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Empirical studies of early childhood educators' experiences with learning and implementing positive guidance skills are absent from the extant literature. This study explored this topic with 63 junior and senior level university students who were involved in concurrent instructional lecture and practicum experiences. Participants defined “positive guidance” diversely with definitions ranging from accurate to inaccurate. Most participants held inaccurate or somewhat inaccurate definitions both before and after class. Participants considered several positive guidance skills difficult to master, including conflict resolution, positive language usage, setting and following through with limits, and offering choices. They rated positive language usage and conflict resolution as two of the four most improved skills during the course and addressing children's individual needs and confidence as most improved after the course ended. The majority of participants cited the hands-on aspects of class and lab as being important in contributing to positive attitudes about positive guidance.  相似文献   

The authors conducted a phenomenological study of 10 practicum students' experiences of the integrative reflective model of group supervision. Six categories emerged: (a) intentional listening, (b) engaged in the process, (c) extension and application of the model, (d) personalization feedback, (e) mindful listening, and (f) dimensional feedback. An implication was students' openness to constructive feedback in group supervision.  相似文献   

药理学是门重要的医学基础课,涉及面广,内容繁多,在教学过程中,要加强本学科学习方法的指导,使学生掌握其学习规律和方法。  相似文献   

High quality early childhood teachers have a wealth of knowledge and use a range of skills in their daily classroom practices, and research has consistently demonstrated the positive influence effective early childhood teachers have on children’s development and long-term outcomes. Given the importance of practicum experiences in the development of effective teachers, exploration and understanding of these experiences for early childhood teacher candidates is warranted. The relationship between the cooperating teacher and teacher candidate can be viewed as a central element in the experience; this relationship influences and is influenced by additional elements within the practicum experience, including: communication, beliefs, fit, knowledge and learning. In this article, each of these elements is explored, and the interrelatedness of the elements within the practicum experience is discussed. A systems perspective is used to describe the multiple elements of the practicum experiences in early childhood teacher preparation programs, not only to explore the practicum experience, but also to develop recommendations and a research agenda.  相似文献   

如何提高贫困大学生就业指导的实效性,已经成为高校就业指导工作者的一个重要课题。文章运用积极心理学的理念,提出了应该从挖掘贫困大学生的积极就业优势、培养积极就业心理品质、构建积极社会支持系统等方面,创新贫困大学生就业指导的途径和方法。  相似文献   

学生的自主性学习能力的培养是学生学习的基础。面对高职学生和他们英语学习的实际状况,学校和老师都要根据学生学习的实际和目前的学习环境,利用网络资源,加强第一课堂的教学,积极开展课内学习、课外学习和语言实践的互动,积极培养他们的自主学习的兴趣和能力。  相似文献   

通过对186名初一学生进行学习心理指导的实验研究,结果表明:开设学习心理指导课,不仅可以促进学生学习能力的增长,而且可以优化学生学习品质的发展,这是优化初中生学习心理结构的有效途径  相似文献   

试论学校职业指导的意义与实施策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高校毕业生是我国人力资源的重要组成部分,是实施科教兴国战略、实现跨世纪宏伟目标的重要力量。面对毕业生就业市场化的影响,分析我国高校毕业生的就业形势以及毕业生就业过程中存在的就业难的原因,探讨提高就业率的措施和办法,期待毕业生就业指导正规化、专门化,科学、合理地使用高校毕业生资源,对于促进社会经济发展、维护社会稳定有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

赵继雪 《时代教育》2014,(11):285-286
The phenomenon of language transfer has always been a central issue in the field of second language acquisition. Meanwhile,the role and status of mother tongue in the process of foreign language learning has been a controversial topic for both linguists and scholars as well. Normally divided into positive transfer and negative transfer, language transfer can be widely observed in the language teaching process during which the negative sides hinder the learning of new language while the positive sides facilitate the acquisition of new knowledge. In the specific context of China, language transfer mainly focuses on the transfer of learners' mother tongue-Chinese in English learning process. In this paper, the author mainly discusses the positive transfer of Chinese to those art students whose English competence is relatively poor taking its aim at figuring out a proper strategy for English teaching.  相似文献   

