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How does openness affect the importance of incentives for innovation?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Xiaolan Fu 《Research Policy》2012,41(3):512-523
When firms open up to external resources for innovation, do internal incentives still matter? This paper investigates the moderating effect of open innovation on the relationship between incentives and innovation using a survey database of British firms. Whilst both openness and incentives are positively associated with innovation efficiency, a substitution effect is found between openness and incentives. Whilst long-term incentives appear to enhance efficiency to a greater extent than short-term incentives, the substitution effect of openness is stronger regarding long-term incentives.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(1):104660
There is increasing policy interest in the recruitment and integration of star scientists as a mechanism to catalyse research productivity. We use rich data for three Small Open Economies (Ireland, Denmark, and New Zealand) on publications, citations and co-authorships to examine how co-authorship with a co-located star scientist affects the co-author's productivity, both including and excluding the output directly co-authored with the star. The latter effect provides a measure of the extent to which star collaborations crowd out/in other output. Event-study analyses reveal that star co-authorships are associated with economically and statistically significant increases in co-authors' output (measured by field-normalized total citations). Output in the three years after the initial star co-authorship is increased by 89.6 % when star co-authored publications are included and by 16.2 % when they are excluded. The results are robust to using an alternative measure of quality-adjusted output based on journal publication quality. We find co-authoring with a star increases the quality but not quantity of output when star co-authored publications are excluded. We explore heterogeneity by period, field and whether the authors have multiple star co-authorships. We conclude that policymakers' and institutions' efforts to promote access to star scientists may have substantial direct and indirect effects on the productivity of incumbent scientists within departments.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(6):104763
In this paper, we present an explorative study that develops our understanding of the relationship between late-career entrepreneurship and innovation-driven business activity. Based on observations of 2903 solo founders of new ventures in Germany in 2008–2017, we offer first and robust evidence that late-career entrepreneurs (~50 years and above) are more likely than younger founders to introduce product/service innovations that are ‘new to the market’. Our explorations specifically reveal that older founders who draw on personal financial resources and combine their innovation orientation with prior managerial experience are most likely to generate the types of innovations that bring new products or services to the market. We conclude by discussing how our study's insights contribute to the research agenda on innovations in late-career entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

Little or no prior work has examined how information technology enables the development of a design centered digital ecosystem. To examine this research question, we employ a capabilities lens and identify the pathways through which IT drives the development of a design centric smart tourism ecosystem. We analyzed archival data and data collected from interviews conducted in Spain, a country which has embarked on smart destinations projects and topped the World Economic Forum’s Travel and Competitiveness Index. From our analysis, we delineate and identify specific IT-enabled capabilities important for a country implementing smart tourism projects. We find that many of the IT resources available help develop key capabilities necessary for creating a design centric smart tourism ecosystem.  相似文献   

Globally, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are engines of economic growth and job creation. After the pandemic, innovation activities have become more critical than ever as a generator of competitiveness. Therefore, we need to better understand the factors that lead to innovation in SMEs. This study aims to analyze the role of relational capital and technology orientation in innovation to appreciate its final impact on firm performance. The main results reveal a strong positive effect of relational capital on innovation, but the effect is not so strong as firm performance. We also found a strong positive effect of relational capital on technology orientation. Finally, we offer some clues in the debate on technology as a source of innovation and how relational capital and technology orientation are related to a firm’s performance. The results reveal significant implications for innovation policies and relational capital strategies for SMEs.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(1):104654
We examine the effect of social policies on corporate innovation using India's mandatory Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) regulation. This regulation mandates firms with pre-tax profits above a certain threshold to spend 2 % of the profits on CSR. We demonstrate a significant bunching of companies just below the profit threshold post-regulation compared to the pre-regulation period. Firms close to the profit threshold manipulate their earnings to avoid compliance by increasing their R&D expenses. We show that, on average, firms that increase R&D expenses to avoid the regulation apply for one more patent and announce two new products. The increase in R&D expenses and patenting is concentrated in firms with a prior history of innovation. Our results suggest that social policies can generate indirect incentives for innovation.  相似文献   

