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在英语中,表达喜欢或不喜欢有很多方法,不同的方法反映了不同的程度。如果你爱某样东西,可以说“I love...”“I love eatingice-cream.”“I love travel.”如果你很喜欢某样东西,可以说“Be fond of”,“I like”“She’s fond ofChinese food.”“I like swimmingverymuch.”如果你喜欢某样东西,可以说“I like...”“He quite likes goingtothe cinema.”“I like cooking.”如果你既不喜欢也不讨厌某样东西,可以说“I don’t mind...”“I don’t mind doingthe housework.”“I don’t mind walkingtowork.”如果你不喜欢某样东…  相似文献   

“I must go now,”said Mrs.Hall.“I’ll come back as soon as I can.”Betty said,“We will be all right,Mother.I’ll look after things.”“Yes,”said Mrs.Hall.“I knowyou will,and the other children canhelp you.See that the goats don’t getout of the barn(牛棚),Betty.A manis coming for them Saturday.”  相似文献   

"What's the matter, Bob?" asked his mother. "Why do you look so sad?" "I don't have anyone to play with," Bob said. "I wish we had stayed in Salt Lake City. I had friends there."“You will soon make friends here, ” said his mother. “Wait and see!” Just then there was a tap on the door. Mrs Miller opened it. There stood a woman with red hair. “Hello, ”she said.“I9m Mrs Carey. I live next door.” “Come in, ”said Mrs Miller.“Bob and I are so glad to see you.” “I came to ask fo…  相似文献   

Oneafternoonacoyotesurprisedaroadrun鄄nerwhenitwashalfasleepandleaningagainstawall.“Ah选Ah选”thecoyoteshouted.“I’vegotyou选Thereisnoescape选”“Don’ttouchme选IfImove熏thiswallwillfalldownonbothofus选”criedthebird.“I’lltellyouwhatweshoulddo.Youholdupthewallformeforawhile.I’llgoandfindsomefoodforbothofus.”Thecoyoteagreedandleanedcloselyagainstthewall熏whiletheroadrunner—thebirdhehadintendedtohavefordinner—ranaway.Afewweekslater熏thebirdwastakinghernapunderashadytree.Shehadhungaba…  相似文献   

I,You and She     
Tomisacleverboy.Onhisfirstdayinschool,helearnedthreewords:I,youandshe.Theteachertaughthimhowtomakesentenceswiththosewords.Theteachersaid,“I,Iamyourteacher.(Pointingtoagirl)She,sheisyourclassmate.You,youaremystudent.”Aftersupper,Tom’sfatheraskedhimwhathehadlearnedatschool.Tomsaidatonce,“I,Iamyourteacher.(Tohismother)She,sheisyourclassmate.You,youaremystudent.”Hisfathergotangryandsaid,“I,Iamyourfather.(Tohismother)She,sheisyourmother.You,youaremyson.”Thenextmorningatschooltheteach…  相似文献   

About Love     
DefinitionofLove Loveisnotabout“it’syourfault”,but“I’msorry”.Not“whereareyou”but“I’mrighthere”.Not“howcouldyou”but“Iunderstand”.Not“Iwishyouwere…”but“I’mthankfulyouare…”爱情的定义爱情不是“都怪你”,而是“对不起”。不是“你在哪儿”,而是“我就在这儿”。不是“你怎么能”,而是“我理解”。不是“我愿你能……”而是“感谢你能……”ToMyFriendsWhoAreSingle Loveislikeabutterfly.Themoreyouchaseitthemoreiteludesyou.Butifyoujustletitflyitwillcomebackwhenyouleastexpectit.Lov…  相似文献   

English Humor     
IprayedmoresnowAfterasnowstormthatclosedalltheschools,theteacheraskedaneight-year-oldboyifhehadusedhisextratimeconstructively.“Yes,”hereplied,“Iprayedformoresnow.”ComputerUserWaitingintheelevator’scorner,Iwatchedwithfascinationasawomangoton,pushed“2”andthen“4”.Theelevatorascended,stoppingatbothfloorsbutshedidn’tgetoff.“Youmissedyourfloor,”Icom-mented.“I’mgoingtothetwenty-fourthfloor.”“Butyoupushedtwoandfour.”“Oh,no。”Shewailed,“I’vebeenonthecomputertoolong.”?English …  相似文献   

OnedayJohnBobSmithandMarywenttoashoptobuyradios.TheywereshownfourmodelsaRedBannerwhichcost60dollarsaRedWaveswhichcost70dollarsaRedStarwhichcost40dollarsaRedVoicewhichcost30dollarsEachpersonboughtadifferentmodel.Afterthattheytalkedtoeachother.“Ihadonly50dollarswithme,”saidJohn.“MyradioismoreexpensivethanMarry’s”saidthepersonwhoboughttheRedWaves.“I’vegotthecheapest”somebodysaidtoJohn.“I’mgladIdidn’tbuytheRedVoice”saidMary.“Mineislessexpensivethanyours”saidBobtoSmith.Now…  相似文献   

一个男孩说“我试试看”,就会攀登到山顶。一个男孩说“我不行”,就会徘徊在山麓。“我试试看”——天天有收获,“我不行”——事事无成果。你一定要说“我试试看”,让“我不行”靠边站。The little boy who says“I’ll try”,will climb totop of the hill.The little boy who says“Ican’t”,will at the bottom stop.“I’ll try”does great thingsevery day;“I can’t”gets nothing done.Be sure that you say“I’ll try”,and let“I can’t”alone.“我试试看”和“我不行”@李声权…  相似文献   

