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代际关系书写是艾丽丝·门罗小说创作的重要内容之一。艾丽丝·门罗以家庭代际关系的变迁为视角,由小见大,从19世纪中期移民代、末期新生代到20世纪初转型代、中期过渡代等四代家庭中的三类家庭代际关系为纵向线索,借助不同代群之间的代际关系勾勒出100多年间加拿大民族国家的社会建构历程。艾丽丝·门罗在小说中展现了英语裔苏格兰移民在北美新大陆殖民地文化传承模式下不同代际关系的时代性,揭示个体所处社会语境对于每一代群自身的客观影响,指出不同历史文化语境中代际冲突存在的普遍性和必然性。  相似文献   

不同年龄段人群的公共服务需求类型的差异可能导致公共资源配置代际冲突。本文利用CGSS微观数据和2001-2010年省级面板数据,从主观和客观两个角度研究了人口老龄化对公共教育支出的影响,结果表明中国存在公共资源配置代际冲突。主观上,人们对公共教育支出的支持力度随着年龄的增长而下降;同时,相对于公共教育领域,年龄越大的人越倾向于支持公共资源投入到社会保障和养老金领域。客观上,省级人口老龄化程度对公共教育支出强度有显著的负面影响。进一步研究表明,公共资源配置代际冲突与中国特殊的老龄化进程有关。  相似文献   

选择和培养好家族企业后继者,是家族企业长远发展的关键。本文分析了家族企业代际传承的层次和意义,从家族成员、非家族成员和职业经理人三方面分析了家族企业代际传承的授予对象,并做出了家族企业代际传承方式与企业绩效、选拔维度、企业发展阶段三个方面的关联分析。  相似文献   

随着社会环境变化、家族企业发展和女性地位提高,家族企业中女性成员比以往有更多机会接触企业,她们纷纷走出家庭积极参与家族企业的经营和管理,凭借着性别优势以及独特的管理方式,在家族企业中获得了一定的地位。从"女性特质"等角度出发,对家族企业女性成员接班的优势和劣势进行详细分析,结合家族企业女性成员接班的外部障碍,从女性自身、家族企业和社会等方面提出相关对策。  相似文献   

Using a sociocultural framework to approach intergenerational learning, this inquiry examines learning processes used by families during visits to one nature center. Data were collected from videotaped observations of families participating in an environmental education program and a follow-up task to draw the habitat of raptors. Based on a thematic analysis, researchers developed two themes about the learning processes at play in the nature center, related to the use of prior knowledge. First, families’ prior knowledge used at the nature center came from informal education activities: (a) observation in the outdoors and spaces designed to represent an aspect of nature, (b) media (including books and Internet), and (c) experiences at informal education institutions. Second, when sharing prior knowledge, participation frameworks were created through the conversation that leveled the hierarchy between parent and child allowing for negotiation and collaborative idea formation. In the nature center, families valued social harmony by positioning their children as capable contributors of environmental knowledge. Suggestions to researchers taking a sociocultural approach are given, including the potential of ‘participation frameworks’ as an analytical tool to study learning interactions and as a potential tool for environmental educators to encourage families to create roles and structures for successful learning outcomes in nature centers.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查和文献资料相结合的研究方法,对福州市民家庭体育消费水平、体育消费结构等方面的现状进行了分析。结果显示,体育消费正成为大多数福州市民家庭生活消费的一个组成部分,但体育消费的总体水平比较低。在此基础上,提出了福州市民家庭体育消费的发展对策。  相似文献   

<蝴蝶>中的张思远虽然产生了"庄生梦蝶"般的身份认同的困惑,但是最终在"人民之子"的身份上找到了自己的"真正归宿".或许这也正是这篇"反思"小说"反思"的最后结果.作者试图通过小说中两种层面的代际冲突即"人民(父母)--张思远(儿子)"、"张思远(父亲)--冬冬(儿子)"来分析小说构建的"人民"神话的想象性意义,以及"人民"认同的叙事策略又是如何舒缓了新时期之初的时代心理紧张.  相似文献   

很长一段历史时期内,我国的教育理论研究与课程文化建设处于与西方"相离"的状态,但改革开放后却步八与西方近乎"重合"的危险境地.这种远离课程文化"公共区域"及主动放弃课程文化"自我区域"的倾向导致我国教育理论研究上的过度推论与课程文化建设实践中的种种不适应.新课程的实施应是一个拓展课程文化"公共区域"及捍卫"自我区域"的过程、对西方课程文化的学习应注重在传统课程文化的基础上进行创造性整合.  相似文献   

香港高校源源不断地培养大量德才兼备的高素质人才,其中通识教育功不可没。香港高校坚持"通识为本,专识为末"的培养理念,通识教育与德育融会贯通,利用通识教育的形式对学生进行人文精神和道德修养熏陶,对香港市民素质提升乃至社会的稳定发展起着很大的作用。  相似文献   

《愤怒》中马科斯的父亲在很大程度上承继着犹太传统,而马科斯则努力向往、追求自己心中的民主和自由。马科斯与父亲、与试图充任马科斯父亲角色的考迪威主任的冲突实质上是传统和反传统、约束和抗争的体现。马科斯不仅力图摆脱犹太传统的约束,而且抗拒所有旧传统与保守力量的控制。  相似文献   

