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Following the death of a star scientist, do coauthors experience a uniform decline in productivity? Prior work informs us that the death of a star negatively influences coauthors’ productivity. In this study, I extend this idea and argue that the characteristics of coauthors’ collaboration networks moderate the negative association between a star's death and coauthors’ productivity. The analyses of data on academic publications in pharmacology and pharmacy between 1980 and 2000 reveal that the death of stars has heterogeneously affected the subsequent productivity of coauthors. In particular, I find that the effective size of the coauthors' collaboration network mitigated the negative effect of a star's death. In contrast, the stability of the coauthors' collaboration network intensified the negative aftermath of the loss of a star scientist. The findings uncover the role of collaborative ties of the coauthors of a deceased star in pursuit of scientific research.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(4):104485
The mobility of inventors leaves behind their patented inventions at sourcing firms, yet there is little scholarly insight into how firms handle those intellectual properties. We investigate this important issue by developing a framework of tacit-codified knowledge interdependence. We theorize that tacit and codified knowledge offer the intellectual and legal pillars of corporate inventions, which complement each other in value creation. Inventor mobility decouples the two pillars and reduces the maintenance likelihood of the left-behind patents. The negative impact is greater for inventions that are complex or rely less on internal prior art because the tacit knowledge loss is more destructive and unrecoverable. However, when inventors move to competing or litigious target firms, the relationship between mobility and patent maintenance becomes less negative or even turns positive because the left-behind patents can be leveraged to hedge against the risk of knowledge leakage. Applying a two-stage Coarsened Exact Matching approach to construct a sample of 36,204 U.S. patents with comparable leaving and staying inventors from public firms between 1983 and 2010, we find strong evidence supporting our framework. Our findings highlight the intricate interdependence of tacit and codified knowledge in corporate inventions and add to the literatures on inventor mobility and intellectual property management.  相似文献   

This paper compares corporate and academic patents and tests whether they have similar value distributions and share common determinants of value. The empirical results based on an in-depth analysis of 400 biotech patents applied for by Belgian universities and firms lead to the following observations: (i) academic and corporate patent value distributions have similar levels of ‘skewness’; (ii) the identification of the institutional origin of knowledge allows for an improved understanding of the value determinants and (iii) there is a need to stimulate star scientists to codify their tacit knowledge into valuable patents.  相似文献   

In this paper I examine episodes in which superstar inventors relocate to a new city. In particular, in order to assess whether the beneficial effects of physical proximity to a superstar have a restricted network dimension or a wider spatial breadth (spillovers), I estimate changes in patterns of patenting activity following these events for two different groups of inventors: the superstar's close collaborators, and all the other inventors in a given urban area, for both the locality where the superstar moves to and for the one that is left behind. In the case of collaborators, I restrict the attention to patents realized independently from the superstar. The results from the event study register a large and persistent positive effect on the collaborators in the city of destination, as well as a simultaneous negative trend affecting those still residing in the previous location. In the long run, these effects translate into an increased difference between the two groups of about 0.16 patents per inventor. Conversely, no city-wide spillover effect can be attested, offering little support to place-based policies aimed at inducing a positive influx of top innovators in urban areas.  相似文献   

