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以SOLO分类为基础的学生学习质量评价初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘京莉 《教育学报》2005,1(4):41-45
以SOLO分类为基础的学生学习质量评价,将教育目标表述为对学生学习能力的要求,以测验的方式了解学生解决问题时表现出的认知发展水平。它不局限于考察学生掌握知识的量和类型,而是重视评价学生学习效果的质量。SOLO分类用结构特征解释学生对问题的五种结构反应,通过学生的反应与教师预设的教学目标的比较,分析影响学生学习效果的因素,为教师改进教学提供依据,帮助不同认知水平的学生在他们自身的基础上提高。  相似文献   

Constructive alignment has emerged as a powerful curriculum design idea, but little is known of the extent to which the effectiveness of this idea is a function of qualitative variation. This article introduces a model of qualitative variation in constructive alignment, and uses the results from known alignment studies to test the model. The research reviewed reveals that university teachers have at least two qualitatively different experiences of the core elements of constructive alignment. The teachers who describe their approaches to teaching as involving conceptual change/development intentions with student-focused strategies were found to be likely to see the intended learning outcomes for students in more holistic terms, and assessment as an integral part of that teaching approach. When teachers had more of an intention to transfer information using teacher-focused strategies, they saw the object of study more in terms of parts (concepts, definitions, formulae) with assessment focused on those parts. The implications of this qualitative variation in constructive alignment for curriculum design and for the quality of the outcomes of student learning is discussed.  相似文献   

The quality of teaching and learning has been one of the major concerns of foundation chemistry disciplines for science and engineering undergraduates at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. Student‐centred approaches are being continuously developed, exploring ways of stimulating active and meaningful student learning by encouraging questioning by students. The development of questioning competences is regarded as fundamental, particularly in science education. In order to reinforce adequate alignment with teaching strategies, a new assessment method was implemented during the academic year of 2004–2005. This study is mainly aimed at exploring the use and integration of students’ questions as alternative assessment tools. Written formative and summative problem‐based cases were designed for these purposes. The questions raised by students during those assignments were analysed according to their cognitive level, relationship and orientation to the problem posed, herein considered to be quality indicators for learners’ questions. The findings suggest a deep engagement of students within these situations along the year, supporting the use of these alternative assessment tools as a way of fostering students’ questioning capability. Results also reveal that it is possible to achieve, with students’ questions placed at the centre of these processes, alignment between teaching, learning and assessment.  相似文献   

This article investigates how learning outcomes, a concept inspired by an Anglo-Saxon curriculum approach, are expressed in policy documents, with an emphasis on expectations articulated to teachers. Developments in education policy for the last two decades reflect a widespread expansion of learning outcome orientation in curricula and assessment in most of the modern world. These developments have led to changes in how education is governed and practised, and this makes it necessary to form critical concepts to understand how curricula are formed and functioned today. The research questions of the study are: How is learning outcome-oriented policy defined in key policy documents and what are the implications of these policies for the teaching profession? The topic is investigated through a document content analysis of key policy documents. A complex picture of teachers emerges in which they are to be both controlled and autonomous. The study also identifies a strong belief in ‘alignment between teachers’ competences and practices and students’ life opportunities. The findings indicate that the policies move back and forth between different parameters for describing teachers and teaching, and as such, teachers must be able to adapt as chameleons in the context of each policy.  相似文献   

A case study was conducted in 2006–07 to explore how one US campus implemented a centralised e‐assessment system. The study specifically measured the extent of adoption by faculty members, identified their reasons for adoption and evaluated the impact on teaching and learning. The purposes of the system, entitled researching learning (REAL, a pseudonym), were to measure student learning, meet accountability requirements and assist the university in becoming a learning organisation. An electronic database included programme assessment plans, results and sample instruments. The system also included a peer review process to improve plans by an assessment committee of faculty and administrators.  相似文献   

