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We engage with recent applications of the Marxist “labor theory of value” to online prosumer practices, and offer an alternative framework for theorizing value creation in such practices. We argue that the labor theory of value is difficult to apply to online prosumer practices for two reasons. One, value creation in such practices is poorly related to time. Two, the realization of the value accumulated by social media companies generally occurs in financial markets, rather than in direct commodity exchange. In an alternative framework, we offer an understanding of value creation as based primarily on the capacity to initiate and sustain webs of affective relations, and value realization as linked to a reputation based financial economy. We argue that this model describes the process of value creation and appropriation in the context of online prosumer platforms better than an approach based on the Marxist labor theory of value. We also suggest that our approach can cast new light on value creation within informational capitalism in general.  相似文献   

Beginning with a reading of Marx proposed by the critical theory of value, the assumptions of Fuchs (2010) and Arvidsson and Colleoni (2012) in the debate on value creation in informational capitalism are analyzed. The theorization of immaterial labor proposed by these authors is limited in its capacity to articulate a radical critique of political economy. Since the immaterial labor theory is marked by the absence of a dialectical critique of knowledge forms constituted under capitalism, it cannot advance Marx's push for a critique of the categories of political economy. The dynamics of capitalism entail a process of alienation that is not limited to exploiting the work done immediately by the producers; they also generate an alienation of forms of knowledge: the alienation of the “general intellect” itself.  相似文献   

This perspective examines the source of value in Web 2.0 enterprises such as Facebook and Google by analyzing the advertising model that supplies the bulk of their revenues. Drawing on Marx's understanding of the circulation of value within the capitalist economy as a whole and his concepts of unproductive labor, subsumption of labor, costs of circulation, commercial capital, and primitive accumulation, we analyze the economic relationships of Web 2.0 capital, proposing that revenues from advertising come from value produced in non-Web 2.0 sectors of the economy. On this basis we critique both Fuchs's and Arvidsson and Colleoni's positions on the origin of value in Web 2.0 and recognize some of the difficulties and contradictions of the advertising model as a form of monetization of free services for Web 2.0 capital.  相似文献   

This perspective explores the production of user-generated content by contrasting two analyses that are convergent in some respects, divergent in others. In our first line of analysis we use the work of Negri (1996) and Moulier-Boutang (2007) on “cognitive capitalism” to extend some elements explored by Fuchs (2010; 2012) and Arvidsson and Colleoni (2012) on labor and value. This approach foregrounds the adaptability of capitalism and suggests that workers are endowed with “an inventive subjective power” that simultaneously influences and reproduces the mode of production. Our second line of analysis explores the later work of André Gorz (1997; 2003), who invites us to imagine a society in which social relationships would no longer be determined by the laws of the market, a postmarket utopia. This approach points to the importance of collective organization and relational value production of user-generated content and suggests recentering the debate not around individuals and their labor, but on the web of affective connections between them.  相似文献   

In the 1990s the aphorism “information wants to be free” reigned supreme, limiting our thinking in consequential ways. In actuality this aphorism was a fragment of a much more nuanced statement by Steward Brand, who also talked about “information wants to be expensive.” It seemed for quite a while that there was no resolution to the contradiction: information as both free and expensive. Eventually Web 2.0 resolved this contradiction by providing an architecture where information could be both free and expensive. Web 2.0 was not a product of technological advances: social media, wikis, big data platforms, and so forth. It was borne out of the understanding that free information on media platforms could yield profitable data on users. This article lays bare the discursive moves through which this understanding came about.  相似文献   

This article offers a short history of the transformation of time signals into a fundamental stability around which new communication infrastructures are built. These infrastructures include the Network Time Protocol, the Global Positioning System, and high-frequency trading. This article argues that “high-resolution time” can serve as a useful analytic framework for understanding the making and appropriation of contemporary temporal standards. Contemporary temporal infrastructures—the systems of time measurement and dissemination that subtend communication infrastructures—are based on the vibrations of caesium atoms, which act as fixed points. A focus on resolution aligns an analysis with the ways that time standards are, in practice, treated as both infrastructures and texts. High-resolution time, therefore, offers an understanding of time as a scalable resource built through contingent media practices.  相似文献   

