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理念是一个动态性的概念,大学理念的科技取向是在大学理念演进过程中产生和发展的。大学内部教育环境和社会的科技环境促使了大学理念科技取向的形成和发展。科教一体化、科技社会化和研究型大学建设等体现了当代大学理念科技取向的基本特征。  相似文献   

Previous research on student typological models has centered on undergraduates' general philosophies of higher education. This study focused on students' more specific views of the purposes of education, desired teaching-learning arrangements, and roles with faculty in academic decision-making. Undergraduates (N = 3,628) completed the Student Orientations Survey, and orientation scale scores were used in a multidimensional typological analysis. Five distinct student learner profiles were identified; coefficients of group homogeneity and between-groupF's supported the uniqueness of each group profile. Discussion centered on various implications for postsecondary institutions regarding the use of a typological scheme premised on student orientations and learning preferences.Presented at the American Educational Research Association Conference, March 28, 1978.  相似文献   

Environmental attitudes depend on the relative importance that individuals attach to themselves, other people, or all living things. These distinct bases have been found to predict environmental concern, and may act as statistically significant determinants of pro-environmental behaviours. We claim that examining the complex nature of value orientations and concern levels among elementary school students as well as the interrelationships between these attributes could guide researchers and educators in Turkey. This study aimed (1) to explore Turkish elementary students’ ecocentric and anthropocentric attitudes, and environmental apathy; (2) to investigate their egoistic, altruistic and biospheric value orientations as well as their environmental concerns; (3) to examine relationships among environment-related attributes and (4) to determine the role of gender on these attributes. Participants seemed to be highly concerned and held favourable ecocentric attitudes. Furthermore, students with higher levels of anthropocentric attitudes tended to exhibit higher levels of environmental apathy, and those expressing biospheric concerns held lower levels of egoistic concerns. The findings suggest that girls were significantly more concerned about environmental problems and tended to value nature more for its own sake than boys.  相似文献   

无论哪种教学模式,辅导教学都是一个重要的教学环节。本文从多媒体、授课艺术、精选例题、教学内容这些角度出发,探讨了如何提高辅导教学的教学质量和教学效率,如何有效地调动学生学习的积极性,如何帮助学生正确求解习题,如何培养学生的综合能力等问题。以达到为学生提供高质量的辅导教学的目的。  相似文献   

我国不同层次、不同领域的大学都把教学、科研、服务社会三项职能作为大学的基本使命,但研究型高校、教学研究型高校和地方高校的办学定位应当存在差异。我国地方高校的办学传统、资金投入、学科布局、教师团队、生源特点和物质技术基础等存在特殊性,这就决定了地方一般本科院校必须根据经济社会发展需要、高等教育布局和自身实际找准办学定位,形成自己的办学特色,实现办学定位与办学特色的有机耦合。  相似文献   

大学生参与教师教学评价的调查研究   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
大学生参与教师教学评价是提升高校教育教学质量的重要手段,也是大学生发挥主体作用的具体体现。从问卷和访谈调查中发现,高校虽然普遍开展了学生评教活动,但在评价的时机、形式、内容、结果利用以及师生的认识和态度等方面,仍然存在着一些不容忽视的问题。高等学校应拓宽教学评价的内容,开辟学生参与评教的多种途径,开发适合各类课程的评价工具,使学生的评教真正有助于教师的教学改革。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined what kind of perfectionistic profiles (i.e., different patterns of perfectionistic strivings and concerns) can be identified among general upper‐secondary school students, how stable those profiles are over the school year, and how they are connected with students' motivation (i.e., achievement goal orientations). Four distinct profiles were identified. Students with high strivings and low concerns had their focus mainly on mastery, while students with an opposite profile emphasized performance‐avoidance and work‐avoidance orientations. Students with high strivings and concerns favored both performance‐ and mastery‐related goals, whereas students characterized by low strivings and low concerns did not display a dominant tendency toward any orientation. Perfectionistic profiles were relatively stable over time, with the majority of students reporting similar tendencies across the measurements, and with no extreme changes observed. Some indications of more students displaying less adaptive perfectionistic tendencies by the end of the school year were nevertheless found. Our findings demonstrate not only stability in perfectionistic tendencies, but also their motivational relevance in the academic context where students' goals and performance concerns play an important role.  相似文献   

大学生创业教育机制构建的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生创业教育是促进大学生就业问题解决的有效途径,是推进高校人才培养模式改革的需要,也是大学生实现个体发展的需要。从大学生创业的激励机制、发挥校园文化活动的平台作用、开设大学生创业教育相关课程以及指导大学生进行自主创业实践等来构建科学有效的大学生创业能力培养机制。  相似文献   

高校创业教育的现状、问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前国内高校毕业生对创业的积极性正逐步提高,对高校的创业教育也有较为旺盛的需求。但国内高校开展创业教育存在诸多问题。社会和高校应该进一步认识到创业教育的重要性,将创业教育作为重要的教育内容和目标。同时,高校应优化课程结构,加强大学生创业实践环节,并加强与企业界的联系与合作,以此提高大学生创业的成功率。  相似文献   

高校人才培养模式与大学生就业制度之间存在着有机联系,二者相互影响、相互作用。文中通过对高校人才培养模式与大学生就业制度这一问题的分析,旨在寻求一种适应新形势需要的高校人才培养模式及与之相适应的大学生就业制度,以期培养和造就全面发展的合格人才。  相似文献   

