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The influence of teenage mothers' perceptions of family and partner social support on their postpartum adjustment was examined in this study. A structured interview with teenage mothers was conducted prenatally and a follow-up assessment was done when their children were 8 months of age. Both partner and family support were related to greater satisfaction with life, but each was associated in a different way with parenting and concerns about daily living. The results indicate the importance of distinguishing between specific sources of social support and different aspects of adjustment to teen parenthood.  相似文献   

The relations between parent and child acculturation and family and child adjustment were examined among 91 immigrant Chinese families in Canada with early adolescents (average age of 12). Acculturation was assessed in public (e.g., language use) and private (e.g., values) domains separately in Chinese and Canadian cultures. With one exception, interactions between parent and child acculturation in Canadian domains were unrelated to adjustment (conflict intensity, depressive feelings, and achievement motivation). Interactions in Chinese domains were more clearly associated with adjustment. Specifically, mother-child interactions in Chinese public domains and father-child interactions in the Chinese private domain predicted adjustment. In all interactions, when parents were strongly orientated toward Chinese culture, lower levels of Chinese orientation among children were associated with lower adjustment.  相似文献   

The current study is one of the few attempts to examine the quality of marital relations in long-remarried families in diverse types of stepfamilies and compare them to long-established marriages in never-divorced families using a multimeasure, multirespondent design, which included observations. Early in a remarriage the new stepparent is often in a position of greater marginality than the biological parent is, and the marital relationship may be less central than in nonstepfamilies. Thus, the important differences between first marriages and remarriages may be in the salience rather than in the quality of the marital relationship. This will be explored as relations among family subsystems and child adjustment are examined in subsequent chapters.  相似文献   

We explored the genetic background of individual differences in dynamic measures of verbal learning ability in children, using a Dutch version of the Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT). Nine-year-old twin pairs (N = 112 pairs) were recruited from the Netherlands Twin Register. When possible, an older sibling between 10 and 14 years old participated as well (N = 99). To assess verbal learning, non-linear curves were fitted for each child individually. Two parameters were estimated: Learning Speed (LS) and Forgetting Speed (FS). Larger twin correlations in monozygotic (MZ) than in dizygotic (DZ) and sibling pairs for LS and FS indicated the importance of genetic factors in explaining variation in these traits. The heritability estimate (percentage of variance explained by genetic factors) for LS was 43% for both twins and siblings. For FS heritability was estimated at 20% in twins and was slightly higher (30%) in their older siblings.  相似文献   

We propose a family process model that links economic stress in family life to prosocial and problematic adolescent adjustment. Employing a sample of 205 seventh-grade boys aged 12 to 14 years (M = 12.7) and living in intact families in the rural Midwest, the theoretical constructs in the model were measured using both trained observer and family member reports. In general, results were consistent with the proposed model. Objective economic conditions such as per capita income and unstable work were related to parents' emotional status and behaviors through their perceptions of increased economic pressures such as the inability to pay monthly bills. These pressures were associated with depression and demoralization for both parents, which was related to marital conflict and disruptions in skillful parenting. Disrupted parenting mediated the relations between the earlier steps in the stress process and adolescent adjustment. The emotions and behaviors of both mothers and fathers were almost equally affected by financial difficulties, and disruptions in each parent's child-rearing behaviors had adverse consequences for adolescent development.  相似文献   

The relationship among three personal fables (omnipotence, invulnerability, personal uniqueness), narcissism, and mental health variables was assessed in a large, cross‐sectional sample of adolescents drawn from Grades 6 (n = 94), 8 (n = 223), 10 (n = 142), and 12 (n = 102). Participants responded to the New Personal Fable Scale, the Narcissistic Personality Inventory, the Children's Depression Inventory, three indices of suicidal ideation, an inventory of delinquent risk behaviors, the Global Self‐Worth scales from the Self‐Perception Profiles for Children and for Adolescents, and two subscales from the Self‐Image Questionnaire for Young Adolescents. The results showed that omnipotence and narcissism strongly counterindicated internalizing symptomatology, and were robust predictors of positive mental health and adjustment. Invulnerability was strongly associated with risk behaviors. Personal uniqueness was strongly associated with depression and suicidal ideation, a relationship that increased with age. Hence, personal fable ideation is a multidimensional construct with differential implications for adolescent mental health. Adolescent fables of invulnerability and personal uniqueness are risk factors for externalizing and internalizing symptoms, respectively, while “narcissistic omnipotence” is associated with competence. Implications for theory, practice, and future research are discussed. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 43: 481–491, 2006.  相似文献   