This article argues that in informational capitalism, the notion of class should not be confined to capital as one class and wage labor as the other class. The notion of class needs to be expanded to include everybody who creates and recreates spaces of common experience, such as user-generated content on the Internet, through their practices. These spaces and experiences are appropriated and thereby expropriated and exploited by capital to accumulate capital. The rise of informational capitalism requires us to rethink the notion of class and to relate the class concept to knowledge labor.  相似文献   

王新歌  虞虎  陈田 《资源科学》2019,41(12):2237-2247
地方“失忆、错忆、残忆、断忆”危机背景下,探究“留得住乡愁”的发展模式、传承和保护城乡记忆对实现新型城镇化发展有重要意义。旅游发展被认为是“留住乡愁”的一种有效途径,凝结着本地居民集体记忆的地域乡愁文化元素有较大的旅游资源开发价值。然而,目前鲜有学者对地域乡愁文化元素进行系统梳理。基于此,本文以古徽州文化旅游区为案例,结合蚂蜂窝、携程网平台发布的古徽州文化旅游区相关游记文本,采用ROST CM6软件的词频分析、情感分析以及扎根理论等分析方法,对旅游视角下的地域乡愁文化元素进行了识别,并构建其维度。研究发现:地域乡愁文化元素是吸引游客的重要载体,游客视角下乡愁文化元素可归结为自然景观映像、建筑风貌格局、社区生活氛围、劳作场景遗存、乡土故事人物、传承技艺表达、地方节庆展演7个维度,不同维度相应地包含了多个范畴;游客对乡愁文化元素持有强烈的个人情感,自然景观、劳作场景、传承技艺类元素表现出普遍的欣赏和赞叹,而对于建筑风貌、社区生活、乡土故事、地方节庆,则存在不少争议。本文丰富了旅游地理学领域文化旅游资源的内容,有利于推动旅游地“留住乡愁”地方旅游文化资源挖掘和利用。  相似文献   

赵晓庆 《科学学研究》2006,24(Z2):475-479
概述日本软件产业从20世纪60年代以来的发展历程,分析该产业落后的原因。揭示该产业结构与战略形成的机制以及逐步陷入难以自拔的政策与制度根源。  相似文献   

Why are ongoing legal, design, and policy debates around information privacy often divorced from the lived experience of everyday digital media use? This article argues that human emotion is a critical but undertheorized element in users' subjective sense of information privacy. The piece advocates for a greater attention to the phenomenology of feeling and to the concept of “visceral” design in information privacy scholarship, policy, and design practice.  相似文献   

Web 2.0 technologies have introduced increasingly participatory practices to creating content, and museums are becoming interested in the potentials of “Museum 2.0” for reaching and engaging with new audiences. As technological advances are opening up the ways in which museums share information about the objects in their collections, the means by which museums create, handle, process, and transmit knowledge has become more transparent. For this to be done effectively, however, some underlying contradictions must be resolved between museum practices, which privilege the account of the “expert,” and distributed social technology practices, whose strengths lie in allowing for many, sometimes contradictory, perspectives. This article presents a theoretical position and framework for the adaptation of Web 2.0 technologies within the traditional work of the museum, in ways that support the generation and representation of knowledge in, by, and for diverse communities. We then expand on this theoretical perspective by discussing several case studies of exploratory work in this area, and close the article by presenting a few tactical, bottom-up initiatives that museums and distributed communities can take to facilitate the diffusion of this new conceptual framework. Though the subject of this article is online museums, the issues are relevant to all online collections, in particular portals, online public access catalogs (OPAC), and content management systems.  相似文献   

目前,劳动教育在大学生获得感培养方面仍有可提升之处。该文通过互动仪式链视角“情境”“符号”“情感”的核心要素,分析大学生劳动获得感现状,发现大学生存在身体在场空置、符号动力不足、情感体验式微的困境。上海第二工业大学进行了提升大学生劳动获得感的本土实践,创建中微观情境,打造显性认同的劳动符号,实现情感体验的延续,切实聚焦劳动获得内容、获得环境、获得途径、获得体验和获得共享,实现劳动有所获、有所得,推动大学生劳动获得感提升的良性循环。  相似文献   

