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通过对上海市幼儿园教师指导幼儿体育活动现状的问卷调查,分析总结幼儿园教师体育活动指导能力的构成要素,"以能力为导向"构建科学实用的高职学前教育专业的体育课程结构。  相似文献   

Within the Australian context physical education (PE) and more recently health and physical education (HPE) have long been ascribed utilitarian value for producing healthy citizens. Whilst this has not been a linear progression over time, traces from the past do inform current assumptions about this utilitarian role. Of consequence are historical contingencies and responses to societal problems around health-related conduct and capabilities of the nations’ citizens. In this paper a genealogical approach is adopted to explore discourses and power relations that have framed the contribution of PE and HPE in shaping students for healthy citizenship. Disciplinary technologies associated with military-style physical training, civilising technologies of game play and responsibilising governmental technologies of contemporary policies will be explored. I conclude in arguing that if HPE is to prepare all students for equitable, inclusive citizenship what is required is the adoption of curricula and pedagogies that counteract hegemonic notions of individual responsibility for healthy citizenship.  相似文献   

青岛市肥胖幼儿发生率和肥胖幼儿体质现状的调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨青岛市3~6岁幼儿肥胖的发生率和肥胖幼儿的体质情况,为预防幼儿肥胖和提高肥胖幼儿体质状况提供依据.方法:应用WHO推荐的身高标准体重≥120%作为肥胖判断标准,用比较分析的方法对随机抽取的青岛市3-6岁城乡男女幼儿进行调查分析.结果:青岛市肥胖幼儿检出率为10.8%,其中轻度、中度和重度检出率分别为6.6%、3.9%和0.4%.除网球掷远外,肥胖幼儿机能和身体素质的各项指标成绩明显低于正常体重幼儿.结论:肥胖幼儿的机能和身体素质的各项指标成绩从总体上低于正常体重组幼儿,提高肥胖幼儿的身体素质是幼儿健康中急需解决的问题.  相似文献   

Pre-service teachers of physical education (PE) bring understandings about gender and bodies to their university studies. These understandings are partially informed by biographies and experiences and bear potential to mediate learning and processes of becoming teachers. In this paper we explore technologies of power/knowledge and technologies of self that inform understandings of gender and the constitution of PE teacher subjectivities. Data were drawn from semi-structured interviews conducted with pre-service teachers studying at an Australian university. Foucault's theoretical perspectives around the constitution of subjects were drawn on to analyse data. Findings reveal that discursive practices frame particular ‘truths’ around gender and, hence, possibilities for being teachers of PE. Discourses of sport were significant in establishing a male norm for bodies and subjectivities. This was problematic for female participants who also turned to discourses of nurturing in constituting their subjectivities. Implications are raised for PE teacher educators with regard to disrupting hegemonic discourses as means for developing pedagogies for greater justice.  相似文献   

中国学校体育思想发展历程及趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闫金兰 《体育学刊》2003,10(5):138-140
对我国学校体育思想发展历程进行系统的研究,阐明其发展历程中的规律与特点,探索其发展趋势,为深化学校体育改革与发展提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of selected academic research literature that underpins contemporary preschool physical education. We highlight and interrogate diverse rationales and beliefs that serve to influence and structure preschool physical education in various forms. We speculate as to how preschool practitioners and children might engage in specific practices relative to these discourses. Our consideration of preschool physical education discourses relies upon a Foucaultian analysis of the major techniques of power and also raises possibilities of conceptualising subjectivity formation through his concept of the ‘technologies of the self’. Discourses related to motor skill development, play and physical activity, in particular, appear to be prevalent in the selected literature, along with a related pedagogical discourse concerning ‘structure and freedom’. These sometimes competing discourses arguably underpin competing agendas reflecting those who advocate supporting children's free play and those who propose more structured and interventionist practices in relation to young children's physical activity. We conclude that these diverse approaches lend themselves to interpretation and negotiation in the context of preschool physical education, with specific consequences for the embodied experiences and subjectivities of preschool practitioners and children.  相似文献   

This research examines how adolescent males (ages 16–17 years) construct and experience their masculine identities within the context of physical education (PE). A class of 23 boys and 3 girls from a state secondary school in Scotland were observed over a period of 3 months. During the third month, five of the observed pupils volunteered to take part in a conversation with the lead researcher which was guided by their participation in a repertory grid task. The same five participants also took part in a one-to-one semi-structured interview. The analysis of the evidence revealed that the adolescent pupils internalised and performed an orthodox form of masculinity that centred on strength, pain tolerance and the policing of others. More inclusive masculinities appeared to be emerging, however, the hypermasculine and public nature of the PE environment made it very difficult for the pupils to freely adopt or perform these alternative, more inclusive forms of masculinity. Additionally, pupils who did perform traits associated with inclusive masculinity often exhibited a high degree of social and physical capital. In order to facilitate a culture where all individuals feel free to express their gendered identities, teachers are encouraged to recognise, promote and celebrate multiple masculinities. This could create a safer learning environment for pupils and help prevent identities from being ‘destroyed’ in PE.  相似文献   

