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Frequently an unquestioned belief is held in British schools in the value of ‘normalized’ ability in physical education (PE). Consequently inclusion of disabled students can be problematic. Negative perceptions of disability are rarely challenged. This study investigated the embodied experiences of 49 non-disabled secondary school pupils during a programme designed to introduce disability sport to non-disabled school children entitled ‘The Wheelchair Sports Project’. Funded by a County Sports Partnership, Wheelchair Basketball sessions were delivered by trained coaches during PE for a 12-week period. Forty-nine pupils aged between 10 and 12 years took part in the study. Non-participant observations were completed during the programme, and semi-structured group interviews were completed with 24 participants pre- and post-project. Bourdieu's theoretical framework guided data analysis. The impact of the project on pupils' perceptions of physical disability was investigated. Prior to the project, pupils emphasized the ‘otherness’ of disabled bodies and described disability sport as inferior and not ‘real’. Observations highlighted how pupils experienced physical challenges adapting to wheelchair basketball. Pupils struggled to control wheelchairs and frequently diverged from acceptable behaviour by using their lower limbs to ‘cheat’. Post-programme group interviews demonstrated that, due to their own embodied experiences, pupils began to question their perceptions of the potential ability of participants with physical impairments. Pupils described high physical demands of wheelchair basketball and began to focus upon similarities between themselves and physically disabled individuals. However, participants made no reference to impairments other than physical disability, emphasizing the specificity of the effects of pupils' embodied experiences on their embodied habitus, which, although difficult to assess over the long term, appeared to have an impact on self-perceptions over the short term.  相似文献   


Background: How teachers enact policy has been of significant interest to educational scholars. In physical education research, scholars have identified several factors affecting the enactment of policy. These factors include but are not limited to: structural support available for teachers, provision of professional development opportunities, the nature of the policy, and the educational philosophies of the teachers. A recurring conclusion drawn in this scholarship is that official documentation and teachers’ work often diverge, sometimes in profound ways.

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate how physical education teachers in Sweden describe their enactment of policy regarding the concept complex movement, which features in the latest Swedish curriculum.

Methods: Interview data were generated with six specialist physical education teachers. Three questions guided the interviews: What is complex movement? What is not complex movement? And, can you give examples from your teaching of complex movement? Data were analyzed using a discourse analytic framework. Meaning was understood as a production of dialectical relationships between individuals and social practices. Two key concepts were utilized: intertextuality, which refers to the condition whereby all communicative events, not merely utterances, draw on earlier communication events, and interdiscursivity, which refers to discursive practices in which discourse types are combined in new and complex ways.

Results: We identified three discourses regarding the teachers’ enactment of policy: (1) Complex movement as individual difficulty, (2) Complex movement as composite movements, and (3) Complex movement as situational adaptation. Several features were common to all three discourses: they were all related to issues of assessment; they suggested that complex movement is something students should be able to show or perform, and; they left open room for practically any activity done in physical education to be considered complex.

Discussion: Three issues are addressed in the Discussion. The first concerns the intertextual nature of the teachers’ statements and how the statements relate to policy and research. The second concerns the way that knowledge, and specifically movement knowledge, becomes problematic in the teachers’ statements about complex movement. The third concerns more broadly the language used to describe the relationship between policy and practice.

Conclusions: We propose that modest levels of overlap between teachers’ discursive resources, policy, and research is unsurprising. In line with earlier research, we suggest that the notion of ‘enactment’ is a more productive way to describe policy-oriented practice than notions such as ‘implementation’ or ‘translation’, which imply a uni-directional, linear execution of policy.  相似文献   

Framed within a shift from a highly centralized system of higher education (HE) to a de-regulated system in Norway, this article addresses how the foci upon student recruitment and incentives in the governmental funding of HE have stimulated market dynamics which affect local configurations of bachelor degrees in sport, physical education and outdoor pursuits, which in turn, can affect the content knowledge of physical education teacher education (PETE) degree. Analyzing data generated via in-depth interviews with Deans and Heads of programs at three significant national providers in the field of HE sport and physical education, this article illuminates how marketization permeates the communication of education values and, thus, the institutional pedagogical discourse. This article problematizes the ways in which PETE pedagogical discourse currently reflects market values embedded in new managerialism in local strategies to recruit students at university colleges in Norway, rather than educational or professional values.  相似文献   

