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一、 UMU互动学习平台在教育教学中的应用.1. UMU互动学习平台功能简介笔者利用UMU互动学习平台,创作序列化的教学内容与学习互动式课程,女口:做互动、做课程、做直播、学习管理、互动大屏幕、创新学习社群等,课程由多个小节构成、多门课程可以组合为学习频道。基于此平台,教师可以根据教学内容选择借助平台中的某些功能来开展混合式互动教学。  相似文献   

在教学中,Pad作为一个新兴的电子教学工具,加速了信息技术与传统教育的融合,为学生的学习注入了新的生命力。互动学习是心理学的社会学习论在学校教育中的一种表现。互动学习有利于学生参与意识的形成、合作意识的培养,更有利于学生将知识与社会、生活紧密联系。本文主要探究,Pad作为新型教学工具融入教学的条件;在Pad环境下传统的师生互动、生生互动发生了哪些改变;传统的教学方法得到了哪些改变;如何利用Pad支持学生进行更好的互动学习。  相似文献   

电子工艺实习课程是高等学校的一门基础专业课程。为达到国家要求的实习要求,以基于互动学习平台开展电子工艺实习课程混合式教学的探索为研究课题,在对互动学习平台、混合式教学模式以及电子工艺实习的基本要点进行探讨的基础上,对电子工艺实习课程的现状与问题进行分析,从设置云课堂教学程序、实现云课堂教学互动、实施云课堂的立体化教学考核三个部分,对混合式教学模式在电子工艺学习中的应用与实践进行探索。  相似文献   

共同学习:促进学生互动的教学策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
共同学习是近20多年来发展起来的一种新型的教学策略,包含六个基本要素:正相互依赖、个人责任感、混合编组、教授合作技巧、检查小组交互行为和多能力任务,主要方法是小组协作教学。共同学习既考虑到了课堂教学中的师生互动,更重视学生之间的互动学习,充分看到了学生在课堂教学中的主体性与主动性。  相似文献   

文章通过混合方法对2019年“全国混合式教学设计创新大赛”30门获奖课程的教学设计进行分析,以阐明我国高校在混合式教学设计上的最新进展、主要问题以及所反映出的教师教学观和设计思维。研究发现,在对标FD-QM在线/混合式课程质量标准上,案例课程的活动和测评设计比较薄弱,具体表现在教师多倾向于增加互动和测试的数量与类型,但对制定教与学活动规则和评价标准则关注不足,反映出教师对混合式教学中如何认识自身角色、实践“教学存在”存在偏差。从根本上说,这是“学生中心”和“教师中心”两种不同教学观相互冲突却又纠葛的关系在教学设计中的集中体现,它提示我们在教学范式转型背景下,探讨教与学关系、师生权力、学习责任等根本性问题变得愈发重要。  相似文献   

<正>在英语课堂教学中积极倡导"合作-互动-交流"的教学模式,通过小组讨论,各小组间的相互交流,引导学生参与学习合作与交流,为他们的终身学习和发展打下了良好的基础。一、"合作—互动—交流"教学模式的运用1.创设情景,引导学生互动学习中学英语的课堂互动学习,首先要教会学生合作,没有合作就不会有学习的互动。创设一定的教学情景,是激发学生学习兴趣和互动的前提。学习兴趣是学生学习英语的动力,也是教师启动互动学习过程的前提。  相似文献   

<正>学生最佳的学习状态是自主学习和互动学习的结合,如何在体育课堂上掌控学生自主与互动学习的时机和培养学生自主与互动学习的品质是体育教师的一项必修课程。一、互动式学习的意义把体育教学过程看作是一个教与学相统一的过程,在这个过程中,形成师生互动、生生互动,学生根据观察教师的示范与模仿,进行独立思考与相互交流,使学生在一个融洽的氛围中学习与练习。二、体育与健康课程中的师生互动式学习现今的教育主要以促进人的发展为根本目的,所以,在体育  相似文献   