创新能力和实践能力的培养是现代高等教育的重要培养目标,而现代实验教学是将专业理论知识、信息技术和操作技能等融于一体的教学,是现代经济学和管理学发展的重要内容和支持手段。实验教学内容和技术的不断发展,对已有的经济学和管理学在教学体系、教学内容、教学方法、教学手段、教学条件和教学管理上提出了新的要求,也对从事经济学和管理学教育的教师和管理者提出了新的要求。围绕着经济管理类专业性、综合性人才的培养目标,商学院实验室逐步形成了基于知识学习、实务模拟、专业研究和自主创新的实验系统建设思路。在经济管理教学实验中心发展过程中,逐渐建设成了一个多层次、多模块和综合性的实验教学平台和实验实践教学环境。  相似文献   

课程评价是新课程改革的关键,课堂教学评价是课程评价的重要组成部分,是新课程实施的导航器。在课改“以学生的发展为本”的理念下,课堂教学评价的重点要从传统的“评教”转到“评学”上来,以此促进教师转变观念,改进教学。全文论述了课堂评价重在“评学”的意义,并对怎样“评学”提出了一些见解。  相似文献   

《统计学》课程教与学探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴发山 《高教论坛》2006,(4):62-63,96
对经济与管理两大学科的学生来说,统计学是一门重要而又相对难学的课程。经过本人长期的摸索和教学实践,真正认识到教与学是相互的。本文分别从教师如何开展统计学的教学,学生如何搞好统计学的学习两方面进行探讨,期望能推动统计学的教学和研究。  相似文献   

This article uses situated learning theory to consider current tutor assessment and feedback practices in relation to learning practices employed by students outside the overt curriculum. The case is made that an emphasis on constructive alignment and explicitly articulating assessment requirements within curricula may be misplaced. Outside of the overt curriculum students appear to be interdependent learners, participating in communities of practice and learning networks, where sense-making occurs through negotiation and there is identity development. Such negotiation may translate curriculum requirements articulated by tutors into unexpected meanings. Hence, tutors’ efforts might be better placed on developing students’ ability to self-assess and to effectively evaluate and negotiate information, rather than primarily on their own delivery of the curriculum content and feedback. Tutors cannot be fully effective if they fail to consider students’ learning outside the overt curriculum, and ways to facilitate such learning processes are suggested together with future research directions.  相似文献   

知识经济时代高等教育的地位得到提升 ,对人才标准提出了更高的要求 ,同时 ,也为高等教育提供了发展的机遇。深入进行课程体系和教学内容的改革 ,实现教学方法和教学手段现代化 ,培养具有创新精神的人才是高校在新时期的主要任务。  相似文献   

在小学数学教学过程中,如何以三维目标中的第二维目标过程和方法为切入点,文章分析探讨小学低年级数学学习过程所采用的评价理念、评价方法和评价策略等的具体内容,达到将评价重心由对教师的关注转移到对学生的学习进步和发展的关注目的,以期提高学生对数学的兴趣,提高整体教学质量,从而完成目标要求。  相似文献   


This article reports on a study that examined teaching and learning in multi-grade classrooms using the Learning Environment, Learning Processes and Learning Outcomes (LEPO) conceptual framework. The study sought to investigate how the learning environment is created; how the processes of teaching and learning take place; and how assessment is used to determine the achievement of learning outcomes in multi-grade classrooms. A qualitative research design was used, where interviews were conducted with nine teachers from schools with multi-grade classrooms. The data was analysed thematically and revealed the following: the learning environment can be created by grouping learners appropriately in classrooms, creating learning stations and reading stations, proper use of time-tables, and adaptation of teaching plans; the learning processes should take place through the differentiated curricular approach or quasi mono-grade, that is, learners should be afforded the opportunity to learn from their family members, teaching and learning should take place through self-directed learning, peer tutoring and cooperative learning, and lessons should cater for different learning styles; to determine the realisation of learning outcomes teachers should assess learners in different grades informally with either the same or grade-specific assessment activities and formally with grade-specific assessment tasks. The article also addresses the main criticisms against the LEPO framework by explaining how teachers and learners should interact with the learning environment, learning processes and learning outcomes in multi-grade classrooms. The article concludes that if the LEPO framework can be implemented in multi-grade classrooms, teaching and learning can be strengthened in such classrooms.  相似文献   

