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This paper explores the potential for using dream material and social dreaming in action research. Access to emotional dimensions of experience is increasingly recognised as an issue for action researchers, raising questions about how to enable such inquiry and how material from the imaginative sphere may be brought into socially constituted spaces to generate new insights. Dreams provide entry into the world of image as opposed to concept. But until recently, meanings derived from dream analysis have been restricted to the private, individual sphere. Social dreaming, on the other hand, is a new technique where meanings from dreams are created by and for a socially constituted group. Drawing on a wide range of oneirological literature, studies in social dreaming and dream-sharing, and the author’s own dreams, two working assumptions are articulated to guide inquiry into how dreaming may be used in action research, one relating to the nature of dream experience and the other about practices for bringing dream material into social spaces. These assumptions guided two group-based inquiries to explore the significance of dreaming for action-based research, at meetings of action researchers and practice developers. Material from these inquiries contained a similar dream image, a house in a forest, and the image’s significance to participants and to the author is explored. Participants found that relating their dreams to their work as action researchers and practice developers was fruitful. Questions and insights were uncovered for the practice of action research, and for the practice of social dreaming for social benefit through action research.  相似文献   

I examine and question whether the goal, or dream, of service-learning has been actualized in practice. I raise the possibility that what educators dream of—a critical service-learning able to ameliorate persistent real-world inequities—may be a case of their dreaming being fulfilled, rather than their dreams. More specifically, I argue that although the dream of critical service-learning has been incredibly successful at driving research and practice in higher education, it has not fulfilled the goal of impacting the very people and communities educators purport to serve. Thus, the groups most wishing for the success of critical service-learning are those whose dreams are most fulfilled. I offer a set of tenets that, I hope, will encourage educators to dream different dreams.  相似文献   

Dreams have long been thought to be a space of fantasy and utopic hope. From Paulo Freire to Gloria Anzaldúa to Robin Kelley, many scholars have related the ability to dream with the ability to act collectively, to self-actualize, and to call into being worlds yet to be realized—dreaming as a radical political act. What happens, then, when dreams lose their ability to sense outside of the existing order? What happens when dreams become a mere recapitulation of that which already is? What happens when dreams become legislated and coerced? In conversation with contemporary literature on biopower and psychopower, this article acts as a dream interpretation of the DREAM Act (dreampower), analyzing how the assemblages of immigration, citizenship, and power come together by and through new technologies of governance. Focusing on the role dreams play in the political transformation of “undocumented aliens” into more terrestrial/palatable beings, we examine the ways material and symbolic forms of neoliberal life have been operationalized to patrol and condition what constitutes acceptable dreams and, therefore, who can be a DREAMer. We conclude with a call for a decolonial politics of ensueños: a call for a sleeping and a dreaming of alterity where we wake up in order to dream, and dream in order to wake up.  相似文献   

论庄子之梦的文化地位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
庄子之梦承袭并突破了前人梦描摹时的梦魂宗教崇拜之神学性思维模式,将虚构的梦纳入作品,借梦象释理抒情,跨越了哲学常规的逻辑说理方式。他以梦为文所开创的梦象艺术。打通了入梦窥视心灵及社会隐秘的艺术渠道,使梦文学成为映射社会文化的特异窗口,从此正式拉开了中国梦文学艺术发展序幕,在文化史上有重要地位。  相似文献   

先秦赵人之梦在中国文化中具有悠久的历史和丰富的内涵,但至今未能受到学术界足够的关注。赵人的梦文化是研究赵国思想文化的典型个案。透过对先秦赵氏梦文化的研究,能够窥测中国神秘文化之一隅。在先秦赵人看来,梦不仅承担着人和祖先神灵世界的中介作用,而且具有警惕和预示的功用。赵人之梦根据造梦成因划分为忧患梦、愿望之梦、报病梦。赵人之梦根据梦的结果划分为吉梦、凶梦、正梦。赵人诸梦之间多存在历史的、因果的联系,附有警惕、预言、指示、神化政权等功能。赵人之梦具有联系性、多重性、复杂性、神秘性等特点。但赵人之梦的预示作用有时并非是百般灵验的,这在一定程度上弱化了梦本身的神秘性。  相似文献   