BackgroundIncreasing caloric expenditure in physical education is considered an effective school-based approach to addressing the child obesity epidemic. This study was designed to determine synergistic influences of student characteristics and lesson factors on caloric expenditure in elementary and middle school physical education.MethodsThe study used a multi-level design. Level-1 factors included personal characteristics: age, gender, and body mass index. Level-2 factors included lesson length, content, and school level. Based on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention age–gender adjusted growth chart, students in 87 classes from 14 elementary and 15 middle schools were pre-screened into “Overweight”, “Healthy weight”, or “Thin” groups. One boy and one girl were randomly selected from each group in each class as data providers (264 elementary and 294 middle school students). Caloric expenditure was measured in 243 physical education lessons using accelerometers.ResultsAnalysis of variance revealed and hierarchical linear modeling confirmed separate age by body mass index, age by gender, and content by lesson–length interaction effects, suggesting that the personal and lesson factors influenced caloric expenditure independently. Older male and heavier students burned more calories in all lessons. Students burned more calories in 45–60 min sport skill or fitness lessons than in shorter (30 min) or longer (75–90 min) game or multi-activity lessons.ConclusionsThe hypothesized cross-level interaction was not observed in the data. Caloric expenditure can be optimized in 45–60 min sport skill or fitness development lessons. It can be recommended that schools adopt 45–60 min lesson length and provide skill and fitness development tasks in physical education to maximize caloric expenditure.  相似文献   

从身体的角度看体育的"智识"教育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
体育是一种人类特有的身体运动方式,而"身体"作为人的存在的根本维度,与体育运动始终是密不可分的.因此,从"身体"出发,阐述了体育之育的真正目的与效用--开发生物脑体以及发展身体智慧,把体育从"纯粹的无法思想的身体教育"中解放出来,视"身体"为可以思考、充满"智慧"的身体,说明了体育在"智识"教育上的真正意义,从而从根本上脱离了身心"二元论"并有力反驳了"四肢发达,头脑简单"的错误认识,以求让更多的人自觉地投入到体育运动之中,感受体育的魅力,树立起终身体育的观念.  相似文献   

当前学校体育的问题在于偏离体育本身。而体育本身,就是体育之所是。对学校体育本身的思考应从重外在工具理性向重内在本体回归,凸显其终极的本真意义。学校体育作为有意识的以影响人的身心发展为直接目标的社会活动,"尽性"应是其意蕴所在。"体育的尽性"是注重人的独特生命的体育,是面向完整人性的体育,是自主自由的体育,是一种愉悦的体验,它是以实现人本主义的体育理想为最终目标的一种体育理念。  相似文献   


The present study investigated the heart rate (HR) response to various types of physical education (PE) activities for 8- to 9-year-olds (five school classes, n = 93) and the fitness effects of a short-term PE training programme (three of the five classes, n = 59) with high compared to low-to-moderate aerobic intensity. HR was recorded during small-sided indoor soccer (SO), basketball (BB), unihockey (UH), circuit training (CT), walking (W) and Nintendo Wii Boxing (NWB) and Nintendo Wii Tennis (NWT). Maximal HR (HRmax) and physical fitness was determined by the Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Level 1 Children's test (YYIR1C) test. Following cluster randomisation, three classes were tested before and after 6 wks with 2 × 30 min/wk SO and UH lessons [high-intensity (HI), 2 classes, n = 39] or low-to-moderate intensity PE lessons (CON, 1 class, n = 20). Average HR in SO (76 ± 1% HRmax), BA (77 ± 1% HRmax) and UH (74 ± 1% HRmax) was higher (P < 0.05) than in CT (62 ± 1% HRmax), W (57 ± 1% HRmax), NWB (65 ± 2% HRmax) and NWT (57 ± 1% HRmax). Time with HR > 80% and 90% HRmax, respectively, was higher (P < 0.05) in SO (42 ± 4 and 12 ± 2%), BB (41 ± 5 and 13 ± 3%) and UH (34 ± 3 and 9 ± 2%) than in CT, W and NW (0–5%), with time >80% HRmax being higher (P < 0.05) in SO than UH. After 6 wk, YYIR1C performance was increased (P < 0.05) by 22% in HI (673 ± 57 to 821 ± 71 m), but unaltered in CON (674 ± 88 to 568 ± 81 m). HR 2 min into YYIR1C was lowered (P < 0.05) in HI after 6 wks (92.4 ± 0.8 to 89.1 ± 0.9% HRmax), but not in CON. In conclusion, ball games elicited high aerobic loading for young schoolchildren and a short-term, low-volume ball game PE-intervention improved physical fitness. Traditional PE sessions had no effects on intermittent exercise performance.  相似文献   

