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该文运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等,对马匹和马术及其关系进行介绍和分析。马匹在人类的发展进程中扮演着极其重要的角色,从畜牧、战争、娱乐、竞技,一直融入在人们的生活中。现代马术始于欧洲,至今蓬勃发展,中国马术兴于周代,盛于唐代。从2008年奥运会中国马术队满额席位参赛开始,国家大力推广、发展并普及马术,但尚缺乏有关马匹、马术的文献。因此,对于马匹和马术的系统介绍有助于国内的马术推广,为中国马术的发展提供助力。  相似文献   

辛喜 《西藏体育》2005,(2):22-22
多年在北京训练的西藏马术障碍队2005年上半年参加国内外马术障碍比赛,取得较好成绩,锻炼了队伍,积累了经验,运动技术水平不断提高。参加国际一星级马术障碍赛获两个第六名3月21日下午,从国际一星级马术障碍赛闭幕式上传来消息,中国西藏马术障碍队获得两个第6名。代表中国参加“国际一星级马术障碍赛”的西藏马术障碍队,是3月17日离开北京,18日上午到达印度藩那市的。参加比赛的西藏运动员有宇宏、格桑平措、扎西等3人,由马术队队长达瓦顿珠带队。  相似文献   

文章采用文献资料法,分析研究我国古代马术的起源、发展以及演变过程,旨在概括我国马术运动的发展和前景展望.主要结论有:马术在中国古代则称作骑术,具有悠久的历史,是一项重要的体育运动,包括赛马,还有马戏等.中国古代的马术,主要是由于生产生活需要、战争需要、精神娱乐需要等方面发展起来的.建议:我国应充分利用自然的区位优势,良好的传统优势、广泛的群众基础、优质的马匹资源、丰富的饲养资源.如新疆、内蒙古等省区,从古至今马匹与当地人民生产、生活息息相关,优势得天独厚,为现代马术运动的发展提供了坚实的基础.  相似文献   

程郁 《新体育》2012,(2):76-77
马术运动是一项贵族运动,盛行欧美,近年来随着中国经济的高速发展,马术运动在中国也进入高速发展阶段。马术运动一旦上升到奥运级别,买马、养马、运马、赛马的费用便高得惊人。能参加奥运会的马,多数价格在千万人民币以上,养、训、运的费用也极昂贵。中国马术发展走了一条有中国特色的路,各个档次的马术俱乐部如雨后春笋般出现在神州大地,大手笔与国际接轨的有之,小成本运作的也不少。总体说来,马术在中国发展的趋势是好的,但需要完善的细节更多。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法等对马、赛马和马术运动符号象征意义进行描述。认为:马术运动是典型人与马默契配合,达到和谐展示"人马共同体"力与美的竞技运动项目,具有促进国家、民族、族群良性互动交流的共享功能;人马互动能产生节日庆典欢乐氛围聚集效应,对民族文化资源保护与传承、民族关系和谐与民族经济发展具有促进功能;面对当前马术运动将列入国际奥委会推行的"瘦身计划",应体现中国民族文化特质,走中国特色的马术发展之路,从竞技规范层、旅游资源开发层、保护原生常态层面和科研教学层出发,以促进中国马术的科学健康发展。  相似文献   

马术,被大多数人认为是一项典型的贵族运动。囿于经费等原因,举国体制下对于马术运动并没有重点扶持和投入。而在国家投入之外,民间马术运动却悄然滋长,其中,几位热爱马术运动、尤其钟情于马术中的“平民项目”马术绕桶赛的马主,和一些还在大学求学的女孩子,正共同打造着一个马术运动私家制造的梦想……  相似文献   

马术,被大多数人认为是一项典型的贵族运动。圃于经费等原因,举国体制下对于马术运动并没有重点扶持和投入。而在国家投入之外,民间马术运动却悄然滋长,其中,几位热爱马术运动、尤其钟情于马术中的“平民项目”马术绕桶赛的马主,和一些还在大学求学的女孩子,正共同打造着一个马术运动私家制造的梦想……  相似文献   