Despite increased focus on understanding how firms appropriate the returns from innovation, our knowledge regarding firms' behaviour in less developed economies (LDEs) is still scant. This paper provides a nuanced view as to how firms that are not at the technological frontier attempt to capture value when they encounter fragile patenting conditions. I analyse a unique dataset on innovative activities in Brazil. My findings reveal the effects (if any) of a number of factors on the use of a wide range of appropriability mechanisms. These factors include measures of knowledge intensity, novelty of products and processes, firm size, degree of competition, innovation cooperation, government support for innovation, and type of ownership. In addition, my empirical exercise provides evidence of the extent to which firms in an LDE adopt different appropriability mechanisms in pairs. Overall, this paper indicates that even in the absence of an effective patent system, firms do use patents. However, there are other patterns of appropriability in which firms use design (being registered or not registered accordingly), lead-time or trademarks in association with other means of appropriation.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2021,50(10):104343
Research in a number of fields has shown that brokerage is typically fragile while creating consequential outcomes. However, little work has examined the conditions under which brokerage ends, and furthermore, whether and when it terminates with closure in a closed triad that includes the broker, or in a dyad that connects the previously-disconnected alters but disintermediates the broker. We employ a comprehensive theoretical framework drawing on constrained agency to study these questions in a context of organizational innovation. Specifically, we investigate the role of hierarchy, inventors’ network neighborhoods and knowledge differences in shaping the evolution of brokerage. We test our ideas in the a setting of co-patenting in 41 large Chinese research-intensive organizations over the period 1996-2008, with a dataset of 36,338 patents applied for by these organizations. We first show that the type of brokerage ending matters for innovation outcomes by demonstrating that disintermediation creates more subsequent innovativeness than closure. Thereafter, we use a two-step model to first model the termination of brokerage and in the second step to predict the type of closing: disintermediation or closure. Our results show that the broker's and alters’ hierarchical rank similarity promotes disintermediation, as does alters’ connectedness in network neighborhoods, while knowledge differences among the broker and alters encourage the evolution of brokerage toward closure. We spell out the implications of our findings for organizational innovation and the management of R&D.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(1):104388
Innovation rarely happens through the actions of a single person. Innovators source ideas while interacting with peers at different levels and intensities. With a dataset of disambiguated inventors from 1980 to 2010 in European metropolitan areas, we assess the influence of their interactions with co-workers, organizations’ colleagues, and geographically co-located peers on their productivity. By adding many fixed effects to control for unobserved heterogeneity, we uncover the importance of metropolitan areas knowledge for inventors’ productivity, with firms and co-workers’ network knowledge being less relevant. When the complexity and quality of knowledge are accounted for, the picture changes: proximate, social interactions become central.  相似文献   

Based on a survey of the inventors of 9017 European patented inventions, this paper provides new information about the characteristics of European inventors, the sources of their knowledge, the importance of formal and informal collaborations, the motivations to invent, and the actual use and economic value of the patents.  相似文献   

We examine patent licensing business models of non-practicing entities that generate revenue by selling, licensing, or litigating patents. They may also pursue R&D activities, invent new technologies, or provide services to inventors or product companies. We describe their business models and patent market behavior and then compare their litigation strategies against product companies using a matched sample of highly comparable patents. The main differences among patent licensing firms stem from their technological capabilities, patent portfolio sizes, and external relationships. We find that licensing firms with technological capabilities often pursue litigation until decision and engage in forum shopping. In contrast, litigation incidence, parties involved, and outcomes are primarily determined by patent characteristics, not entity types. Licensing business models drive the acquisition of certain types of patents that influence the outcomes of the patent system. We argue that patent policy should strengthen mechanisms to discover invention quality rather than focus on the amount of litigation or types of entities.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(2):104416
Do informal social ties connecting inventors across distant places promote knowledge flows between them? To measure informal ties, we use a new and direct index of social connectedness of regions based on aggregate Facebook friendships. We use a well-established identification strategy that relies on matching inventor citations with citations from examiners. Moreover, we isolate the specific effect of informal connections, above and beyond formal professional ties (co-inventor networks) and geographic proximity. We identify a significant and robust effect of informal ties on patent citations. Further, we find that the effect of geographic proximity on knowledge flows is entirely explained by informal social ties and professional networks. We also show that the effect of informal social ties on knowledge flows is greater for new entrepreneurs or ‘garage inventors’, for older or ‘forgotten’ patents, and for flows across distant technology fields. It has also become increasingly important over the last two decades.  相似文献   