"走出去、请进门"的入户指导作为社区0-3岁婴幼儿家庭早期教育指导模式,是一种能提高社区家庭早期教育服务质量的有效途径。通过实践探索发现,入户指导的过程中首先要做好家园沟通,才能为多元化的指导提供有效依据,同时建立家庭指导档案、挖掘家庭玩具资源、引导家长树立先进理念都是实施入户指导不可或缺的方法与策略。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe, reflect upon, and create a deeper understanding of aspects relevant for promoting a positive school environment from a student perspective. The data was analyzed by using an inductive phenomenological method and based on written responses from 200 Swedish students from grades 5–9. The results indicated that the students found aspects within, as well as beyond, the classroom relevant for a positive school environment. For instance, outings were considered relevant for building and maintaining friendships and for learning processes. Moreover, the students discussed formal and informal conditions and considered social as well as structural circumstances important for having a good time in school. The relation between learning and well-being was also emphasized by the students.  相似文献   

启发是教师教学的基本功。从内容的角度来看,启发应由易到难,以符合认知规律;从思维的角度来看,启发应由远及近,以提高思维强度。在教学过程中,启发应适度,不能过于直白,也不能过于含蓄。启发要适时,即当启处启,当发处发,“启”在关键处,“发”在要害处,防止超前启发和滞后启发。  相似文献   

This paper presents the outcomes of a study carried out in 2001–2002 with nine postgraduate students from China, enrolled on taught master's programmes in a UK university business school. The aims of the research were to explore the development of the students’ orientations to learning during their year of study in the UK, and to explore how the researcher's interactions with the study group contributed to her professional reflections and influenced her academic practice. The main conclusions of the project were that participants’ underlying approaches to learning did not change substantially over the year, owing to the culturally implicit nature of UK academic conventions and that they experienced high levels of emotional isolation and loneliness, which affected their academic confidence.  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育进入大众化阶段,大学生就业压力的持续上升导致高校职业指导工作亟待推动和发展。文章在对我国高校职业指导现状进行把握与分析的基础上,总结了三个有待改进提高的问题,进而结合欧美发达国家高校在职业指导方面的经验,有针对性地提出了推动我国高校职业指导工作的三个对策建议。  相似文献   

高校学生在学校中学习的东西离实际需要还有相当大的差距,这要求学生适应时代的发展需要,以科学的理论指导自己的学习活动,树立全新的学习观念,进行创新性的学习。因此,高校学生要以党的群众路线指导自己的学习活动,通过深入群众生活,虚心向人民群众学习,拓宽自己的知识面,丰富学识和阅历,增长经验,只有这样不断地学习,才能取得生活和工作需要的知识,使自己适应急剧变化的时代和社会需求。  相似文献   

大学生服饰选择与服饰时尚处于互动关系,大学生不仅是服饰时尚的追随者和创造者,而且是服饰文化的建设者和推动者。大学生服饰时尚化的内在动机表现为:从众与模仿心理、求新欲望强烈、追求自我防御与自我显示。学校应引导大学生认清服饰时尚的变迁规律、消解时尚心理的消极影响、追随服饰时尚的正确道路,使大学生拥有积极健康的服饰追求。  相似文献   

浅论高等教育评估对创新的导向与保证作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高等教育评估对高等教育发展的促进作用不言而喻,但随着知识经济的发展,评估与创新同时也存在对立的一面。因此,应积极转变评估之功能,使之适应新的教育理念与制度。  相似文献   

探讨了单片机原理及应用课程的教学体系,对当前该门课程存在的问题进行了分析,提出了教学中可将传统的单片机与现代功能强大的单片机相结合;汇编语言的学习有助于培养学生的高效率编程能力和故障分析能力;可通过工程演示加实验教学的方式,合理安排课堂教学内容。通过这些方式,激发学生对这门课程的学习兴趣。  相似文献   

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