How open is innovation?   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
This paper is motivated by a desire to clarify the definition of ‘openness’ as currently used in the literature on open innovation, and to re-conceptualize the idea for future research on the topic. We combine bibliographic analysis of all papers on the topic published in Thomson's ISI Web of Knowledge (ISI) with a systematic content analysis of the field to develop a deeper understanding of earlier work. Our review indicates two inbound processes: sourcing and acquiring, and two outbound processes, revealing and selling. We analyze the advantages and disadvantages of these different forms of openness. The paper concludes with implications for theory and practice, charting several promising areas for future research.  相似文献   

Based upon the goal of scientific literacy and the importance of socioscientific issues (SSIs), the purpose of this study was to investigate the Taiwanese public's awareness of, inclinations to buy/use, and their attitudes towards three attributes of SSIs including genetically modified food (GM food), organic food, and DDT and malaria (DDT). Data from a total of 865 participants across ten populations (six different educational levels and four different vocations) were validated and analyzed. The results revealed that the awareness regarding GM food and DDT increased with the levels of education. The inclinations to buy/use and the attitudes towards the three SSIs, were not related to levels of education, vocation or gender, but were related to attributes of the SSIs. The implications for education and policy development are discussed.  相似文献   

The value of patented innovations has attracted substantial research attention, especially in the context of patent renewal. However, research often assumes that a firm's patented innovations are independent from each other. We draw upon evolutionary economics and suggest that some of a firm's patents share important genealogical relationships, which we refer to as internal sequential innovations. We propose internal sequential innovations are more valuable and therefore more likely to be renewed than stand-alone innovations. We examine our hypotheses from a dataset of US pharmaceutical and biotechnology patents. The results confirm our hypotheses at both the patent and the firm levels.  相似文献   

Many years after the introduction of the innovation system concept in innovation policy design, it is still not clear whether innovation policy evaluation practices follow a system approach. Building on evaluation and innovation studies, this article develops the concept ‘system oriented innovation policy evaluation’ based on four attributes (coverage, perspective, temporality and expertise). The attributes are used as analytical devices for gathering extensive empirical evidence on the actual practices of EU28 member states. The findings show that few countries have developed a type of innovation policy evaluation that is system oriented. The advent of a system approach to innovation policy evaluation offers the opportunity of comprehensive, contextualized and evidence-based innovation policy-making. However, there are still serious obstacles as such an approach requires important knowledge and organisational capacities. Overcoming these obstacles would need more decided evaluation capacity-building at the national level.  相似文献   

The emotion of social media users has been found to impact market value, but the mechanism of emotion transmission needs to be further explored. Based on the signaling theory, this study formulates the hypothesis that government microblog affects tourism market value by affecting consumers' emotion. A total of 10020 pieces of observation data on four famous Chinese scenic spots are analyzed with text analysis technique, and the correlations between government microblog emotion, comment emotion, and market value are confirmed. Besides, the moderating roles played by the COVID-19 epidemic and tourism attention are verified, and the crowding-out effect of tourism attention on comment emotion is validated. This study provides new understandings of signal transmission as well as practical suggestions for promoting the development of tourism through government social media in the context of COVID-19.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of universities on the technological performance of adjacent firms. We extend existing research by jointly analyzing, and comparing, the effects of education (graduates) and scientific research (publications) activities of universities on firms’ technological performance. Adopting the knowledge production framework, our study is conducted at the level of 101 Italian territorial areas (provinces) and four industries. Overall, fixed-effect panel data models reveal a positive effect of both university graduates and scientific publications on the technological performance of firms. At the same time, considerable industry differences are observed. While the provision of university graduates positively affects firm performance in all industries under study, additional effects for scientific research are only observed in electrical and pharmaceutical industries that are science-intensive and where the scientific knowledge base is changing rapidly over time. The observation that spillovers from academia into the industrial texture of provinces rely on education and research in an industry-specific manner is relevant to the design of appropriate research and innovation policies.  相似文献   

