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1.单项选择(每小题1分,共20分) ()1 .Mr Blaek saw_uFo with_alien in it on hisw叮baekyesterd盯. A .a:an B.a:a C.an;an D.an:a ()2.1 havet。C滋1 him up first.ean you wait a few minutes,爪won’t_long. A .spend B.take/C.eost D.P叮 ()3一Can you eome to哪bi毗Ld即party the day after tomorrow? 一Great!I’d love to.1 think there a lot of fun. A.was B.have C.will be D.15 going to have ()4.一15 the weather eold tod即? —Yeah.The wind hal,d when 1 eame baek home this afternoon. A .blows B.blew C.was …  相似文献   

、、一代不释潇~~一—~一一1.根据所听问题,选择答句1 .A.50叮.1’m busyn哪.B.Yes.Why?C.Yes.Thatwouldbefine.D.No,thankyou.2.A.I’m叭m.B.Tim 15 ab仍;.C.50叮,1 eouldn’t.D.Yes,speaking·3 .A.The red one 15 ehe叩.B.The脚en one 15 big. C .The yelfow one 15 small.D.1 ean’t deeide.4 .A.Yes,sit here.B.No,ofeoursenot. C .Yes,扣u ean take it.D.No,you ean’t take it.5 .A.He 15 ten years old.B.He 15 a student.C.He 15 Mr.Green’5 son.D.He 15 fine.11.根据所听对话,选择答案‘6 .A.$240 B.$360 C.$1…  相似文献   

(满分:120分) 1.听力(20分) A.听对话,选出与图画内容相符的选项。(共5小题,每小题l分)蔽1. 4. 2 .3. 5. B.听句子,选择正确的答语。(共5小题,每小题l分) 6.A.Thank you·B .1’(1 like C .Yes you s~叩nle。mUst. D .Y一8 7.A.I’m you别猪叮ean。B,Tha吸’5 all to hear  相似文献   

l一1 thinkyoushouldphonejennyandsayso叮toher. .It was herfault. A.No way B.Nol即ssible C.Noehanee D.Notatall D.阮恻,he doesn’t want to see you. 11一DO you think ourb朋kethallers pl叮ed ve尽well yesterday? 一I’m sorryl’ 一。kay 一I m callingyousolate. A .1、15 15 B.You’re C.rn.at’5 D.I’m 3一Thanks for the fovelyPalty and the delieiousfood. A .No thanks B.Never mind C.All right D.MyPleas二 4一I’m takingmydrivi鸣testtom一w. _甲 A.Cheers B.G以司luek C.Come on DCon尹tulations …  相似文献   

、梦J日‘刃、.目刁布云幼"J3丈日‘侧只口‘‘,习,门.,‘门亏刁卜J六‘1.重点词汇检测。A)根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。1 .1’m from Nanjing,50 Nanjing 15 myh‘舀一‘.2.Li Hua 15 ve叮ti比d.He ean’t hikeq‘一一—.3 .That’sa即od idea.1 quitea—with you.4.This 15 ab一—pieture,玩t’5 havea look at it.5 .Let’sd一一-how to get to the 200 next Sunday·B)根据句意,选择可以替换划线部分的选项。6 .1’m即ing to燮Mr Lu next week. A .wateh B.look C.read D.visit10.A.a little B.a lot of C.aThey名丝.鱼th…  相似文献   

第一卷(选择题)第一部分:英语知识运用第一节:语法和词汇知识从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。1 .He made uP an exeuse for his failure in order to avoid A.to be punished B.being punished C .to punish D.punishing 2.一1 wonder if 1 eould use your Phone? A .Sure.Go ahead B .1’m 50叮but 90 ahead C .No,it’5 a Pleasure D .Yes,you would 3 .The girl 15__about daneing.She believes she ean make a good daneer some day. A .erazy B.fond C .interested D.devoted 4.1_the俪rten PaP…  相似文献   

第一卷(三部分,共1巧分) 第一部分:听力(略) 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节单项填空《共巧个小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21一I讯sh they wouldn’t make a noise. A .perhaps they wonldn’t B .1 hoPe either C .1’11 ask them to stOP D .They are badb叮s 22 .My mother asked me to keep_eyeon the baby when she was busy eooking. A .the B.an C.a D.my 23 .1 adnlit that 1 have been eareless on sorneoeeasions but you s…  相似文献   

