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This article illustrates simultaneous household participation in the lives of undocumented, unaccompanied Mexican teenage minors in New York City and its impact on their school attendance. Emigrating without parents, some Mexican youths arrive to enter into the labor market, not school. Unable to assume monetary dependence, these youths’ absences from New York classrooms is driven by financial participation in their natal households in Mexico and current New York City households. Drawing from fifty-three interviews with Mexican teenagers in Mexico and New York City, this article explores how these youth laborers learn to, understand and fulfill monetary obligations to two households.  相似文献   

美国中小学的国际教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,国际教育在美国引起广泛关注。文章介绍了美国中小学实施国际教育的原因、国际教育在州和学校层面开展的政策与实践,同时也指出国际教育目前仍面临的问题。美国国际教育的开展对我国中小学课程和教学改革能够提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

课堂环境是近几十年的研究热点,课堂环境对学生学校适应的影响也逐步走入研究者的视野。近几年对于课堂环境对于学生学校适应的影响方面主要集中在课堂环境对于学生的同伴关系适应、学习适应、行为适应等方面。在今后的研究中,研究人员应在学校适应的研究维度、课堂环境的分析层面、研究的深度、研究对象的范围等方面多加注意。  相似文献   

美国微冒犯的概念过去特指美国白人对美国黑人的一种很微妙的种族歧视,现在指的是那些源于定型化的偏见所产生的一切对边缘群体或非常态、非特权群体的带有轻视意味的言行、态度,姿势或倾向。美国校园微冒犯表现形式多样而微妙,对目标对象可能造成身心消极影响,其应对策略中的对话和去标签化,可以作为约束我国校园微冒犯的两种应对思路。  相似文献   


A theoretically informed model in which the effects of negative junior high school experiences of mothers on the junior high school experiences of their children were examined. The model was estimated with the LISREL VIII program using panel data from 1,144 mother–adolescent child pairs. Mothers were first tested in 1971 when they were 7th graders, and both mothers and their children were subsequently interviewed in the 1990s. Results reveal the existence of a significant relationship between mothers' negative junior high school experiences and those of their children, which is partially mediated by family structure, mothers' educational attainment, and level of mothers' involvement in their children's school activities and interest in their progress at school.  相似文献   

美国公立学校艾滋病教育及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国公立中小学校非常重视艾滋病教育:从小学阶段抓起,科学安排艾滋病教育课程,科学运用“防艾ABC”三原则,加强教师培训,及时更新教材,鼓励学生们做艾滋病病毒测试,撇开偏见,消除恐惧,重视心理辅导,避免学生受到心理冲击等。美国的做法对我国的艾滋病教育是可资借鉴的。  相似文献   

探究课堂环境中的同伴因素在超常儿童内部动机与创造力关系中的影响对培养超常儿童创造力的教育实践有重要意义.本研究选取277名3-6年级普通班中的超常儿童,采用《学习自我调节量表》、《创造性课堂环境问卷》以及改编的创造力测评工具对其内部动机、课堂同伴互动水平及创造力水平进行评估,分析三者的相关关系,并建立结构方程模型,验证...  相似文献   

美国高中特色发展是美国联邦政府基于创新时代背景及美国的多元文化价值观对高中如何创新发展做出的一种高中发展战略与高中改进策略。创新时代以来的美国高中特色发展战略主要体现于联邦政府制定的"新美国高中"计划、为美国未来做准备的"高中倡议计划"和"重新设计美国高中"计划的三大发展战略上。美国高中特色发展的学校改进策略主要体现于以下几方面:重塑高中办学理念,"培养创新人才+为升学或就业做准备";提升高中办学效能,创建并沿用高效的办学模式,重新设计教学组织;优化高中的课程内容与教学方法,提高教学质量;强化教育机构的合作与衔接,推进普职教育的合理、有效融合;增强优质师资建设,关注高中教师的专业性发展。  相似文献   

Several studies provide preliminary evidence that computer use is positively related to academic performance; however, no clear relationship has yet been established. Using a national database, we analyzed how students’ school behavior (i.e., evaluated by English and math teachers) and standardized test scores (e.g., math and reading) are related to computer use for school work or other than school work for the tenth grade student. While controlling socioeconomic status (SES), home computer access, parental involvement, and students’ academic expectation variables, the students who used a computer for one hour per day showed more positive school behaviors and higher reading and math test scores. This article concludes with implications for future study to better understand the impact of computer use on adolescent academic development.  相似文献   

小学生的成就目标和自主性动机之间的关系研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
动机是小学生学习的动力系统,从认知的角度来研究动机的内部结构及作用是当前心理学界的重要课题.研究者用量表法对小学生的自主性动机、成就目标的发展趋势以及二者的相互关系进行了探索.发现,随着年级的上升,自主性动机的发展在不同的维度上呈不同的发展趋势,在成就目标中,掌握目标呈上升趋势,成绩目标呈下降趋势.而且成就目标的不同维度对小学生的自主性动机有着不同的影响.掌握目标的智力观、成功观、失败观和成绩目标的评价观、失败观以及年龄对自主性动机都有显著的影响.  相似文献   

文章主要概括性地分析了美国高中课程面向未来的三种发展趋势,即整合化、微型化和个性化,剖析了它们各自的表现性特征,并展示了全美高中学校生动鲜活的实践。  相似文献   

美国医学院校医学誓言的内容分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信守誓言是每一位医生和医学生职业修养的一个重要方面。2000年,Audiey C.Kao博士和Kayhan P.Parsi博士进行了一项美国医学院校宣誓誓言的调查。研究内容包括誓言的类型和内容,并对誓言内容的伦理学差异进行了评价。  相似文献   