从学科门类的视角,对我国高校体育专业的发展进行了审视,认为我国高校对体育学科的定位和管理过于模糊和笼统;专业地位的提升受高层次人才匮乏的制约;专业设置针对性不强,学生社会适应性差;体育专业人文环境差,教风和学风不佳等,这些问题反映出体育学科升格为独立的学科门类时机尚未成熟,在体育专业建设等方面还有许多工作要做。  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of selected academic research literature that underpins contemporary preschool physical education. We highlight and interrogate diverse rationales and beliefs that serve to influence and structure preschool physical education in various forms. We speculate as to how preschool practitioners and children might engage in specific practices relative to these discourses. Our consideration of preschool physical education discourses relies upon a Foucaultian analysis of the major techniques of power and also raises possibilities of conceptualising subjectivity formation through his concept of the ‘technologies of the self’. Discourses related to motor skill development, play and physical activity, in particular, appear to be prevalent in the selected literature, along with a related pedagogical discourse concerning ‘structure and freedom’. These sometimes competing discourses arguably underpin competing agendas reflecting those who advocate supporting children's free play and those who propose more structured and interventionist practices in relation to young children's physical activity. We conclude that these diverse approaches lend themselves to interpretation and negotiation in the context of preschool physical education, with specific consequences for the embodied experiences and subjectivities of preschool practitioners and children.  相似文献   

通过生命哲学的解读,辨析了体育的生命意义,并将体育教学划归于生命化教育轨迹之中,把身体教育从知识层面提升到生命层面,从而为摆脱智育模式对体育教学模式的束缚,消融智育模式对体育教学的延伸性影响,焕发体育课堂的生命活力提供新的视域。  相似文献   

“生命”视域下的高职体育教学改革   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从生命中的自然生命、精神生命、社会生命3个维度探究体育与生命的关系,并审视高职体育教学现状,进而提出了生命视域下高职体育教学的构思:在自然生命层面,实施"岗位主导"教学模式,着重发展学生的职业岗位体能,增设生命安全教育内容;在精神生命层面,结合"职业规划"教育,运用简单易行的拓展训练增强学生的职业心理素质,深化挫折教育,完善学生的精神生命结构;在社会生命层面,教师言传身教,强化学生的服务意识,彰显学生的社会生命价值.  相似文献   

析高校体育教育对健康人格形成的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
健康人格的培养已成为当今世界教育的主体之一。体育教育作为现代教育的一项重要内容已被视为使人现代化与社会化的一种途径。因此 ,充分利用体育教育的特点与优势 ,紧紧把握住体育教育的本质特征和学科特征 ,对大学生实施健康人格的培养 ,充分发挥体育教育在健康人格教育中的作用。  相似文献   

网络信息资源的利用与高校体育教学改革   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
郭红  何仲涛 《体育学刊》2000,(6):107-109
体育教学改革需要网络信息资源以促进和知识更新,并通过网络远程教育推动实现继续教育。体育工作应提高体育信息素质,树立现代体育意识并掌握网络信息获取技能,学会共享全球体育信息资源,同时针对网上体育教学资源的匮乏,应在共享网络体育信息资源的同时,结合专业知识和现代教育技术,创造网上教学资源,促进高校体育教学改革。  相似文献   