Service Learning is a powerful form of experiential pedagogy that is gaining popularity in classrooms from preprimary settings through graduate school. It involves students in activities that explicitly and intentionally integrate community involvement with appropriate academic objectives. This article describes an intergenerational service learning project that brought together preschoolers, golden-agers, and at-risk elementary-aged students. Lunch Time Book Buddies—Pass It On included both direct service and indirect service and made valuable contributions to young children's developing literacy, social-emotional, physical, and cognitive abilities.  相似文献   

试论汉语成语英译中的归化和异化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉语成语饱含着丰富的汉民族文化色彩 ,是中华民族语言的精华。在汉语成语英译的过程中 ,我们不仅要译出其表层语义 ,更重要的是传译出其深层的文化内涵意义。在归化和异化策略的观照下 ,灵活地使用不同的翻译方法 ,适当地进行语义调整 ,将其中的文化信息的准确传译达到最大限度。从而把汉语成语译成英语读者乐于接受的语言形式。帮助他们消除语言及文化障碍 ,正确理解汉语成语所蕴含的汉民族语言和文化的媚力。从而扩大汉语在世界语言中的影响力 ,真正起到弘扬中华文化 ,加强对外交流的作用  相似文献   

宋代的出版业渐趋繁盛,为宋代文学家庭的繁荣提供了条件。而文学家庭的繁荣又促进了出版业的发展。二者相互促进,共同为宋代文化的繁荣做出了不可低估的贡献。  相似文献   

清代桂林文化世家及其家庭教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍清代桂林十数家有代表性的文化世家的情况,对这些文化世家家庭教育的特点进行分析和探讨,说明桂林浓厚的人文环境,优良的教育传统是人才辈出的根本原因.  相似文献   

杨雅  苏芳 《中华家教》2022,(1):25-32
媒介为我们认知外部世界的图景搭建了桥梁,而技术赋权也使得家庭媒介使用呈现出不同于以往社会的面貌.家庭是贯穿我们生活的重要空间和重要传播场域,是代际沟通的关键场景,也是媒介技术驯化的重要情境.在后喻文化时代,子代开始向亲代进行数字反哺,共同增强家庭传播中的代际沟通效果.这不仅成为家庭传播中的新现象,也给代际沟通带来新的挑...  相似文献   

In the societal structure, the family is undergoing a transition and the most noticeable consequence of this transition happens to be a marked increase in the number of people addicted to alcohol. Alcoholism creates a major stress on individual family members and the family system. Drinking behaviour may interrupt normal family tasks, cause conflict and demand adjustive and adaptive responses from family members who do not know how to appropriately respond. In brief, alcoholism creates a series of escalating crises in family structure and function, which may bring the family to a system crisis. As a result, the members develop dysfunctional coping behaviour called Codependency. Therefore, it is imperative to involve family members in treatment. Family therapy is designed with the end in mind and it is specific, with attainable therapeutic goals. There are certain special population who need a lot of support in the form of family therapy. Children of alcoholics are one of the largest, most explosive and most remedial population who need help. Secondly, the number of women alcoholics is on the rise. Their addiction leads to neglect of children, and parenting responsibilities are compromised. In the future, drug related education needs to be viewed as a people rather than a chemical problem aimed directly at parents and families. Education efforts should revolve around family life, with emphasis on positive ways to deal with the issue of addiction, and treatment needs to shift from individual oriented to family system approach.  相似文献   

商务英语专业的学生经过一段时间的专业学习后,已具有同化商务英语写作新内容的认知结构。并且,公共英语写作与商务英语写作之间存在着紧密的联系。教师可利用这两个有利因素,有效地激发学生同化新内容的成就动机,指导学生运用上位学习、下位学习、并列结合学习的方法积极开展商务英语写作的实践。  相似文献   


Although research suggests that family dynamics likely play a role in shaping children’s behaviors, few studies focus on environmental behaviors, and none to our knowledge investigate how parents shape climate change mitigation behaviors among their children. We begin to fill this gap through a quantitative case study using matched household-level survey data from 182 coastal North Carolina families (n?=?241 parents aged 29–77; n?=?182 students aged 11–14) associated with 15 middle school science teachers. Family climate change discussions, parent behaviors, and children’s climate change concern levels predicted the degree to which children will participate in individual-level climate mitigation behaviors. These results provide evidence that promoting climate-related conversations within households may promote climate action even when parents are apathetic about climate change. Similarly, parental behaviors, but not their concern levels, were important predictors of adolescent behaviors. This study highlights novel ways that family dynamics may promote climate change mitigating behaviors and a new pathway to promoting climate mitigation at familial, and ultimately, societal levels.  相似文献   

家庭道德教育在青年大学生政治品德、伦理道德和个性心理品质等道德素质的形成、提升及稳固等过程中有着重要作用,为青年大学生的成才确立道德导向。但是由于家长对青年大学生的道德教育存在认识和教育上的误区和局限,高校与家庭之间缺少必要的沟通平台以及青年大学生自身与家长缺乏沟通等原因,使家庭道德教育的实际效用没有充分发挥出来。为此,家长走出教育误区,重新为家庭德育定位、高校引发联动作用,增强家庭德育的实效、青年大学生积极回归家庭,提升家庭德育在自身成才中的功用,成为教育的必要。  相似文献   

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