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作为一种文化唯物主义理论,在西方流行的“文化进化论”中有一些成分值得中国地域文化研究加以批判借鉴。其中,“文化生态学”和“文化进化能量法”以及“新进化论”等学说,均在一定的程度上与唯物史观有所契合,对我们解剖中国地域文化的异同提供了某种基本视角。  相似文献   

模因论作为人类文化的进化论,为中国传统文化在西方的传播研究提供了一个新视角.从模因论的角度来看,中国传统文化模因在西方的传播遵循着文化进化的规律,经历着选择、适应和变异的动态进化历程.中国传统文化模因在西方的接受是异模因环境选择的结果,模因的适应性决定了传统文化的译介从归化策略到异化策略的演变趋势,并因此产生了宗教比附型、智慧型和未来哲学型等模因变体,这些模因变体的保真度越来越高,体现了中国传统文化模因在西方世界从粗疏到日趋完美的递进性成功复制.  相似文献   

赛珍珠在进行小说创作时,除自觉接受中国文化影响外也在自觉汲取西方文化的营养,她对狄更斯小说创作的借鉴就是典型的例证。通过对赛珍珠的《大地》、《龙子》、《同胞》与狄更斯的《双城记》、《圣诞欢歌》、《艰难时世》等小说的比较分析可以发现,赛珍珠在社会题材的选择、人道主义主题的确立、人物形象的刻画以及情节结构的设置安排等方面都对狄更斯有所借鉴并有所发展。  相似文献   

桂学作为区域文化研究必须首先夯实文化理论基础,立足于马克思主义文化理论,将文化放置在生产方式与社会结构中定位,在物质与精神、存在与意识关系中辨析文化的特殊性与独立性,同时在马克思主义现代发展中吸收借鉴威廉斯的文化唯物论,阐发文化整体性及其作为人类社会实践活动的本体性与总体性意义,弥合文化的精神性与物质性分离,给予文化唯物主义合理解释,也为精神生产、艺术生产、文化生产及其边缘文化崛起提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

论琼瑶歌词对中国古典文学和传统文化的传承与借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
琼瑶作品的风靡和久盛不衰,在很大程度上得益于其对中国古典文学和传统文化的大力传承与成功借鉴,这也同样表现在她的歌词创作中。琼瑶歌词不仅在语言和形式上对古典诗词有所借鉴,而且,中华民族传统的精神品格和道德思想,以及传统的审美标准和价值观在其中也都有彰显。  相似文献   

桂学作为在全球化与区域化潮流中兴起的广西地方之学,主要是以广西区域及其区域文化作为研究对象和范围,因此必须夯实区域文化理论与方法论基础,建立比之地域、地方、地区更为广阔与开放的区域研究视野与视角,在厘清区域及其区域文化概念含义基础上,明确广西区域文化在历史性建构与共时性构成以及时空逻辑上的内涵与外延及其特点,在区域性与跨区域性、区域性与全国性、区域性与世界性关系中准确定位。  相似文献   

远程教育是一种备受人们关注的历史文化现象,目前,关于它的起源有四种认识,然而它究竟起源于何时呢?该文尝试从文化生态学的角度,对远程教育的起源作出新的注解,以支持远程教育起源于远古生态文明层面的论点。  相似文献   

从20世纪60年代初开始,高兹在实践方面逐渐牢固地建立了对资本主义的政治生态学的批判路径。他的生态批判不仅是全面的,而且还有一个尤为显著的特点:他从生态学内部挖掘出人文的、政治的意蕴,即政治的生态学方法,这种方法展现了一种生态和谐的生存方式。正是因为这种从生态学内容和方法上考察的研究范式使高兹的生态马克思主义思想与其他生态理论家的思想区别开来。  相似文献   

西方文化对中国文化存在侵略和渗透的一面,同时在明清时期中国文化封闭落后的情况下,也存在对其推动和促进的一面。本文就这一时期西方文化对中国文化的推动和促进以及中国普通民众和进步人士对西方文化的积极态度进行了阐述和分析。  相似文献   

迪斯尼拍摄的《花木兰》是以中国形象为背景的美国动画片,充分展现了中国的民俗文化。然而,迪斯尼影片《花木兰》中到处充斥着西方人的思维方式和价值观念,严重背离了中国传统思想文化。试析这部作品所反映的中西方文化在核心价值观念和审美情趣等方面的差异,并为中国文化的发展前景提供启示。  相似文献   

This paper explores, through the lens of childhood, the Chinese cultural dynamics that encourage harmonious human relationships at the price of individual development and yet support a deep appreciation of natural human experiences that allows room for the development of individuality. The purpose of such investigation is to reexamine our cultural heritage in regard to the ways we conceptualize human beings and treat them, retracing its promises, difficulties, pitfalls, and spiritual resources, and thus to help reconfigure a new individuality for education.  相似文献   


