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This article summarizes the results of designing, class-testing, and developing teaching materials (texts, laboratory manuals, and software) for a novel introductory curriculum in computer science known as the “breadth-first curriculum.” This curriculum covers the first four one-semester courses in an undergraduate computer science major, and has been class-tested in several colleges of science, engineering, and liberal arts. It differs fundamentally from the traditional model because it emphasizes breadth of discipline coverage, regular structured laboratory experiences, incorporation of theory, and inclusion of the social context as essential parts of each course.  相似文献   

学生的学习积极性与成就动机之间存在高度相关关系,“学习动力不足”为影响学生学习积极性的首要因素。从成就动机、群体影响、教师指导等角度,培养学生学习体育的积极性,应为当前高校体育教育专业的教育教学之主要措施。  相似文献   

A sample of 1,273 4-year-old children were followed for 3 years. The children participated in 1 of 2 comprehension training programs, or in a phonological awareness training program. The comprehension programs explored the possibility of improving young children's oral comprehension in an educational setting. The first focused on the component skills of comprehension; the second involved storybook reading. Phonological awareness and oral language comprehension skills were measured repeatedly in the course of the study. The data were analyzed using multilevel growth-curve models. The results showed that it is possible to improve oral comprehension if the training focuses on its component skills and extends over 2 semesters. When these conditions were met, training effects still existed 9 months after the program had ended. Finally, phonological training improved phonological awareness but not comprehension, and comprehension-skill training improved oral comprehension but not phonological awareness.  相似文献   

The researchers conducting this study investigated the relationship between early childhood teachers' educational levels and their beliefs about appropriate and inappropriate practices by examining the differences between lead teachers and teacher assistants in publicly funded prekindergarten classrooms. For this purpose, the researchers analyzed self-reported teachers' beliefs using analysis of variance and examined 26 individual items. Findings of this study suggest that lead teachers endorsed developmentally appropriate practices more strongly than did teacher assistants. Teacher assistants were more likely than lead teachers to agree with developmentally inappropriate practices. Despite the significant differences between the two groups of teachers, it is important to note that there was a general tendency for both lead teachers and teacher assistants to endorse developmentally appropriate practices. Thus, although there appears to be a link between teachers' educational levels and teacher beliefs, teachers' educational levels alone may not be sufficient for understanding their beliefs and practices in the classroom. Implications for practice and future research in teacher education are also discussed.  相似文献   


Every Classroom, Every Day (ECED) is a set of instructional improvement interventions designed to increase student achievement in math and English/language arts (ELA). ECED includes three primary components: (a) systematic classroom observations by school leaders, (b) intensive professional development and support for math teachers and instructional leaders to reorganize math instruction, assessment, and grading around mastery of benchmarks, and (c) a structured literacy curriculum that supplements traditional English courses, with accompanying professional development and support for teachers surrounding its use. The present study is a two-year trial, conducted by independent researchers, which employed a school-randomized design and included 20 high schools (10 treatment; 10 control) in five districts in four states. The students were ethnically diverse and most were eligible for free or reduced-price lunch. Results provided evidence that ECED improved scores on standardized tests of math achievement, but not standardized tests of ELA achievement. Findings are discussed in terms of differences between math and ELA and of implications for future large-scale school-randomized trials.  相似文献   

工业时代的学校教育模式特征是"以教为本",但是其业绩效能已经挖掘殆尽.此时,必须进行变革形成新的S曲线.从S1到S2曲线,两个S重叠的部分是就是组织效能低下的区域.如何摆脱旧的教学模式,采用系统设计教学的理念,面向社会发展与培养新人的需要,佛罗里达SY2000创意便是一种值得参照的尝试.  相似文献   

Research Findings: The current study examined achievement motivation orientation in preschool-age children from low- and middle-income families. Participants were 126 children who were attending an urban Head Start site or a private preschool. Children's motivation orientation was assessed as being performance oriented or mastery oriented using a challenging puzzle task (Smiley &; Dweck, 1994 Smiley , P. A. , &; Dweck , C. S. ( 1994 ). Individual differences in achievement goals among young children . Child Development , 65 , 17231743 .[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Children's verbalizations during the task were coded into performance concern, disengaged, and negative self-evaluation categories. Logistic regression and Mann-Whitney U analyses were conducted to examine differences between income groups in motivation orientation and verbalizations. Patterns of motivation orientation in preschool-age children from low- and middle-income families did not differ after controlling for differences in age and puzzle-solving ability. However, children from low-income families made a significantly higher proportion of performance-related verbalizations while working on the task. Practice or Policy: The findings support the examination of children's private speech as a way to assess cognitive processes underlying achievement motivation. In addition to providing a novel way to identify differences in achievement motivation that may be useful for teachers and researchers, the findings suggest the potential utility of designing interventions that promote positive private speech as a way of supporting mastery-oriented motivation in young children.  相似文献   

在职业教育中,一直存在着实践导向和学科导向的争论,虽然已经从理论上论证了实践对于职业教育的重要性,在实践上也开始逐步实施,但是在课程设计和教学中却出现了偏差,使得美好的愿景不能完全得以实现。认知与情境两种学习成就理论告诉我们,参与实践是学习成就的根本因素,因此要改变原有的课程观使课程组织与内容和情境相结合,在课程评价中采取科学实证模式,但这并不意味着对理论知识学习的放弃。  相似文献   

