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Foucault, Education, the Self and Modernity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Michel Foucault is often criticised in English-speaking circles for being interested only in power as domination, and of being uninterested in freedom and social reform. This paper shows, however, that Foucault's overarching concern was with the constitution of the self under conditions of modernity. It emphasises the significance of his interest in the Classical project of 'Self-care', and of his countermodernist educational programme in which the skills of self-governance and the ethical (non-dominating) governance of others, as well as the practice of freedom through self-creation, are the key ingredients.  相似文献   

Australian post-compulsory education policies have been subjected to theoretical critiques which question assumptions behind the articulation of policy. One line of critique derives from Foucault's analysis of power, and makes particular use of the theme of ‘docile bodies’. A limitation of these critiques is the adoption of a ‘top-down’ model of policy which fails to test the model against empirical evidence. This article draws upon recent research evidence ‘at the extremities’ to test the applicability of Foucault's ideas within the Australian context. The research challenges the monolithic image that results from a Hop down’ analysis and counteracts untested assumptions about the inevitability of current policies. While it suggests ways in which Foucault's ideas might enables us to lay bare the disjunctures between policy and its plurality in practice, it also highlights the limitations of Foucault's imagery of power.  相似文献   

Pedagogy Without Humanism: Foucault and the Subject of Education   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Education is commonly understood as an interaction between subjects; an interaction between the educator, who already is a subject, and the child, who has to become a subject by means of the pedagogical activities of the educator. Postmodernism has seriously challenged the common (modern) understanding of human subjectivity. The question therefore is what his challenge entails for our understanding of the process of education.In this paper this question is taken up in the context of a distinction between two conceptions of education: education as manipulation and education as communication. It is argued that the manipulative conception is closely related to the modern understanding of human subjectivity, as is the critique leveled against the communicative conception. In order to find out whether the postmodern "deconstruction" of the modern understanding of human subjectivity opens up new possibilities for a communicative understanding of education, Foucault's analysis of the emergence and subversion of the modern conception of man is presented and discussed.Although Foucault's work points into the direction of the recognition of the primacy of the intersubjective - and in this sense supports a communicative understanding of education - his deconstruction also makes clear that intersubjectivity cannot be understood as a new deep truth about man. This means that pedagogy has to do without humanism. The paper concludes with some reflections on such a pedagogy without humanism.  相似文献   

针对大学生中出现的不想学、不想参加社会活动等消极现象,进行调查、了解、分析并采取了以"三做"教育为核心的希望教育形式,帮助学生认识希望、期盼希望、勤奋努力、实现希望,取得了明显的效果.  相似文献   

In this article I define, describe, and give a rationale of psychoeducational groups for university and college students. I also provide examples of psychoeducational groups for university survival and retention and career exploration and for theme groups for lonely students and for those with disabilities. Finally, I discuss four key elements important for conducting such groups.  相似文献   

教育是一种公共服务,学校则是提供这种特殊的公共服务的社会组织.学校和教育应该为学生的利益,为其当下与未来的发展服务,学校所采取的一切措施归根到底是为学生的幸福人生奠基.培养具有独立思维能力,积极追求自身的幸福并尊重他人追求自身幸福的权利的个体,或日,培养具有现代意识的公民,是当前中国教育的核心目标.校长,作为学校的管理者和引领者,其最重要的职能是为培养具有现代意识的公民提供理念上的和制度上的支持.  相似文献   

对高校大学生挫折教育的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着社会的发展和高等教育的大众化,挫折教育的理念已被高校逐步引入管理工作之中.加强高校大学生的挫折教育具有重要的现实意义,根据对目前大学生产生挫折现象归因及受挫后消极反应的剖析,为促进大学生健康成长,我们必须从多个方面着手,引导他们正确面对困境与挫折,培养抗挫折的能力.  相似文献   

This article takes up Foucault's politics of human rights and suggests that it may constitute a point of departure for the renewal of HRE, not only because it rejects the moral superiority of humanism—the grounding for the dominant liberal framework of international human rights—but also because it makes visible the complexities of human rights as illimitable and as strategic tools for new political struggles. Enriching human rights critiques has important implications for HRE, precisely because these critiques prevent the dominance of unreflexive and unproductive forms of HRE that lead toward a declarationalist, conservative and uncritical approach. It is argued that Foucault's critical affirmation of human rights—that is, an approach which is neither a full embrace nor a total rejection—provides a critique that can be disruptive to the conventional HRE approach and creates openings that might renew HRE, both politically and pedagogically.  相似文献   

人文教育是使人性得到不断发展、不断完善的内在精神动力。理工科学生的成长要注重人文精神的培养。本文分析了人文教育对理工科学生的重要意义,对加强理工科学生的人文教育的途径进行了探索。  相似文献   

研究生学术道德规范教育:内容、层次、原则与对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
阐述了研究生学术道德规范教育的内容、层次和原则、指出要从提高学术道德规范教育的道德感化力和塑造有效的学术意识形态两方面加强研究学术道德规范教育.  相似文献   

高校贫困生思想政治教育工作浅探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贫困大学生思想教育已经成为辅导员应该关注的问题。贫困大学生的思想、学习、生活、心理等问题都摆在高校辅导员工作的面前。辅导员应该清楚地了解到贫困不仅仅给大学生带来的是经济问题,还在很大程度上引起贫困大学生的学习、心理等问题。贫困大学生的思想教育是一项长期的系统的工作,辅导员应该把此项工作贯穿于班级活动中,使贫困大学生保持一个健康的心态,一颗感恩的心,“人穷志不穷”,努力学习,培养自身的综合素质,以优异的成绩回报家庭,回报社会。  相似文献   

当前,随着互联网时代的来临,如何有效地利用互联网对高校大学生进行心理健康教育,给高校心理教育带来新的课题。清醒认识到网络时代对大学生的冲击和影响,分析网络心理健康教育的显著优点,充分发挥网络平台,为高校提供心理健康教育的新方式和途径,同时将大学生心理健康教育发展推向一个新的台阶。  相似文献   

对大学生进行创业教育的探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生创业教育的发展还处于初级阶段,整体上还存在诸多问题。还应继续探讨大学生创业教育的意义、内容和实施路径,以促进高校创业教育的有效开展。  相似文献   

高职院校学生生命教育初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职生源的特殊性决定了在高职院校开展生命教育尤为重要。应从心理健康教育的角度探讨高职院校开展生命教育的形式和内容,高职院校对学生的生命教育应采取体验式教学方法,围绕生存教育、生活教育两大层次展开。  相似文献   

开展大学生廉洁教育是高校反腐倡廉教育的重要组成部分,是培养德才兼备的高素质人才的必然要求,当前大学生所表现出来的种种行为已经折射出社会在廉洁教育中的特殊重要性。正确认识廉洁的含义,正视大学生廉洁行为的缺失,认识社会因素的影响,探寻社会教育的途径和方法,将为大学生廉洁教育的实效性起到极大的促进作用。  相似文献   

高等学校的学生是一个复杂的多层次的群体,要使我们的思想教育工作 取得成效,必须有目的分层次地做好思想教育工作。  相似文献   

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