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我国反思型教师职前培养的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反思型教师教育是当前教师教育改革的国际潮流。在我国进行反思型教师的职前培养具有重要的理论价值和现实价值,这表现在:反思型教师职前培养是我国新课程改革的需要;促进职前教师内隐理论的科学转化;为入职后教师专业能力的持续发展提供保障;在反思中职前教师实现对教育和自身角色的理解。  相似文献   

培养职前教师的反思能力已经成为世界各国教师教育的一项重要任务。然而,许多教师职前培养计划更多地关注职前教师工具性反思能力的培养,而忽视本体性反思能力的培养。这在一定程度上造成了在职前阶段所形成的反思能力很难成为促进教师发展的持久动力。因此,对在职前教育阶段培养职前教师工具性反思能力的局限性和培养其本体性反思能力的必要性与可能性进行探讨就显得很有必要。  相似文献   

反思是教师专业发展的关键因素,是教师成长和发展的第一步,把教师培养成反思型教师是教师专业化的最好切入点。本文借鉴国内外教师教育的研究成果,构建了职前反思型教师教育模式,即“全程——协作——互动——反思”教师教育模式,从师范生自身和外部环境的创设方面,提出了培养师范生反思意识和反思能力的对策和建议,对于职前教师教育培养反思型教师具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

反思作为教师的一种专业生活方式,对促进教师的专业发展极具重要意义。在职前教师教育阶段,培养教师的反思意识与反思能力就是抓住了教师专业发展的关键。本文根据职前教师思维的发展特征和各阶段的教育实践,把职前教师反思能力的培养分为四个阶段,即引导性反思阶段、改进性反思阶段、发展性反思阶段和评价性反思阶段,对职前教师反思能力的养成和专业发展具有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

反思实践在教师专业成长中备受推崇.如何将反思实践能力的培养延伸至职前教师培养阶段,是教师教育一体化的要求.以反思实践促进职前教师的成长,顺应了建构实践取向的教师教育理论潮流,而体验学习所强调的经历、体验、反思、实践的往复循环,为职前反思实践能力的培养提供了一个良好的理论支撑与操作指南.  相似文献   

调查发现,中职教师课程实施认知能力表现为多元取向并存,但与实际行为有不一致的现象。中职教师课程实施实践能力方面,技术工艺生产属性有待进一步融入;关注学生综合职业能力发展,但不了解新技术职业对人才素质要求状况;学生与教材内容、教学设计之间的差距迫使教师在课程实施中不得不灵活调整;在课程内容更新中,与企业生产实践对接的常态化不足;尝试使用新的教学方法,但是还不能完全轻车熟路。中职教师课程实施反思能力表现为有反思但是自觉程度有待提高。中职教师课程实施能力的培养需要加强职前教师教育的课程素养教育、开展职后中职教师企业实践的培训、优化中职教师课程实施的外部环境。  相似文献   

新课改对英语教师教学提出了全新要求。因此,以新课改的理念为出发点,探讨教学反思的内涵,提出反思能力的培养对于职前英语教师专业发展的重要性和可行性,并结合英语教学理论和英语教学实践,提出培养和提高职前教师教学反思意识的建议,以期培养出在英语教学研究和实践中具备可持续发展能力的职前英语教师。  相似文献   

反思型教师的职前培养是新课程改革和发展的要求。我国反思型教师职前培养应采取如下对策:强化职前教师自主发展意识和反思意识;合理设计职前教师教育类课程;加强职前教师实践知识的积累与获得;注重职前教师反思人格的塑造与培养。  相似文献   

2011年教育部出台的《教师专业标准》明确提出了对教师的反思能力的基本要求,重视培养教师的反思与发展能力。教师教育制度作为促进教师反思能力发展的重要保障,存在滞后和阶段性脱节的问题。在教师教育制度建设方面应改进职前教师培养方式,提高教师的反思意识;充分利用在职教师培训,提高教师的反思水平;建立科学的教师评价体系,增强教师的反思能力。  相似文献   

职前教师反思的体验基础包括其在基础教育阶段的学徒期观察体验,在教师教育职前培养阶段的课程体验以及日常生活体验。在这些体验中所形成的关于教育教学各个侧面的信念是职前教师反思的重要内容。职前教师反思的目的在于对已有的信念系统进行优化,以更好地指导未来的教育教学实践活动。  相似文献   

Preservice teachers enrolled in a middle level endorsement block provided evidence of their professional, affective, and collaborative dispositions as they reflected upon their conception of early adolescents, appropriate instruction practice, and the empowerment of teachers and students. Research indicates that empowering future teachers as reflective professionals requires teacher education programmes to structure learning experiences that model reflective practice and facilitate the development of engaged learning communities. Through case study research this group of preservice teachers was able to gain a contextual understanding of early adolescents that not only impacted their perception and understanding of the target age group but also allowed them to negotiate their preconceptions, the theoretical understanding presented in their course work, and the authentic observations in the middle school classroom.  相似文献   