This paper analyses how and why different types of innovation systems interact through analysing seven Australian sectors. We find that there are sets of mechanisms or systems that ‘articulate’; i.e. structure and shape the interaction among sectoral innovation systems and other types of innovation systems. Drawing on the Schumpeterian and evolutionary legacy, we contribute a theoretical explanation of how interaction among innovation systems influences innovation. First, this interaction enables and enhances variety creation by expanding the new combinations of knowledge and resources a firm can achieve. Second, it allows for more efficient and effective scaling up of useful knowledge recombination to achieve increasing returns. Empirically, this is supported in that the more successful sectors have active articulation systems with alignment with other systems, while weaker sectors have unplanned and patchy linkages. No simple model seems to explain successful articulation. However, important factors are active receptor firms with the motivation and capabilities to absorb and use resources from external systems, high quality and responsive education systems, and international linkages. Public research, labour markets, and intermediaries varied in importance.  相似文献   

In recent decades, with the rapid development of the knowledge economy and science, countries have embraced technical innovation and have gradually increased investment in research and development (R&D). A vast literature indicates that the relationship between R&D and firm performance is highly complex. The evidence suggests that R&D positively influences firm performance, yet findings on the process by which this happens are mixed. Rigorous analyses are required on how R&D investments affect energy consumption. This study explores the impact of R&D investment on the performance and energy consumption of 476 firms in Ethiopia by employing a combination of fixed-effect, propensity score matching, and endogenous treatment effect estimation methods. The empirical results reveal that investment in R&D positively influences both innovation and long-term financial performance but negatively impacts short-term financial performance and energy consumption. The results also show that the impacts of R&D activities vary significantly across different categories of firms, confirming that heterogeneity may be an issue among the firms considered. The results also indicate that the availability of credit is a more important moderating factor in the relationship between R&D investment and firm performance than the legal system is. These results have important implications for firms with growing R&D operations, especially those in developing countries such as Ethiopia. Ethiopian firms should invest more in R&D activities, such as in fundamental and applied research, to improve performance and enhance competitiveness.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(7):1633-1646
Drawing on data from an original survey of UK and US publicly traded knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) firms, we investigate what types of KIBS firms collaborate with universities and consider the collaboration important for their innovation. First, we find that science-based KIBS firms (those engaged in a science, technology, and innovation [STI] mode of organizational learning), like science-based manufacturing firms, are active collaborators with universities for innovation. This relationship is further enhanced if these firms also provide highly customized services. Second, in contrast to the existing literature suggesting that firms engaged in a doing, using, and interacting (DUI) mode of organizational learning do not regard collaboration with universities as important for their innovation, we find that KIBS firms engaged in a DUI mode of organizational learning and offering highly customized services are active collaborators with universities for innovation, despite the fact that they may not possess highly formalized scientific knowledge. These findings suggest that KIBS firms co-create knowledge with universities differently than manufacturing firms. Moreover, the findings highlight the wide variety of roles that KIBS firms play in innovation networks with universities.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2004,33(6-7):879-895
This paper examines the link between imported technologies and a country’s export performance, as measured by product quality. The analysis is set in the background of the process of regional integration between the European Union (EU) and its neighbouring developing countries. The underlying question is whether trade integration fosters or dampens learning and technological upgrading. We find that unit values of exports from these countries to the EU rose steadily between 1988 and 1996, relative to the unit values of world exports to Europe. If increases in unit values satisfactorily proxy increases in product quality, then trade integration has fostered product upgrading and technological learning in the sample countries. We find that imported technologies and other sources of knowledge have a strong bearing on this pattern. Technological inflows are captured by the degree of involvement of European companies in export flows from our sample countries (outward processing trade (OPT)) and by the skill content of the machines imported.Non-technical abstractTrade and greater economic integration affect the upgrading of technologies in less advanced areas. The open questions pertain to the direction of such change and to the channels through which technologies are transmitted. This paper explores the role of a few different channels for importing technologies and their impact on export performance. The study is set in the context of the process of economic integration between the EU and its neighbouring developing countries, in particular Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) and the Southern Mediterranean Countries (SMCs).New potential sources of technological inputs become available with declining trade barriers. Some of these technological inputs are deliberately purchased (new machines, foreign investments, skilled personnel) and others are acquired through spillovers, by trading with more technologically advanced partners, by gathering information in foreign markets, by learning from sophisticated imported goods.In the present paper export performance is defined in terms of the quality of exported products, on the presumption that higher quality products imply the use of more complex technologies and have a strong learning potential. We find that unit values of exports from the sample countries to the EU rose steadily between 1988 and 1996, relative to the unit values of world exports to Europe.We then investigate whether imported technologies and other sources of knowledge have some bearing on this pattern. Particular attention is devoted to the technologies embodied in the machines. We develop a measure of technological complexity of the machines imported related to the level of skills required to use them. We also jointly estimate the role of outward processing trade which indirectly captures foreign investments and other forms of involvement of European firms in our sample countries.These channels of technological imports appear to have a statistically discernible and positive role on product quality for all the countries analysed. Imported machines are the most important determinant of product upgrading in the SMCs, while foreign firms play a dominant role in the CEECs.This result is consistent with stylised facts. The pattern of trade liberalisation and specialisation was quite different for the two groups of countries. In the CEECs liberalisation was sudden and drastic. Trade patterns changed considerably, both in terms of products and market destination. Foreign companies are playing a crucial role in this pattern of transition. In the SMCs things have been smoother. Trade is being liberalised more gradually and many of these countries have a strong specialisation in textiles. Although based on imported technologies, upgrading and learning appears to be rooted in the local production structure rather than being channelled by foreign companies.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(9):103804
In this paper, we explore the impact of a firm's workers’ replacements on innovation performance by using rich matched employer–employee panel data for the Veneto region of Italy. We take the well-known resource-based theory of the firm as our departure point, and develop a set of hypotheses which we test empirically with negative binomial regressions. We find that workers’ replacements significantly dampen innovation performance, coherently with the idea that they generate losses in the tacit knowledge base of the firm. We also find that workers’ replacements are especially detrimental to large and young firms, possibly because large companies benefit comparatively less from ‘diaspora’ effects and because innovative capabilities in young firms are mostly dependent on specific human capital. Finally, our results show that firms’ location in industrial districts significantly mitigates the negative impact of workers’ replacements, and that a similar picture emerges when firms are more exposed to knowledge spillovers, particularly of related knowledge.  相似文献   

