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为充分利用现代信息技术,通过对Delphi和Word各自特点的分析,以及Delphi和Word之间的融合技术的研究,开发出一套通过Delphi控制Word自动发送商务传真的系统,提高传真通讯效率.该系统不仅适用于商业领域,也适用于需要交流统计信息的政府机关,如统计部门、税务部门等。  相似文献   

你是否遇到过这样的事情:用Word软件写文章或记日记,差不多快写完时,文件没来得及存盘,却突然遇到停电或死机,此时的你是否有欲哭无泪的感觉?唉,这就叫“天有不测风云”!不过,不要担心,教你一种方法,让你从此与它“绝缘”。微软提供一种名为“自动恢复”功能,只要启用了这项功能,每隔一定时间就会将所做的修改保存在一个独立的临时恢复文件中。这样当你在未保存文件的情况下遇到停电或死机,重启计算机后,Word会自动打开恢复文件(即非正常退出时未保存的文件)。恢复文件包含“自动恢复”最后一次保存的对文档的修改。例如…  相似文献   

文章主要介绍如何利用Word中的自动更正或自动图文集格式化化学式,以及利用宏在Microsoft Word中添加化学式格式化工具。  相似文献   

Microsoft Word是一个功能强大的文字处理软件,而VBA是其一个重要的组件,可以使Word繁琐、机械的日常编辑工作自动化。介绍了在Word 2003中使用“宏”技术实现对成绩登记表的自动计算、统计的算法。展示了对W0rd进行功能扩展的基本途径和方法。  相似文献   

利用VBA技术对Word文档属性进行分析,运用VBA工具对考生操作的属性值进行数据库匹配,从而实现Word文档自动阅卷功能。  相似文献   

基于形式语言的Word操作题自动阅卷方案及其实现   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在实践的基础上,提出了一个新的Word操作题自动阅卷方案;给出了方案中Word操作题的存储结构;分析了阅卷方案的主要算法;介绍了实现自动阅卷的VBA技术,给出了一些关键代码。  相似文献   

Word操作题自动阅卷功能的实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了Word文档格式的识别方法以及Word对象模型层次结构等技术要点,并结合具体应用示例,给出了Word文档中对象属性的获取方法,并对这些属性信息进行快速、准确的判读,以实现Word操作题的自动阅卷功能。  相似文献   

宏与VBa在Word中的巧用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了宏在Word中的灵活应用,以完成一些特殊的操作技巧,并介绍了VBa在Word教学中进行自动判分的辅助教学应用技巧。  相似文献   

本文借鉴应用程序自动化方法,基于AutoIt3和VBA,设计了一种针对Word操作题的自动批量批改程序框架,首先依据Word操作技能考核要求对Word操作题各小题划分评分点和对应分值,然后应用VBA实现单个学生Word操作题自动批改程序,最后应用AutoIt3实现多个学生Word操作题自动批量批改程序.  相似文献   

张立军 《物理教师》2004,25(5):41-42,47
本人是一名物理教师,常用Word编辑教案、试卷、有关教学的资料和课件素材.而在进行这项工作时。为了提高工作效率,就对Word文档模板进行了设置.为了输入一些规范的根式、公式,快速绘制一些规范的图形,添加安装了“公式编辑器”和“管理学科工具”,扩充了该软件的功能,使得Word的使用更加得  相似文献   

Word recognition skill is the foundation of the reading process. Word recognition could be accomplished by two major strategies: phonological decoding and sight-word reading, the latter being a marker for proficient reading. There is, however, a controversy regarding the relationship between decoding and sight-word reading, whether the two are independent or the latter is built on the foundations of the former. A related controversy about instructional strategy could be whether to use whole-word method to improve word recognition skills, or to first build decoding skills and then introduce sight words. Five goals were set up to address these issues: (a) developing a criterion that can be used easily by classroom teachers to assess sight-word reading ability, (b) examining this relationship between decoding and sight-word reading, (c) identifying the mechanism that can explain the relationship, (d) examining factors that facilitate sight-word reading, and (e) discussing potential instructional implications of these findings. In order to accomplish these goals, naming time and word-naming accuracy of three groups of subjects (elementary school children, children identified as having reading disability, and college students) were studied by using a variety of verbal materials. The over-all conclusions are that the difference in naming time of letters and words can be used as a metric for assessing sight-word reading skill. Sight-word reading appears to be intimately related to decoding. Sight-word reading is accomplished by parallel processing of constituent letters of words and is influenced also by the semantic nature of words. It is conjectured that sight-word reading instruction is likely to be successful if decoding skills are firmly established first.  相似文献   