帮助青少年管理同伴压力,降低不良适应的风险,是当下学校教育者和父母都在思考的重要问题。有研究发现,父母在青少年面临同伴压力时会倾向于提供帮助和指导建议。但不同类型的社交指导建议(如参与性建议和自立性建议)对青少年同伴适应的影响并不相同。这可以部分地用青少年面临压力挑战和父母参与时存在的个体差异来解释。皮肤电水平反应(Skin Conductance Level Reactivity,简称SCLR)能反映出个体在家庭养育背景下应对不同环境线索时所作出的生理反应(如生理唤醒和抑制反应)。基于“生物一心理一社会”视角,青少年的自主神经系统活动可能与家庭因素相互作用,共同预测青少年的适应能力。  相似文献   

Pascual‐Leone (1972) has conducted task analyses in terms of M‐demand (amount of information processing required by the task) and demonstrated that the phenomenon of ‘horizontal decalages’, described by Piaget, can be accounted for by increasing demands of information processing. It has been shown that formal operational reasoning is required to balance even simple, one‐step chemical equations, while formal reasoning and a sufficiently large M‐capacity are required to balance more complex, multi‐step chemical equations. The objective of the present study is to investigate the relation between functional M‐capacity (Mf) and student performance in solving chemistry problems of increasing M‐demand. It was found that student performance decreased as the M‐demand of the problems increased. Similarly, the correlation coefficients between Mf and student performance increased progressively as the M‐demand of the problems increased.  相似文献   

Low accuracy levels are often obtained when readers are asked to predict test performance over reading materials. Three investigations further explore the information readers use to make predictions during metacomprehension. Our results show that readers’ estimates are influenced by factors such as their initial impression of the reading task, based in part on their perceptions surrounding text genre and test item type. To explain these and other published results, a new framework for investigating metacomprehension using Tversky and Kahneman’s (Science, 185:1124–1131, 1974) anchoring and adjustment heuristic as a guide is proposed. We argue that readers anchor comprehension test performance on factors such as self-perceptions of reading ability and/or perceptions of the reading task and then insufficiently adjust their predictions to reflect the demands of the specific reading task at hand such as text difficulty.  相似文献   

Stress, coping, and adjustment in female adolescent incest victims   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Although previous literature on incest has dealt extensively with the nature, parameters, and effects of such abuse, it has not focused on the role of coping in the psychological adjustment of victims. Forty-five female adolescent incest victims in treatment completed questionnaires regarding their current adjustment, characteristics of their molest, their perceptions of the stressful aspects of the molestations, how they appraised the molestations, and how they coped with the fact that it occurred. The majority of the girls in this study had been sexually abused by a father figure (82%). The coping strategies of wishful thinking and tension reduction, the lack of maternal support at the time of reporting, and appraisals of threat and "holding self back" accounted for 70% of the variance in self-reported distress. The coping strategies of detachment, seeking social support and appraisal of hold self back accounted for 38% of the variance in adolescent's global psychopathology as rated by their therapists. In light of these findings, the implications of the need to address appraisals and coping efforts in research and therapy with incest victims was emphasized.  相似文献   

Davies PT  Windle M 《Child development》2001,72(4):1163-1178
This prospective study of 360 adolescent-mother dyads examined whether associations between marital discord and trajectories of adolescent depressive symptoms and delinquency varied as a function of three intrapersonal attributes: temperament, childhood behavior problems, and perceived family support. Difficult temperament (i.e., dysrhythmicity, poor task orientation) potentiated the effects of marital discord on adolescent trajectories of adjustment, whereas heightened perceptions of family support protected adolescents from the adverse effects of marital discord. Adolescents with behavior problem histories were initially less vulnerable to marital discord; however, the high levels of depressive symptoms exhibited by adolescents with childhood behavior problems persisted over time only when they were exposed to elevated marital discord. The effects of the moderators differed in terms of duration and course.  相似文献   