The study examined the role of action research in promoting critical reflective thinking among twenty preservice teachers engaged in a year-long middle level program. Data from collaborative discussions, final written documents, presentations, and follow-up surveys revealed that conducting action research (a) engaged them in inquiry into their own practice, (b) was a means to reflect upon and determine ways to change their teaching practices, and (c) promoted critical reflection in a collaborative learning environment. Results underscore the importance of preservice teachers critically reflecting to gain insights into teaching and student learning as they are engaged in action research.  相似文献   

As a faculty member teaching in an innovative, two-year Master's of Teaching program, I found myself reexamining my beliefs and assumptions about the role of reflection in preparing preservice teachers to become reflective practitioners. In the first semester of a four semester program, I introduced a three-part reflective framework (Loughran, 1995, Windows into the thinking of an experienced teacher. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, April.) designed to guide the preservice teachers in systematically reflecting on their lessons before, during and after teaching. The preservice teachers, mentors and I practiced and used the reflective framework for three semesters. In the fourth semester, during which preservice teachers taught in a paid internship position, I conducted individual interviews with the preservice teachers (interns) to explore their understanding and use of reflection. The results of the study suggest that use of the framework helps develop preservice teachers who actively think about their practice to improve their teaching and their students’ learning. Implications for using the reflective process in teacher education programs, particularly in professional development school contexts, are discussed.  相似文献   

The importance of reflection in supporting the continued professional learning of preservice practitioners is well recognised. This study examines one aspect of the outcomes of preservice teachers' reflection: the development of their own self-image as a teacher. In making the transition from student to teacher, preservice teachers create their own professional identity. Their ability to articulate this identity is examined through a new construct, a “teachers' voice”. A teachers' voice, develops when preservice teachers interpret and reinterpret their experiences through the processes of reflection. A teachers' voice is articulated as part of the persons' self-image. The construct, a teachers' voice, was investigated by examining changes in preservice teachers' contributions in an online discussion forum. Two complementary approaches of content analysis were applied. Both methods revealed changes in preservice teachers' levels of engagement and showed that in the first semester of preservice teacher education, the majority of preservice teachers moved towards a more professional stance in their contributions.  相似文献   

《Assessing Writing》2000,7(1):57-77
As reflective writing plays a more prominent role in pedagogy and in assessment, teachers need a greater awareness of the assumptions they bring to the task of assigning and reading reflective texts. Beginning with the question, “What constitutes good reflection?” this study describes how one instructor used the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to explore her responses to the reflective writing produced by preservice English teachers. The author concludes that the MBTI can provide insight into how instructors assign, respond to, and evaluate student reflection; the MBTI can also be used to help teachers improve these practices. She offers suggestions for responding to different kinds of reflective writing and cautions against using reflective writing as a way to assess student understanding.  相似文献   

We examine preservice mathematics teachers' conceptions of writing as a tool for learning mathematics before and after participation in and reflection on writing tasks. We describe the use of two targeted activities incorporated into a secondary methods course: writing to learn mathematics (WTLM) and reflection on that writing. Prior to participation in these activities, the preservice teachers expressed reluctance toward the use of writing in mathematics and uncertainty as to how writing could be useful in mathematics, while accepting that some possible benefits might exist for students' procedural learning. Following participation in these activities, the preservice teachers expressed a willingness to accept writing as a useful tool for supporting an expanded view of teaching and learning mathematics. Specifically, the preservice teachers considered writing as a way to build connections between mathematics and other subjects, a means to assess student understanding of mathematics, and a beneficial support for student conceptual learning.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an investigation into two pre-service teachers' reflective learning through a series of integrated and interactive tasks (i.e., collaborative lesson planning, group consultation, microteaching and videoed reflections) in a teacher education course in Hong Kong. Relying on data gathered from interviews and reflection videos and informed by a tripartite model on teacher identity in practice, discourse and activity, the study revealed how the pre-service teachers engaged in reflective practice and identity construction in the course. The paper concludes with practical implications on how to design and implement effective reflective tasks in preparing and developing competent language teachers.  相似文献   

This article presents a conceptual framework for studying the relationship between cognition and instructional practices of preservice secondary mathematics teachers. It describes how the framework was used as a basis for activities in which preservice teachers engaged in structured reflection on their teaching as a means towards their professional growth. The approach required student teachers to engage in both prelesson and postlesson reflective activities. These activities are described, and details of two cases are given. This article demonstrates how this approach can facilitate the progression of preservice teachers' pedagogical techniques and conceptions. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


Professionals in the field of early childhood are encouraged to demonstrate reflective perspectives of their work supported by pedagogical documentation. The purpose of this article is to introduce a rubric developed for preservice and inservice teachers to improve documentation and reflection. The rubric’s four dimensions: visible learning, powerful story, emotional impact, and visual impact range from novice to expert level. The rubric is not meant to create prescribed documentation or to be used as an evaluation or assessment. Instead, it is a tool to sharpen critical focus for reflection and to challenge teachers to examine and improve their documentation. We include a review of the Reggio Emilia approach to pedagogical documentation and reflective process, an explanatory account of how the rubric was developed, and reflections from implementing the rubric with preservice teachers. We also offer reflective questions and examples to aid in improving documentation and reflection. Recommendations for practice include use as a tool for selfreflection and guided collaborative reflection in small groups.  相似文献   

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