随着素质教育的普及,对学生兴趣发展的鼓励,以及大学生的独立意识的发展,学生社团已经成为组成高校学生日常生活的非常重要的部分。但是高校社团的发展仍然存在许多问题与不足。本文以学生社团管理者的视角简要分析高校社团常见问题及其原因,有针对性地提出了一些有关高校社团发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   

美国大学校园学生伤害案件主要包括四类:第一类是指由于学校教职工的作为或者不作为所导致的学生伤害案件;第二类是指由于学生自身或者学生相互间的作为或者不作为所导致的学生伤害案件;第三类是指由于除学生或者学校教职工之外的其他主体所导致的学生伤害案件;第四类是指由于上面所提到的两方或者两方以上主体的作为或者不作为共同导致的学生伤害案件。美国相关部门在处理大学校园学生伤害案件时遵循的基本程序是:判定大学是否对案件承担责任;是否属于大学免责的相关是由;大学需要承担何种责任;赔付的标准是什么。美国大学校园学生伤害案件的类型化以及其在判定大学的法律责任时的基本程序,对于理清我国大学在校园学生伤害案件中的法律责任有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The role of universities as the engines of knowledge-based economies drives global internationalisation of higher education. This contributes to a competitive environment where higher education rankings indicate market value. Even though rankings are influential and are used a lot, ranking systems have been heavily critiqued. One of the problems is that there are few if any external checks on how rankings are created. The purpose of the study on which this article reports was to evaluate ranking systems. Within the scope of the study, we have sought to reveal to what extent current ranking systems comply with the Berlin Principles—prepared to create certain rules for rankings, and to ensure that rankings represent quality. A document analysis of publicly available documents online was carried out together with a review of printed and electronic publications on ranking systems. An evaluation form was prepared and used in this study for field experts to fill in. Findings show that ranking systems comply with the Berlin Principles in terms of methodology, transparency, and acceptability at a level that ranges from moderate to low. Overall, rankings do not consider differences in higher education and are not transparent about the processes by which rankings are developed. Rankings should for this reason be interpreted carefully and methodological weaknesses of rankings that can lead to false inferences should be recognised.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to explore Students' perception of university teaching behaviours in Pakistan. Three hundred and fifty students from the six public sector Pakistani universities returned questionnaires. Assessment framework, learning activities and instructional strategies emerged from factor analysis as common factors. Students' views on five conceptual variables were also analysed: instructional design, active teaching, learning activities, questioning styles; and assessment framework. University teaching in Pakistan was found to be driven by assessment. This is a matter of concern for all stake holders, including the administration of the universities, teachers, students and the Higher Education Commission. A teaching behaviour paradigm shift is required, switching from knowledge-oriented teaching behaviour focused on successful passage through assessment, to teaching behaviour focused upon the development of transferable skills demanded by external markets.  相似文献   

影响大学生学业的因素是多方面的,包括专业理想、学习态度、学习动机、学习方法、学习氛围、师生关系、家庭沟通、考核方式、网络和恋爱等因素。解决好大学生学业问题,可以通过加强专业理想教育,帮助学生制定成才目标;加强对学习过程的监控,帮助学生掌握学习方法;努力营造良好的学习环境,构建和谐师生关系;创设多样化的考核方式,建立学校、家长、学生定期联系制度;加强学生理性上网和正确恋爱的引导;建立学生学业预警机制等措施。  相似文献   

本文对建筑类型学进行了大致的概述,并在历史文化街区的城市设计中引入建筑类型学的理论和思路,对成都文殊坊街区进行分析研究,尝试一种关于传统风貌保护和更新的概念和方法。  相似文献   

理论创新的特点及取势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
理论创新是客观辩证法发展的必然,理论创新的灵魂在于体现时代性,创新的动力在于它的实践性,创新的本质在于它的开拓性,创新的关键在于把握规律性。理论创新首先是马克思主义理论的创新。哲学社会科学理论的创新,要坚持创新与继承的辩证统一,坚持科学的态度与科学方法的统一。坚持理论创新,繁荣发展哲学社会科学事业,是时代的呼唤。  相似文献   

教师实践性知识是教师专业发展的重要基础,实习支教因其较为完善的制度,从时间、基地、导师、经费和评价等方面保证了教育实践的有效实施,从而为师范生实践性知识的生成提供了一条有效的路径,其有效性体现为:效果上目标的完满达成;效率上条件的充分利用;效益上需求的基本满足。  相似文献   

再议大学课程的价值取向及其关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
“两种取向论”(即“个人本位的价值取向”和“社会本位的价值取向”)并没有全面地表达大学课程价值取向的现实,也不利于协调各种价值取向之间的关系。包括“知识本位的价值取向”在内的“三种取向论”则改变了审视大学课程价值取向的框架,使不同价值取向之间形成了一个合理、整体的结构。协调大学课程价值取向之间关系的核心,是恰当地处理人的发展、社会发展和知识发展的要求之间的关系。  相似文献   

校园物质文化建设为大学生文化素质教育提供良好的物质基础、重要的制度保障和精神资源,和谐校园建设是大学生文化素质教育的重要前提和基本保证。推进大学生文化素质教育是和谐校园建设的内在要求和强大动力。实现和谐校园建设和大学生文化素质教育互动,要紧紧抓住把握发展支撑点、突出特色着力点、强化创新关键点、紧扣育人落脚点四个环节。  相似文献   

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