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Background and objectives: Community pharmacists require a constant provision of high quality information for updating their knowledge and improving their practices and skills. The development of library and information services for the pharmacists in a meaningful way should take into consideration their information behaviour and needs. This study is an investigation of the information behaviour of community pharmacists in Greece, as well as their perceptions regarding the contribution of library and information services in their future professional development. This is the only empirical investigation which has been made available regarding the information behaviour of the community pharmacists in Greece. Methods: An empirical investigation has been conducted between March and April of 2008 through the development and the distribution of a semi‐structured questionnaire. The sample of the respondents consists of 92 community pharmacists from 22 pharmacy associations in Greece. Results: The community pharmacists have access to the Internet, with limited access to specialized information resources, and they are increasingly utilizing information services in their everyday practices. The pharmaceutical associations (national and local) could play a significant role as information providers and specialized hybrid libraries and information services are required in order to satisfy the current information needs of the community pharmacists. Conclusions: Meaningful library and information services depend on setting specifications relevant to the community pharmacists’ information behaviour. Indeed, in the near future, structured information services may come to rescue the role of the community pharmacists and empower their irreplaceable position in serving the local communities.  相似文献   

In this paper, Stamatoula Pylarinou with her supervisor Prof. Sarantos Kapidakis reports on an analysis of bibliographic data of the publications of Greek hospital personnel, conducted as part of Stamatoula’s doctoral research in the Department of Archive, Library and Museum Sciences at the Ionian University in Corfu, Greece. Using freely available data, they demonstrate the questions posed and the insights gained from the analysis of the scientific publications of personnel of public hospitals in Greece, in particular amid the years of austerity in Greece. With regard to impact on practice, they suggest that these procedures for the processing of medline /PubMed bibliographic data can improve communication among hospital librarians and administration or patients, adding value to their duties and enhancing the information and services they can provide. F.J.  相似文献   

青年农民工普遍面临求职难和就业差的问题。青年农民工就业不仅是经济问题,也是信息问题。调查分析表明,青年农民工对现代信息交流手段有较好掌握,现代公共信息服务在其就业信息获取中占重要地位。现代公共信息服务对青年农民工的求职和就业质量有重要影响。政府和公益性信息机构应推动公共信息服务的现代化和社会化,帮助青年农民工更好地就业。  相似文献   


Providing information to the health consumer is one of the main tasks of our modern information society. This information falls into two categories: medical information, and supportive information such as literature and poetry. This article discusses the problematic situation of libraries and of information for patients in Israeli hospitals, and raises the question of the public library being a possible solution to help people in need get the information they are entitled to. The conclusions are based on a survey conducted in 1994. The results are rather disappointing: only 26.3% of the hospitals have library services for patients; most of them are managed by volunteers who have no training in professional librarianship. Also, in terms of book acquisition policy, library activities, and criteria for lending books, most of the results indicate that much needs to be done to improve the situation and help the health consumer receive information and support through the library. As it is clear that the situation in hospitals is not going to change in the near future, it is suggested that the public library serve as a helping resource outside the hospital and by that action it would not only contribute to society but expand its functions and strengthen its position in the community.  相似文献   

A research project was conducted with the primary objective of finding out what New Zealand hospitals are doing about providing consumer health information to patients, and specifically, the role played by hospital libraries. A database was compiled of all New Zealand hospitals, both public and privately funded. An individual responsible for consumer health information was identified at each hospital and a questionnaire sent directly to them. A 64% response rate was achieved, representing 196 hospitals. Fifty‐four hospitals reported having an in‐house Library or Information Centre for patients, but the materials and services provided varied widely. Results from this survey show that the provision of consumer health information in the hospital sector in New Zealand is ad hoc, and libraries are not necessarily involved.  相似文献   

