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在政治课教学中培养学生的创新精神,可以探索多种途径:营造民主和谐的教学气氛,创设主动求知的教学环境,鼓励学生求异思维,激发学生创造热情。只要更新教学观念,政治课也能收获创新之果。  相似文献   

生物教学应通过创设创新氛围、激发创新兴趣、创新欲望、培养创新个性等方面培养学生的创新精神  相似文献   

唐诗的解读,一般应从外在形式和内在特质两个层面来加以把握,具体说来有四点:即把握唐诗独特的语言组合形式,体会唐诗的视听美感;分析意境构成,探索情与景的多元存在;掌握唐诗独特的兴寄手法,领会其深层意蕴;结合有关诗话、笔记小说中记载的唐诗掌故,做到知人论世。  相似文献   

This study investigates how art teachers judge the creativity of student art work. Both conceptual and operational definitions given by teachers were studied. Furthermore, cultural exposure as measured by a teacher's exposure to non-Asian cultures, was studied to see how it might influence art teachers' judgements. Two instruments were developed for the purpose of this study. One instrument was a questionnaire designed to collect qualitative data from the respondents. The second instrument was used to measure art teachers' ratings of creativity. The data revealed that the conceptual definitions given by art teachers varied considerably. However, when asked to rate subjectively the creativity of art products, moderate agreement was reached among art teachers. Exposure to non-Asian cultures did not seem to have an effect on an art teachers' operational definition of creativity. Results of the study imply that the usefulness of the term creativity needs to be reviewed in general usage and in documents such as curricula. It would seem that there is not a clear notion among art teachers as to what constitutes creativity and a creative product.  相似文献   

本文提出诗歌难译,非不可译,而最好的方法莫过于“衍译”。本论文从东西方的角度阐述了“衍译”的由来,界定了“衍译”的性质,根据诗歌翻译具有的种种不确定性,提出诗歌翻译的最佳途径是衍译。衍译不是归化,而是最大程度地追求互文性,让译诗保持原文的精神和形式,让译者真正做到“一仆两主”。作者以所教学生的诗歌翻译为例,以说明“衍译”是如何在诗歌翻译教学中得到实践的。  相似文献   

卢聪勇 《成才之路》2021,(15):128-129
古诗词是语文教学的重要内容,其短小精悍,韵律优美,意境深远,对提升学生语文素养、人文素质具有重要作用。在语文古诗词教学中,教师要以诗演绎,以画配诗,以诗解诗,以声配诗,尝试作诗,让学生得其趣而领其味,科学记诵古诗词,深入理解古诗词,提高古诗词教学质量。  相似文献   

在中国古代诗歌、散文的教学过程中重视美育,充分利用其中的自然美、社会美、艺术美等美育因素,引导学生接受美的熏陶.  相似文献   

历朝诗人的贺岁诗就自己所喜爱所欣赏的方面加以描绘发挥 ,不仅写出了新春佳节的各种习俗 ,更就诗人自己的身世、遭遇、性格等方面来加以譬喻 ,使贺岁诗的寓意更深刻幽微。优秀的贺岁诗显示出勃发的生命力 ,渗透了诗人的性情 ,是诗人情感的载体。  相似文献   

Creativity in education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Currently considerable interest is being shown in creativity by the government and bodies such as QCA and Ofsted. A ‘creativity agenda’ has emerged with important implications for teaching and learning in schools. Drawing on research literature, as well as work completed by Secondary PGCE English and Drama trainees, this paper aims to provoke discussion about how creativity in education is defined and the impact of more explicit understandings of creativity in classrooms.  相似文献   

王维是最早登上盛唐诗坛的诗人之一。他以其非凡的创造才能,对于边塞诗、山水田园诗以及诗歌形式进行了大胆的开拓创新,并取得了卓越的成就,为唐诗的全面繁荣和发展作出了杰出贡献,成为光耀史册,彪炳千秋的优秀诗人。  相似文献   

Understanding imagination as both a cognitive and affective endeavor is crucial in order for educators to promote creative and imaginative thinking in informal and formal learning environments. It is the primary aim of this paper to develop the theoretical discussion of Vygotsky’s writings on young children’s imaginative abilities launched by Gajdamaschko (Teach Educ 16(1):13–22, 2005) and Lindqvist (Res J 15(2&3):245–251, 2003). This paper illustrates Vygotsky’s writings on the cognitive processes involved in children’s imagination and creativity and concludes with a discussion focused on the components of an educational environment that can either support or stifle children’s imaginative abilities. It is through this continuing discussion that, as researchers, we hope to extend and challenge current conceptions of the role of imaginative thinking in early education.  相似文献   

