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数学是自然科学中的基础学科,在数学教学中培养学生的创造性思维,创新学习方法是非常必要的。  相似文献   

长期以来,中学作文宫存在着扼杀学生创造力的问题,且有愈演愈烈之势。要改变这种状况,应以培养学生的创造性思维为核心,对作文教学进行系统的改革,从而为祖国建设培养具有创新精神的高素质人才。  相似文献   

Age-related changes in divergent thinking and creative objects production were investigated in 150 native Italian speakers, divided into six age groups, each one comprised 25 participants: young (20–29), young adult (30–39), middle aged (40–49), adult-old (50–59), old (60–69), and old-old (70–80). Two tasks were used: the alternative uses task, which measures divergent thinking, and the creative mental synthesis task, which measure the ability to create objects belonging to specific categories. Results showed that the peaking of performances at both tasks is reached before 40 years, and declines thereafter. The analysis also showed that divergent thinking and creative objects production stabilize after 40 years and decline after 70 years, especially the ability to create objects. These results reveal that creative thinking might be preserved across years.  相似文献   

创造性思维是多种思维的综合表现。创造性思维的培养 ,主要是培养学生创造性思维品质和创造性思维方法。课堂教学的民主气氛是培养创造性思维的关键 ;发散思维的培养是重中之重 ;培养直觉思维 ,孕育灵感的萌芽 ;构建知识网络 ,重视横向思维 ;理论联系实际 ,积极开展第二课堂教学  相似文献   

“为创造而教”已成为高等学校教育的主要目标之一。教师在培养学生的思维能力特别是创造性思维能力方面不可不为且大有可为。以英语专业泛读课程为例 ,本文在第一、二部分分别论述了在课堂上培养学生创造性思维的迫切性和必要性 ;在第三部分提出了旨在培养学生创造性思维的有关教学法的一些可行性、探索性尝试。  相似文献   

李勇 《教育学报》2001,(11):29-32
根据创造性思维的特点,运用一题多解、一解多题、一题多变等教学策略,在习题课教学过程中对学生进行创造性思维的培养.  相似文献   

论培养学生的创造性思维   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
培养创新型人才是时代所需.而创造性思维是创新的关键。大脑是思维的基础,要进行创新不仅需要完善的思维体系,还应具有广博的知识和合理的个性结构。而影响创造性思维进行的直接障碍是我们的思维定势。  相似文献   

This paper looks at young children's creative thinking as inferred through observations of their activities. A total of 52 episodes of child-initiated and adult-initiated activities in 3- to 4-year-olds in an English Children's Centre were analysed using the Analysing Children's Creative Thinking (ACCT) Framework. Results showed that activities such as gardening and construction were as valuable for supporting creative thinking as ones traditionally associated with creativity, for example, music and painting. Outdoor play of all kinds and socio-dramatic play were particularly effective contexts. All adults played a significant role in facilitating children's initial engagement in activities, and at supporting their speculative thinking and use of prior knowledge. Teachers were often more successful than other adults in supporting the acquisition of new knowledge. Child-initiated activities featured the highest levels of involvement, and were associated with trying out and analysing ideas, flexibility and originality, imagining and hypothesising. This was particularly evident in group or pair play. Children were also more persistent in child-initiated activities. Evidence of risk-taking behaviour was low, although more apparent in child-initiated activities than adult-initiated activities, or activities in which adults were present.  相似文献   

本文以现有心理学、教育学理论为指导,通过对中学物理教师和中学生进行的调查问卷,结合中学物理教学实践,论述了中学生物理创造性思维的金字塔结构.  相似文献   

向晶 《教育学报》2002,(8):29-32
知识经济的浪潮已经到来,而知识经济的核心就是创新,英语是基础学科,必须重视在英语教学中培养学生的创造能力。根据创造性思维的特点,运用一句多译、一时多变、同义多形、一句连锁等教学策略,对学生进行创造性思维的培养。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a program to help cultivate divergent thinking in mathematics based on open-ended problems and to investigate its effect. The participants were 398 seventh grade students attending middle schools in Seoul. A method of pre- and post-testing was used to measure mainly divergent thinking skills through open-ended problems. The results indicated that the treatment group students performed better than the comparison students overall on each component of divergent thinking skills, which includes fluency, flexibility, and originality. The developed program can be a useful resource for teachers to use in enhancing their students’ creative thinking skills. An open-ended approach in teaching mathematics suggested in this paper may provide a possible arena for exploring the prospects and possibilities of improving mathematical creativity.  相似文献   