AIM OF STUDY: The primary focus of this pilot study was to gain a better understanding of the information needs of emergency-care clinicians. The secondary focus was to compare the traditional current practice of information provision within other emergency departments in Greek hospitals, with the new model of clinical librarianship (CL). RATIONALE: Clinical staff in the emergency department deal with a variety of cases, they have no time to visit the library, but need information instantly in their place of work. Clinical decision making in the emergency department setting frequently requires the clinician to obtain additional sources of information and clinical librarians may facilitate this. STUDY DESIGN: The present study focused on two professional groups: medical librarians (group A) and clinicians (consultants, senior registrars, registrars, nurses (group B), working in the emergency departments of two Greek hospitals. The study was organized through a questionnaire survey and some in-depth interviews. RESULTS: This study showed that, for 100% of the clinicians in daily practice, the main information needs arise while treating patients, and that information would help in making patient-care decisions. Clinicians made little use of hospital libraries because they are usually under tremendous time pressure. The main outcome of the study was the use of a clinical librarian as an information provider. Clinical librarians supply information to assist decisions, based on this model. This extends the librarian's role in evidence-based medicine, giving much stronger attention to the relevant evidence in clinical practice. CONCLUSIONS: Nowadays, health services are facing organizational change. The introduction of new technology, and rapid growth of medical knowledge creates a demand for new ways of providing information. Clinical librarian programmes may deliver patients specific information in a timely manner. The mission of the clinical librarian is to facilitate access to quality information which is necessary for improving health, and to act as an informationist in the emergency department.  相似文献   

目的:了解医院护理专业人员的信息素养现状,为开展护士信息素养继续教育提供参考依据,从而为提升护理技能,开展护理科研奠定基础。方法:通过对医院护理人员论文发表情况、利用图书馆文献资源现状、问卷调查等多种形式进行调查。结果:与医生群体相比,护理人员在科研项目开展、发表论文数量、利用图书馆资源、信息知识等方面均处在弱势地位。结论:多数护理人员在信息意识、信息能力等方面存在一定的缺陷,医院图书馆可以通过开展馆藏资源介绍、数据库应用培训等多种形式帮助护理人员提高信息素养,以整体提高我院护理科研水平,促进护理事业的发展。  相似文献   

陈盈 《新世纪图书馆》2013,73(10):29-35
《政府信息公开条例》的实施以及现代化信息技术的发展使公共图书馆成为向公众提供政府信息、技术设备支持以及培养信息素养的重要媒介,同时也成了政府信息服务、电子政务发展的后备力量.在政府信息服务过程中,公共图书馆应该在政府信息的托存与传递、组织与整合、教育与培训以及公共危机信息等各领域搭建起政府与民众之间的桥梁,为提高我国行政透明度和保障公民权利做出最大贡献.  相似文献   

美国公共图书馆社区信息服务的发展及其启示   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:13  
文章首先介绍了美国公共图书馆社区信息服务的产生与发展,其次说明社区信息服务在美国社区建设过程中所起到的作用,最后指出美国公共图书馆社区信息服务的发展给我国图书馆界的启示。作者认为,社区信息服务是我国公共图书馆向信息化发展的关键,而公共图书馆在开展社区信息服务的过程中应注重合作伙伴关系的建立、充分利用现有的信息技术,并注意服务的推广和用户的培训。  相似文献   

重大突发公共卫生事件中公众信息搜寻行为影响因素探究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 在重大突发公共卫生事件中,公众对于相关信息需求旺盛,信息搜寻成为公众了解和应对风险的重要途径。面对风险信息,公众对信息搜寻的态度如何塑造其行为?哪些因素会影响公众信息搜寻态度与行为?不同人群间是否具有差异性?解答这些问题有助于为公众提供针对性的信息服务、助力提升个体应对效能、开展有效防疫工作。[方法/过程] 以在线问卷形式调查国内719名受访者,探究重大突发公共卫生事件中影响公众信息搜寻态度与行为的因素。[结果/结论] 研究表明:不同地区、年龄、学历的公众信息搜寻态度与行为具有显著差异;感知风险、情感反应、信息充分性、信息主观规范与知觉行为控制正向影响公众信息搜寻态度与行为;信息搜寻态度在各因素与信息搜寻行为间起中介作用。基于研究结果,分别从信息发布渠道、信息传播过程与信息搜索平台等角度提出意见。  相似文献   

通过调查发现黑龙江省医院图书馆信息资源和服务能力、信息技术应用水平、人力资源整体素质等与现代图书馆的要求不相适应,影响了医院图书馆为医教研服务的质量。因此,应提升信息服务的综合能力,使之逐渐向知识服务和以人为本服务方向发展。  相似文献   