This article discusses the implications of the contemporary transition from a solid modernity to a liquid modernity for school physical education, according to the metaphors adopted by the Polish sociologist and English resident Zygmunt Bauman. By leveraging Bauman's sociological theory, this article pursues two aims: (1) to examine how physical education was forged by the characteristics of solid modernity and (2) to demonstrate how the cultural dynamics of contemporary bodily practices can be analyzed and interpreted based on the characteristics of the so-called liquid modernity. The article further argues that the contours of liquid modernity indicate the need for a ‘culturalist turn’ in physical education, which would mean giving up a model requiring universal claims of solid modernity. Finally, the article concludes with some reflections on the need to revise the social mandate of school physical education, as well as on some of the challenges that must be faced by this field.  相似文献   


There has been very limited research on the use of self-worth protection strategies in the achievement context of school physical education (PE). Thus the aim of the present study was to examine some antecedents and consequences of defensive pessimism and self-handicapping. The sample comprised 534 British pupils (275 females, 259 males) recruited from two schools who responded to established questionnaires. Results of structural equation modelling analysis indicated that self-handicapping and defensive pessimism were positively predicted by fear of failure and negatively predicted by competence valuation. In addition, defensive pessimism was negatively predicted by physical self-concept. In turn, defensive pessimism negatively predicted enjoyment in PE and intentions to participate in future optional PE programmes. Self-handicapping did not predict enjoyment or intentions. Results from multi-sample structural equation modelling showed the specified model to be largely invariant across males and females. The findings indicate that although both strategies aim to protect one's self-worth, some of their antecedents and consequences in PE may differ.  相似文献   

谭红 《体育学刊》2007,14(4):61-63
新课程处处体现“以人为本”的人学思想,学校体育课程通过人化的回归,在更高文化层次上发展,才能符合时代发展的要求。作为学校教育的基础学科,学校体育课程的改革与发展,更应关注学生“多向度”的发展,唤醒学生的生命主体意识。  相似文献   

In physical education, bodies are not only moved but made. There are perceived expectations for bodies in physical education to be ‘healthy bodies’—for teachers to be ‘appropriate’ physical, fit, healthy and skilful ‘role models’ and for students to display a slim body that is equated with fitness and health. In teachers’ monitoring of students with the intention of regulating health behaviour, however, the surveillance of students’ bodies and associated assumptions about health practices are implicated in the (re)production of the ‘cult of the body’. In this paper, we consider issues of embodiment and power in a subject area where the visual and active body is central and we use data from Australian and Swedish schools to analyse the discourses of health and embodiment in physical education. In both Swedish and Australian physical education there were discourses related to a fit healthy body and an at risk healthy body. These discourses also acted through a range of techniques of power, particularly regulation and normalisation.  相似文献   

The concept of brokering is usually aligned with a business model of an intermediary helping the customer/client with their decisions/choices. As knowledge becomes increasingly accessible, and of varied origins, quality and veracity, the number of professionals engaged in knowledge brokering is simultaneously increasing. This paper considers if teachers should also regard themselves and become skilled as knowledge brokers. Set in the context of proliferating websites, blogs, products and services available for access/purchase by health and physical education (HPE) teachers and their students, questions about what is knowledge, where it is generated and how it is filtered and evaluated are raised as a prelude to suggesting that it may be time for HPE teachers to act as effective knowledge brokers consistent with the pressures and practices of neoliberalism.  相似文献   

徐好娜 《精武》2012,(12):6-7
运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法及专家咨询等方法,结合职业院校体育教学经验,分析体育游戏在职业院校体育教学中的作用。职业院校体育教师在进行教学时,根据教学内容、任务及课程结构特点,培合场地器材选取恰当的体育游戏,不仅可以吸引学生注意力,还可以降低教学难度,提高教学质量,为终身体育真定基础。  相似文献   

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