从后现代主义的视角审视当代幼儿体育教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用后现代主义理论审视当代幼儿体育教育,从教育思想、教学内容、组织形式、师生关系等几方面重新思考和定位幼儿体育,构建后现代背景下的幼儿体育教育模式.  相似文献   

学校体育改革的科学发展观   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
万昌智 《体育学刊》2004,11(6):72-74
“坚持以人为本,树立全面、协调、可持续的发展观”是新时期与时俱进的科学发展观。为了保证学校体育快速发展,培养全面发展的新人,满足经济社会的需求,就一定要牢固树立和认真落实科学发展观,指导学校体育的各项改革。  相似文献   

This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of two school-based physical education (PE) programmes (exercise-based and games-based) compared with traditional PE, on health- and skill-related physical fitness components in children in Tirana, Albania.

Participants were 378 first-grade (6.8 years) and 389 fourth-grade (9.8 years) children attending four randomly selected schools in Tirana. Twenty-four school classes within these schools were randomly selected (stratified by school and school grade) to participate as exercise group (EG), games group (GG) and control group (CG). Both EG and GG intervention programmes were taught by professional PE teachers using station/circuit teaching framework while CG referred to traditional PE school lessons by a general teacher. All programmes ran in parallel and lasted 5 months, having the same frequency (twice weekly) and duration (45 min). Heart rate (HR) monitoring showed that intensity during PE lessons was significantly higher in the intervention groups compared with control (P < 0.001). Both PE exercise- and games programmes significantly improved several health- and skill-related fitness indicators compared with traditional PE lessons (e.g. gross motor skill summary score: 9.4 (95% CI 7.9; 10.9) for exercise vs. control and 6.5 (95% CI 5.1; 8.1) for games vs. control, cardiorespiratory fitness: 2.0 ml O2 · min?1 · kg?1 (95% CI 1.5; 2.4) for exercise vs. control and 1.4 ml O2 · min?1 · kg?1 (95% CI 1.0; 1.8) for games vs. control). Furthermore, compared to games-based PE, exercise-based PE showed more positive changes in some gross motor coordination skills outcomes, coordination skills outcomes and cardiorespiratory fitness. The results from this study show that exercise- and games-based PE represents a useful strategy for improving health- and skill-related physical fitness in Albanian elementary school children. In addition, the study shows that exercise-based PE was more effective than games-based PE in improving gross motor function and cardiorespiratory fitness.  相似文献   

As digital tracking technologies such as heart rate monitors are being implemented into physical education classrooms with increased frequency, ‘techno-enthusiasts’ and ‘sceptics’ alike are attempting to understand the implications of these practices. Focusing on heart rate monitors in physical education, I utilize Foucauldian theories and actor-network-theory to extend the scholarship within the sociology of sport and physical education literature that has studied the relationship between technologies and the (in)active body. To better understand how the feedback loop of heart rate monitoring functions in the university-level physical education class that was studied here—or indeed, does not function—I consider the material-semiotic networks that variously form or fail to form alliances through the feedback loop of heart rate monitoring. These include the numerous technologies and bodies that are a part of this assemblage, an interest in heart rate data, and knowledge about heart rate. I conclude by arguing that we need to move beyond the techno-utopian/techno-dystopian dualism that often frames examinations of technology in PE.  相似文献   

体育媒体化:当下媒体与体育的现实关系形态解析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
体育媒体化是当下媒体与体育关系的极端表现形态,是两者关系发展的历史必然,体现了媒体商业化和体育商业化、体育精英化的"合谋",走到了媒体体育社会责任论的反面,导致了体育社会效益的异化。通过文献资料、传播学的基本理论和逻辑分析法,在多元视角下对当下媒体体育传播进行分析,旨在运用体育媒体化概念及其运作过程中的偏颇与不足进行探讨,为改进和完善媒体体育传播提供理论参考。  相似文献   

对我国学校体育发展历史的回顾与反思   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
李林  杨彬 《体育学刊》2002,9(4):130-132
简要回顾了我国学校体育近百年的发展历史,分析了学校体育思想、内容与形式以及学校体育师资和物质条件的主要发展特征。我国的学校体育经历了从无到有、曲折发展的艰难历程,并与社会的发展息息相关,具有鲜明的时代特征。  相似文献   

