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This paper reports the findings of an assessment program for children who were experiencing learning difficulties at school. The aim of the present study was to examine the patterns of (earning disabilities experienced by a group of students who viere referred by their parents and to look at the kinds of attributions these children held about their ability. The results provide evidence for the existence of at least two distinct patterns of learning disability similar to those described by Rourke and Del Dotto (1994). The results also suggest that a significant number of children with learning disabilities may hold negative attributions about themselves that may impact on their willingness to learn new information and also put them at risk of developing depression. It is concluded that interventions need to focus not only on content areas, but also take into account the individual attributions the child holds about his or her own ability and potential.  相似文献   

比较常见的网络接入方式有四种:电话线+调制解调器接入,ISDN方式接入,DDN专线接入和宽带方式接入。这四种接入方式有各自的优缺点。  相似文献   

在Authorware中实现对数据库的访问   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍在Authorware中利用ODBC接口直接访问数据库的原理和实现方法,并说明其应用的技巧和注意点。  相似文献   

基于网络环境的分布式数据库管理系统,往往需要将用户权限分配到记录级。控制用户对记录访问权限的关键是规划好数据表的主关键字,并对其各代码段的含义进行合理定义。用一个代码串来标示一个用户所能访问的记录集合是一个便捷有效的办法。  相似文献   

利用ASP,可以很容易地把HTML(超文本标记语言)文本、脚本命令及ActiveX组件混合在一起构成ASP页,以此来生成动态网页,创建交互式的Web站点,实现对Web数据库的访问。当用户使用浏览器请求ASP主页时,Web服务器响应,调用ASP引擎来执行ASP文件,并解释其中的脚本语言(JScript或VBScript),通过ODBC连接数据库,由数据库访问组件ADO(ActiveX Data Objects)完成数据库操作,最后ASP生成包含有数据查询结果的HTML主页返回用户端显示。用ASP中数据库连接的多种方法,可以有效利用ASP技术访问WEB数据库。  相似文献   

数据库访问的并发冲突与解决方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析访问数据库时出现并发冲突的因素及一般处理过程,并以VB语言和ADO对象为例给出了处理并发冲突的具体方法。  相似文献   

从访问Web数据库角度分析了ASP技术的工作原理和ADO组件,并结合实际应用讨论了ASP技术实现访问Web数据库的方法.  相似文献   

ASP开发的Web应用程序中调用Access数据库,在多用户并发访问时有一定的极限,很多时候不能达到实用的要求。通过《学生成绩查询管理系统》开发过程中Access数据库的表由大变小、逐级分类(分班建表)、多表关联查询的方法,有效的提高Access数据库WEB访问速度,使Access数据库WEB多用户并发访问达到完全实用的效果。从实用的角度出发,对开发过程中的经验及ASP代码实例进行分析,对从事ASP中使用Access数据库开发者,有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

本文介绍了CERNET2主干网开通后,原有基于IPv4的校园网接入CERNET2的技术实现,新建的IPv6校园网如何接入原有的IP4主干网及IPv4/IPV6共存与迁移技术。  相似文献   

通过使用不同的CGI接口,说明如何实现Unix平台WebServer对Oracle7数据库进行访问,将使用CGI技术对Oracle7数据库的访问与使用OracleWebServer对Oracle7数据库的访问方法进行比较,并对CGI对Oracle7数据库访问的安全性,及如何限制CGI对系统和数据库资源占用的问题进行一些初步的探讨  相似文献   

访问串行口可以有多种方法,可以用DOS功能调用,也可以用BIOS功能调用,但是DOS功能调用和BIOS功能调用在实际应用中存在一些问题,通过对串行口的硬件进行改造或直接对8250内部的接口寄存器编程,可以比较好地解决此类问题,在实际应用中能取得良好的效果,对于除了串行口接MODEM以外的其它应用,这种方法都是有效的.  相似文献   

本文详细介绍了多种格式文档按项目归类实现ADO.NET数据库存取的C#编程,着重介绍了ADO.NET的工作原理,以及如何将不同格式文档以二进制方式存入数据库并从中恢复的方法和技巧.本文提供的方法和技巧通用性强,可以应用于类似的编程实践中.  相似文献   

This review explores Jackson and Seiler’s “I am smart enough to study postsecondary science: A critical discourse analysis of latecomers’ identity construction in an online forum” by considering the analytic framework for figured worlds guiding this study. We consider the specific affordances of cultural production theory for examining how sociohistorical and cultural discourses of science as elite impact individuals at every level of education. We then extend this discussion by exploring how an informal learning space at a prestigious science museum was designed to explicitly tackle cultural discourses of science as elite that act as barriers to identification with science.  相似文献   

孝令的网络信息系统从实质来看是一个以数据库为基础,基于Internet的信息交互系统.本文分析了多种Web数据库的访问技术,由一个身份认证的实例描述了ASP访问动态数据库的技术.  相似文献   

基于VC++的数据库访问技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了几种数据库访问技术,并说明了各自的原理及特点,并给出了一个VisualC 中使用ADO的实例,说明了ADO访问技术在数据库编程中的应用方法。  相似文献   

介绍了ADSL产生的背景,阐述了基于IP的ADSL的接入网模型及ADSL的安装.分析了ADSL接入技术的优点及存在的问题。  相似文献   

通过具体实例详细说明了在Delphi中如何存取数据库的图像,以及如何用Delphi读取在Access中编辑的OLE对象,同时给出了程序源代码。  相似文献   

In this article I apply constructs of language as economic and symbolic capital, transnationalism, investment, and imagined community to an analysis of interviews with immigrant parents living in Vancouver, Canada. These parents promote multilingualism by maintaining their family language and enrolling their children in French Immersion programmes. I argue that they view multilingualism as capital and invest in language education as a means of securing their children's access to various imagined language communities. Referring both to a transnational perspective and a national context of official bilingualism, they imagine that French Immersion education will enable their children to participate in a Canadian French-English bilingual community while maintaining the family language will ensure affiliation with their heritage language communities in Canada and abroad. In addition, they imagine that multilingualism will equip their children with valuable language resources that help transcend national borders. This discussion highlights the overlap and distinctions of theoretical constructs and raises questions about the objectives of language education and immersion programmes in an increasingly mobile and multilingual society.  相似文献   

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