Transition to Kindergarten: Family Experiences and Involvement   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The transition to kindergarten is an important developmental milestone for young children, their families, and teachers. Preparing students for successful kindergarten transition has been identified as a national priority, yet the degree to which parents are involved in kindergarten preparation is rarely considered. This study investigated the family experiences and involvement in kindergarten transition in 132 families whose children had completed early education programs and were beginning kindergarten. Results suggest that the majority of families wanted more involvement in the transition to kindergarten planning and wanted information about kindergarten readiness, including academic and behavioral expectations. The top concerns expressed by families were attending a new school and difficulties with following directions or other behavior problems. Families with fewer financial resources reported less involvement in transition activities than families with more resources. Implications for early childhood education are discussed, in light of the growing emphasis on parent involvement and kindergarten readiness. The present work was supported, in part, by a Science of Learning Center Catalyst grant (0350341) from the National Science Foundation awarded to the second and third authors.  相似文献   

Teacher Work Context and Parent Involvement in Urban High Schools of Choice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article describes the evaluation of a training programme to enhance the professional competence of residential child care workers in dealing with difficult situations involving adolescents. A pretest-posttest follow-up control-group design without random assignment was used. The results indicate a significant increase in knowledge and behaviour at posttest and follow-up measurement. The overall effect size is considered to be very large, which warrants the conclusion that training has a significantly positive effect on the behaviour of child-care workers and students. Résumé Cet article présente l'évaluation d'un programme de formation destiné à des éducateurs spécialisés travaillant en institution. Le programme a pour but d'augmenter les compétences professionnelles de ces personnes lorsqu'elles sont confrontées à des situations difficiles avec des adolescents. Un modèle "pré-test, post-test et suivi", non distribué au hasard. Les résultats montrent une amélioration significative des connaissances et du comportement lors des mesures "post-test" et "suivi". L'effet global est considéré comme très important, ce qui permet de conclure à un effet significativement positif des programmes de formation destinés aux éducateurs et aux étudiants. (Traduction: Michèle Schärer, CSRE, Aarau, Suisse)  相似文献   

阚阅 《比较教育研究》2003,24(10):87-90,66
认证是为了证明哪些公立学校和其他的学校机构符合学术团体制定的设立标准和规格,以便监督和帮助学校不断改进,努力实现他们的目标的一种活动。在美圈,认证已发展成为一种完备和成熟的评估教育质量的制度,对学校的改进和质量的提高起到重要的作用。本文介绍了美国西部学校和学院协会学校认证委员会对中小学认证的标准和程序,并对其进行了分析。  相似文献   

金传宝 《中学教育》2011,(3):104-109
课堂讨论是美国中小学教学中一种常用的教学方法。明确课堂讨论的目的,充分认识课堂讨论的重要性,了解课堂讨论的类型及其优缺点,掌握必要的课堂讨论技术,及时发现并杜绝不利于讨论有效进行的现象等是提高课堂讨论效果的重要条件。  相似文献   

美国中小学学校布局的调整主受三个因素驱动:城市化进程中的社会驱动、追求规模效益的经济驱动以及重视学生发展的教育驱动。美国中小学学校布局的调整取得了比较好的效果,但同时也存在着一些争议。在学校布局的调整中做到:理性对待学校布局调整中的经济效益;学校布局调整以学生的发展为本;构建学校布局调整的综合化理论模式。  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of secondary school culture on the dual student outcomes of academic achievement and engagement with the institution attended. Elements of school culture were identified, specifically the roles played by administrators, the professional teaching staff, and the adolescent peer group. A mixed-method research design was employed with the primary research instrument taking the form of a survey questionnaire that was distributed to 268 Grade 11 students attending two composite secondary schools in a mid-sized Canadian city. The results demonstrated that institutional culture had a limited impact on student academic achievement but a significant influence on students' perceptions of engagement with their schools.  相似文献   

Purpose: Training future physicians to address the health needs of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) population can potentially decrease health disparities faced by such individuals. In this literature review, we examine the characteristics and impact of current LGBT healthcare training at U.S. medical schools.

Methods: We performed a comprehensive literature search to identify studies on LGBT healthcare training in U.S. medical schools. Studies published between January 2000 and September 2016 that described the program and reported on at least one quantitative evaluative measure were included in our review.

Results: We found 13 studies meeting our inclusion criteria. The programs had high levels of variability in curricular content, educational strategies used, duration, and evaluation methods. Many programs utilized an interactive experience involving a standardized patient. The majority of participants in such programs felt this approach was an effective learning strategy. All programs reported that participants felt the training improved their ability to provide more effective healthcare to LGBT patients.

Conclusion: Despite wide variability in their training approaches, the 13 programs we reviewed provided data suggesting a positive impact of LGBT healthcare training.  相似文献   

中小学生学习动机影响因素及发展趋势研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
依据奥苏贝尔学习动机驱力理论,以认知内驱力、自我提高内驱力和附属内驱力为三个维度,自编《中小学生学习动机问卷),对中小学3~11年级等9个年级1356名城乡学生进行学习动机与学业绩效测查,研究发现:性别、城乡差异以及父母文化程度等因素影响中小学生学习动机;学习动机及各驱力的水平随着年级的升高而降低。  相似文献   

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