星期天我从不早起,有时候我一直睡到吃午饭。上星期天我起得很晚。我向窗外看去,外面一片漆黑。我想:倒霉的天,又下雨啦!就在这时,电话响了,是我姑妈Lucy来的电话。她说:“我刚下火车,准备来看你。”“可我正在吃早饭哩!”我说。“你在做什么?”她问。“我正在吃早饭。”我重复说。她说:“哎呀!你总是起得那么晚吗?现在是中午一点啦!”It was Sunday I never get up early on Sundays.I sometimes stay in beduntil lunchtime.Last Sunday I got up very late.I looked out of the window.Itwas dark outside.‘What a day!’I thought.‘It was raining again.’Just thenthe telephone rang.It was my aunt Lucy.“I have just arrived by train,”shesaid,“I am coming to see you.”“But I am still having break...  相似文献   

"Listen," I said slapping my hand down on the desk in front of me. "I really need that book today. The computer says you still have it. The essay is due in tomorrow; please could you tell me where it is?" I had been in the library since about noon. The shadows were beginning to lengthen and my patience beginning to run out as the librarian stared up at me with all the sentient comprehension of a lobotomised teletubby.  相似文献   

The records of the New York City Police Department and the New York State Department of Correction would show that my career of crime began at fifteen when I was committed to the Elmira Reformatory for robbing a Tenth Avenue grocery store. These records are slightly inaccurate. My underworld career really began four years earlier, at the tender age of eleven, when I “turned off” a Ninth Avenue cigar store for a load of cigarettes and candy and an armful of Nick Carter and Old Sleuth magazines. I have indelible memories of that blood-and-thunder fiction which furnished me with patterns for my adolescent exploits. Moreover, it convinced me that George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were sissies compared to Jesse James, “High Card Mike,” and the Younger Brothers. Safe cracking and train robbery, it also convinced me, was a better racket than statesmanship.  相似文献   

A Warm Light     
原文 The story was set in the winter of 20051.I intended to pay a visit to my uncle by train.Unfortunately,as the train arrived at the small town where my uncle UvedI it Was deep into night2 and what impressed me most was the chilling and penetrating wind Confronted with this new environment at such special time3,I felt lonely and a little frightened.Worse still,I Was told to wait for haft an hour,because the terrible weather had prevented my uncle from picking me up on time,I was overcome with fear when the sound of the travelers'footsteps faded away and the last lightwas turned off.Nothing lay ahead of me but the dark,and my heart leapt quickly,my legs trembled,especially when I thought of the fact that gangs,drug addicts,murders,thieves lurked everywhere4.  相似文献   

弟弟下车了 汤姆:“妈妈,我们这火车停过的上一站叫什么名字?” 母亲:“别打扰我,我不知道。没看见我在看书吗?” 汤姆:“哇,你不知道就太糟了,弟弟在那站下了车。”  相似文献   

Everyone has those unforgettable memories they will keep for a lifetime. I've been to many places, from my motherland China to the other side of the world like Canada. But despite all the exciting travelings and all that, I moved back to China in the end, to attend high school. But in my heart, for some reason, Canada was the place I loved the most. Some people might just ask: Then why not go back to where you love? Well... I can't explain it in one sentence, but in a nut shell, you could say that it's a "made-up-my-mind, won't-regret-it" and because "I have to stay with wherever my family takes me" kind of thing.   ……  相似文献   

亲爱的同学们,本栏目在这一期推出了不少优秀的英语记叙文,希望你们能学以致用!Winter holidays have abouttwenty days. During winterholidays, I do all kinds ofinteresting thing. I like climbingthe hill, because it can makeme healthy. I like fishing,it cangive me a lot of fun. I like  相似文献   

Awarded a C. Day Lewis Fellowship, 1977–8, I became a writer-in-residence in a south London comprehensive school. I read and talked to hundreds of the children. I conducted writing workshops with altogether 82 of the 14–17-year-old girls. I gave two poetry reading sessions for teachers. I organised an evening's reading with pupils and myself at a local community hall. That Fellowship experience started me off and has kept me on the road to school again.  相似文献   

The rain     
I used to be a boy deeply loving the rain.Running in the rain without my beautiful umbrella was once one of my favorite things.However,as time went by,I was not even the half the one I had been.The rain would bring me some convenience,like no P.E.class that day.In another way,it made me depressed.Loneliness came to bother me all day.Facing the crowded bus,I felt somewhat complicated.Though it took me more time and strength,I still enjoyed walking home.At least I didn't have to stay out of breath on the hot wet bus...  相似文献   

My favorite animal is the dog.I grow up with a pet dog named "TB".Wherever I go,it goes with me.  相似文献   

普遍认为,比较结构中,than既可以作连词,后面接代词主格,也可以作介词,后接代词宾格,只是语体不同。运用功能语法中信息焦点理论和me在法语中的对应形式,以COCA语料库中than I和than me的所有索引作参考,进行对比和分析,指出比较从句than me中的me并不是人称代词的宾格形式,而是主格代词I的重读形式。因此,不能说这里的than就是介词,换言之,me不能使than的词性发生改变。  相似文献   

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