贾亦璞 《科教文汇》2021,(10):29-30
融合传播将传统媒体与新媒体资源进行整合,在大学生的理想信念教育上,能够实现“漫灌”变“滴灌”、“单程”变“全程”、“单一”变“融合”,增强了育人的效果,并探讨通过传播主体、传播内容、传播渠道的融合,来增强对大学生理想信念的价值引领和情感认同。  相似文献   

赵万江  薛俊丽 《软科学》2004,18(5):29-32
我国大量农业剩余劳动力的存在,虽然影响经济的快速发展,但成为我国劳动力成本低的一大优势。从目前来看,农业剩余劳动力转移需要持续相当长的一段时间,这段时间可以近似表示我国这种低劳动力成本优势的保持时间。根据比较优势理论和国际、国内经验分析发现,发展劳动密集型的制造业不仅可以促进经济的发展,推动工业化的进程,而且是转移农业剩余劳动力的重要途径之一。  相似文献   


This article examines one of the largest interventions in computer-based learning currently underway, the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) project, with 2.5 million laptops in use worldwide. Drawing on 2010 and 2013 fieldwork investigating a project in Paraguay with 10,000 of OLPC's “XO” laptops, I explore the ways in which participants interpreted leisure laptop use as “learning.” I show that the most captivating uses of the laptops were not “productive” or programming-centric, as OLPC's developers hoped, but “consumptive” and media-centric, focused on music, videos, and video games. I discuss the learning benefits and drawbacks of this use, as understood by participants and in light of education research, and in light of the broader context of transnational corporations interested in marketing to these children. In the process, I weigh OLPC's utopian dreams against the interests of the child beneficiaries, concerns of media imperialism, and a potential shift in the meaning of computers.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]旨在分析“出版直播”的媒介影响,为其今后健康发展提供参考。[方法/过程]根据目前“出版直播”的活动实例,从读者、出版业、社会文化三个角度分析其正负影响。[结果/结论]“出版直播”作为一种新的媒介,赋予了读者新的意义,使得出版业“名利双收”,进一步营造了书香社会;但其也伴随着负面影响,使得读者产生路径依赖,带来知识产权问题,同时也产生娱乐至死的苗头。  相似文献   

孙宁 《科教文汇》2014,(24):219-220
农村剩余劳动力转移是经济和社会发展的必然规律,是我国实现社会主义现代化的必然趋势。农村剩余劳动力转移是关系到实现国民经济现代化的关键性问题,也是关乎农民增收,社会稳定,经济可持续发展的重大问题。本文着重分析了我国农村剩余劳动力存在的原因,进一步提出了加快农村剩余劳动力转移的政策措施。  相似文献   

运用马克思劳动价值论分析技术和专利作为商品的二因素,可以发现技术和专利的价值都不包含"不费分文"的前人科研劳动成果,专利作为商品出售所获得的剩余价值有限,专利作为生产资料发挥其使用价值能够在专利保护期内获得持续的超额剩余价值,在专利实际工作中专利运营的最终目标还应放在专利作为生产资料的实施应用上来。  相似文献   

In November 2007, Dutch secondary school students revolted against a requirement known as the “1040-hour norm.” New Web technologies, like instant messaging, YouTube, and social networking sites, played an important role in the mobilization effort. In this article, the authors argue that these technologies facilitate a shift toward micromobilization by individuals and small groups. In this “1040-hour norm” case study, the authors analyze how the course of the political agenda-setting process is being transformed through the interplay between processes of meso- and micromobilization, and through new micro-to-mass media crossover effects. When supported by micromedia, the effects of micromobilization can create strategic surprises for traditional intermediary organizations and policymakers.  相似文献   

农村剩余劳动力转移:一个新视角   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
段进朋  钟文静 《软科学》2007,21(2):124-127
乡镇企业吸纳农村剩余劳动力后继乏力,城市和农业内部吸纳能力有限,导致农村剩余劳动力转移滞缓,使得我国小农生产方式与市场经济的矛盾日趋尖锐,农业劳动者的资源难以增加,农民收入增长缓慢,严重制约了工业品需求的扩张和就业的扩大,进而又影响了农村剩余劳动力的转移。这种宏观胶着状态可通过微观主体重塑,即农业企业化经营和资本化运作,在一个企业内部实现一、二、三产业的同时发展来转移农村剩余劳动力,对此,政府必须给予相应的制度安排和财力支持。  相似文献   

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