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抓住高校评估机遇,促进图书馆建设与发展   总被引:29,自引:5,他引:24  
介绍了教育部对燕山大学本科教学工作水平评估检查时,该校图书馆是如何迎评促建的,即思想上高度重视、工作上深入细致,客观全面地展示图书馆的全貌,突出其特色和现代化建设水平,并抓住机遇,不断开拓创新,推动图书馆的建设与发展。  相似文献   


With the appropriate planning and the right frame of mind, working abroad is both adventuresome and exhilarating. The author shares her learning and experiences in directing summer law programs in Italy and Ireland and offers some practical advice to those contemplating a foreign work experience.  相似文献   

当前我国高校的信息公开制度与信息保密制度尚未形成良好的博弈格局,信息公开的法律依据尚不严密,信息公开相关主体的认知态度尚有较大差异,因而,体现现代大学治理结构的高校信息公开制度的构建与实施,尚需逐步推进.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]研究者唯一标识符是解决机构知识库(IR)作者名称歧义问题的重要途径。通过研究近年来最受关注的新型研究者唯一标识符ORCID在IR中的整合应用,构建基于iAuthor的IR整合方案,以期对国内IR的可持续发展提供借鉴。[方法/过程]通过文献调研和ORCID在各个领域的应用实践案例分析,为IR解决名称歧义问题、构建作品认领机制、完善科研评价与管理找到新的途径。[结果/结论]ORCID在各种IR系统的整合案例展现出较好的应用效果,为IR有效管理研究者及其学术资源、帮助科研机构进行学术绩效评估、实现成果自动推送、与更多的数据系统关联等长期可持续发展问题提供了较好的解决方案。结合国内实际,基于iAuthor构建IR与ORCID的技术整合方案。  相似文献   


Over time changing circumstances in legal education, scholarship and practice influenced law school library collections. Currently, increased demands for non-legal material and new technological enhancements are changing the law school library's environment. As a result, cooperative and collaborative collecting activities are flourishing between the University of Denver's law school library and its general library despite the autonomous administrative structure of the law school library.  相似文献   

褚辅成(1873-1948),字惠僧,浙江秀水县(今嘉兴市)人,乃浙江辛亥革命之元老,长期在浙江活动,55岁时就任上海法科大学(后改称上海法学院)校长,此后二十年,他的主要精力就是用在这所法学院的建设上,增辟院址,广建喾舍,延纳贤才,使上海法学院“蔚为东南研究法学的一大学府”。后人评述:“自草创时代,迄于闻名寰宇以笃实力行为士子倡,二十年潜移默化,其有功于政教吏治,何可胜言。”[1]一、从政治家到教育家在民国时期的浙江,褚辅成可以算得上是一个风云人物。他早年留学日本,先后在东京警察学校、法科大学就读,期间与…  相似文献   

企业依法治档,是指企业能够依照档案法律法规的规定做好档案工作它是依法治企的重要组成部分.通过对晋城供电分公司依法治档的调查,大量生动的事实说明:依法治档是企业搞好档案工作的重要保证,是发挥档案作用的有效手段.  相似文献   

文章以"智慧泛在课堂"——上海交通大学电子教参服务体系的改革与实践为例,分别阐述该体系组成要素:电子教参系统、教参资源建设、移动阅读服务、学科馆员参与的教学改革与实践以及用户体验与反馈,并对这5个方面的实践情况进行了分析与总结,整体展示该服务体系对于学校教学变革的推动与促进。  相似文献   

This article examines the recently developed postgraduate, law-school-supported programs intended to provide recent graduates with a continued experiential learning environment in order to bridge the gap between law school and law practice. Both law school firms and practice incubators are discussed. Specifically, this article looks at what, if any, role academic law libraries have within these programs. Lastly, ways in which these libraries might possibly add or improve services to the programs are explored.  相似文献   

