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2.The law of club and toothBuck’s first day at Dyea Beachwas terrible.Every hour there wassom e new,frightening surprise.There was no peace,no rest—onlycontinual noise and m ovem ent.And every m inute there was danger,because these dogs and m en were not town dogs and m en.Theyknew only the law of club and tooth.Buck had never seen dogs fight like these dogs;they werelike wolves.In a few m inutes he learnt this from watching Curly.She tried to m ake friends with a dog,a big one,although n…  相似文献   

A O ne day during W orld W ar Ⅱ W in- ston Churchill was having a 1. im portant m eeting in D over.W hen the m eeting w as beginning, 2. Churchill walked out of looking a bit tired.A news reporter 3. ran up to Churchill. H e asked the great m an a lot of question 4. about the m eeting. H e eager to have som e 5. late new s for his newspaper.C hurchill looked 6. at the m an, listened to his questions, but then 7. said to him in a low voice,“Can you keep a 8. secret?” The reporter w as e…  相似文献   

l en 1.I should always rem em ber you for the firsttim e. A .thatI m eet B .m eeting C.to have m et D .to m eet 2. no buses,we had to take a taxithough itw as expensive. A .There was B .There w ere C.There being D .Itbeing 3.Stop a foolofyourselfby keeping on the sam e question. A .to m ake;to repeat B .to m ake;repeating C.m aking;to have repeated D .m aking;repeating 4. a fine day,we decided to go swim m ing in the lake. A .Being B .Itbeing C .Itis D .Itbe 5.The sick m an needed . …  相似文献   

M r.Sm ith liked to be exact. O ne day when he was w alking in thestreet a m an cam e over and asked him E xcuse m e but w here‘s the , : “ ,nearest bookshop ?” The nearest bookshop Y ou have to cross a bridge and then turn “ ?to the right. ” A nd is the bridge long “ ?” Thirty m eters. “ ” The m an thanked him and went towards the bridge. Suddenly heheard som eone running after him . Stop M r.Sm ith w as shouting. I‘m sorry. I just rem em bered ...  相似文献   

M rs Brow n s old grandfather lived1her and her husband.E verym orning he went2a walk in the park and cam e hom e3half pasttwelve for his lunch.But one day a police car4outside M rs Brown s house at tw elveo clock,5two policem en helped the old m an to get out.O ne of them6to M rs Brown,“The poor old gentlem an lost his way in the park andtelephoned to us for help,7we sent a car to bring him hom e.”M rsBrow n was very8,but she thanked the policem en and they left.“But,G randfather,”she…  相似文献   

M r.Sm ith m oved to another town,and soon he needed a new doctor,so he went to see one.H e sat down in the waiting room and lookedaround.The doctor's nam e was on the wall.Suddenly M r.Sm ith rem em-bered there had been a classm ate w ith the sam e nam e in his class at se-chool,and he had becom e a doctor.A s he w ent in to see the doctor,he rem em bered a young,handsom estudent,and was sad to see how old and heavy and grey this m anlooked.M r.Sm ith said to him,“G ood m orning,D octor.…  相似文献   

友情提示:马可·波罗,意大利人,旅行家,曾在中国住了很长一段时间,并担任官职。回国后写了《马可·波罗行记》,书中讲述了他在中国以及东方的见闻。M arco Polo in ChinaIn1275,M arco Polo reached China after three years of traveling w ith hisbrothers.The em peror m ade a great feast in honor of Polos and asked M arco tolive in his court.M arco Polo learned to read,w rite and speak Chinese there.O nce the em peror sent him to the southern part of his em pire.M arco Sawpaper m ade by the Chinese.People…  相似文献   

This Is Our Row A couple were returning to their seats after a trip to the movie theater concession stand.“Did I step on your toes on the way out?”the guy asked the man at the end ofthe row.“You certainly did,”the m an responded angrily.“A llright,”the husband said to his wife.“This is our row.”(From R eaders D igest,subm itted by H eidiA stle)R eason for M issing W orklM y supervisor was livid.O ne ofhis em ployees had m issed work andwasn t answering the phone at hom e.The nex…  相似文献   

At last,the morning came when Oliver was allowed to go out to work with the two other boys. There had been no handkerchieves for him to work on for several days and there was not very much to eat for dinner. The three boys set out,but they walked so slowly that Oliver thought they were not go-ing to work at all. Then suddenly the Dodger(神偷)stopped and put his finger to his lips.‘What's the matter?’demanded Oliver.‘Be quiet’replied the Dodger.‘Do you see that old man outside the bo…  相似文献   

M r.Sm ith liked to be exact. O ne day when he was w alking in thestreet a m an cam e over and asked him E xcuse m e but w here's the , : “ ,nearest bookshop ?” The nearest bookshop Y ou have to cross a bridge and then turn “ ?to the right. ” A nd is the bridge long “ ?” Thirty m eters. “ ” The m an thanked him and went towards the bridge. Suddenly heheard som eone running after him . Stop M r.Sm ith w as shouting. I'm s…  相似文献   

Listen M y classm ates were readingChinese articles aloud in our classroom.But w here was our C hinese teacher﹖O hshe was walking here and there in front ofthe class.There were a few m inutes leftbefore the class was over.O ur Chineseteacher suddenly said to us“W e will havea recital com petition tom orrow in Chineseclass.Everybody can take part in it.A tlast w e will choose three best speakers tothe com petition of the whole school.”H ear-ing this students began to discuss.I alsothough…  相似文献   