通过对我国公益类科技情报研究机构服务方向及内容的梳理,结合新一轮创新创业的特点和对科技情报服 务的需求,分析公益类科技情报研究机构对创新创业支持的方向,并结合辽宁省科学技术情报研究所面向创新创业主 体的业务活动开展,探讨我国公益类科技情报研究机构在创新体制机制转型发展、科技智库建设、线上线下联动盘活 科技情报信息资源、专业人才队伍建设、知识化应用服务创建品牌产品提供等方向的未来发展路径。  相似文献   

抽样调查了深圳市、区级公立医院信息化建设和信息共享情况,总结了其成效和不足,提出了完善信息化建设、提高信息共事水平、实现区域医疗信息共享等建议,为深圳公立医院制订信息化发展规划及卫生信息政策提供参考。  相似文献   

Public libraries in Kenya were established with the aim of providing information services to the general public. The Kenya National Library Service (KNLS) is responsible for providing services through its library network across the country. In the past, to combat illiteracy, the library launched various initiatives, including mobile services and community libraries. The public libraries are in a transition period of moving from paper library services to incorporate modern digital technologies for information access. This article addresses the progress from predigital to the present, examining difficulties and challenges faced in adopting new technologies in the modern information age.  相似文献   

通过对我国公益类科技情报研究机构服务方向及内容的梳理,结合新一轮创新创业的特点和对科技情报服务的需求,分析公益类科技情报研究机构对创新创业支持的方向,并结合辽宁省科学技术情报研究所面向创新创业主体的业务活动开展,探讨我国公益类科技情报研究机构在创新体制机制转型发展、科技智库建设、线上线下联动盘活科技情报信息资源、专业人才队伍建设、知识化应用服务创建品牌产品提供等方向的未来发展路径.  相似文献   

In the Greek publishing industry, tradition and the desire for innovation go hand in hand. The industry is influenced by European developments in publishing and bookselling in terms of book promotion methods, the role of chain bookstores and the impact of information technology. Greece shares the features of other small book markets in Europe, whilst retaining the individuality defined by the Greek language and the country’s cultural and social conditions. This article provides an overview of the publishing industry in Greece through a review of the relevant literature and the available statistics. This work also focuses on the need to develop publishing skills through publishing education and continuous professional development.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]从用户视角分析图书馆帮助民众有效消减信息搜寻焦虑的作用机理,自下而上地评估图书馆在信息社会化进程中为民众提供公共文化服务的实际成效。[方法/过程]通过对708位图书馆用户进行问卷调查,运用结构方程模型对个体特征、图书馆使用行为、图书馆使用体验和信息搜寻焦虑之间的相互作用机理进行实证检验。[结果/结论]个体的教育、经济差异通过中介变量对信息搜寻焦虑产生显著影响,表现为教育水平较低、经济收入较高的两组群体焦虑感更强;图书馆使用体验越好,越有助于消减用户日常信息搜寻活动中产生的焦虑感;图书馆使用行为对信息搜寻焦虑不存在显著影响,但对其子维度认知能力障碍与信息利用障碍存在间接的负向影响。  相似文献   

Knowledge about the information needs and seeking behavior of scientists could play a vital role in meeting their information needs effectively. Libraries can use this knowledge for re-orienting their collections and facilities to attune them to the needs of the scientific community. This study explores information needs and seeking behavior of Malaysian agricultural scientists. It was found that research scientists spent 16% of their office time on reading and literature searching, whereas academicians spent 9.3% of their time for this purpose. The study also revealed that scientists preferred using primary sources of information, particularly journal and review articles. Informal communication with professional colleagues was also considered important for exchanging current research information. A large number of the participants felt that they had not been keeping in touch with scientific literature due to deficient library collections and services. This article recommends that science and technology libraries should periodically survey the information needs of their users, assess their collections and facilities, and strengthen their promotional activities.  相似文献   

段黎萍  曹燕  齐娜 《情报工程》2016,2(6):109-116
在创新驱动发展中,为创新主体提供高质量的科技创新资源保障与支撑是各级科技信息机构的职责。要能够更好的完成这一职责,专业化的科技信息机构需要具备“资源、工具、专家、团队”四个基本要素,既要能够满足“大众创新万众创业”的一般性科技信息需求,又要能够根据不同行业和客户的特殊需求,提供个性化的科技情报服务。本文以新能源汽车行业的创新需求为例,分析了不同信息来源的差别性以及各类情报服务的优缺点,从满足客户需求的角度,提供了不同的信息服务解决方案。  相似文献   

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