1.听力(略)11.单项填空(共20分,每小题1分) 根据句意,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填人空白处的最佳答案。21.Jaek,good boy!Please Pass_the glasses.1 want to rea己the newspaPer· A·youB‘me C.him D.her22.This morninglhad_egg and a bottle of milk formy breakfast. A.an B.aC.the D.不填23.一How many__ean you seein the fi)llowing pietures? 一Three.2829A .NO SMOKINGB.NO PARKINGC .NO PHOTOS D.NO FOOD一Can you Play football?一Yes,1 ean,_1 ean’t Pl叮it ve砂 well.A .or B.and C.50 D.…  相似文献   

1.单项选择(共15小且;每小扭1分.瀚分15分) ()L一How was thed~at Paul,。house yesterday?一OK,but 1 eouldn’t use a fork or a knife.At last 1 had to use_. A .a ehoPstick B.tWO ehopstieks C.ehoPstiek。()2.仆egood news—them happy·A.m,‘,.B.make C.feels ()3 .1 enj叮En砂ish,but 1 ean’t_mueh time_it. A·p叮,forB·cos‘in C.叩end,on (羚一DO you knoww场血以公洲记花.协urants,伍miture认比d?一Oh,itmakescustome招_fasterandleave. A .eat B.eating C.to eat ()5一Could you Please tum down you…  相似文献   

听力部分.情景反应。根据你听到的句子选择适当答语。.A.It,5 very eold inC .It,5 Sunday.winter here.B.The(5分)radio says it’sD .That,5 hard.Let,5 90wi,一(ly.and ask the teaeher.2 .A.I,mal汾aid not.Car一1 rake a message?C .Who are you?B .CertainlyHe伴you are.D .Could you answer the telephone,Please? 3 .A.That,5 ve卿kind of you· B .1,m looking for a books}loP. C .50叮,1 don,t know.You’d better ask the poli。:eman. D .Don,t wo叮.1 ean look after卿self. 4 .A.Thank you.I,d like just a gla…  相似文献   

1.在四线格内写出邻近的两个字母,注意大小写。(每小题1分,共计lO分) L一一嘴一—“一一-子一—n.看图用英语单词填空。(每小题1分,共计5分)卿///寥.:.’尹B〔’D E 1 1.In Pie 12.In Pie A 1 ean see B 1 ean see月。五rere崖UU奋.鑫. 13.In Pieture C 1 ean see 14.In Pieture D 1 ean see 15.In Pieture E 1 ean see nl.选择填空。(每小题1分,共巧分) ()16·Mum,_卿teacher,Mr Wang. A.he 15 B.it 15 ()17.一15 this your wateh?一一A .No,it isn’t B.Yes,it isn’t ()18·一_do you spell ruler?一尺一刀‘乙一E…  相似文献   

1.词汇 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,拼写单词。1 .This ruler 15 too short.1 need a 1 one.2 .My aunt 15 ac~一一一-.She works in a bank (银行)near。ur Sehool.3.一Thank you ve巧mueh. 一You arew4 Do you like these new_(毛衣)?5.1 ean’t_(相信)娜eyes that the litile boy ean eari了that heavy box.且.单项选择,选择最佳答案1._,汕ere 15 the elothing store? A.Exeuse me B.I’m 50卿 C .Hi D.Hello2 .Can you_any flowers in the pieture? A.look B.look at C .have a look D.see3 .My brother doesn’t like_eolor of the hat. A .a B./C.the D.this4.一1 want that bag. A .Here are you B.He...  相似文献   

第I卷(选择题60分) 1.选择填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 1 .Cmndma tellsme_加te花sting storyeve叮 night· A.an B.山e C.a D./ 2.一双}en will the traina币ve the- 3tation? 一ten the morning. A .a仁A仁in B.in;A仁in C .in;On;on D.at;At:on 3.一YOur Pen may be in the desk. 一Ah, A.50 it may B.50 mayit C .50it 15 D.50 isit 4.If扣u wanr to ehan,for a doubleroom, you’11 have to Pay_$10. A.。山er B.r。。re C.叨。ther D.each 5 .What_eough!You see…  相似文献   