Though assessment in its early history was conceived as a measurement device, alternative approaches to assessment of student achievement have appeared the past few decades. In this context, studies have been conducted to investigate students’ conceptions of assessment approaches and purposes, as there is evidence that these will affect their learning and ultimately their achievement. This study uses a sequential mixed methods design to investigate students’ conceptions about the purposes of assessment and their definitions of assessment. A questionnaire was administered to 599 lower secondary school students in Cyprus, followed by group interviews with 15 students to explain and build upon initial quantitative findings. Results show that students’ perceptions are in alignment with the current shift in assessment to be used primarily for enhancing teaching and learning. Students seem to agree with the legitimate purposes of assessment and realize that it is an ongoing procedure linked with teaching and learning.  相似文献   

建构主义学习理论旨在强调知识是个人主观的建构,学习是主动发生的过程。它在应用到高等教育领域时,受到杜威哲学思想中意图和活动相互联系的信念影响。一致性建构的理念则改变了建构主义仅仅停留在认识论上的思维模式,在本体论范畴强调意义的建构,并有效地诠释了教与学活动、学习评价如何与预期学习成效保持一致。这一理念指导下的以成效为本的教与学是学习理论在高等教育中的实践与应用。从建构走向一致的过程,充分表明高等教育的教与学需要回归到以学生学习成效为本的根本出发点上。  相似文献   

实践教学是高职类院校人才培养的重要组成部分。是学生有效学习、职业能力培养和职业可持续发展的关键。文章分析了高职工程经济学课程在教学中实践教学效果不佳的现象,指出实践教学在课程建设中的重要性,并以学生自我发展为基础,对如何改善实践教学模式,如何培养学生的职业能力提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

浅析互动式教学法在经济学教学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从培养应用型人才的角度,结合经济学课程的特点,分析了在经济学教学中发挥学生主体作用、进行多向交流的必要性,并探讨了互动式教学法在经济学教学中的实施途径。  相似文献   

This study investigates the extent to which university teachers’ beliefs about classroom writing assessment are congruent with their self-perceived practices in English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) contexts, and what factors contribute to belief-practice inconsistencies. Drawing on data from a survey of 136 Chinese university EFL writing teachers and ten teacher interviews, results showed a degree of belief-practice alignment regarding assessment for learning (AfL) practices that make learning explicit, but belief-practice discrepancies were more salient. AfL practices that empower students to take responsibility in writing assessment were perceived to be more important than assessment of learning practices; however, the reverse was found in teachers’ practice. Impacts of micro-level factors including assessment training, teaching experience, student attributes, meso-level school factors, and macro-level assessment culture are discussed, and implications are drawn.  相似文献   

Scotland, in common with many countries internationally, has been learning how to align ideas from research with policy and practice. This article considers what Scotland learned from large-scale evaluations of its Assessment is for Learning (AifL) programme and the extent to which this evidence was used to inform future learning within the national programme. More recently, the policy focus in Scotland has shifted to the creation of a new curriculum, Curriculum for Excellence, subsuming AifL. Merging curriculum and assessment innovations brought new challenges in the alignment of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. Drawing on a Scottish Government-funded research project, Assessment at Transition, designed to identify and explore emerging gaps between practice in schools and local authorities and national curriculum and assessment policy aspirations, the article argues that assessment is learning and explores how formative approaches to evaluation at a national level might be used to prevent countries repeating past mistakes.  相似文献   

郭亮 《海外英语》2012,(14):123-124
网络英语自主学习是网络英语教学中不可缺少的组成部分,也是保证英语教学质量不断提高的重要手段。该文基于网络教学的特点和要求,构建一个完全网络化的英语自主学习评价体系,从而使教学质量评价更加系统化;科学化和网络化。  相似文献   

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