孙震 《科研管理》2019,40(3):179-187
专利市场是经济活动中效率最为低下的市场之一。一方面,专利属于无形资产,很难评判其价值。另一方面,由于信息不对称,市场参与双方(发明人和使用者)均面临很大的搜寻和交易成本。然而较少有文献实证记录这些市场摩擦所带来的后果。本文记录中国个人专利申请的一个特别现象:与企业专利相比,个人专利被广泛认为质量较差;然而另一方面,个人专利在授权后的维持时间却长于企业专利。本文认为专利市场摩擦可以一定程度上解释该现象:由于搜索成本和信息不对称,相对于企业来说,个人发明人需要更长时间才能将其专利许可或转让给可以商业化的公司。个人发明人往往需要这些转让收益来收回发明的投资成本,为此他们会努力寻求潜在的授予方,而不得不维持专利到更长的时间。 本文提供一些实证证据来支持这个假说。在专利质量比较过程中,本文基于中国国家知识产权局的数据库,整理并建立了中国专利申请的详细数据并构建了若干质量指标。同时,作者利用谷歌专利数据库补充了专利权利要求项数量和专利引证这两个指标,为中国专利质量分析、知识传递与溢出提供了重要的数据来源。  相似文献   

US faculty patenting: Inside and outside the university   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In a sample of 5811 patents with US faculty as inventors, 26% are assigned solely to firms rather than universities as dictated by US university employment policies and Bayh-Dole. We relate assignment to patent characteristics, university policy, and inventor field. Patents assigned to firms (whether established or start-ups with inventor as principal) are less basic than those assigned to universities suggesting firm assigned patents result from faculty consulting. Assignment to inventor-related start-ups is less likely the higher the share of revenue inventors receive from university-licensed patents. Firm assignment also varies by inventor field and whether the university is public or private.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》1986,15(4):199-210
While there is much opinion about the work of individual inventors — most of it either highly dismissive or hopelessly romantic — very little is actually known about their work or about what sort of individuals invent. This paper is based on the second of two research studies carried out in Australia. The first sought, by means of an extensive survey, to discover something about the characteristics and motivation of individuals who invent, or, more accurately, who apply for patents. The second built upon this work in an effort to determine whether the work of individuals was especially different from that of formal research units. Individual inventors do generally work in different areas from research units, but their work seems to be valued most by those units when it is most similar to the units' own research. However, when comparison can be made, the individual's work is regarded as less professional than formal research. Although research units seem to have little contact with individual inventors, do not usually hold their work in high esteem, and would normally be quite capable of devising their inventions within the unit, they do show an interest in the patents of individuals and sometimes license from them. Individual inventors are remote from the innovative process in which the research unit is expected to play a part. It remains uncertain whether the distinctive nature of their work makes it worthwhile drawing individual inventors closer to that innovative process.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(10):104600
Innovative industries need efficient markets for technology (MFTs). One determinant of MFT efficiency neglected until now is licensing level—that is, the level in the value chain where patents are licensed. Patents may be licensed upstream, to firms that put the patented knowledge into practice. I refer to this as integrated licensing. Alternatively, patents may be licensed further downstream in the value chain, in particular to makers of final devices. I call this bifurcated licensing since it separates intellectual property rights from the technical knowledge they cover. I study the licensing level of essential patents on communication standards such as LTE and Wi-Fi in relation to the Internet of Things (IoT). The choice of licensing level in this context is currently a hotly debated topic. To show how bifurcated licensing affects MFT efficiency, I present empirical evidence from a qualitative study comprising interviews with 30 individuals from 22 diverse firms, focusing on startups. IoT device makers clearly find the uncertainty regarding infringement, patent validity, and the licensing process hinders efficient licensing, which is compounded by the large number of IoT device makers and, for SMEs and startups, by resource constraints. As a theory contribution, I show that a patent's licensing level need not correspond with the implementation level of the patented knowledge—in other words, licensing may be bifurcated rather than integrated. I develop a model of how licensing level affects MFT efficiency. Implications for practice are that device-level licensing of standard-essential patents (SEPs), if broadly implemented, would have a negative effect on innovation and entrepreneurship in the IoT. Policymakers should ensure that SEP licensing is simplified.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(10):104584
One of the main rationales for the existence of the patent system is to encourage knowledge diffusion through the full disclosure of the technical knowledge embodied in a patented invention. Yet, economists and legal scholars cast doubts on the validity of the disclosure theory. The empirical evidence on the actual benefits of the disclosure function remains limited. The present paper aims to expand our understanding of how information spreads via patent disclosure and exploits recent improvements in machine translation (MT) to identify the effect of broader access to patented knowledge. More specifically, the paper uses a unique natural experiment. In September 2013, Google launched a major upgrade to its Google Patents service and added patent applications from the China National Intellectual Property Agency (CNIPA) to its searchable patent database. Using a difference-in-differences approach, we show that the translation of the Chinese patents into English resulted in an increase in citations received from patents filed by US inventors compared to a suitable control group comprising patents that Google translated only in 2016. Our results suggest that improved access to patented knowledge fosters knowledge diffusion.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(10):104606
In this paper, we address the question of ‘Why do firms publish scientific papers?’. Research examining the competitive advantages that firms accrue from investment in R&D has provided evidence that such efforts can be associated with the voluntary disclosure of research findings in scientific publications. This form of scientific openness occurs despite potentially undermining the value-capturing process by generating knowledge spillovers and hindering the use of other instruments for protecting intellectual property (patents and secrecy). Our understanding of what leads firms to engage in scientific publishing remains relatively limited, however. We address this gap by presenting a systematic review of 164 studies examining firm publishing. We then develop a conceptual framework that outlines five incentives for firms to engage in publishing: (i) accessing external knowledge and resources; (ii) attracting and retaining researchers; (iii) supporting IP strategies; (iv) building the firm's reputation; and (v) supporting commercialization strategies. Mechanisms that relate incentives to publish to firms' major stakeholders – i.e. academia, industry, investors, users, and institutions – are also outlined in the framework. We conclude by setting out an agenda for future research.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(7):104814
Innovation studies have thoroughly analysed how firms' perception of barriers affects their innovative behaviour. We contribute to this line of research by analysing complementary and substitution effects between financial barriers, internal knowledge barriers and external knowledge barriers on firms' innovative effort. Using a panel data set of Uruguayan firms between 2006 and 2015, we add to empirical studies on this topic by estimating both unconditional and conditional complementary and substitution effects between these innovation barriers. We apply an econometric two-step specification that includes an estimation of instrumental variables, which allows us to control for endogeneity biases in the supermodularity and submodularity tests. We find significant evidence that external and internal knowledge barriers reinforce each other's effects (complementary effects), conditional on the absence of financial barriers. We also find that financial and internal knowledge barriers mitigate each other's effects (substitution effects) conditional on the firm's perception of external knowledge barriers. Additionally, we find substitution effects between financial and external knowledge barriers, conditional on the firm's perception of internal knowledge barriers. We discuss these results against the backdrop of Uruguayan innovation policies during the period studied, and stress the necessary articulation between instruments that will help strengthen firms' innovation management to recognize and manage innovation barriers.  相似文献   