A wealth of information can be extracted from clients’ dream narratives. Few counsellors, however, recognize the significance of monitoring their own dreams. In this clinically-informed position paper, counsellors are urged to consider their own dream content. Self-awareness is vital to the therapeutic relationship, but also instrumental to the safety and well-being of counsellors themselves. Dreaming about one’s client can reflect troubled therapeutic rapport and highlight emotional or countertransference issues. Dreams can be harbingers of vicarious traumatization. Thus, counsellors are encouraged to reflect on their own dreams as a deliberate self-care initiative in order to promote a safe and effective practice.  相似文献   

明清时期,戏曲艺术教化移情的效果非常突出。《牡丹亭》中杜丽娘的情梦具有显著的情爱教育效果。杜丽娘的情梦具有生理层面和幻想层面的双重意义,成为促发杜丽娘主动追求情爱实现的教育载体。杜丽娘情梦的情爱教育内涵,表现为明清女性借情梦倾诉内心对意中人的梦想,充分肯定杜丽娘以梦承载情爱理想的情爱实现方式,从形而上的意义上倡扬两性情爱之梦的真实性,成为明清女性自我价值的实现和自我存在的标志,赋予了女性精神解放的历史意义。  相似文献   

梦是人的一种心理活动。梦与文学作品同样也有着密切联系,通过作品中人物的梦,可以更透彻的了解作品中人物的性格以及作者的内心世界。本文从作品中主人公梦的基本特征以及梦与文学之间的内在联系,对《安娜·卡列尼娜》中安娜的梦进行分析解读。  相似文献   

Freud saw the dream as occupying a very important position in his theoretical model. If there were to be problems with his theoretical account of the dream then this would impinge upon proposed therapy and, of course, education as the right balance between the instincts and the institution of culture. Wittgenstein, whilst stating that Freud was interesting and important, raised several issues in relation to psychology/psychoanalysis, and to Freud in particular. Why would Wittgenstein have seen Freud as having some important things to say, even though he was sharply critical of Freud's claims to be scientific? The major issues to be considered in this paper are, in Section 1, the scientific status of Freud's work—was it science or was it more like philosophy than science; the analysis of dreams; rationality, and dreams and madness. Section 2 considers Freud and education, including the indignity of Freud's notion of ‘the talking cure.’ Section 3 considers psychoanalytic explanations not as theory but as a manner of speaking: ‘une façon de parler.’  相似文献   

Are children’s judgments about what can happen in dreams and stories constrained by their beliefs about reality? This question was explored across three experiments, in which four hundred and sixty-nine 4- to 7-year-olds judged whether improbable and impossible events could occur in a dream, a story, or reality. In Experiment 1, children judged events more possible in dreams than in reality. In Experiment 2, children also judged events more possible in dreams than in stories. Both experiments also suggested that children’s beliefs about reality constrain their judgments about dreams and stories. Finally, in Experiment 3 children were asked about impossible events more typical of dreams and stories. In contrast with the other experiments, children now affirmed the events could happen in these worlds.  相似文献   

每年的9月是一个快乐的月份,许多怀揣梦想的青年踏进了梦寐以求的大学,开始了一个属于自己的大学时代。大学学习是求学生涯中的转折点,大学新生告别了"填鸭式""被动式"的教育学习方式,学习转向以自学为主的学习方式。高校图书馆是学校文献信息的中心,是为教学和科学研究服务的学术型机构,也是大学课堂以外学生最主要的学习场所。在新生初入大学校门之际,入馆培训应当作为高校图书馆重点工作之一。  相似文献   