Most people began to count in tens because they had ten fingers on their hands. But in some countries, people counted on one hand and used the three parts of their four fingers. So they counted in twelves, not in tens.Perhaps because of this,the Egyptians divided a day into twelvehours,and laterscientists divided the circle into twelve parts of30.Peo-ple also used the num bertwelve parts.Theold British m oney was the sam e,wheretwelve pence m ade a shilling.Butstrange-ly there were twenty sh…  相似文献   

The Orff music method has been internationally practiced and recognized as one of the leading music methods in the past fifty years. The success of this approach is that this method encourages all students participating in the designed music activities in the music class to interact with the teacher and other classmates using the Orff approach rather than the traditional one-way music learning approach in the traditional music classroom in Asia. While the children are situated within an environment where music activities and bodily movements are stimulated, the children's aesthetic music knowledge can be influenced significantly (Carlson, 1990). In this study, there were a total number of 180 3rd graders from three elementary schools in Taiwan who participated in this research. The control group which consisted of three classes with a total number of 90 students was the class using the traditional music method taught by a regular classroom teacher, while the experimental group, which consisted of another three classes with a total number of 90 students, was the class taught using the Orff music method by the researcher. The study was controlled in the sense that the six music classes were ascertained to be of equal ability in their understanding of music before the experimental factor was applied. As well, there were no significant differences in age or mental capacity, while the difference in genders was only minimal. The results of this research revealed that not only did the students who had the Orff music method training perform better than the traditional music method on both melodic patterns dictation and music reading tests, but the Orff training also helped the experimental students to have a solid understanding of rhythmic structures and basic music knowledge.  相似文献   

M ark was w alking hom e from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had tripped and dropped all of the books he was carrying,along with two sw eaters,a baseball bat,a glove and a sm all tape recorder. M ark knelt down and helped the boy pick up the scattered arti- cles. Since they were going the sam e way, he helped to carry part of the burden. A s they walked, M ark discovered the boy s nam e w as B ill, that he loved video gam es, baseball and history, and that he was hav- ing…  相似文献   

H i,dad!H ow are you in Beijing?M om and I went to the Chinese schoolthis m orning.It w as a big school.M omand I went to its fourth floor for registra-tion.U nfortunately,M om didn’t bring anycash,so w e got m oney from the bank.Thecost of registration was75dollars.O n our way back,we m et a wom anwho brought a ten-year-old boy.She askedus if there was any K arate(空手道)trainingclasses,and we said w e were sorry becausewe were also the new com ers there....M om wanted to buy a new sw i…  相似文献   

The world itself is becom ing m uch sm aller by using m odern trafficand m odern com m unication m eans.Life today is m uch easier than it was hun-dreds of years ago,is has brought new Problem s.O ne of the biggest is pol butlution.To pollute m eans to m ake things dirty.Pollution com es in m any w ay.W e see it,sm ell it,drink it and even hear it.M an has been polluting the earth.The m ore people,the m ore pollution.M any years ago,the problem w as not so serious because there were notso m …  相似文献   

1It was a very deep night,but there w ere still a lot of people in a bar, drinking and chatting In the m iddle of the bar,three m en w ere at table They talked and drank very happily2郾Suddenly,all the lights in the bar w ent out because of the power cut郾 Soon the bar was bright again because the boss asked the waiters to light the candles([謖k覸ndl]蜡烛)郾3郾Itw as very rom antic([r藜謖m 覸ntik] 浪漫的)to drink and chat in the light of the candles郾A llthe people were stillvery happy郾A ll…  相似文献   

Small moments sometimes last avery long tim e.And a few words—though theym ean 1 at the tim e to the people whosay.them—can have great power.I recently heard a story from M alcolmDalkoff, who has been a professional 2for the last 24years,m ostly in advertising.As a boy,Dalkoff was terribly shy and3 .H e had few friends and no self-confi-dence (自信). Then one day, his high-schoolEnglish teacher,Ruth Brauch,asked the classto write their own chapter that would 4the last chapter of the novel since they hadbeen r...  相似文献   

第一部分基础演练Ⅰ.词汇A)根据句意及所给首字母,写出各句空白处所缺的单词。1.M y bike is broken.Can you help m e r it?2.M y dress is s to yours,so I took your dressby m istake.3.I cam e here s to ask you a question.4.H e looks sad.Let’s c him up.5.I’ve called you three tim es,are you d?B)根据句意及所给汉语,填写适当的单词完成下列句子。6.The kind m an always helps the(无家的)children.7.“D idn’t you see the(牌子)‘NOSM OK IN G’?”she said angrily to the m an.8.M other asked her to(指导)u…  相似文献   

G ood M orning,ladies and gentlem en。Today I’d like to tell a story.Eleven years ago,there was once ahappy fam ily in a village of H enanProvince.B ut all of a sudden,it was com-pletely changed because of their father’sspecial illness and loss of w ork,whichcaused their m other’s leaving w ithout say-ing“G ood-bye”.The eldest brother had nochoice but to support the whole fam ily w ithhis tender little shoulder.H e was then only12years old.D ay after day,year afteryear,he was alw ays p…  相似文献   

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