Primary physical education (PPE) is increasingly being recognised for the role it can potentially play in setting a foundation for lifelong engagement in physical activity. However, the majority of the literature continues to focus on the negative features of the subject within the primary context. Whilst acknowledging the existence of these barriers, this paper sets out to take a proactive approach by presenting a conceptual framework for PPE that seeks to support a renewed and positive vision for the future. Based on ideas from complexity thinking, the framework represents a move beyond the more positivist and linear approaches that have long been reported to dominate practices in PPE and recognises learners as active agents engaged in a learning process that is collaborative, non-linear and uncertain. While acknowledging the contested nature of the complexity field, the paper explores how key principles, including self-organisation, emergence, similarity, diversity, connectedness, nestedness, ambiguous bounding, recursive elaboration and edge of chaos, offer a lens that views PPE as a complex system. With the children's learning positioned as the focus of PPE in the educational setting, the paper discusses how complexity principles interweave with the ecological components to help us better understand and more creatively engage with the complex nature of PPE developments. Specifically, these components are identified as PPE learning experiences and their associated pedagogy, teachers and their PPE professional learning and key environmental factors that include the physical environment and key stakeholders who influence developments across the different levels of the education system. The paper concludes by suggesting that this complexity-informed PPE framework represents an open invitation for the all those involved in PPE to engage in a collective process of exploration and negotiation to positively influence developments in PPE.  相似文献   

Physical education (PE) and sport have traditionally been identified by scholars as a key mechanism for the production and reproduction of a culturally esteemed ideal of masculinity, premised upon being stoic, strong, competitive, sexist and homophobic. Yet, more recent research reflects a change in valued masculinity as a response to declining cultural homohysteria. As such, this preliminary study looks to establish how PE teachers understand and construct masculinities within the educational environment. Through in-depth interviews, we find participants recognised many elements of softer masculinities, described in inclusive masculinities literature, as being performed by contemporary teenagers. This includes being emotionally open, embracing a more effeminate taste in dress and being increasingly physically tactile. However, we also found that the PE teachers have a cohort variance in their masculine values, with those socialised in sport through the 1980s showing the most orthodox and oppressive views.  相似文献   

本文对我国现阶段学校体育在现代社会、现代教育、现代体育中的地位和诸多功能作进一步的实事求是的探讨,旨在为正确确定我国学校体育的地位,挖掘开发学校体育的功能提供有意义的参考资料。  相似文献   

面对精神式微的当今教育,学生精神铸造亟待体育课程来"补钙"。理性主义虽然是构建体育课程的基本逻辑,但是理性化对人的精神关注极少,并不断解构了体育课程设计的精神内涵,割裂了体育课程对学生身体与精神的关系,致使体育课程缺乏与时代相适应的人文精神。"苦"心志、"劳"筋骨和"求真、向善和审美"等精神考量绝不是简单的课程理念转变、课程内容的增减和方法创新,而是一种课程思维方式的转变,是当代体育课程改革在反思理性主义基础上的一次超越,是完成体育课程"增值"的重要维度。  相似文献   

辽宁省高职高专与本科院校体育资源及教学现状比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙娟 《体育学刊》2006,13(5):85-87
对辽宁省高职高专院校与普通本科院校的体育师资、体育设施进行调查研究。结果发现,各级院校师生比例与国家要求仍有较大差距;学校领导重视体育师资队伍建设,重视在岗教师的培训,高学历、高职称人员逐年增加,但多数教师集中在三大球类上,不利于新项目的开展;体育场地不足、配置失衡,制约了学校体育的发展。  相似文献   

This paper identifies ‘quality’ as an internationally relevant concept to be problematised in contemporary debates about physical education (PE). Drawing on the conceptualisation of curriculum by B. Bernstein in 1977, pedagogy and assessment as three inter-related message systems of schooling, the paper presents and explores curriculum, pedagogy and assessment as three fundamental dimensions of ‘quality PE’. Discussion addresses what quality in each dimension may mean in PE, and demand in practice. Contemporary initiatives in Australia and New Zealand provide a reference point for exploring the prospective application of quality conceptualised in terms of the three inter-related dimensions. Attention is drawn to frameworks in mainstream education that may be utilised in endeavours to critically review current practices, and inform developments directed towards achieving quality in PE. It is argued that achieving quality in PE requires that quality is pursued and demonstrated within and across curriculum, pedagogy and assessment, and that meanings of quality always need to be contextualised in cultural, social and institutional terms.  相似文献   

试论学校体育的发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述学校体育在现代科技迅速发展以及教育改革进一步深化的形势下,将会出现的社会化、竞技化、系统化、生活化的发展趋势。  相似文献   

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