词汇是语言的最基本单位,是语言的基础,英语能力的提高在很大程度上取决于词汇的扩展。但是,学生们大多反映把握词汇很难,因而丧失了学习英语的爱好和信心。那么,如何帮助学生扫除词汇记忆这个拦路虎,提高词汇记忆效果呢?笔者认为,教师既要有科学的语言学习理论作指导,又要讲究一定的教学方法。  相似文献   

在进行管理信息系统开发时往往要进行报表的制作,但报表一般不能形成单独的文件进行存储,更不能进行必要的修改。若将报表制作成Word文档的形式就能妥当解决该问题。利用C#调用Word的COM控件生成并控制Word文档的操作,并在C群.NET平台上利用ADO.NET连接Access数据库,用SQL语句对数据进行操作,进而生成我们所需要的word报表文件。利用c#控制Word文档的操作并将SQL语句查询和统计出来结果写入Word文档,能够很好的制成信息系统所需要的报表,便于资料的存储及必要的修改。  相似文献   

本文利用Word自动更正功能,实现了在不打开Word的情况下完成添加删除自动更正的内容,可在word文档编辑时简化输入内容,提高办公效率。  相似文献   

利用宏实现对Word功能的扩展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刺用Word2000中的宏可以实现自动化,从而扩展Word的功能,同样的原理、方法也可以用在Excel和Access等office程序上,丰富office的功能。  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to determine the degree to which two measures of phonological awareness/ability (Test of Phonological Awareness; Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing) correlate with each other and with a measure of reading (Letter‐Word Identification), and to determine which of the individual measures of phonological ability best predict early reading skill in kindergarten children. With one exception, all correlations among measures of phonological awareness/ability were significant. In addition, all correlations among the phonological awareness measures and the reading measure were significant. Multiple regression analyses revealed that the combination of all predictor variables accounted for approximately 51% of the variability in scores on the Woodcock Letter‐Word Identification subtest. The Phonological Awareness and the Rapid Naming composites of the CTOPP were the best predictors of performance on the measures of word identification. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

在图书馆、资料、期刊的统计报表中有效地利用表格与图表曲线,能够简明、准确、形象地反映所表述的内容。本文介绍在EXCEL中进行数据表格输入与编辑,就可在WORD中产生一个与EXCEL表格具有相同数据表格、曲线图中的数据保持同步更新的表格的方法,即能节省人力,又能有效地利用Excel数据处理功能使报表所述内容为当前最新数据。  相似文献   

Effective management of information— from the storing of information to the writing of reports—should be taught as a basic professional skill for engineers. In this paper the authors explore how to combine word processing and hypertext for such a task. First, linear text and hypertext are defined and presented. A conceptual analysis of different types of text structure is then carried out, then the process of preparing a report, examining the criteria of performance for computer software packages for each phase and for their linking. This general approach is applied to the combination of the ‘Word 4.0’ word processing program and ‘HyperCard’ hypertext software.  相似文献   

In this longitudinal study, the writing skill development of154 Finnish-speaking children was followed from preschool to thethird grade. The focus was on predictive associations betweenpreschool writing readiness skills and later mechanics ofwriting, as well as between word recognition skill, mechanics ofwriting, and composition coherence. In addition, comparisons weremade between boys and girls to see to what extent writing skilldevelopment is gender-specific. Multi-group structural equationmodeling was used for statistical analysis. The results indicatedthat both mechanics of writing and composition coherence could bepredicted from performance on the same skill at an earlier pointin time. Preschool measures of phonological and visual-motorskills predicted later mechanics of writing. Word recognitionworked as a predictor of later mechanics of writing andcomposition coherence, but only starting from second grade, whenthe development of the word recognition skill had becomestabilized at a high enough level. Furthermore, first grademechanics of writing predicted second grade compositioncoherence, but only at this early stage of productive writingwhen there were still difficulties in the mechanics of writing.Girls were better at tasks measuring mechanics of writing andwrote more coherent stories than boys. The gender difference inthe mechanics of writing at the first grade level was explainedby the presented model. Educational implications were discussed.  相似文献   

简要介绍了在数据表中加入OLE对象以在表单中添加、显示OLE对象的方法;最后着重叙述了在VFP下将OLE对象输出到WORD文档的具体实现方法和步骤.利用该方法实现了在“高等代数”试题库系统中将从数据表中抽取的试题输出到WORD文档,其效果就如我们在WORD中输入的(如公式、图表等)一样,从而可以对抽取的试题自由编辑.  相似文献   

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