从90年代初期起,小组活动进入课堂教学,开始了对互动学习的研究与探讨[1]。在新课改的今天,我国学者对于课堂互动学习的研究获得了一些成果,极大地丰富了互动学习的理论研究,研究主要是对"学生互动影响学生学习积极性,增强教学效益,提高学习能力,提高学习质量"等方面的功能性研究[1]而关于地理课堂上这些方面的研究尚不多,在一定程度上制约了互动学习在地理教学中的应用和发挥。本文通过课堂跟踪观察,探讨学生互动方式与频次对学习积极性的影响情况,并提出有效策略,使课堂的互动效果达到最佳,同时本课题的研究也为地理教师提供一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

混合式教学真正为学生创造了一种高度参与性的学习体验,利于培养学生的自主学习能力。针对课程内容对教学方法和教学策略的“再设计”是混合式教学的关键,但是目前混合式教学的实证研究较少。“细胞生物学”是生物学和医学专业的重要专业基础课,因此进行了混合式教学在“细胞生物学”教学中的设计与实践研究,在分析“细胞生物学”课程特点与学生学情的基础上,构建了“课前在线预习—课上传授与互动交流—课后归纳总结”的混合式教学,并以第五章《物质的跨膜运输》为例进行混合式教学实施过程的详细介绍。  相似文献   

初中语文教学中合作互动教学可以激发学生内在的学习潜能,活跃课堂的气氛,提高学生的学习效果。教师要注重合作互动教学活动的组织实施,要重视提高学生在活动中的参与性。合作互动学习要围绕着学生合作能力的培养,以及学习任务的高效完成来设计具体的活动方案。  相似文献   

Blended learning is an effective approach to instruction that combines features of face-to-face learning and computer-mediated learning. This study investigated the relationship between student perceptions of three types of interaction and blended learning course satisfaction. The participants included K-12 teachers enrolled in a graduate-level course. Results indicate that students (a) perceived interaction as important to their learning experiences and (b) were moderately satisfied in their blended learning course. The predictive model of student satisfaction including three types of interaction was reliable. Of the three types of interaction, learner–content interaction was the strongest predictor of student satisfaction when the course design involved a low amount of collaborative activities. Additionally, student personality was found to be a vital factor for interaction and satisfaction in this type of course design. Students who reported having an extroverted personality noted more interaction and a higher level of student satisfaction than those who self-reported as introverted.  相似文献   

为探讨初中生座位安排与学习动机、课堂师生互动的关系,采用学习动机量表、课堂师生互动问卷和教室座位一般问卷,对300名初中生进行调查。结果表明:处于优势区的初中生在学习动机、内部目标对象和任务价值得分上显著高于弱势区的初中生;座位调换周期大于一个月对初中生内部目标定向、任务价值和课堂师生互动有显著影响;座位调换周期大于一个月,座位区域与内部目标定向、任务价值和课堂师生互动存在显著相关,课堂师生互动与学习动机、能力把握信心和学习控制信念存在显著相关;课堂师生互动对学习动机回归效应显著,座位安排对学习动机与课堂师生互动的关系产生中介影响。  相似文献   

This article reports a study of eLearning in 21 courses in Hong Kong universities that had a blended design of face-to-face classes combined with online learning. The main focus of the study was to examine possible relationships between features of online learning designs and student learning outcomes. Data-collection strategies included expert reviews of the learning designs, student surveys of perceptions of the web environment and their own learning outcomes, and a SOLO (structure of observed learning outcomes) analysis of assessment evidence of student learning outcomes. The findings of this correlational study indicate mild relationships between features of learning design and student perceptions of their learning outcomes. Both the provision of learning resources and the engagement of students in online communication relate to aspects of learning (acquisition of knowledge and skills, and enhancement of learning motivation). Also, the relationship was stronger when eLearning strategies were more extensively used. However, no relationship was found between learning design and the student performance in assessment tasks, possibly because of the limited assessment data that was examined.  相似文献   

随着新课程标准的实行,"师生互动"在课堂教学中日益受到关注和重视,课堂教学必须突出学生主体性,变"讲堂"为"学堂",变传统灌输式为学生探索式。这样,才能使学生的创新精神和实践能力得到有效培养和提高。针对"师生互动"中存在的问题,我们对促进良好师生关系做了浅要分析,并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

