese and American counseling value dimensions in particular. Whereas most studies on cross-cultural issues to date have focused on American majority-minority value conflicts, this paper discusses a new level of value conflict, that between cultures, between nations.Part I discusses differences in cognition and affect between American and Taiwanese-Chinese. We have found that despite decades of American influence on Taiwanese culture, strong value differences persist between both countries, which leads us to believe that culture values are non-negotiable, structural elements of human existence. These basic differences in values influence perception, cognition, and behavior of American and Taiwanese culture bearers and result in predictable cross-culture conflicts.Part II presents a conceptualization of culture values and further discusses the American values embedded in counseling practices. To understand this influence we have identified (using Geert Hofstede's four culture value dimensions) cultural characteristics unique to Americans and Taiwanese-Chinese.Part III specifically discusses the impact of American individualism on counseling theory, and how the strong American belief of the universality of individualism can lead to an inability to validate collectivist cultures.We conclude by suggesting that more longitudinal and historic analysis could generate more in-depth information about culture values. This in turn could make a truly international and inter-cultural theory and practice of counseling a more likely possibility.  相似文献   

许丰田 《海外英语》2012,(12):231-233
American Dream refers to the belief of the majority of Americans.Through hard work,thrift,and determination,they can surely achieve a better life and live a comfortable life.Such an American Dream has a profound influence on several generations of Americans.American Dream has a close relationship with people’ s working life and cultural activities.Death of a Salesman is a typical play about the pursuit and the illusionary of the Dream follower.In Death of a Salesman,the American Dream is the main hero as well as Willy Loman’ s spiritual pillar.The pursuit,the realization,and the disillusionment of the American Dream develop with Willy and his family.  相似文献   

Individualism and collectivism are the core of the value systems in American and Chinese society respectively.Understanding their differences is essential to create a harmonious environment in intercultural communication.This thesis compares Chinese collectivism and American’s individualism,and it demonstrates their influences on intercultural communication.  相似文献   

美国个人主义析论   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从美国高势能文化的特点、个人主义在美国的地位以及西方个人主义对我国的影响等方面论证了研究美国个人主义的意义,从理论与实际、历史与现实的结合上分析了美国个人主义的涵义及其表现,并在此基础上提出了我国应坚持集体主义,反对个人主义的新的论证  相似文献   

美国政治传统中的主张在经济事务中实行极端自由放任主义的杰弗逊传统,与民主政治合二为一,在 19世纪中期的美国一直居主导地位。20世纪初,美国工业革命在带来有形的物质大变动的同时,传统政治领域也开始出现大的变动,这就是主张强有力的政府管理的汉密尔顿传统在美国社会受到重视,并且成为以后美国政治生活的主流。自此以后,美国的政治传统发生了重大的变化。  相似文献   

This thesis reveals deep cultural differences between Chinese and Americans,through a thorough comparative analysis of the respective sources:collectivism of Chinese and individualism of Americans.Besides,it suggests many practical guidelines and information on how to conduct negotiations with Americans,to avoid cultural conflicts and to get a win-win result in the economic globalization.  相似文献   

尹志洁 《林区教学》2021,(2):114-117
家庭教育、学校教育、社会教育构成教育的主要形式,三者密不可分.一个人无论成长到哪个阶段都离不开教育的塑造,而家庭教育作为教育的首要环节,其意义和影响具有不可替代的作用.基于跨文化视角,从中美家庭的教育理念入手,从个人主义与集体主义、教育重心、沟通方式三方面对比分析中美家庭教育差异,对美国教育理念取其精华去其糟粕,并批判...  相似文献   

个人主义是美国文化价值观的核心内容。发源于西方的个人主义被西进运动打上了美国的烙印,并在20世纪的不同时期随着社会的发展呈现出不同的文化内涵。个人主义的独立奋斗、开拓进取精神成为美国社会发展的内在驱动力,而个人主义的极端发展却给美国带来了严重的社会问题。辨证认识美国的个人主义具有积极的社会意义。  相似文献   

闻晖  王晓军 《海外英语》2012,(11):287-289
This paper is a case study on three negative stereotypes that Chinese have about North American culture on the basis of the theory of Kluckhohn’ s Value System,Hofstede’ s Value Dimensions and Edward T.Hall’ s Model.This study is a qualitative study which is mainly based on analyzing.Then some good ways are provided to help Chinese people overcome some negative stereotypes about North American culture so that they can have a more accurate understanding on American people and American culture and communicate with Americans with less obstacles.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine how the social practices of African American families—with children in grades K-2—changed as a result of participating in a family literacy program utilizing African American children’s literature. The families were exposed, through a series of workshops, to an abundance of children’s literature written by and about African Americans. Data sources included pre and post interviews conducted with parents, parental reading logs, and a reflective journal kept by the researcher. Findings suggested that parents increased the amount of time reading aloud to their children, passed along the information that they learned about African American children’s literature to family, friends, and co-workers, and began seeking out and developing an appreciation for quality African American children’s literature. This study was unique in that it involved collaboration between a public university, a local church, an African American sorority, and an innovative teacher recruitment initiative designed to increase the number of Black, male elementary school teachers.  相似文献   

本研究随机选取东肯塔基大学、爱荷华大学、杭州师范大学、新疆大学等多所高校的1071名大学生,比较中美大学生关系型自我构念与亲密关系质量的差异,探究大学生关系型自我构念与亲密关系质量间的关系,研究表明:第一,中美两国大学生的关系型自我构念存在差异,虽都偏向独立,中国大学生比美国大学生更倾向于以非亲密关系来构念自我,美国大学生的关系型自我构念存在性别差异;第二,美国大学生的亲密关系质量高于中国大学生,女性大学生的亲密关系质量均高于男性;第三,大学生关系型自我构念与亲密关系质量正向相关,前者对后者有正向影响。  相似文献   

<正>I.The American Spirit Reflected in Uncle Tom’s Cabin In most people’s opinions,Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a novel which exploded the Civil War and truly described the dreadful life of black people,in my opinion,however,the American spirit reflects in Uncle Tom’s Cabin is the truly reason to the whole course of the Civil War,it is also one of the most important prime movers in the later development of the whole nation,it is a systemic theory of Americans’thoughts  相似文献   

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