This article describes the experience of French language teachers as they explored interculturality within a collaborative professional development environment. Participants studied how to design culture lessons for their classrooms through the lens of Intercultural Communicative Competence with the support of theoretical frameworks for intercultural learning. The findings underscore a need for teacher professional development that creates space for teachers to explore topics of interest in an in-depth and collaborative manner, that makes time for exploration of theoretical frameworks, and that models practical strategies for embedding interculturality in curricula. Furthermore, this study reveals that explicit examples of intercultural lessons taught while using the target language are needed in order for language teachers to gain confidence in this area.  相似文献   

介绍了新型测节器的结构。通过对新型测节器与传统测节器的实验对比,显示新型测节器稳定性好、测量误差小。  相似文献   

在现代国家,政治文明所体现的统治权源于自然或传统的因素大大减少,影响政治统治的因素越来越多,越来越复杂。新中国成立后,中国共产党很快就确立自己的执政地位,但改革开放使党的执政环境有了很大变化。中国共产党在构建社会主义和谐社会的实践中,必须保持清醒的头脑,拓宽和创新合法性内涵,构建科学合理的合法性体系,实现经济增长和政治和谐的“双赢”局面,从而巩固自己的执政地位。  相似文献   

作为中国文化象征的中国书法,其发展必须从宏观文化角度进行考虑,需要一个宏观跨领域的战略规划指导。本文提出了一个建立于书法文化链基础上的发展战略构想。在总结了中国书法的书法文化链是书法在中国文化体系中起到链接、枢纽、节点功能并形成的涉及面广、内容丰富和底蕴深厚的文化体系和集群;在此基础上的“大书法文化”发展战略对书法文化的全面弘扬和可持续发展、乃至对促进带动我国视觉艺术产业发展,具有重大意义。本文同时提出了基于“大书法文化”理念的书法文化发展纲要的研究内容构想,并探讨和展望了书法文化的价值体系、书法文化目前发展的现状和主要问题、书法文化在国民经济地位测算、未来学术研究等相关关键问题。  相似文献   

Motivational constructs and students’ engagements have great impacts on students’ mathematics achievements, yet they have not been theoretically investigated using international large-scale assessment data. This study utilized the mathematics data of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2011 to conduct a comparative and empirical study on exploring: (1) the changes of motivational constructs from 4th grade to 8th grade; and (2) the effects of motivational constructs from the expectancy-value model and students’ engagements on mathematics achievements. The countries investigated include Chinese Taipei, Singapore, and the USA. The results showed that: (1) students’ motivations deteriorate over school years; (2) self-confidence in mathematics (SCM) has the strongest relationship with mathematics achievements. Furthermore, it is evident that Singapore has the most effective schools in students’ mathematics education. More findings of this comparative study are subsequently discussed.  相似文献   

文章从课程论的立场出发,旨在探讨在学科设置专门化的当代教育中,高中语文进行课程拓展并和其他学科进行适当的课程整合,开发“文化论著研读”校本课程的必要性问题。  相似文献   

Polychronicity is the natural tendency or preference for structuring time that has an influence on people’s behaviors. Highly polychronic individuals are involved in everything, doing many things at once because they value human relationships and interactions over arbitrary schedules and appointments. In contrast, highly monochronic individuals focus on one thing at a time, perceive other events as interruptions, and stress a high degree of scheduling, and promptness in meeting obligations and attending appointments. Although time is an important variable in educational contexts, and in particular in online learning, there is a lack of studies on polychronicity in educational research. This article reviews, summarizes, and extends the literature on polychronicity conceptualization and assessment; it discusses the limitations of the results and offers a multidimensional proposal for a polychronicity construct. Finally, the implications of students’ time differences and their impact on instructional situations are discussed.  相似文献   

This study analyses how discourses in regional contexts affect the development of curriculum-based literacy standards for adolescents in schooling. A comparative case-study research design enabled the influences of discourses at the regional level to be analysed. The case studies include the development of curricula to define a minimum literacy standard for the final years of schooling for adolescents in Ontario, Canada, and South Australia, Australia. Critical discourse analysis of key texts associated with the development of literacy standards in each region reveals how globally shared meanings about standard setting for schooling interact with other discourses operating in local contexts to produce curricula that define literacy standards. The results indicate that, while a global discourse about standards-based reforms may be foregrounded in curriculum, locally generated discourses can challenge key ideas associated with a simplistic discourse about standards. Discourses about literacy in Ontario and South Australia contest the assertion that literacy at the end point of schooling can be defined as a basic competency and local meanings associated with literacy are emphasised within the curriculum for each location. Language choices, involving particularly lexical cohesion, complex noun groups and nominalisation, are used to ensure that local meanings inform literacy standards for the endpoint of schooling.  相似文献   

习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想是高校党风廉政建设的根本指导思想。党的十八大以来,习近平总书记就党风廉政建设和高校思想政治教育等问题作出了系列重要论断,这为高校党风廉政建设赋予了新内涵,提出了新要求。针对新时代新要求,高校党风廉政建设应以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,着力营造廉政文化氛围、创新廉政教育手段、推进廉政制度建设以及合理配置国家资源,促进高校党风廉政建设取得新成效。  相似文献   

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