以科学发展观促进高职院校图书馆建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高职院校图书馆建设,要以"三个代表"为指导思想,树立和落实科学发展观,以繁荣和发展为中心,以改革和创新为动力,充分挖掘潜能,发挥职能作用,以科学发展观促进高职院校图书馆建设。要注意可持续发展,坚持科学的人才观,努力提高馆员素质,以人为本,以读者为中心,注重特色发展,坚持服务创新,努力开创高职院校图书馆建设新局面。  相似文献   

本文分析了影响学校体育实施素质教育的诸多因素,探讨学校体育实施并进一步深化素质教育的工作方法。  相似文献   

突出专业特色,促进艺术学校图书馆建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潘汉云 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(4):150-152,102
针对深圳艺术学校学科发展方向和人才培养的总体规划,提出艺术学校图书馆建设要突出专业特色,按照专业学科发展进行文献的采集、资源建设、读者服务、信息开发和馆员培训的观点。同时提出了建设深圳艺术数字图书馆的发展战略和思路。  相似文献   

以中学新课程改革为背景,讨论了中学阶段开展课外阅读指导工作的突破点——成立学生读书社团,详细分析了学生读书社团成立的意义、条件、功能以及在开展活动过程中应注意的问题和中学图书馆在组建学生读书社团工作中的作用.  相似文献   

The need for a Bioinformatics Program became apparent after repeated requests from researchers for bioinformatics resources and the University's announcement of BioMed 21, a 300 million dollars biomedical science initiative to bring "new knowledge of the human genetic blueprint to the patient's bedside and change how illnesses are understood, diagnosed, and successfully treated." A Bioinformatics Specialist with a strong background in the fields of Molecular Biology and Biostatistics was hired. Program development started in 2003. Initially, three core courses were developed: Sequence Similarity Search, Genetic Variation, and Human Genome Resources. Each of these courses was offered twice per semester. Additionally, partnerships were established within the University Medical School Community (e.g., the Genome Sequencing Center) to license and teach Spotfire's DecisionSite for Functional Genomics, a software package used to analyze microarray data. From March to May 2005, seven Spotfire classes were taught. Each Spotfire class consisted of seven hours of classroom work. Also, in-depth consultations were scheduled with faculty and researchers to address their specific needs. These consultations led to requests for other software packages to purchase and manage, including Lasergene and CSD (Cambridge Crystal Structure Database). Efforts to reach outside of the University Community were made through the development of a Bioinformatics Web site.  相似文献   


Key points

  • Publishers increasingly acknowledge the need for better recognition of peer review activities and are experimenting with ways to achieve this.
  • A recent community working group recommended a set of data exchange standards to support this recognition, and these have now been implemented by the Open Researcher and Contributor ID.
  • The American Geophysical Union and F1000 are the first adopters of this new functionality.

张信国 《新闻界》2009,(2):189-190,157
地方高校中文非师范生培养新闻技能,有看天然的学科优势,符合人才市场需要,能有效提高学生就业竞争力、拓宽职场发展空间  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

The long-range goal of this IAIMS development project is to achieve an Integrated Academic Information Management System for the Harvard Medical School, the Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine, and Harvard's affiliated institutions and their respective libraries. An "opportunistic, incremental" approach to planning has been devised. The projects selected for the initial phase are to implement an increasingly powerful electronic communications network, to encourage the use of a variety of bibliographic and information access techniques, and to begin an ambitious program of faculty and student education in computer science and its applications to medical education, medical care, and research. In addition, we will explore means to promote better collaboration among the separate computer science units in the various schools and hospitals. We believe that our planning approach will have relevance to other educational institutions where lack of strong central organizational control prevents a "top-down" approach to planning.  相似文献   

Should law school faculty integrate electronic casebooks into their courses? After describing the eTextbook market forces, this article posits that digital casebooks will not only be in great demand, but also can assist in lowering the cost of legal education while creating more practice-ready students. Additionally, technological improvements in eCasebook platforms will address the unique needs of law students, thereby increasing acceptance and usage. The article concludes with a brief survey of current eCasebook alternatives and an argument for the creation of value-added open source, open access digital casebooks with assistance from the law library.  相似文献   

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