信仰是贯穿在人的世界观中的一种意识规范,当代大学生的信仰存在缺失的现状,在开展信仰教育的实践中遇到了很多问题和挑战,既有日益感性化、感官化的价值理念的挑战,也有世界社会主义运动处于低潮的客观现状的挑战,更有经济全球化带来的挑战。习近平主席提出的“中国梦”既是实现中华民族伟大复兴的梦,也是每一个当代青年大学生的梦。高校应在引导当代青年大学生追求“中国梦”的实践中推进信仰教育,将个人的梦想与国家的梦想结合起来,坚定马克思主义信仰,对中国特色社会主义道路充满信心。  相似文献   

汤显祖“因梦成戏”戏曲观念,是在其“因情成梦”的独特人生体验与“以梦写情”的戏曲创作传统基础上形成的.从《紫箫记》到《紫钗记》,体现了汤显祖“因梦成戏”戏曲观念的理论自觉,之后他完全遵行了这种戏曲创作逻辑,并且进一步丰富了其审美内涵.这种戏曲观念的美学价值在于“梦”不仅是剧作家用以塑造人物、观照现实、寄托理想的重要手段,也是剧作意蕴风格、艺术个性形成的重要因素,更是戏曲编创的“主脑”与关捩,其中涉及到中国古典戏曲美学诸如“虚实”、“体用”、“传奇”、“真幻”等审美范畴.  相似文献   

《逃离》是2013年诺贝尔得主爱丽丝·门罗的代表作,由6篇短篇小说构成,共同刻画出不同年龄阶段女性逃离的主题。在《逃离》中,女主人公在反抗与自我意识觉醒过程中,经常产生一些梦境。佛洛伊德认为文学是"白日梦幻",梦是被抑制的欲望。借用佛洛依德梦理论、拉康镜像论以及女权主义相关理论,结合小说所处社会环境以及女主人公生活经历,对《逃离》中出现的梦境进行解析,以了解女主人公内心愿望与潜意识心理过程,进而指出女性在生存和逃离过程中的三重困境:男权主义的压制;不稳固的家庭关系;陷入身份焦虑的个体。  相似文献   

梦是一个虚幻而又真实的世界,是特殊状态下的思维与情绪活动。人类对梦的研究和探索,同时涉及宗教、神学、哲学、自然科学和人文社会科学等许多问题。随着人们对梦研究的进一步加深,形成了不同的梦的理论,比如弗洛伊德、荣格、阿德勒、弗洛姆、巴甫洛夫等对梦都形成了自己独特的理论。而对于梦的功能也提出了许多不同的观点。人类对于梦的探索,反映了人类自身的理性精神和对真理孜孜不倦的追求。  相似文献   

恩主在苏珊·桑塔格的《恩主》中具有多重意蕴。女主人公安德斯太太协助男主人公希波赖特不断产生和复制梦幻,指导希波赖特维护与现实生活对话的渠道。反过来,希波莱特按照梦的指示帮助安德斯太太去选择自己的生活,却给她带来了无尽的痛苦。而梦幻才是小说中真正的主角,它引领希波莱特摆脱了现实生活中的精神危机,达到了超越自我的状态。  相似文献   

《野草》是鲁迅生命的哲学.其中九篇是以梦的形式而构建的,在这九个梦里鲁迅展现了他对生与死的两难困惑,面对这样的困惑鲁迅选择了无奈的回避,其中“梦中梦”的独特艺术构筑体现了鲁迅纯然的生命艺术.  相似文献   

中国梦事关国家富强、民族振兴,蕴涵着个人梦和民众幸福,个人梦事关个人的幸福和价值目标,影响着国家民族整体目标的实现。中国梦和个人梦相互影响相互缠绕在一起。当代大学生要想在中国梦的实现中有所作为,就必须把中国梦和个人梦有机结合起来,对中国梦的本质内涵和实现条件有一个清醒认识,对中国梦的参照系数和实现目标有一个正确态度,明确在实现中国梦中应该肩负的时代责任。  相似文献   

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