This study examined parent reports of behavioral and family functioning for 59 boys with learning disabilities (LD) and 65 nondisabled boys (NLD) of ages 6 to 12 years. Parents completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale (FACES III). Boys with LD were reported as having significantly more behavior problems of both the Internalizing and Externalizing types than NLD boys. Individual scales yielded group differences indicating higher scores (more problems) for the group with LD on the Hyperactive, Schizoid or Anxious, Depressed, and Obsessive Compulsive scales, but no differences on the Aggressive or Social Withdrawal scales. Furthermore, families of boys with LD tended to score more frequently in the extreme (disturbed) range of family functioning. However, boys of families in the extreme range did not have more behavior problems than the boys of other families. The findings suggest that a greater than average proportion of boys with LD are at risk for developing psychological adjustment problems.  相似文献   

In a child day-care setting, the naturally occurring social-emotional behaviours and play interaction of 51 infants were observed and recorded. Individual differences in gender, age, temperament, and maternal parenting behaviours were examined to understand how these variables might be related to social-emotional adjustment of infants. The measures used in this study were Social-emotional Behaviour, Play Interaction, Temperament, and Parenting Behaviour. Results indicate that boys showed externalizing problem behaviours more than girls, and the 2-year-olds showed more internalizing problem behaviours such as withdrawal/separation than 1-year-olds. Additionally, adaptability of infants showed a negative correlation with externalizing problem behaviours. Maternal behaviours of over-protectiveness/permissiveness had relations with a low social capability and refusal/neglect had relations with high externalizing problem behaviours. The results suggest that individual differences in social-emotional adjustment are variously determined.  相似文献   

Adolescent adjustment measures may be related to each other and to the social environment in various ways. Are these relationships similar in genetic and environmental sources of covariation, or different? A multivariate behavior-genetic analysis was made of 6 adjustment and 3 treatment composites from the study Nonshared Environment in Adolescent Development, using 674 same-sex adolescent sibling pairs aged 9-11. Cholesky decompositions of the total covariance matrix yielded additive and nonadditive genetic, and shared and nonshared environmental matrices. Factor analyses led to 3 factors for all but shared environment. The first 2 factors resembled Neuroticism and Extraversion factors typically found for personality; the third factor, parental monitoring and control, appeared to have different associations in different matrices.  相似文献   

This article describes parameters of subcultural cultural differences among mainstream teachers and students. These subgroups are as attitudinally and behaviorally distinct as those grounded in ethnicity. They mandate from teachers the same concerns for differences in language, cognition, motivation, and behavior as those maintained for minority students. In the first section of this paper I discuss issues involved in definition of the term mainstream. Second, I examine some determinants of the types of subgroups which evolve in school communities. These include social class, age, life experiences, and activity patterns. Third, I discuss cultural change and external pressures on schools which act to exacerbate the determinants described earlier. These include technology, nuclear war, the devaluation of childhood, school size, and intergenerational changes in the American dream. Finally, I discuss teacher burnout as a form of culture shock and suggest anthropological training and insights as means to ameliorate the process.  相似文献   

Stress exposure and reactivity models were examined as explanations for why girls exhibit greater levels of depressive symptoms than boys. In a multiwave, longitudinal design, adolescents' depressive symptoms, alcohol usage, and occurrence of stressors were assessed at baseline, 6, and 12 months later (N=538; 54.5% female; ages 13-18, average 14.9). Daily stressors were coded into developmentally salient domains using a modified contextual-threat approach. Girls reported more depressive symptoms and stressors in certain contexts (e.g., interpersonal) than boys. Sex differences in depression were partially explained by girls reporting more stressors, especially peer events. The longitudinal direction of effects between depression and stressors varied depending on the stressor domain. Girls reacted more strongly to stressors in the form of depression.  相似文献   

In order to compare the pattern of gender differences for cognitive measures in opposite-sex twin pairs to that in independent samples of twins from same-sex pairs, psychometric test data were obtained from four research-identified samples of children: (1) 96 pairs of opposite-sex fraternal twins in which at least one member of each pair is reading disabled; (2) 62 pairs of opposite-sex fraternal twins with no history of reading problems; (3) 167 males and 155 females from same-sex identical and same-sex fraternal twin pairs in which at least one member of each pair is reading disabled; and (4) a comparison sample of 126 males and 132 females from same-sex twin pairs with no history of reading problems. Results of multivariate analyses indicate that gender differences for cognitive measures are similar in twin pairs with and without reading disabilities. Moreover, a highly similar pattern of gender differences occurs for opposite-sex twin pairs who shared both prenatal and early postnatal influences and for independent samples of children from different families.  相似文献   

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