In this paper, the author considers the contribution of creativity to pastoral care in education. Since its advent in English schools in the early 1970s, pastoral care has placed the affective realm and individual enrichment centre stage in both its curriculum aims and teaching approaches. These principles have, however, had much to contend with over the past 50 years; from the obtrusive effects of state intervention in schools, to the challenges confronting young people growing up in increasingly complex societies. For many teachers and practitioners, engaging young people in creative pursuits has come to be regarded as a necessary counterpoint to increasingly performative school cultures and an essential means to enabling vibrant forms of positive self-expression. The power of creative activities has received new impetus as a pastoral concern in light of two national trends. The first as creative arts provision in the curriculum in English state secondary schools declines as a consequence of Government qualification reforms, and second as an increasing number of young people are referred to Alternative Educational Provision with mental health issues. As a consequence, many pastoral educators have turned or, indeed, returned to creativity and creative practices as a primary means of supporting and enriching the lives of young people, particularly for those who now struggle in contemporary school environments. In light of these developments and drawing on research and practice in the field of creativity and pastoral care, this paper aims to cast further light on creativity in pastoral education.  相似文献   


In this essay, I comment on the objective of cultivating creativity in general and in schools in particular. I start by tracing the historical origin of this objective, then discuss a select set of relevant issues, including what can be considered the best practices for achieving this. I conclude by contemplating the potential for globalisation of this objective, and the portability of general pedagogies and specific approaches to cultivating creativity between different educational systems.  相似文献   

面向全体学生,实施素质,培养创新人才,是每一位教育工作者面临的一个新课题,注重能力培养,把创新教育渗透到课堂教学中,精心创设求异情境,开发智能,提高数学教学质量。  相似文献   

诗歌是民族文化的精华所在,由于其高度的审美价值,使得诗歌的翻译成为翻译实践中一座可望而难及的高峰。要在译文中尽可能的保存诗歌的审美价值,散文体译诗、创造性转换和"意""形"兼顾的韵体译诗是追求诗歌翻译经典过程中行之有效的指导方法。  相似文献   

我国是一个有着两千年诗词文化历史的文明国度,古诗词是中华文化遗产中的瑰宝。在高中语文古诗文教学中,古诗词占据着重要地位。在新课改背景下,古诗词教学策略创新,成为高中语文教学关注的重点。文章结合高中语文古诗词教学内容,对高中语文古诗词教学策略进行探讨、分析。  相似文献   

At a time when early years educators feel under increasing pressure from the government to adopt more formal approaches to learning, this article sets out to reaffirm the importance of developing each child's creative capacity to the full. The point is made that through the application of creative capacity a vital dimension of human intelligence is demonstrated. It is argued that creative growth is too often hampered by misunderstandings that continue to distort the relationship between creativity and education. Issues that are vital to the development of understanding about the nature of creativity are made explicit and the conditions most likely to promote creative thought and action are identified. In the interest of clarity the term ‘early years’ will be applied to children between the ages of three and eight in diverse educational settings.  相似文献   

This article, which is speculative in outlook and emerges from an extended literature review on this subject, takes as its basic premise the notion that the idea of ‘creativity’– whether in relation to literacy, schooling or the economy, is constructed as a series of rhetorical claims. These rhetorics of creativity emerge from the contexts of research, theory, policy and practice. Initially, we distinguish 10 rhetorics, which are described in relation to the philosophical or political traditions from which they spring. The discussion then focuses on four rhetorics – play, technology, politics/democracy and the creative classroom – which have most relevance for understandings of literacies and the way in which these are nurtured, encouraged and expressed in different social settings. This article aims to summarise the rhetorics and their major concerns, while considering how selected ones might apply to an instance of media literacy. Key questions addressed in this article ask whether creativity is more usefully understood as an internal cognitive function or an external cultural phenomenon; whether it is a ubiquitous human activity or a special faculty; whether it is necessarily ‘pro‐social’ or should be dissident; and what the implications of a culturalist social psychological approach to creativity might be for analyses of the media literacy of children and young people.  相似文献   

清初特殊的时代及诗学背景,使得社会迫切需要弘扬诗教以整顿世风、诗风,而这在唐、宋诗选本中也有鲜明的体现。  相似文献   

在<文学概论>课的教学活动中,文学鉴赏课占有举足轻重的位置.它对启迪思维、陶冶情操、提高审美创造力具有重要作用.因此,适当改革课堂教学方式,安排组织阅读鉴赏活动,做到理论联系实际,是提高教学质量、培养学生创新能力的有效举措之一.  相似文献   

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