Mei-yu is an important weather phenomenon in the middle-lower Yangtze River valley(YRV) region.This study investigates the changes in the characteristics of Mei-yu under global warming and the potential reasons based on observation and reanalysis data during 1961–2022. Notable increasing long-term trends are detected in the number of days without rainfall(NDWOR), the intensity of rainfall events, and the frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation events(EPEs) in the YRV region during the M...  相似文献   

Wouter Stam   《Research Policy》2009,38(8):1288-1299
This study examined how participation in open innovation communities influences the innovative and financial performance of firms commercializing open source software. Using an original dataset of open source companies in the Netherlands, I found that the community participation–performance relationship is curvilinear. In addition, results indicate that extensive technical participation in open source projects is more strongly related to performance for firms that also engage in social (“offline”) community activities, for companies of larger size, and for firms with high R&D intensities. Overall, this research refines our understanding of the boundary conditions under which engagement in community-based innovation yields private returns to commercial actors.  相似文献   

Tax incentives and direct funding are two different public support instruments used to facilitate the formation and growth of firms. Limited empirical evidence has compared the effectiveness of two different policies and their interactions for firms. In this paper, we investigate the main and interaction effects of these interventions on high-tech firms. Since large and small firms innovate in different ways, we compare the use of both incentives by Iranian high-tech SMEs and large firms through a factorial design technique. This paper presents significant differences both across instruments and across firm size. Results show that for SMEs, tax exemption has a significant effect on R&D investment, and funding has a significant effect on R&D investment, R&D employees, and new products. However, there aren't any interaction effects between instruments. For large firms, funding is an effective instrument for R&D investment. Also, there is an interaction effect between tax incentives and direct funding on new products. These findings indicate that funding is a more effective instrument than tax exemption, especially for SMEs, but suggest some changes in supporting policies of high-tech firms in Iran.  相似文献   

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