运用文献计量法和CiteSpace知识图谱分析国内外马术研究领域的发展特征并进行比较研究。结果表明:1)国内外马术领域研究发文量呈稳步增长趋势,2008年发文量达到峰值与我国马术代表队首次参加奥运会有关。2)国内研究聚焦于民族赛马、马术运动的发展、马术产业的发展等;国外聚焦于马术与兽医学、运动医学、运动训练等学科的交叉研究等。3)国内马术领域的研究单一且缺乏国际视野和国际网络合作;国外网络合作关系密切形成了强强联合的态势,进而引领国外马术领域的研究的热点和发展趋势。未来我国马术研究应丰富研究范式和研究内容,主要实现途径包括关注国际研究热点,通过举办高水平赛事激发研究内在动力,积极开展国际马术运动交流构建国内及国际科研网络合作,推动国内民族赛马与国际马术运动相结合,促进国内马术融合发展的同时形成完整的马术产业链。  相似文献   

体育考古学具有交叉学科的性质,对丰富体育学研究理论和方法具有独特价值。基于体育考古学视角,全面分析了汉代画像石、画像砖、墓葬壁画、漆器以及陶俑等不同载体呈现的马术活动形态,并就汉代人于马上进行的各种身体技巧展示以及竞技性活动特点进行了探讨。研究认为,由相关资料的发现区域分析,汉代的马术形象资料主要见于山东、河南、江苏和陕西4个区域;由汉代马术主要呈现形式与特点而论,汉代盛行的马术活动包括了以竞速和竞远为主的赛马、通过对马的训练使其表演各种舞蹈动作的舞马、人依靠自己的独特身体技艺与被调驯之马协调展示各种技能的马上技巧3种形式。已经初具体系化的汉代马术,其多样的形式、丰富的内容与高度的技巧表达,为中国传统马术在古代的完善与规范化奠定了基础。在历史发展过程中,中国古代马术的不同形式都曾显示出高超的技艺水准,并不断地将人们引入身体技艺的观赏境界。  相似文献   

为备战2008年奥运会,中国马术协会与英国西英格兰大学哈特普瑞马术学院达成协议,由英国西英格兰大学哈特普瑞马术学院派出专人在中国开办马术培训班,并从参加培训及比赛的众多专业骑手中选拔3名运动员,给予部分费用资助到英国进行为期半年的马术培训。  相似文献   


Sports historians are created in many ways. My path combined both personal experience and academic passion in tracing the development of equestrianism throughout history.  相似文献   

Olympic equestrian sport has to date evolved through three distinct phases of development. The genesis of equestrian sport in the modern Olympics began in 1900 and was predominantly shaped by military influences until 1948. Pre-1900 equestrian sport existed in various forms around the world primarily to develop and practice skills of hunting and warfare. At this time, equestrian sport lacked governance and internationally standardized rules. This paper’s aim is to explore the influence of the military on the first phase of equestrian sport development in the Olympic Games between 1900 and 1948 with regards to their format and rules. Through thematic analysis of the narratives evident in the literature, we highlight influential military developments/changes that occurred outside the confines of sport, and place the sociocultural development of equestrianism within this framework. This reconstructive approach has enabled us to highlight the relevance of the military influence on the development of equestrian sport. Through the identification and analysis of perceptions of Olympic equestrianism, which are centred upon the Eurocentric, military-influenced development of the sport, the paper also discusses implicit and explicit references to, and the relevance of, masculinity elitism and social class, along with issues of amateurism and professionalism.  相似文献   

我国马术盛装舞步骑手的比赛负荷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
运用Polar心率表对我国马术盛装舞步项目13名(男7人、女6人)国家队骑手在2006年国际马联世界盛装舞步挑战赛两个科目(A级和圣乔治级)比赛前后的运动负荷进行了测试。通过SPSS 11.5软件对测试结果进行分析,初步认识了盛装舞步骑手的比赛负荷变化规律,分析了不同专项训练年限、不同性别、不同比赛科目以及同一科目不同比赛阶段骑手之间的运动负荷差异。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法对武术"马步"称谓的产生源流和骑师训练的相关问题进行了研究。结果发现,武术"马步"的产生及其称谓的命名与骑师的骑姿相关联,虽然武术与马术中的"马步"在外形上有相同之处,但细节上存在差异。武术中的活桩习练法有利于提高下肢的力量、稳定性和灵活性,可为马术的骑师训练提供的借鉴和帮助。  相似文献   