张雪  张志强 《科研管理》2022,43(6):160-169
    分析中国医药领域专利知识吸收和扩散演化规律及知识吸收对知识扩散影响,有助于快速选择并吸收相关资源,为加大基础研究投入强度提供数据支撑,为科技资源整合策略提供支持。本文以2000—2014年美国专利商标局收录的中国医药领域2326件专利及其引用的43 822篇专利文献、35 573篇论文文献为研究对象,从专利知识吸收及知识扩散两个角度出发,采用多元方差分析、零膨胀负二项回归及多元线性回归进行多维度分析。结果表明:专利知识吸收逐年增加,但知识扩散并未形成稳定趋势;不同时间段内知识吸收及扩散各测度指标显著不同;专利文献知识吸收数量、质量及论文文献知识吸收质量均对专利知识扩散产生负向影响;吸收论文知识构件对专利知识扩散产生正向影响;吸收论文数量与知识扩散广度、强度负相关;吸收专利知识构件与知识扩散广度正相关,但与知识扩散强度与速度均无相关关系;专利及论文文献知识吸收新颖性对知识扩散广度、强度及速度均无影响。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(7):1601-1616
This article provides new evidence on the patent trading flows of small and large firms. We document aggregate patterns of patent sales and acquisitions of small and large firms. We also examine the extent to which the initial innovator's and the potential buyers’ prior knowledge stocks in the same technology area and in geographical proximity with a patented invention are associated with the likelihood that the patent is sold, and whether the patent sold is bought by a small or large firm. To do so, we develop a dataset that matches patent sales and information on whether transacted patents are owned by small or large firms following a patent sale.  相似文献   

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