1.单项填空(共15小题;每小题l分,满分巧分) 1 .It,5 nearly A .must、eveno,eloek.Jaek_be here at any moment. B .need C.should D.ean 2 .—When ean 1 eome for the Photos? 1 need them tomormw after- n00n.—They A .ean .One ought _be ready by B .should 3 for what be Punished one A .not to C,to not punished 4.With 50 mueh work on hand 12:00. C .might D.need hasn,t done. B .to not be Punished D .not be .punished you_to see the game last night. A.mustu’tgo C.eouldn,t have gone—Where 15 Geo…  相似文献   

玛丽 《今日中学生》2004,(18):18-27
第I卷(选择题,共1巧分)第一部分:听才(略) 第二部介:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45介)第一节:单项填空(共巧小题,每小题1分,满分巧分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。21.Rose has a eup of tea after luneh,? A.has she B.hadh’t slie .Cdoes she D.doesn’t she22一W】lat did you have for breakfast this morning? 一T初0 andaglassofmilk. A.pieee of bread B.Pieeesofbreads C.Pieeesof bread D.Pieee ofbreads23.“I’m going to Beiehuan for a holiday this weekend.”“一you are there,ean you bu…  相似文献   

一、一、枯鑫尸、上尸、这二尸、刀尹从‘刀尹从玉刀声、‘J尹、‘占尸,店夕,气人山尸吮护~ 1.听力。(20分) A)听力辨图:根据你所听到的内容,选择相对应的图片。洪5小题,每小题1分)甘嘴些鄂AB不碍扛一’\ 1 . B)情景反应:根据你所听到的句子,选择最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题1分) 6 .A.I’m sony to bear that. B.从币ynotbeearefiil? C .Did you see a doCtor? 7 .A.ll’5 June 28.B.ft was June 28 C,It was Monday. 8 .A.Not very good at the moment. B .1’m 50卿to hear that. C .1’m afraid 1 ean’t. 9 .A.…  相似文献   

娜阵匆,娜.哪声甲()1.一Do 1 have to eome baek tomorrow?一es,vou—.(2007武汉) A .ean B.may C.must D.should·()2一When does yourmothergo shopping?一Usually_Sunday momings.(20()7武汉) A.on B.in C.at D.for ()3 .1_the CDst。you if 1 have time tomormw,(2007北京) A.袱11 return B.returned C .have retumed D.retum ()4一Will you get there by_train?一No,I’11 take—taxi.(2007天津) A.1; a B.a:the C.人/D.the;a ()5一Who 15 singing in the Classroom?一—must be Susan·(2007天津)‘A.She B.ItC厂rh…  相似文献   

(满分:100分) 1.听力部分(共25分)听句子,选择正确的答语。句子读一遍。(共5分)‘()l·A .1 like pork best of all. B .1 like beef better than Pork.军.1’d like beef,please·()2二A .You went with me. B .It’11 take me half an hour. C .By bus. ()3·A .50叮,you’d better ask that poliee- l】lan- B .Yes,1 know二C .The bus station 15 not very far·()4.A.I’m a visitor·B .1’m from the eount叮. C .Yes,1 am. ()5 .A.1 don’t feel ve叮well·B,1 don’t know. C .1 feel a litile better now.听句子,…  相似文献   

(满分:,00分) 1.听力。(20分) A)听力辨图:根据你所听到的内容,选择相对应的图片。(共5小题,每小题1分)《老忑) E 1 . B)情景反应:根据你所听到的句子,选择最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题l分) 6 .A.By bike B .Wlly not? C .1 don’tl议e taking a bus,either,7.A.No,1 don’tl议e it.以〕.Certainlytheyare. C .No Problem·8 .A.You’d better see a doetor at onee. B .You’d bettertake him to the hosPital. C .You must look after yourself. 9 .A.I’m afraid 1 ean’t. B .Would youl议e to eome? C .1 hop…  相似文献   

队一hat一,a、。fork。,,(lm。、,th,,,utc云n而t 画 A river. A fork 15 the pointe(It,,1 you uso to(a叮依记腼m your Plate to your mouth. But a fork 15 also the plaee wherea石ver or a road splits and goes in tWO different 。lireetio一5.The幻口outh of a river 15 where the river ente玛the优ean. Fork(叉子)是我们用来吃饭的东西,但是也是指河流或者道路分叉的地方。 河流的Mouth就是河口。 A:l众〕k uP ahead!There’5 a fork in the river.Whieh dlrection should we take了 B:Stay to the right.That’…  相似文献   

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