邵刚 《体育科研》2020,(6):58-62
运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法、古汉语考释法等,对二十余部清代笔记进行了地毯式搜寻。搜集的到有关清代马术、射箭、武术、舞蹈、球类、棋牌、杂技、养生活动等大量体育史料,涉及清代教育、民俗、军事、养生、学术研究等多个层面,囊括了清代自上而下各个阶层,通过经整理研究,分析清代体育发展的特点。研究认为:清代贵族体育参与呈现“满族尚武,汉族好文”的民族差异 ;较之前朝,部分传统体育活动在这一时期走向衰落 ;受政治环境影响,清代体育考据研究兴盛。清代笔记具有重要的体育史料价值,但在使用时也要注意对史料的辨讹。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to discuss and problematize research on gender and sports within the equine sector, and to argue for the necessity of a comparative perspective in order to understand the gender order within equestrian sports. The article will focus on two areas within the equine sector: horse racing and Olympic equestrianism. Differences over time as well as between countries and events will be highlighted and discussed. Previous research demonstrates that the equine sector has historically been connected to men and masculinity in large parts of the world, although there are many examples of women working with horses and enjoying equestrian activities during their leisure time. During the twentieth century, horses have become progressively less important for agriculture, forestry, transport, and the army. The societal context is interesting, as sport historians Jennifer Hargreaves and Gertrud Pfister have claimed that a destabilization of the gender order in society at large may open new opportunities for women in sport. It is argued in this article that an analytical framework based on insights from gender studies and a comparative perspective is crucial if the development is to be understood and explained.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between equestrianism and sport coaching at the turn of the twentieth century. Women were avid and admired participants in fox hunting and other mounted field sports by the mid-nineteenth century, and they expanded on this success by attaining positions of leadership in many hunts throughout Britain, specifically as Masters of Hounds. Women thus attained positions of supreme authority over, and therefore equality with, peers of both sexes well before they obtained wartime jobs after 1914 or achieved the vote in 1918. As Masters, women were teachers, trainers, mentors, managers and bosses; they were some of the first female sport coaches, advancing and revolutionising sport in a variety of ways, though such participation has yet to be fully studied or recognised. By examining the position of Master of Hounds and women’s involvement in these leadership roles, we can see how advances in sport shaped changes in social, cultural, and gender perceptions before and after the First World War.  相似文献   

The Ecole Royale Militaire of Soreze (Royal Military School) was located in the French province of Languedoc. On the eve of the 1789 Revolution it was still a religious institution run by the Benedictine monks, known for having broken with certain traditional models. The establishment offered special forms of instruction, stressing certain scientific and literary disciplines, and also physical education (fencing, dancing, horse riding, and equestrianism). Pupils’ best results were also recorded in swimming. At the end of every school year, all the results were confirmed by public examinations, labelled Exercices publics, and recorded in the Cahiers d’exercices. These materials enable the reconstruction the evolution of the school’s programmes over a period of more than a century. The incalculable richness of Sorèze’s programmes, by distinguishing the elements already present in the military training of the period from the pedagogical innovations that were introduced, demonstrate the special place that was reserved for physical exercise. This Catholic institution was thus able to develop a total coherence of the scholarly programme, considered as a source of ‘Christian Patriotism’, in pre-Revolutionary France.  相似文献   


Throughout the late nineteenth century, many women turned their talents to improving horse sports as authors, equipment inventors, clothing designers, and trainers. Although these were male-dominated domains, many women quickly realized that there was a demand for their expertise and innovation as men did not ride side-saddle nor understand it. Thus, women became writers of sporting manuals (non-fiction) and sporting novels (fiction), which aided other women in improving and understanding riding and hunting. They also made significant innovations in equipment construction, such as saddles and stirrups, and clothing design, in fashioning specialized sporting garments. Finally, they also became riding instructors, training other women to ride and hunt well. Though some women forged ahead for their own benefit, seeking profit out of writing or teaching, there were also many other women who pursued new ideas to improve horse sports as a whole and encourage greater, safer, and better participation for other women. In these ways, female equestrians consciously acted as sporting entrepreneurs and are significant but underappreciated agents of change not only for equestrianism but for larger social, sartorial, and sporting transformations.  相似文献   

本文在中国伟大的改革开放历史实践进程中,探讨中国的改革开放与中国体育的发展问题。研究改革开放对中国体育发展所起到的重大作用,总结改革开放对中国体育发展的推动力量,明确改革开放对中国体育发展的基础地位,明确改革开放是促进中国体育发展的永恒主题。  相似文献   

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