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Over the last 10 years far-reaching changes have been introduced to the education system of England and Wales. In particular, the curriculum in state schools has been prescribed through the introduction of a National Curriculum. Associated with the National Curriculum is an assessment system involving teachers undertaking the on-going assessment of pupils, as well as externally set national tests, the results of which are published. These changes have had a profound effect on the training needs of in-service teachers and on the content and structure of training courses for pre-service teachers. The assessment system linked to the National Curriculum is extremely complex. There are huge demands on the time available for pre-service teacher training. This means that teacher educators struggle to find valid ways to train students to develop good assessment practices that will enhance students' teaching and the learning achieved by their pupils. This paper reports on the attempts of one group of course tutors to develop a means of achieving this goal.  相似文献   

小学科学启蒙教育是受到世界各国高度重视的一门重要基础课程。我国自然教学起步晚,取得进展,但与科教兴国的国策、国际上普遍重视小学科学启蒙教育的趋势不相称。培养合格的小学科学教师是提高科学启蒙教育水平的关键。  相似文献   

This paper considers the practice of generalist teaching in primary schools, but with specific regard to the teaching of art. It argues that, despite recent criticism of such methods, there is very little reason to suppose that primary schools will move to a pattern of wholesale specialist delivery of the curriculum within the foreseeable future. As a result, it suggests that the phenomenon of generalist art teaching is likely to remain a widespread aspect of primary education, and that art educators would therefore do well to consider whether the approach might not have something positive to offer the teaching of the subject. Accordingly, the paper provides an account of three significant advantages which it believes this method of teaching can offer to the teaching of art within the primary school. These are set against a range of evidence which both identifies the problematical nature of much past practice, but which also demonstrates the possibility of achieving quality in generalist art teaching. Finally, the relationship between previous problems in this area and the structure of teacher education is explored, and it is suggested that recent new requirements for such courses may offer the prospect of liberating the potential that has been identified.  相似文献   

小学美术是对小学生进行审美教育的重要学科,并在确保素质教育全面推进过程中发挥着重要的作用。小学美术教学应该以学生为中心,给学生提供更多发展的空间,不断拓宽教学思路,让小学生在学习美术时身心愉悦。因此,小学美术教师应探索摆脱传统教学方式的困扰,使教师适应现代素质教育的要求。  相似文献   

创新人才的培养需要具有创新素质的教师,教学并非机械、千篇一律地演习教材,而是一种对教材的充分理解。文章以苏教版第一册《圆形》这一单元为例,具体阐述了创新教育融入美术课堂教学的必要性,并在课堂教学阶段、教学方法、创新拓展活动等方面全面优化教学设计,深入革新教学方法,融入创新教育理念。  相似文献   


This special issue explores the relationship between practice-based research and the work of teacher leaders. Although teachers are called on with increasing regularity to share leadership in our nation’s districts and schools, it is not clear how teachers learn to practice effective leadership. The articles presented in this issue argue that systematic inquiry can help teacher leaders understand problems of leadership practice, implement support for professional learning, collect data related to their efforts and reflect on the outcomes of their leadership work.  相似文献   

综合的文化形态、生活方式和设计风格构成设计文化的基本内涵.学生要提高自身的文化素质修养,把握设计的历史发展、熟知设计风格,熟练运用室内设计的几种形态因素,并准确地把握设计的时代风格、民族风格和产品风格,并自加创新,就能提高设计修为.  相似文献   

Past research has suggested incorporating design thinking in upper elementary art education helps students develop what are known as the Four Cs: collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking. As an instructional strategy, design thinking focuses on empathy first and provides a structure for students to work through real-world, complex problems in small groups. This exploratory qualitative case study examined the effects of teaching empathy through design thinking in upper elementary art education. Eight teachers participated, representing public, private, charter, and independent school settings. Data included student observations, interviews, and journal reflections. An analysis of findings resulted in three conclusions: (a) design thinking can foster the development of empathy in preadolescents, (b) art education curricula at the upper elementary level can include design thinking, and (c) design thinking is a valid strategy for teaching empathy. Including empathy within art education promotes a classroom culture that is respectful and understanding of others, with students becoming advocates of justice, equity, and inclusion. As society continues to struggle with bullying, physical violence, and social unrest, teaching empathy has the potential to change how students relate to each other in the classroom, and, ultimately, in the world at large.  相似文献   

绘画是儿童心灵的橱窗,跃于画面上的那些可爱的想法、独特的表达方式,折射出儿童丰富多彩的情感世界,他们的作品纯真而富有情趣,是对世界最真切的感知.  相似文献   

美术教学对学生个性发展起着重要作用。美术教学中要准确把握学生个性差异,寻找适合学生特点的美术教学途径;创设宽松的环境,启发学生想象,使其创造性思维与创造力得到充分发挥;赏析名家绘画风格,对学生绘画个性培养意义重大。  相似文献   

尽管美国中小学艺术教育有多种形式,但根据教学内容、教学方法及评估实践,课堂教学中真正的艺术教育可以分为明显的三种取向:较少干预取向;产品取向;指导——探究取向。每一种取向都有一套关于艺术性质的教育信念并有自己明显的教育目标。  相似文献   

民族音乐教育可以,培养学生民族审美观和民族精神,了解我国的传统文化,吸收本民族所特有的精神、气质和神韵,让学生在民族音乐声中感受到祖国的辽阔和温馨.通过课堂教学,让学生发现体验民族音乐的美,培养学生对民族民间音乐的兴趣,培养学生的民族自信心和自豪感.教师要以生动活泼的教学形式和教学力一法,让学生参与、积极思考、师生互动、发展学生的想象力和创造力、拓展学生的视野,使学生掌握中华民族音乐的精华,更加热爱祖国,喜欢民族民间音乐.  相似文献   

民族音乐教育可以,培养学生民族审美观和民族精神,了解我国的传统文化,吸收本民族所特有的精神、气质和神韵,让学生在民族音乐声中感受到祖国的辽阔和温馨.通过课堂教学,让学生发现体验民族音乐的美,培养学生对民族民间音乐的兴趣,培养学生的民族自信心和自豪感.教师要以生动活泼的教学形式和教学力一法,让学生参与、积极思考、师生互动、发展学生的想象力和创造力、拓展学生的视野,使学生掌握中华民族音乐的精华,更加热爱祖国,喜欢民族民间音乐.  相似文献   

人类的知识原来就是一个整体,各学科知识间原来也是相互交叉,相互关联和相互渗透的,在科学不断发展,素质教育不断推进的今天,根据学科知识的这些特点,在美术学教学中进行学科渗透、整合,发挥学科的互补功能是一项有意义的探索和研究.同时,也是教师素质提高的一种有效手段.  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,我国素质教育改革正在如火如荼地进行着。小学美术教育作为我国素质教育的重要组成部分,当然也不例外。DIY教学就是小学美术教学改革发展过程中衍生出的一种新的教学方法。本文主要就DIY教学的作用产开讨论,在此基础上给出了促进DIY教学在小学美术教育中开展的策略。  相似文献   

Researchers have shown the benefits of mentoring in both personal and professional growth. It would seem that group mentoring would only enhance those benefits. This work represents a literature review of peer-reviewed articles and dissertations that contribute to the theory and research of group mentoring. This work reviews the articles that contributed to the development of group mentoring theory as well as relevant research. Four primary types of group mentoring emerge—peer group, one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many. Despite over 20 years of research, significant gaps remain in the research methods, demographic focus, and fields of study. The review concludes with recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

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