依据社会发展和我国高等教育进一步改革的要求,地方本科院校面临着"转型发展"的新形势。"转型发展"的核心是应用型"人才培养规格与培养方式"的转型。要实现这个转型,从凯里学院的实际看,其主要工作应包括围绕做好学科专业布局调整;注重发挥传统资源优势,做精教师教育专业;突出应用型人才培养,实施教学综合改革;做好从偏重教育管理转向服务于引领的转变;做好从偏重理论研究转向服务地方的应用研究转变;做好双师型师资为核心的教师队伍规划与建设;做好学校办学职能调整和主动融入地方共同发展;实施全面开放,推进孤立发展向合作发展转变;深化管理体制改革,完善内部治理结构;大力改革、建立新型高校后勤管理和服务模式的九个方面。  相似文献   

Growing pressure on educational resources and the intensification of the work of teachers has strengthened claims that teaching is a labour process and that teachers are being proletarianised. At the same time, the education system is being subjected to concerted attempts to subordinate it to the interests of capital and national competitiveness, appearing to reinforce those perspectives viewing education as part of the capitalist state apparatus and teachers as agents of capital. This article examines these claims and attempts to resolve the contradictory emphases through an analysis of class relations which stresses the significance of teaching as state employment, the growth of hierarchies within schools and the contradictory functions of education.  相似文献   

High-quality child care is related to children's positive developmental outcomes. One way to increase quality of care is to provide training to child care providers. This study used assessment-based training to determine if overall quality of care in center-based preschools could be enhanced. Participants were recruited from six center-based child care programs serving preschool-age children and included program administrators, teachers, teacher aides, and enrolled children. Program administrators (N?=?6) were assessed with the Program Administration Scale (Talan & Bloom, 2004), classrooms (N?=?14) with the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale Revised (ECERS-R; Harms, Clifford, & Cryer, 2005) and the Early Language and Literacy Classroom Observation—Research Edition (ELLCO; Smith & Dickinson, 2002), teachers (N?=?24) with the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS; Pianta, La Paro, & Hamre, 2007), and children (N?=?135) with an author-created measurement designed to assess typical skills across five child domains. Assessments were administered at two time points and individualized targeted training was provided in between. Results demonstrated that after 7 months of intervention, the largest effect sizes were seen at the program administration and classroom levels and that smaller effect sizes were found at the teacher and child levels.  相似文献   

We investigated the premise that observation measures of instruction are indicators of effective teaching, using the definition of effectiveness articulated by departments of education: teaching that boosts student achievement. We argued that student motivation is equally as important as achievement in the evaluation of teaching effectiveness (TE); therefore, we examined students' (N = 145) achievement and motivation outcomes. We scored 40 lessons (from 10 kindergarten teachers) with two TE observation measures: the content-independent Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) and the content-specific Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol (RTOP). We found that the two measures' scores were related differently to student outcomes. Instructionally supportive practices (CLASS and RTOP total) predicted achievement and motivation. Emotional support (CLASS) was positively related to motivation but not to achievement. Classroom organization (CLASS) was negatively related to both motivation and achievement. The CLASS total score did not predict student outcomes; its use masked differences across domains of teaching practices.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯市实现超常规、跨越式发展的经验证明,地方政府能否坚持实事求是,解放思想,敢为人先,充分发挥主动性和创新精神,创造体现地区特点、民族特点加快经济发展的新模式,是个关键.  相似文献   

吴组缃早期小说对人物形象的塑造在三十年代的文坛极具个性, 但后来逐渐走向规范化的写作, 其间的缘由值得探究。本文就此提出了一个普遍性的话题: 他们这一代是如何从艺术个性的追求中趋归规范化的创作的。  相似文献   

基础教育应站在人力资源开发战略的高度,着眼于人的终身发展,切实为每位学生的日后学习和发展奠定坚实而宽厚的基础。这一基础可以确认为以“基础学力”为发展基点的“基础教养”。在学生“基础学力”、“基础教养”的形成发展过程中,语文课程作为基础教育最为基础的核心课程,发挥着非同一般的“奠基性”作用。  相似文献   

The achievement gap is the single most critical issue in American education. This study illustrates the difference in academic performance between low-income children and their peers, between minority children and their classmates, and between those schools that serve a majority of children from low-income families and those that serve a more advantaged population. Using a research framework, the author identifies and examines Golden Spike schools-Illinois schools that have a sustained record of closing the achievement gap. Quantitative and qualitative analyses reveal that the Golden Spike schools have distinct commonalities in leadership, literacy, teacher qualities, and community engagement, while characteristics such as school size, class size, and alignment with state standards make little, if any, difference in their ability to close the achievement gap. The study concludes with state and local policy recommendations that will enable high-poverty schools to make substantial progress in bridging the gap.  相似文献   

德意志大学曾是现代大学的典范,但如今似乎失去了昔日的辉煌。为了重振德国大学的科研地位与国际声誉,2017年德国政府在2006年“卓越计划”的基础上推出了新的世界一流大学建设计划“卓越战略”,57个卓越集群、10所卓越大学和1个卓越联盟从竞争中脱颖而出。从“卓越计划”到“卓越战略”,其主要动因在于重振德国大学的全球领先地位;其最大的变化在于调整了资助层面、遴选标准和遴选机制;其战略意义在于推动大学分化与提升大学治理能力;其实现路径在于引入国际评审、实施流动与反馈机制以及整合区域科研资源,力争促进德国大学早日重返世界科学研究中心的舞台。  相似文献   

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