在数学教学中,注重发展学生的观察力和猜想能力,创设“数形结合”情境;合理应用现代教育技术。训练学生进行发散思维;通过对课本习题的引申与探索,培养学生的创造性思维.  相似文献   

论学生创造性思维及其培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新能力对于一个民族的影响是巨大的,影响创新能力的因素有很多,其中创造性思维的培养是关键,是创新能力形成的基础。学校安排教学活动时应注重学生创造性思维的培养。  相似文献   

The relationship lying between critical thinking and creative thinking is opposite or complementary, results of previous relevant researches have not yet concluded. However, most of researches put the effort to compare the respective effect of the thinking methods, either the teaching of creative thinking or that of critical thinking. Less of them showed the interest to investigate the combined effect of these two thinking skills teaching, especially its synergy. Therefore, present study aimed to discuss the synergy of critical thinking and creative thinking, and investigated the joined effect of these two methods of thinking in the courses of ‘Integrated Activity courses’. Not only the separate influence but also the synergy would be our interests. Moreover, the outcome would also be compared with the learning result of single creative thinking skill teaching. Participants were 147 male students and 118 female students of ninth grade from 8 intact classes in a public middle school in Taiwan, the number of total participants were 265. Experimental design was ‘nonequivalent control group pretest/post-test quasi-experimental design’. Participants were assigned into three groups, three intact classes for creative thinking teaching group (EG1), three intact classes for ‘critical thinking and creative thinking combined teaching group (EG2)’ and two intact classes for regular teaching method group (watching video, control group). All participants took the assessment ‘The New Creative-Thinking Testing’ and ‘The Critical-Thinking Testing, Level 1’ after receiving the courses as post-test. Data were analysed statistically by one-way ANCOVA. The results showed that:
  1. Regards to the performance in Integrated Activity courses, no significant difference was found among students in EG1 and those in EG2. However, the students in both experimental groups got higher scores than those in control group did.

  2. As for the ability of critical thinking, students in EG2 got higher score than those in EG1 and CG did, but no difference was found among the students in EG1 and those in CG.

  3. In respect of originality, students in EG2 got higher score than those in EG1 did, the influence of critical thinking was significant.

Theoretical and possible applications of the results were also discussed. Present study not only manifests the correlation between creative thinking and critical thinking, but also provides the empirical data for synergy in actual pedagogical situations.  相似文献   

网络教育是信息技术革命的产物,是一种新型的教育模式。它具备了创造性思维的培养基础前提。网络教育的丰富性能够激发丰富的想象力;它的自主性能够培养个性;它的交互性能够培养创新情感;它能促进创造性思维能力的形成。  相似文献   

纵观水彩画传入我国以来几十年的发展历程,其中不乏构思新颖、技艺精湛的精品,但普遍还存在着因思维方式的局限性而影响到作品的艺术性的问题。不少水彩画家的作品缺乏创作的思想深度和艺术作品应有的表现力度。究其主要原因是艺术创作者本人没有很好的建立起来创作性思维。本文提供了几个加强和培养创造性思维的方法,希望能给困顿的创作者一点启发。  相似文献   

创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,新教材实施后,在数学教学中更侧重于学生创造思维的培养,发展创造力是时代对我们教育工作者提出的要求。提出了创造思维及数学教学中如何培养学生创造思维能力的方法。  相似文献   

小学数学奥林匹克竞赛中热点题型之一的行程问题,思维难度较大,学生不易掌握解题的规律和实质,是小学生奥数学习的一个难点,如何把握问题的本质联系,培养学生数学学习的转化能力,从而促进学生发散思维,我们通过教学积累和总结,对行程问题及特殊的追及问题、车长问题、时钟问题作了深入分析,结合实例,透过现象抓住本质,最后回归为行程问题这一类数学问题的解决。  相似文献   

本文以现有心理学、教育学理论为指导 ,结合物理教学实践 ,阐明了物理创造性思维的特点。通过对物理教师进行调查问卷 ,分析了学生物理学习中创造性思维能力的主要表现。最后从培养思维品质和非智力因素出发 ,寻找培养学生物理创造性能力的有效途径和方法。  相似文献   

创造性是解决问题的最高表现形式,其实质是一种高度特殊化的实质性能量,表现为能产生独特非凡而有一定社会价值的产品的能力,创造教育为培育创造性提供了萌芽的土壤。  相似文献   

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