Notable gains have been made in understanding the factors that influence the student experience in higher education, particularly in the area of student engagement. While tremendous effort has been focused on identifying educationally beneficial activities for students, we must also consider where these activities are occurring. In recent years there have been technological advances that have paved the way for blended learning environments, however, physical learning environments continue to dominate the functionality of many universities. The development of purpose‐built informal social learning spaces as a strategy to enhance the student experience is becoming more prevalent, although empirical research in this area is lacking. This study explores the role of social learning spaces on the student experience using the student engagement framework within a qualitative research design. Informal interviews with 103 students were conducted within a social learning space. Findings reveal that social learning spaces can contribute to enhanced student engagement by fostering active learning, social interaction and belonging amongst tertiary students. The study also suggests that design is a contributing factor to students' perceptions of social learning spaces.  相似文献   

师生交流是影响高校学生学习和社会化的重要因素。良好的师生关系有助于学生更好地参与学习生活。当前高校师生交往互动总体水平较低,不同类型院校差异显著;高校人才培养模式、教师的教学行为、高校学生工作、学生的学习动机等对师生的情感交流和学习交流状况具有不同的、显著影响。目前高校的生态环境决定了师生交往的限制,只有通过大学生态环境的逐步改善,比如人才培养模式改革、配套制度建设、资源配置倾斜、与学工系统密切合作等,才有可能建设良好的、有利于学生学习的师生互动。  相似文献   

This study investigated student interaction, satisfaction, and performance in accelerated online learning environments with the use of an online learning course-management system. The interactions assessed in this study included learner–learner interaction, learner–instructor interaction, and learner–content interaction. The participants were African American students from a university in the southeastern United States. Quantitative approaches including correlation and regression analyses were performed to examine the contribution of interaction predictors to student satisfaction as well as the relationship between student satisfaction and student performance. In addition, Internet self-efficacy and its impact on interaction was investigated. The results showed that learner–content interaction was the only significant predictor of student satisfaction whereas interaction among students or with the instructor did not significantly predict student satisfaction. Internet self-efficacy was positively correlated with three types of interaction. Student satisfaction was found to be related to student performance.  相似文献   

This study used a pre/post design to assess student learning for the purposes of examining relationships among student grades, student learning, and student evaluations of teaching. These relationships were reframed in terms of reaction (Level I) and learning (Level II) evaluation criteria. Participants were 652 undergraduate students enrolled in seven sections of an introductory psychology course. Our results indicated a medium relationship between student grades and the pre/post learning measure. In addition, a small relationship was observed between student ratings of teaching effectiveness and a pre/post measure of learning. We conclude that student ratings and learning measures assess different aspects of teaching effectiveness and should not be used interchangeably. The most appropriate criterion for assessing teaching effectiveness is a function of the goal of evaluation. However, reaction and learning measures may be used in conjunction to obtain a more complete picture of instructor effectiveness.  相似文献   

Examining learning is a wide and open topic. If we pay attention to learning as achieving some aims and goals defined before, we need a broader and more precise context, an instructional process. This consists of interaction between a teacher and the students. It is based on particular relationships between the teacher, the student and the content that is studied in the instructional process. The human relationship between the teacher and the students is a pedagogical relation and it is regulated by the pedagogical context. Fundamental to learning is, however, how the student meets the content to be learnt, the didactic relation. This relation is invisible by nature. To organise this relation belongs to the expertise of the teacher. The student learning is supposed to take place in the didactic relation of the instructional process.  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to identify the relationship between formal learning spaces and student learning outcomes. Using a quasi‐experimental design, researchers partnered with an instructor who taught identical sections of the same course in two radically different formal learning environments to isolate the impact of the physical environment on student learning. The results of the study reveal that, holding all factors excepting the learning spaces constant, students taking the course in a technologically enhanced environment conducive to active learning techniques outperformed their peers who were taking the same course in a more traditional classroom setting. The evidence suggests strongly that technologically enhanced learning environments, independent of all other factors, have a significant and positive impact on student learning.  相似文献   

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